managed healthcare |
alternative form of |
managed care (talk)
mander |
alternative form of |
gerrymander (talk)
mander |
alternative form of |
maunder (talk)
manerial |
alternative form of |
manorial (talk)
maneuvring |
alternative form of |
maneuvering (talk)
mangoldwurzel |
alternative form of |
mangelwurzel (talk)
manhaden |
alternative form of |
menhaden (talk)
Manicheist |
alternative form of |
Manichaean (talk)
Manicheist |
alternative form of |
Manichaean (talk)
manifestible |
alternative form of |
manifestable (talk)
manilagrass |
alternative form of |
Manila grass (talk)
manipulatible |
alternative form of |
manipulatable (talk)
manito |
alternative form of |
manitou (talk)
mannopentose |
alternative form of |
mannopentaose (talk)
manœuvrer |
alternative form of |
maneuverer (talk)
manometrical |
alternative form of |
manometric (talk)
manportable |
alternative form of |
man-portable (talk)
mansonelliasis |
alternative form of |
mansonellosis (talk)
manual labourer |
alternative form of |
manual laborer (talk)
Mar |
alternative form of |
Mar. (talk)
marai |
alternative form of |
marae (talk)
marbofloxacine |
alternative form of |
marbofloxacin (talk)
marchet |
alternative form of |
merchet (talk)
margaritic acid |
alternative form of |
margaric acid (talk)
Marines |
alternative form of |
marine corps (talk)
markry |
alternative form of |
markery (talk)
marshsnake |
alternative form of |
marsh snake (talk)
marsupialisation |
alternative form of |
marsupialization (talk)
marsupion |
alternative form of |
marsupium (talk)
massive and compact halo objects |
alternative form of |
massive compact halo objects (talk)
massive astronomical compact halo objects |
alternative form of |
massive compact halo objects (talk)
Massoola boat |
alternative form of |
masoola boat (talk)
massopod |
alternative form of |
massopodan (talk)
massoret |
alternative form of |
masoret (talk)
masticater |
alternative form of |
masticator (talk)
masticatoric |
alternative form of |
masticatory (talk)
mastich |
alternative form of |
mastic (talk)
masturbater |
alternative form of |
masturbator (talk)
materialistical |
alternative form of |
materialistic (talk)
mather |
alternative form of |
madder (talk)
mathy |
alternative form of |
mathsy (talk)
matrilinial |
alternative form of |
matrilineal (talk)
Mauresque |
alternative form of |
Moresque (talk)
maurocalcin |
alternative form of |
maurocalcine (talk)
mawkin |
alternative form of |
malkin (talk)
maxidress |
alternative form of |
maxi dress (talk)
maxillule |
alternative form of |
maxillula (talk)
mayonnaisy |
alternative form of |
mayonnaisey (talk)
mazedium |
alternative form of |
mazaedium (talk)
Mazovian |
alternative form of |
Masovian (talk)
Mazovian |
alternative form of |
Masovian (talk)
Mazovian |
alternative form of |
Masovian (talk)
meadowgrass |
alternative form of |
meadow grass (talk)
mealbug |
alternative form of |
mealybug (talk)
measure twice, cut once |
alternative form of |
measure twice and cut once (talk)
meat-safe |
alternative form of |
meat safe (talk)
mechanoceptive |
alternative form of |
mechanoreceptive (talk)
mechanoceptor |
alternative form of |
mechanoreceptor (talk)
mechanoelectric |
alternative form of |
mechanoelectrical (talk)
mechanotactical |
alternative form of |
mechanotactic (talk)
mechatronical |
alternative form of |
mechatronic (talk)
Medcalf |
alternative form of |
Metcalf (talk)
medetomidin |
alternative form of |
medetomidine (talk)
mediævalistic |
alternative form of |
medievalistic (talk)
Medician |
alternative form of |
Medicean (talk)
medioid |
alternative form of |
medoid (talk)
medullospinal |
alternative form of |
medullispinal (talk)
Meeaan-jin |
alternative form of |
Meanjin (talk)
Meean-jin |
alternative form of |
Meanjin (talk)
megakaryoblastoid |
alternative form of |
megakaryoblastic (talk)
megapodiid |
alternative form of |
megapodid (talk)
mehrieh |
alternative form of |
mahr (talk)
meistersinger |
alternative form of |
mastersinger (talk)
Mejico |
alternative form of |
Mexico (talk)
melamphid |
alternative form of |
melamphaid (talk)
melanogogue |
alternative form of |
melanagogue (talk)
melanotype |
alternative form of |
melainotype (talk)
melanurenic acid |
alternative form of |
melanuric acid (talk)
melicotoon |
alternative form of |
melocoton (talk)
meliorater |
alternative form of |
meliorator (talk)
melizitose |
alternative form of |
melezitose (talk)
Melvillean |
alternative form of |
Melvillian (talk)
membraneous |
alternative form of |
membranous (talk)
memresistance |
alternative form of |
memristance (talk)
MEng |
alternative form of |
M.Eng. (talk)
meningeoma |
alternative form of |
meningioma (talk)
meningioencephalitis |
alternative form of |
meningoencephalitis (talk)
meningiosis |
alternative form of |
meningitis (talk)
meningococcaemic |
alternative form of |
meningococcemic (talk)
meningoencephalocoele |
alternative form of |
meningoencephalocele (talk)
menotrophin |
alternative form of |
menotropin (talk)
Mensk |
alternative form of |
Minsk (talk)
mentalisation |
alternative form of |
mentalization (talk)
meou |
alternative form of |
meow (talk)
mephitical |
alternative form of |
mephitic (talk)
Mephitis |
alternative form of |
Mefitis (talk)
mephitism |
alternative form of |
mephitis (talk)
mer- |
alternative form of |
mero- (talk)
meridianal |
alternative form of |
meridional (talk)
merl |
alternative form of |
merle (talk)
merluccid |
alternative form of |
merlucciid (talk)
merogonous |
alternative form of |
merogonic (talk)
merrimake |
alternative form of |
merrymake (talk)
mershet |
alternative form of |
merchet (talk)
mesad |
alternative form of |
mesiad (talk)
mesal |
alternative form of |
mesial (talk)
mesally |
alternative form of |
mesially (talk)
mesenchymalisation |
alternative form of |
mesenchymalization (talk)
Meshed |
alternative form of |
Mashhad (talk)
meshigener |
alternative form of |
meshuggener (talk)
meshugeneh |
alternative form of |
mashugana (talk)
meshuggenah |
alternative form of |
meshuggener (talk)
meshuggenah |
alternative form of |
meshuggener (talk)
mesian |
alternative form of |
mesial (talk)
mesio- |
alternative form of |
medio- (talk)
mesiopalatal |
alternative form of |
mediopalatal (talk)
mesioventrally |
alternative form of |
medioventrally (talk)
mesioventrally |
alternative form of |
mesoventrally (talk)
mesmerical |
alternative form of |
mesmeric (talk)
mesocoele |
alternative form of |
mesocoel (talk)
mesodistal |
alternative form of |
mesiodistal (talk)
mesodorsal |
alternative form of |
mesiodorsal (talk)
mesoectoderm |
alternative form of |
mesectoderm (talk)
mesoencephalic |
alternative form of |
mesencephalic (talk)
mesoendoderm |
alternative form of |
mesendoderm (talk)
mesoendodermal |
alternative form of |
mesendodermal (talk)
mesofossettid |
alternative form of |
mesofosette (talk)
mesogastriums |
alternative form of |
mesogastria (talk)
mesogloea |
alternative form of |
mesoglea (talk)
Mesogoth |
alternative form of |
Moesogoth (talk)
mesolateral |
alternative form of |
mesiolateral (talk)
mesolaterally |
alternative form of |
mesiolaterally (talk)
mesonephroid |
alternative form of |
mesonephric (talk)
mesoparietal |
alternative form of |
medioparietal (talk)
mesophil |
alternative form of |
mesophile (talk)
mesoposteriorly |
alternative form of |
mesioposteriorly (talk)
mesostic |
alternative form of |
mesostich (talk)
mesozooid |
alternative form of |
mesozoan (talk)
mestino |
alternative form of |
mestizo (talk)
meta-analytic |
alternative form of |
metaanalytic (talk)
metaanalytic |
alternative form of |
metanalytical (talk)
metabalomics |
alternative form of |
metabolomics (talk)
metabolisability |
alternative form of |
metabolizability (talk)
metalimnic |
alternative form of |
metalimnetic (talk)
metalloisozyme |
alternative form of |
metalloisoenzyme (talk)
metallorganic |
alternative form of |
metalorganic (talk)
metallorganic |
alternative form of |
metalorganic (talk)
metallozyme |
alternative form of |
metalloenzyme (talk)
metallproteinase |
alternative form of |
metalloproteinase (talk)
metamerisation |
alternative form of |
metamerization (talk)
metamyoglobin |
alternative form of |
metmyoglobin (talk)
metanephron |
alternative form of |
metanephros (talk)
metanogenic |
alternative form of |
methanogenic (talk)
metaphrastical |
alternative form of |
metaphrastic (talk)
metapodal |
alternative form of |
metapodial (talk)
metastasisation |
alternative form of |
metastasization (talk)
metastatectomy |
alternative form of |
metastasectomy (talk)
metastatization |
alternative form of |
metastasization (talk)
metastectomy |
alternative form of |
metastasectomy (talk)
metatarsian |
alternative form of |
metatarsal (talk)
metatheoretic |
alternative form of |
metatheoretical (talk)
metazincin |
alternative form of |
metzincin (talk)
metencephalin |
alternative form of |
metenkephalin (talk)
meteorosensitivity |
alternative form of |
meteosensitivity (talk)
methanisation |
alternative form of |
methanization (talk)
methoxylamine |
alternative form of |
methoxyamine (talk)
methylhexaneamine |
alternative form of |
methylhexanamine (talk)
methyprylone |
alternative form of |
methyprylon (talk)
metif |
alternative form of |
metis (talk)
metisse |
alternative form of |
métisse (talk)
metoposcopical |
alternative form of |
metoposcopic (talk)
metrisable |
alternative form of |
metrizable (talk)
metwand |
alternative form of |
metewand (talk)
Mex |
alternative form of |
Mex. (talk)
mezzo-relievo |
alternative form of |
mezzo-rilievo (talk)
Miami |
alternative form of |
Mayaimi (talk)
Mian-jin |
alternative form of |
Meanjin (talk)
Mianjin |
alternative form of |
Meanjin (talk)
mianserine |
alternative form of |
mianserin (talk)
miasmatical |
alternative form of |
miasmatic (talk)
micellisation |
alternative form of |
micellization (talk)
micr- |
alternative form of |
micro- (talk)
microaerophilous |
alternative form of |
microaerophilic (talk)
microbal |
alternative form of |
microbial (talk)
microbehavior |
alternative form of |
microbehaviour (talk)
microbehavioral |
alternative form of |
microbehavioural (talk)
microbiocide |
alternative form of |
microbicide (talk)
microbiverous |
alternative form of |
microbivorous (talk)
microcapsulation |
alternative form of |
microencapsulation (talk)
microchaete |
alternative form of |
microchaeta (talk)
microclimatical |
alternative form of |
microclimatic (talk)
microcolinearity |
alternative form of |
microcollinearity (talk)
microcosmal |
alternative form of |
microcosmic (talk)
microcosmical |
alternative form of |
microcosmic (talk)
microcythaemia |
alternative form of |
microcythemia (talk)
microdynamical |
alternative form of |
microdynamic (talk)
microecologic |
alternative form of |
microecological (talk)
microembolisation |
alternative form of |
microembolization (talk)
microencephalous |
alternative form of |
microencephalic (talk)
microfibrilary |
alternative form of |
microfibrillary (talk)
microfilariaemia |
alternative form of |
microfilaremia (talk)
microg |
alternative form of |
mcg (talk)
microgranitoid |
alternative form of |
microgranitic (talk)
microhaematocrit |
alternative form of |
microhematocrit (talk)
microhaemorrhage |
alternative form of |
microhemorrhage (talk)
microiontophoretical |
alternative form of |
microiontophoretic (talk)
microirrigation |
alternative form of |
micro-irrigation (talk)
microlarynx |
alternative form of |
microlaryngeal (talk)
micromeric |
alternative form of |
micromeral (talk)
micromol |
alternative form of |
micromole (talk)
micromould |
alternative form of |
micromold (talk)
microneuronal |
alternative form of |
microneural (talk)
microneutralisation |
alternative form of |
microneutralization (talk)
microorganelle |
alternative form of |
microrganelle (talk)
micropalaeontological |
alternative form of |
micropaleontological (talk)
micropsy |
alternative form of |
micropsia (talk)
microradiographical |
alternative form of |
microradiographic (talk)
microrefuge |
alternative form of |
microrefugium (talk)
microrna |
alternative form of |
microRNA (talk)
microsomial |
alternative form of |
microsomal (talk)
microspectrofluorimeter |
alternative form of |
microspectrofluorometer (talk)
microspectrofluorimetric |
alternative form of |
microspectrofluorometric (talk)
microspectrofluorimetry |
alternative form of |
microspectrofluorometry (talk)
microstratigraphical |
alternative form of |
microstratigraphic (talk)
microsyntenous |
alternative form of |
microsyntenic (talk)
microtiterplate |
alternative form of |
microtiter plate (talk)
microtopographical |
alternative form of |
microtopographic (talk)
microtumour |
alternative form of |
microtumor (talk)
microvascularisation |
alternative form of |
microvascularization (talk)
microzoic |
alternative form of |
microzoan (talk)
mid youth |
alternative form of |
middle youth (talk)
midaxillar |
alternative form of |
midaxillary (talk)
midbrow |
alternative form of |
middlebrow (talk)
midbrow |
alternative form of |
middlebrow (talk)
Middle-Indo-Aryan |
alternative form of |
Middle Indo-Aryan (talk)
midpalatal |
alternative form of |
mediopalatal (talk)
midriser |
alternative form of |
midrise (talk)
midseptum |
alternative form of |
midseptal (talk)
migmatise |
alternative form of |
migmatize (talk)
migmatised |
alternative form of |
migmatized (talk)
migrater |
alternative form of |
migrator (talk)
Miki |
alternative form of |
Mickey (talk)
mildewicide |
alternative form of |
mildewcide (talk)
mill-stone |
alternative form of |
millstone (talk)
millefiore |
alternative form of |
millefiori (talk)
Miller of the Dee |
alternative form of |
Miller of Dee (talk)
millimol |
alternative form of |
millimole (talk)
millipolarisation |
alternative form of |
millipolarization (talk)
millrea |
alternative form of |
milreis (talk)
millree |
alternative form of |
milreis (talk)
millreis |
alternative form of |
milreis (talk)
millrynd |
alternative form of |
millrind (talk)
milrna |
alternative form of |
milRNA (talk)
mimetical |
alternative form of |
mimetic (talk)
mimetope |
alternative form of |
mimotope (talk)
miminy-piminy |
alternative form of |
niminy-piminy (talk)
mimmer |
alternative form of |
mummer (talk)
minaul |
alternative form of |
manul (talk)
mind reading |
alternative form of |
mind-reading (talk)
mineralisate |
alternative form of |
mineralizate (talk)
minerocorticoid |
alternative form of |
mineralocorticoid (talk)
minever |
alternative form of |
miniver (talk)
minionette |
alternative form of |
mignonette (talk)
minkewhale |
alternative form of |
minke whale (talk)
Minnesotian |
alternative form of |
Minnesotan (talk)
Minnesotian |
alternative form of |
Minnesotan (talk)
mirnaome |
alternative form of |
miRNAome (talk)
misal |
alternative form of |
misl (talk)
misbehavioral |
alternative form of |
misbehavioural (talk)
Mischnic |
alternative form of |
Mishnaic (talk)
misconceptualisation |
alternative form of |
misconceptualization (talk)
miscrna |
alternative form of |
miscRNA (talk)
mishpucka |
alternative form of |
mishpocha (talk)
mislocalise |
alternative form of |
mislocalize (talk)
mislocalised |
alternative form of |
mislocalized (talk)
misophobia |
alternative form of |
mysophobia (talk)
mispense |
alternative form of |
misspense (talk)
misprogramme |
alternative form of |
misprogram (talk)
Miṣr |
alternative form of |
Masr (talk)
misrecognised |
alternative form of |
misrecognized (talk)
miss a beat |
alternative form of |
skip a beat (talk)
miss the forest for the trees |
alternative form of |
cannot see the forest for the trees (talk)
missey |
alternative form of |
missy (talk)
missionology |
alternative form of |
missiology (talk)
missy |
alternative form of |
misy (talk)
mistnet |
alternative form of |
mist net (talk)
mitigatable |
alternative form of |
mitigable (talk)
mitochondrian |
alternative form of |
mitochondrial (talk)
mitragynaline |
alternative form of |
mitragynine (talk)
mitramycin |
alternative form of |
mithramycin (talk)
mk |
alternative form of |
OK (talk)
mm |
alternative form of |
mmm (talk)
mna |
alternative form of |
mina (talk)
mobiliome |
alternative form of |
mobilome (talk)
mobilisational |
alternative form of |
mobilizational (talk)
Mobutuist |
alternative form of |
Mobutist (talk)
modelocking |
alternative form of |
mode locking (talk)
mofloxacin |
alternative form of |
moxifloxacin (talk)
Mohometanism |
alternative form of |
Mohammedanism (talk)
molarisation |
alternative form of |
molarization (talk)
Moldovenism |
alternative form of |
Moldovanism (talk)
molerat |
alternative form of |
mole rat (talk)
momot |
alternative form of |
motmot (talk)
momzer |
alternative form of |
mamzer (talk)
monacidic |
alternative form of |
monoacidic (talk)
monadical |
alternative form of |
monadic (talk)
monaminergic |
alternative form of |
monoaminergic (talk)
monascinol |
alternative form of |
monascin (talk)
monastical |
alternative form of |
monastic (talk)
Mondayized |
alternative form of |
Mondayised (talk)
monetarisation |
alternative form of |
monetarization (talk)
monetarise |
alternative form of |
monetarize (talk)
monetarised |
alternative form of |
monetarized (talk)
monetisable |
alternative form of |
monetizable (talk)
mongerer |
alternative form of |
monger (talk)
monisotopic |
alternative form of |
monoisotopic (talk)
monitorisation |
alternative form of |
monitorization (talk)
mono-exponential |
alternative form of |
monoexponential (talk)
monoallelical |
alternative form of |
monoallelic (talk)
monoaminooxidase |
alternative form of |
monoaminoxidase (talk)
monoandrous |
alternative form of |
monandrous (talk)
monoatomic |
alternative form of |
monatomic (talk)
monoaxal |
alternative form of |
monoaxial (talk)
monochorial |
alternative form of |
monochorionic (talk)
monochromatised |
alternative form of |
monochromatized (talk)
monochromosomic |
alternative form of |
monochromosomal (talk)
monocolonisation |
alternative form of |
monocolonization (talk)
monocryptal |
alternative form of |
unicryptal (talk)
monocule |
alternative form of |
monocle (talk)
monodelphic |
alternative form of |
monodelphous (talk)
monodermic |
alternative form of |
monodermal (talk)
monofunctionalised |
alternative form of |
monofunctionalized (talk)
monographical |
alternative form of |
monographic (talk)
monograptide |
alternative form of |
monograptid (talk)
monoicous |
alternative form of |
monoecious (talk)
monomyeloic |
alternative form of |
monomyeloid (talk)
monooctanoin |
alternative form of |
monoctanoin (talk)
monooxidase |
alternative form of |
monoxidase (talk)
monoparametrical |
alternative form of |
monoparametric (talk)
monopodal |
alternative form of |
monopedal (talk)
monopolisable |
alternative form of |
monopolizable (talk)
monoprotistan |
alternative form of |
monoprotist (talk)
monotelical |
alternative form of |
monotelic (talk)
monoxygenase |
alternative form of |
monooxygenase (talk)
montebanc |
alternative form of |
mountebank (talk)
monteth |
alternative form of |
monteith (talk)
moonshiney |
alternative form of |
moonshiny (talk)
moonsnail |
alternative form of |
moon snail (talk)
mora |
alternative form of |
morra (talk)
moralising |
alternative form of |
moralizing (talk)
morbifical |
alternative form of |
morbific (talk)
more-ish |
alternative form of |
moreish (talk)
morphoanatomic |
alternative form of |
morphoanatomical (talk)
morphogeographical |
alternative form of |
morphogeographic (talk)
morphologenesis |
alternative form of |
morphogenesis (talk)
morphonological |
alternative form of |
morphophonological (talk)
morphonologically |
alternative form of |
morphophonologically (talk)
morphopathologic |
alternative form of |
morphopathological (talk)
morphotypical |
alternative form of |
morphotypic (talk)
morrot |
alternative form of |
marrot (talk)
mosaicing |
alternative form of |
mosaicking (talk)
moscofilero |
alternative form of |
moschofilero (talk)
motherplant |
alternative form of |
mother plant (talk)
motoneurone |
alternative form of |
motoneuron (talk)
motorglider |
alternative form of |
motor glider (talk)
motorical |
alternative form of |
motoric (talk)
motorneuronal |
alternative form of |
motoneuronal (talk)
motorneurone |
alternative form of |
motor neuron (talk)
moulter |
alternative form of |
molter (talk)
mouthcone |
alternative form of |
mouth cone (talk)
mouthhook |
alternative form of |
mouth hook (talk)
moveability |
alternative form of |
movability (talk)
mow |
alternative form of |
mew (talk)
moxidectine |
alternative form of |
moxidectin (talk)
mridang |
alternative form of |
mridangam (talk)
mTorr |
alternative form of |
millitorr (talk)
muce |
alternative form of |
muse (talk)
muchadara |
alternative form of |
mujaddara (talk)
mucinogen |
alternative form of |
mucigen (talk)
mucksy |
alternative form of |
muxy (talk)
mucociliar |
alternative form of |
mucociliary (talk)
mucohaemorrhagic |
alternative form of |
mucohemorrhagic (talk)
mucosaccharide |
alternative form of |
mucopolysaccharide (talk)
mucosatropic |
alternative form of |
mucosotropic (talk)
mud-scow |
alternative form of |
mud scow (talk)
muhallah |
alternative form of |
mahallah (talk)
muke |
alternative form of |
mook (talk)
mullagatawny |
alternative form of |
mulligatawny (talk)
mullerian |
alternative form of |
Müllerian (talk)
multicomponential |
alternative form of |
multicomponent (talk)
multiconformation |
alternative form of |
multiconformational (talk)
multidendrite |
alternative form of |
multidendritic (talk)
multidisciplined |
alternative form of |
multidiscipline (talk)
multielemental |
alternative form of |
multielement (talk)
multietiologic |
alternative form of |
multietiological (talk)
multifoetal |
alternative form of |
multifetal (talk)
multifuelled |
alternative form of |
multifueled (talk)
multifunctionalise |
alternative form of |
multifunctionalize (talk)
multilamellate |
alternative form of |
multilamellar (talk)
multilamellated |
alternative form of |
multilamellar (talk)
multimerisation |
alternative form of |
multimerization (talk)
multipathed |
alternative form of |
multipath (talk)
multipolarisation |
alternative form of |
multipolarization (talk)
multiprogramme |
alternative form of |
multiprogram (talk)
multiregion |
alternative form of |
multiregional (talk)
multispeciality |
alternative form of |
multispecialty (talk)
multistriated |
alternative form of |
multistriate (talk)
multitaxonomic |
alternative form of |
multitaxon (talk)
multivariated |
alternative form of |
multivariate (talk)
multivesiculated |
alternative form of |
multivesicular (talk)
mummy porn |
alternative form of |
mommy porn (talk)
mungcorn |
alternative form of |
mangcorn (talk)
mungos |
alternative form of |
mongoose (talk)
municipalisation |
alternative form of |
municipalization (talk)
munnion |
alternative form of |
mullion (talk)
munting |
alternative form of |
muntin (talk)
murinisation |
alternative form of |
murinization (talk)
murinise |
alternative form of |
murinize (talk)
murray |
alternative form of |
moray (talk)
murrion |
alternative form of |
morion (talk)
muscarin |
alternative form of |
muscarine (talk)
muscimole |
alternative form of |
muscimol (talk)
muscolotendinous |
alternative form of |
musculotendinous (talk)
muscularisation |
alternative form of |
muscularization (talk)
muscularised |
alternative form of |
muscularized (talk)
musculotendonous |
alternative form of |
musculotendinous (talk)
musimon |
alternative form of |
mouflon (talk)
muskadel |
alternative form of |
muscadel (talk)
mustna |
alternative form of |
mustnae (talk)
mutagenisation |
alternative form of |
mutagenization (talk)
mutagenised |
alternative form of |
mutagenized (talk)
mutanolysine |
alternative form of |
mutanolysin (talk)
mute-hill |
alternative form of |
moot-hill (talk)
muu-muu |
alternative form of |
muumuu (talk)
my Lord |
alternative form of |
oh my Lord (talk)
mycetophage |
alternative form of |
mycophage (talk)
mycobacteraemia |
alternative form of |
mycobacteremia (talk)
mycobacteriocidal |
alternative form of |
mycobactericidal (talk)
mycobacteriologic |
alternative form of |
mycobacteriological (talk)
mycoparasitical |
alternative form of |
mycoparasitic (talk)
mycoplasmocidal |
alternative form of |
mycoplasmacidal (talk)
mycorrhisation |
alternative form of |
mycorrhization (talk)
myctag |
alternative form of |
w (talk)
myctophiid |
alternative form of |
myctophid (talk)
myel- |
alternative form of |
myelo- (talk)
myelinophagy |
alternative form of |
myelinophagia (talk)
myelinotoxic |
alternative form of |
myelotoxic (talk)
myeloarchitectonical |
alternative form of |
myeloarchitectonic (talk)
myelodisplastic |
alternative form of |
myelodysplastic (talk)
myelodysplasic |
alternative form of |
myelodysplastic (talk)
myeloic |
alternative form of |
myeloid (talk)
myeloproliferate |
alternative form of |
myeloproliferative (talk)
myllewell |
alternative form of |
myllwell (talk)
myocardialisation |
alternative form of |
myocardialization (talk)
myocardic |
alternative form of |
myocardial (talk)
myocytokine |
alternative form of |
myokine (talk)
myoenteric |
alternative form of |
myenteric (talk)
myofibrilogenesis |
alternative form of |
myofibrillogenesis (talk)
myological |
alternative form of |
myologic (talk)
myopigenic |
alternative form of |
myopiagenic (talk)
myotropical |
alternative form of |
myotropic (talk)
myrmeleonid |
alternative form of |
myrmeleontid (talk)
myrrhine |
alternative form of |
murrhine (talk)
mysopedic |
alternative form of |
misopedic (talk)
mystecete |
alternative form of |
mysticete (talk)
N. S. |
alternative form of |
N.S. (talk)
N/A |
alternative form of |
n/a (talk)
nailpolish |
alternative form of |
nail polish (talk)
alternative form of |
NaN (talk)
nangry |
alternative form of |
angry (talk)
Nanini |
alternative form of |
Nanino (talk)
nanoarchaeon |
alternative form of |
nanoarchaeote (talk)
nanomol |
alternative form of |
nanomole (talk)
nanorna |
alternative form of |
nanoRNA (talk)
nanospheric |
alternative form of |
nanospherical (talk)
nanotisation |
alternative form of |
nanotization (talk)
nanotoxicologic |
alternative form of |
nanotoxicological (talk)
nao |
alternative form of |
now (talk)
nao |
alternative form of |
now (talk)
napunyah |
alternative form of |
yapunyah (talk)
narcism |
alternative form of |
narcissism (talk)
narcotisation |
alternative form of |
narcotization (talk)
nargeela |
alternative form of |
narghile (talk)
nargeelah |
alternative form of |
narghile (talk)
narghilly |
alternative form of |
narghile (talk)
narghily |
alternative form of |
narghile (talk)
nargili |
alternative form of |
narghile (talk)
nargilly |
alternative form of |
narghile (talk)
nargily |
alternative form of |
narghile (talk)
nasendoscopy |
alternative form of |
nasoendoscopy (talk)
nasogastral |
alternative form of |
nasogastric (talk)
nasohypophyseal |
alternative form of |
nasohypophysial (talk)
Nasoraean |
alternative form of |
Nazarene (talk)
Nasorean |
alternative form of |
Nazarene (talk)
nataglinide |
alternative form of |
nateglinide (talk)
nathless |
alternative form of |
natheless (talk)
natsirna |
alternative form of |
natsiRNA (talk)
nauseogenity |
alternative form of |
nauseogenicity (talk)
nautic |
alternative form of |
nautical (talk)
Navaratri |
alternative form of |
Navratri (talk)
ncsrna |
alternative form of |
ncsRNA (talk)
neaf |
alternative form of |
nief (talk)
neap |
alternative form of |
neep (talk)
near-side |
alternative form of |
nearside (talk)
neatfoot |
alternative form of |
neatsfoot (talk)
necrolite |
alternative form of |
necronite (talk)
necrologic |
alternative form of |
necrological (talk)
necromance |
alternative form of |
necromancy (talk)
necromantical |
alternative form of |
necromantic (talk)
necroscopical |
alternative form of |
necroscopic (talk)
nectarinid |
alternative form of |
nectariniid (talk)
nectiferous |
alternative form of |
nectariferous (talk)
nectonic |
alternative form of |
nektonic (talk)
needlenosed pliers |
alternative form of |
needlenose pliers (talk)
needlesickness |
alternative form of |
needle sickness (talk)
needyhood |
alternative form of |
needihood (talk)
neelghau |
alternative form of |
nilghai (talk)
negativisation |
alternative form of |
negativization (talk)
negligably |
alternative form of |
negligibly (talk)
neither fish nor flesh |
alternative form of |
neither fish, flesh, nor good red herring (talk)
neither fish, flesh, nor fowl |
alternative form of |
neither fish, flesh, nor good red herring (talk)
nemertian |
alternative form of |
nemertean (talk)
neoangiogenetic |
alternative form of |
neoangiogenic (talk)
neocarcinostatin |
alternative form of |
neocarzinostatin (talk)
neocuproin |
alternative form of |
neocuproine (talk)
neofunctionalisation |
alternative form of |
neofunctionalization (talk)
neofunctionalise |
alternative form of |
neofunctionalize (talk)
neofunctionalised |
alternative form of |
neofunctionalized (talk)
neohippie |
alternative form of |
neohippy (talk)
neolithisation |
alternative form of |
neolithization (talk)
neologic |
alternative form of |
neological (talk)
neomycine |
alternative form of |
neomycin (talk)
neotropic |
alternative form of |
neotropical (talk)
neovascularised |
alternative form of |
neovascularized (talk)
nephelometrical |
alternative form of |
nephelometric (talk)
Nephilim |
alternative form of |
Naphil (talk)
nephritical |
alternative form of |
nephritic (talk)
nephrologic |
alternative form of |
nephrological (talk)
nephronic |
alternative form of |
nephronal (talk)
nettle-leaf horsemint |
alternative form of |
nettle-leaved horsemint (talk)
neuralisation |
alternative form of |
neuralization (talk)
neuralise |
alternative form of |
neuralize (talk)
neuralised |
alternative form of |
neuralized (talk)
neurectodermal |
alternative form of |
neuroectodermal (talk)
neurepithelium |
alternative form of |
neuroepithelium (talk)
neuroaesthetic |
alternative form of |
neuroesthetic (talk)
neuroaesthetics |
alternative form of |
neuroesthetics (talk)
neuroaminidase |
alternative form of |
neuraminidase (talk)
neuroanaesthesia |
alternative form of |
neuroanesthesia (talk)
neuroaxial |
alternative form of |
neuraxial (talk)
neurobehaviour |
alternative form of |
neurobehavior (talk)
neurobiologic |
alternative form of |
neurobiological (talk)
neurobiotine |
alternative form of |
neurobiotin (talk)
neurocardiologic |
alternative form of |
neurocardiological (talk)
neurochord |
alternative form of |
neurocord (talk)
neurochordal |
alternative form of |
neurocordal (talk)
neuroectomy |
alternative form of |
neurectomy (talk)
neuroelectrophysical |
alternative form of |
neuroelectrophysiological (talk)
neuroendocrinic |
alternative form of |
neuroendocrine (talk)
neuroenteric |
alternative form of |
neurenteric (talk)
neurogenetical |
alternative form of |
neurogenetic (talk)
neuroglycopaenia |
alternative form of |
neuroglycopenia (talk)
neurohaemal |
alternative form of |
neurohemal (talk)
neurohumeral |
alternative form of |
neurohumoral (talk)
neurohumour |
alternative form of |
neurohumor (talk)
neuroimmunologic |
alternative form of |
neuroimmunological (talk)
neurolocalisation |
alternative form of |
neurolocalization (talk)
neuromechanic |
alternative form of |
neuromechanical (talk)
neuromer |
alternative form of |
neuromere (talk)
neuromotoric |
alternative form of |
neuromotor (talk)
neuroophthalmologist |
alternative form of |
neuro-ophthalmologist (talk)
neuropaediatric |
alternative form of |
neuropediatric (talk)
neuropaediatrician |
alternative form of |
neuropediatrician (talk)
neuropathetic |
alternative form of |
neuropathic (talk)
neuropraxia |
alternative form of |
neurapraxia (talk)
neuropraxy |
alternative form of |
neuropraxia (talk)
neuropsychopathologic |
alternative form of |
neuropsychopathological (talk)
neuroradiographical |
alternative form of |
neuroradiographic (talk)
neuroregulin |
alternative form of |
neuregulin (talk)
neurorthid |
alternative form of |
nevrorthid (talk)
neurosporaxanthine |
alternative form of |
neurosporaxanthin (talk)
neurotoxicologic |
alternative form of |
neurotoxicological (talk)
neurotropin |
alternative form of |
neurotrophin (talk)
neurotypic |
alternative form of |
neurotypical (talk)
neutropaenia |
alternative form of |
neutropenia (talk)
neutropaenic |
alternative form of |
neutropenic (talk)
newell |
alternative form of |
newel (talk)
newsie |
alternative form of |
newsy (talk)
Newyorican |
alternative form of |
Nuyorican (talk)
Newyorican |
alternative form of |
Nuyorican (talk)
ngardu |
alternative form of |
nardoo (talk)
nicknackery |
alternative form of |
knickknackery (talk)
nidorose |
alternative form of |
nidorous (talk)
niggie |
alternative form of |
niggy (talk)
nightblindness |
alternative form of |
night blindness (talk)
nightsnake |
alternative form of |
night snake (talk)
Nigra |
alternative form of |
Negro (talk)
nimnod |
alternative form of |
nimrod (talk)
nine days wonder |
alternative form of |
nine day wonder (talk)
nistatine |
alternative form of |
nystatin (talk)
nitrocline |
alternative form of |
nitracline (talk)
nitrooxidative |
alternative form of |
nitroxidative (talk)
nitrose |
alternative form of |
nitrous (talk)
nitrosoamine |
alternative form of |
nitrosamine (talk)
Nizhniy Novgorod |
alternative form of |
Nizhny Novgorod (talk)
no buts |
alternative form of |
no ifs, ands, or buts (talk)
no ifs and buts |
alternative form of |
no ifs, ands, or buts (talk)
no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public |
alternative form of |
nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people (talk)
no one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public |
alternative form of |
nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American people (talk)
no string attached |
alternative form of |
no strings attached (talk)
no word of lie |
alternative form of |
no word of a lie (talk)
nobless |
alternative form of |
noblesse (talk)
nobody ever went broke underestimating the good taste of the American people |
alternative form of |
nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American people (talk)
nobody ever went broke underestimating the good taste of the American public |
alternative form of |
nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American people (talk)
nocardiasis |
alternative form of |
nocardiosis (talk)
nocodazol |
alternative form of |
nocodazole (talk)
noetical |
alternative form of |
noetic (talk)
nominotypic |
alternative form of |
nominotypical (talk)
non compos |
alternative form of |
non compos mentis (talk)
non-discrete |
alternative form of |
nondiscrete (talk)
non-final |
alternative form of |
nonfinal (talk)
non-proprietary |
alternative form of |
nonproprietary (talk)
non-realtime |
alternative form of |
nonrealtime (talk)
non-steroidal |
alternative form of |
nonsteroidal (talk)
nonaccessible |
alternative form of |
inaccessible (talk)
nonaltered |
alternative form of |
unaltered (talk)
nonaluminium |
alternative form of |
nonaluminum (talk)
nonarchimedean |
alternative form of |
non-Archimedean (talk)
noncatalytical |
alternative form of |
noncatalytic (talk)
nonconsanguinous |
alternative form of |
nonconsanguineous (talk)
noncryoglobulinaemic |
alternative form of |
noncryoglobulinemic (talk)
nondimensionalise |
alternative form of |
nondimensionalize (talk)
nondyslipidaemic |
alternative form of |
nondyslipidemic (talk)
nonequivalency |
alternative form of |
nonequivalence (talk)
nonette |
alternative form of |
nonet (talk)
nongynecologic |
alternative form of |
nongynecological (talk)
nonhaematological |
alternative form of |
nonhematological (talk)
nonhaematopoietic |
alternative form of |
nonhematopoietic (talk)
nonindustrialised |
alternative form of |
nonindustrialized (talk)
noninstitutionalised |
alternative form of |
noninstitutionalized (talk)
nonischaemic |
alternative form of |
nonischemic (talk)
nonlateralised |
alternative form of |
nonlateralized (talk)
nonleukaemic |
alternative form of |
nonleukemic (talk)
nonomer |
alternative form of |
nonamer (talk)
nonpaediatric |
alternative form of |
nonpediatric (talk)
nonparametrical |
alternative form of |
nonparametric (talk)
nonperiodical |
alternative form of |
nonperiodic (talk)
nonpersonalised |
alternative form of |
nonpersonalized (talk)
nonpolarised |
alternative form of |
nonpolarized (talk)
nonsettlable |
alternative form of |
nonsettleable (talk)
nonsynchronized |
alternative form of |
nonsynchronised (talk)
nontherapeutical |
alternative form of |
nontherapeutic (talk)
nontradeable |
alternative form of |
nontradable (talk)
nontraumatised |
alternative form of |
nontraumatized (talk)
nontumourigenic |
alternative form of |
nontumorigenic (talk)
nonvascularised |
alternative form of |
nonvascularized (talk)
nonwriteable |
alternative form of |
nonwritable (talk)
noonie |
alternative form of |
nunnie (talk)
normalbuminuria |
alternative form of |
normoalbuminuria (talk)
normalbuminuric |
alternative form of |
normoalbuminuric (talk)
normonatraemic |
alternative form of |
normonatremic (talk)
normooxia |
alternative form of |
normoxia (talk)
normophysiologic |
alternative form of |
normophysiological (talk)
normosmotic |
alternative form of |
normoosmotic (talk)
normotypic |
alternative form of |
normotypical (talk)
normouricaemia |
alternative form of |
normouricemia (talk)
normouricaemic |
alternative form of |
normouricemic (talk)
North Ndebele |
alternative form of |
Northern Ndebele (talk)
nos |
alternative form of |
nos. (talk)
nosecap |
alternative form of |
nose cap (talk)
nosepoking |
alternative form of |
nose poking (talk)
nostriled |
alternative form of |
nostrilled (talk)
not in a million years |
alternative form of |
never in a million years (talk)
not in a million |
alternative form of |
never in a million years (talk)
not make any bones about |
alternative form of |
make no bones about (talk)
notothenoid |
alternative form of |
notothenioid (talk)
novellistic |
alternative form of |
novelistic (talk)
noyl |
alternative form of |
noil (talk)
nrg |
alternative form of |
nrg. (talk)
nrg |
alternative form of |
NRG (talk)
nsrna |
alternative form of |
nsRNA (talk)
nucleole |
alternative form of |
nucleolus (talk)
nudey |
alternative form of |
nudy (talk)
nuggetty |
alternative form of |
nuggety (talk)
numskulled |
alternative form of |
numbskulled (talk)
nursey |
alternative form of |
nursie (talk)
nut house |
alternative form of |
nuthouse (talk)
nutraceutic |
alternative form of |
nutraceutical (talk)
nutria rat |
alternative form of |
nutria (talk)
nutriocyte |
alternative form of |
neutrocyte (talk)
nyctohemeral |
alternative form of |
nycthemeral (talk)
nylgau |
alternative form of |
nilghai (talk)
nylghai |
alternative form of |
nilghai (talk)
nylghau |
alternative form of |
nilghai (talk)
O. S. |
alternative form of |
OS (talk)
obeisancy |
alternative form of |
obeisance (talk)
obento |
alternative form of |
bento (talk)
Oberlender |
alternative form of |
Oberlander (talk)
Oberlender |
alternative form of |
Oberlander (talk)
obeseogenic |
alternative form of |
obesogenic (talk)
obesigenic |
alternative form of |
obesogenic (talk)
obolize |
alternative form of |
obelize (talk)
obturacle |
alternative form of |
obturaculum (talk)
obturacule |
alternative form of |
obturaculum (talk)
obv |
alternative form of |
obv. (talk)
occipitalization |
alternative form of |
occipitalisation (talk)
occipitalized |
alternative form of |
occipitalised (talk)
occulocephalic |
alternative form of |
oculocephalic (talk)
octaatomic |
alternative form of |
octatomic (talk)
octamerisation |
alternative form of |
octamerization (talk)
octaoxide |
alternative form of |
octoxide (talk)
octaploidy |
alternative form of |
octoploidy (talk)
octomer |
alternative form of |
octamer (talk)
octosyllabical |
alternative form of |
octosyllabic (talk)
Odelsthing |
alternative form of |
Odelsting (talk)
odontopediatrics |
alternative form of |
odontopaediatrics (talk)
odontoplast |
alternative form of |
odontoblast (talk)
odourization |
alternative form of |
odorization (talk)
odynphagia |
alternative form of |
odynophagia (talk)
OE. |
alternative form of |
OE (talk)
oesophagal |
alternative form of |
esophageal (talk)
oesteocalcin |
alternative form of |
osteocalcin (talk)
oesteoclast |
alternative form of |
osteoclast (talk)
oestrogenisation |
alternative form of |
estrogenization (talk)
oestrogenized |
alternative form of |
estrogenized (talk)
oestroprogestative |
alternative form of |
estroprogestative (talk)
off-side |
alternative form of |
offside (talk)
off-side |
alternative form of |
offside (talk)
offen |
alternative form of |
off (talk)
offspin |
alternative form of |
off spin (talk)
oglio |
alternative form of |
olio (talk)
oh oh |
alternative form of |
uh-oh (talk)
oh, well |
alternative form of |
oh well (talk)
oilpalm |
alternative form of |
oil palm (talk)
oinomania |
alternative form of |
oenomania (talk)
OK, Boomer |
alternative form of |
OK, boomer (talk)
Okanogan |
alternative form of |
Okanagan (talk)
Okanogan |
alternative form of |
Okanagan (talk)
okey dokey, smokey |
alternative form of |
okey-dokey, Smokey (talk)
okey dokey, Smokey |
alternative form of |
okey-dokey, Smokey (talk)
okey-dokey artichokey |
alternative form of |
okey dokey, artichokey (talk)
okey-dokey, smokey |
alternative form of |
okey-dokey, Smokey (talk)
Oklahomian |
alternative form of |
Oklahoman (talk)
ol |
alternative form of |
drop the kids off at the pool (talk)
olde-worlde |
alternative form of |
olde worlde (talk)
oleine |
alternative form of |
olein (talk)
oleoptene |
alternative form of |
eleoptene (talk)
oligodendroma |
alternative form of |
oligodendroglioma (talk)
oligodendromal |
alternative form of |
oligodendrogliomal (talk)
oligodeoxythymidine |
alternative form of |
oligodesoxythymidine (talk)
oligodesoxynucleotide |
alternative form of |
oligodeoxynucleotide (talk)
oligodesoxyribonucleotide |
alternative form of |
oligodeoxyribonucleotide (talk)
oligofectamin |
alternative form of |
oligofectamine (talk)
oligofructosaccharide |
alternative form of |
oligofructose (talk)
oligogenetic |
alternative form of |
oligogenic (talk)
oligohydramnion |
alternative form of |
oligohydramnios (talk)
oligornase |
alternative form of |
oligoribonuclease (talk)
oligosulphide |
alternative form of |
oligosulfide (talk)
omicra |
alternative form of |
omicrons (talk)
Omicra |
alternative form of |
Omicrons (talk)
omigawd |
alternative form of |
omigod (talk)
on short notice |
alternative form of |
at short notice (talk)
onaye |
alternative form of |
inee (talk)
once burned, twice cautious |
alternative form of |
once bitten, twice shy (talk)
once burned, twice shy |
alternative form of |
once bitten, twice shy (talk)
once hurt, twice shy |
alternative form of |
once bitten, twice shy (talk)
onchocerchiasis |
alternative form of |
onchocerciasis (talk)
onchosphere |
alternative form of |
oncosphere (talk)
oncogenical |
alternative form of |
oncogenic (talk)
oncohaematologic |
alternative form of |
oncohematological (talk)
oncohaematological |
alternative form of |
oncohematological (talk)
oncohaematology |
alternative form of |
oncohematology (talk)
oncohematologic |
alternative form of |
oncohematological (talk)
one cannot break a stick in a bundle |
alternative form of |
sticks in a bundle are unbreakable (talk)
one cannot break a twig in a bundle |
alternative form of |
sticks in a bundle are unbreakable (talk)
one cannot break sticks in a bundle |
alternative form of |
sticks in a bundle are unbreakable (talk)
onomomancy |
alternative form of |
onomancy (talk)
onosecond |
alternative form of |
ohnosecond (talk)
ontogenical |
alternative form of |
ontogenic (talk)
ooff |
alternative form of |
oof (talk)
ooft |
alternative form of |
oof (talk)
oomfie |
alternative form of |
OOMFie (talk)
oompahpah |
alternative form of |
oom-pah (talk)
oompf |
alternative form of |
oomph (talk)
oomyceteous |
alternative form of |
oomycetous (talk)
oophorectomise |
alternative form of |
oophorectomize (talk)
ooplasmatic |
alternative form of |
ooplasmic (talk)
ooxanthine |
alternative form of |
ooxanthin (talk)
operatable |
alternative form of |
operable (talk)
operatical |
alternative form of |
operatic (talk)
opercularisation |
alternative form of |
opercularization (talk)
Ophian |
alternative form of |
Ophite (talk)
ophiurid |
alternative form of |
ophiuroid (talk)
ophiurid |
alternative form of |
ophiuroid (talk)
ophiurioid |
alternative form of |
ophiuroid (talk)
ophiurioid |
alternative form of |
ophiuroid (talk)
ophthalmoplegy |
alternative form of |
ophthalmoplegia (talk)
opiatergic |
alternative form of |
opioidergic (talk)
opopponax |
alternative form of |
opopanax (talk)
opsonisation |
alternative form of |
opsonization (talk)
optimalisation |
alternative form of |
optimalization (talk)
optimalization |
alternative form of |
optimization (talk)
optimalize |
alternative form of |
optimize (talk)
optogenetical |
alternative form of |
optogenetic (talk)
optophysiologic |
alternative form of |
optophysiological (talk)
or |
alternative form of |
OR (talk)
orbifrontal |
alternative form of |
orbitofrontal (talk)
orbitomesial |
alternative form of |
orbitomedial (talk)
orchal |
alternative form of |
archil (talk)
orchel |
alternative form of |
archil (talk)
orchidectomise |
alternative form of |
orchidectomize (talk)
orchiometer |
alternative form of |
orchidometer (talk)
Ordovian |
alternative form of |
Ordovician (talk)
Ordovian |
alternative form of |
Ordovician (talk)
oreweed |
alternative form of |
oarweed (talk)
organisational chart |
alternative form of |
organization chart (talk)
organizational chart |
alternative form of |
organization chart (talk)
organocaesium |
alternative form of |
organocesium (talk)
organocatalysed |
alternative form of |
organocatalyzed (talk)
organoleptical |
alternative form of |
organoleptic (talk)
organotypical |
alternative form of |
organotypic (talk)
oribé |
alternative form of |
oribi (talk)
orichalc |
alternative form of |
orichalcum (talk)
orichalch |
alternative form of |
orichalcum (talk)
orofaecal |
alternative form of |
orofecal (talk)
orographical |
alternative form of |
orographic (talk)
orphaned work |
alternative form of |
orphan work (talk)
orrach |
alternative form of |
orach (talk)
orth- |
alternative form of |
ortho- (talk)
orthiconoscope |
alternative form of |
orthoconoscope (talk)
orthistichy |
alternative form of |
orthostichy (talk)
orthocephalous |
alternative form of |
orthocephalic (talk)
orthogonalise |
alternative form of |
orthogonalize (talk)
orthogonial |
alternative form of |
orthogonal (talk)
orthohyperkeratosis |
alternative form of |
orthokeratosis (talk)
orthopraxic |
alternative form of |
orthopractic (talk)
orthopteron |
alternative form of |
orthopteran (talk)
orthorhombical |
alternative form of |
orthorhombic (talk)
orthotonus |
alternative form of |
orthotonos (talk)
orthotopical |
alternative form of |
orthotopic (talk)
os clitoris |
alternative form of |
os clitoridis (talk)
osmoadaption |
alternative form of |
osmoadaptation (talk)
osmolytical |
alternative form of |
osmolytic (talk)
osseo- |
alternative form of |
osteo- (talk)
osseoconductivity |
alternative form of |
osteoconductivity (talk)
osseomuscular |
alternative form of |
osteomuscular (talk)
ossibuprocaine |
alternative form of |
oxybuprocaine (talk)
ostechondral |
alternative form of |
osteochondral (talk)
osteclastogenesis |
alternative form of |
osteoclastogenesis (talk)
ostein |
alternative form of |
ossein (talk)
osteoarchaeologic |
alternative form of |
osteoarchaeological (talk)
osteocartilagenous |
alternative form of |
osteocartilaginous (talk)
osteochondropathia |
alternative form of |
osteochondropathy (talk)
osteoclasteogenesis |
alternative form of |
osteoclastogenesis (talk)
osteodystrophia |
alternative form of |
osteodystrophy (talk)
osteogenous |
alternative form of |
osteogenic (talk)
osteohistologic |
alternative form of |
osteohistological (talk)
osteointegrate |
alternative form of |
osseointegrate (talk)
osteointegrated |
alternative form of |
osseointegrated (talk)
osteometrical |
alternative form of |
osteometric (talk)
osteopaenia |
alternative form of |
osteopenia (talk)
osteophageous |
alternative form of |
osteophagous (talk)
osteosarcopaenia |
alternative form of |
osteosarcopenia (talk)
osteotomised |
alternative form of |
osteotomized (talk)
ostitis |
alternative form of |
osteitis (talk)
otolitic |
alternative form of |
otolithic (talk)
otophysian |
alternative form of |
otophysan (talk)
ouakari |
alternative form of |
uakari (talk)
oughtst |
alternative form of |
oughtest (talk)
ouranography |
alternative form of |
uranography (talk)
outstep |
alternative form of |
outcept (talk)
outta sight, outta mind |
alternative form of |
out of sight, out of mind (talk)
ovalbumen |
alternative form of |
ovalbumin (talk)
ovalisation |
alternative form of |
ovalization (talk)
ovalise |
alternative form of |
ovalize (talk)
ovarectomized |
alternative form of |
ovariectomized (talk)
ovarectomy |
alternative form of |
ovariectomy (talk)
over-extension |
alternative form of |
overextension (talk)
overanaesthetise |
alternative form of |
overanaesthetize (talk)
overcentralised |
alternative form of |
overcentralized (talk)
overcoloring |
alternative form of |
overcolouring (talk)
overcoloured |
alternative form of |
overcolored (talk)
overconfluency |
alternative form of |
overconfluence (talk)
overdependency |
alternative form of |
overdependence (talk)
overexpressor |
alternative form of |
overexpresser (talk)
overindulgency |
alternative form of |
overindulgence (talk)
overmedicalisation |
alternative form of |
overmedicalization (talk)
overparametrisation |
alternative form of |
overparametrization (talk)
overstrow |
alternative form of |
overstrew (talk)
overwriteable |
alternative form of |
overwritable (talk)
ovinised |
alternative form of |
ovinized (talk)
oviviviparous |
alternative form of |
ovoviviparous (talk)
ovoalbumin |
alternative form of |
ovalbumin (talk)
ovococcoid |
alternative form of |
ovococcal (talk)
owarri |
alternative form of |
oware (talk)
owwie |
alternative form of |
owie (talk)
oxacarbazepine |
alternative form of |
oxcarbazepine (talk)
oxacarbenium |
alternative form of |
oxocarbenium (talk)
oxalacetate |
alternative form of |
oxaloacetate (talk)
oxazolidone |
alternative form of |
oxazolidinone (talk)
oxipurinol |
alternative form of |
oxypurinol (talk)
oxireductase |
alternative form of |
oxidoreductase (talk)
oxobiodegradable |
alternative form of |
oxybiodegradable (talk)
oxohydroxide |
alternative form of |
oxyhydroxide (talk)
oxonorbornene |
alternative form of |
oxanorbornene (talk)
oxothiazolidine |
alternative form of |
oxathiazolidine (talk)
oxydoreductase |
alternative form of |
oxidoreductase (talk)
oxygenotherapy |
alternative form of |
oxygen therapy (talk)
oxymorphine |
alternative form of |
oxymorphone (talk)
oxysulphide |
alternative form of |
oxysulfide (talk)
oxythiamin |
alternative form of |
oxythiamine (talk)
ozier |
alternative form of |
osier (talk)
P. I. |
alternative form of |
PI (talk)
P.I. |
alternative form of |
PI (talk)
pachometer |
alternative form of |
pachymeter (talk)
pacifical |
alternative form of |
pacific (talk)
pacificist |
alternative form of |
pacifist (talk)
pack on pounds |
alternative form of |
pack on the pounds (talk)
paddyfield |
alternative form of |
paddy field (talk)
padouk |
alternative form of |
padauk (talk)
padshah |
alternative form of |
Padishah (talk)
paediatry |
alternative form of |
paediatrics (talk)
paedodontic |
alternative form of |
pedodontic (talk)
paedodontics |
alternative form of |
pedodontics (talk)
paeds |
alternative form of |
peds (talk)
pahoihoi |
alternative form of |
pahoehoe (talk)
pain in the rear |
alternative form of |
pain in the ass (talk)
painscore |
alternative form of |
pain score (talk)
painstaken |
alternative form of |
painstaking (talk)
painstakenly |
alternative form of |
painstakingly (talk)
paintjob |
alternative form of |
paint job (talk)
pairbond |
alternative form of |
pair bond (talk)
pairwisely |
alternative form of |
pairwise (talk)
palaearctic |
alternative form of |
palearctic (talk)
palaeoarch |
alternative form of |
paleoarch (talk)
palaeoatmospheric |
alternative form of |
paleoatmospheric (talk)
palaeobathymetry |
alternative form of |
paleobathymetry (talk)
palaeobeach |
alternative form of |
paleobeach (talk)
palaeobiogeology |
alternative form of |
paleobiogeology (talk)
palaeobotanic |
alternative form of |
paleobotanical (talk)
palaeocave |
alternative form of |
paleocave (talk)
palaeochannel |
alternative form of |
paleochannel (talk)
palaeochronological |
alternative form of |
paleochronological (talk)
palaeochronology |
alternative form of |
paleochronology (talk)
palaeoclimatically |
alternative form of |
paleoclimatically (talk)
palaeodemographic |
alternative form of |
paleodemographic (talk)
palaeodiet |
alternative form of |
paleodiet (talk)
palaeodietary |
alternative form of |
paleodietary (talk)
palaeodistribution |
alternative form of |
paleodistribution (talk)
palaeodistributional |
alternative form of |
paleodistributional (talk)
palaeodosimetric |
alternative form of |
paleodosimetric (talk)
palaeoecologic |
alternative form of |
paleoecologic (talk)
palaeoecosystem |
alternative form of |
paleoecosystem (talk)
palaeoencephalon |
alternative form of |
paleoencephalon (talk)
palaeoendemic |
alternative form of |
paleoendemic (talk)
palaeoendemism |
alternative form of |
paleoendemism (talk)
palaeoepidemiologic |
alternative form of |
paleoepidemiological (talk)
palaeoepidemiological |
alternative form of |
paleoepidemiological (talk)
palaeoepidemiology |
alternative form of |
paleoepidemiology (talk)
palaeoethnobotanical |
alternative form of |
paleoethnobotanical (talk)
palaeoethnobotanist |
alternative form of |
paleoethnobotanist (talk)
palæoethnobotany |
alternative form of |
palaeoethnobotany (talk)
palaeoethological |
alternative form of |
paleoethological (talk)
palaeoethology |
alternative form of |
paleoethology (talk)
palaeofauna |
alternative form of |
paleofauna (talk)
palaeofaunal |
alternative form of |
paleofaunal (talk)
palaeofire |
alternative form of |
paleofire (talk)
palaeofluid |
alternative form of |
paleofluid (talk)
palaeoglacier |
alternative form of |
paleoglacier (talk)
palaeohistory |
alternative form of |
paleohistory (talk)
palaeohydrographic |
alternative form of |
paleohydrographic (talk)
palaeohydrography |
alternative form of |
paleohydrography (talk)
palaeohydrologic |
alternative form of |
palaeohydrological (talk)
palaeoichnological |
alternative form of |
paleoichnological (talk)
palaeolacustrine |
alternative form of |
paleolacustrine (talk)
palaeolagoon |
alternative form of |
paleolagoon (talk)
palaeolandscape |
alternative form of |
paleolandscape (talk)
palaeolevee |
alternative form of |
paleolevee (talk)
palaeomargin |
alternative form of |
paleomargin (talk)
palaeomerycid |
alternative form of |
paleomerycid (talk)
palaeomicrobiological |
alternative form of |
paleomicrobiological (talk)
palaeomicrobiology |
alternative form of |
paleomicrobiology (talk)
palaeoneuroanatomy |
alternative form of |
paleoneuroanatomy (talk)
palaeoparasitological |
alternative form of |
paleoparasitological (talk)
palaeoparasitology |
alternative form of |
paleoparasitology (talk)
palaeopathological |
alternative form of |
paleopathological (talk)
palaeopedological |
alternative form of |
paleopedological (talk)
palaeopedologist |
alternative form of |
paleopedologist (talk)
palaeophycological |
alternative form of |
paleophycological (talk)
palaeoprecipitation |
alternative form of |
paleoprecipitation (talk)
palaeoproteomic |
alternative form of |
paleoproteomic (talk)
palaeoproteomics |
alternative form of |
paleoproteomics (talk)
palaeopulmonic |
alternative form of |
paleopulmonic (talk)
palaeoreconstruction |
alternative form of |
paleoreconstruction (talk)
palaeoriver |
alternative form of |
paleoriver (talk)
palaeornithological |
alternative form of |
paleornithological (talk)
palaeosediment |
alternative form of |
paleosediment (talk)
palaeoslope |
alternative form of |
paleoslope (talk)
palaeosurface |
alternative form of |
paleosurface (talk)
palaeosynecology |
alternative form of |
paleosynecology (talk)
palaeotemperate |
alternative form of |
paleotemperate (talk)
palaeothere |
alternative form of |
paleothere (talk)
palaeotopographic |
alternative form of |
paleotopographic (talk)
palaeotopography |
alternative form of |
paleotopography (talk)
palaeotranscriptomic |
alternative form of |
paleotranscriptomic (talk)
palaeotropic |
alternative form of |
palaeotropical (talk)
palaeotsunami |
alternative form of |
paleotsunami (talk)
palaeovalley |
alternative form of |
paleovalley (talk)
palaeoweather |
alternative form of |
paleoweather (talk)
palaestric |
alternative form of |
palestric (talk)
palampoor |
alternative form of |
palempore (talk)
palatinomaxillary |
alternative form of |
palatomaxillary (talk)
paleencephalon |
alternative form of |
paleoencephalon (talk)
paleoamerican |
alternative form of |
Paleo-American (talk)
paleoceanographical |
alternative form of |
paleoceanographic (talk)
paleoclimatical |
alternative form of |
paleoclimatic (talk)
paleoclimatological |
alternative form of |
palaeoclimatological (talk)
paleoclimatology |
alternative form of |
palaeoclimatology (talk)
paleodemographical |
alternative form of |
paleodemographic (talk)
paleodune |
alternative form of |
palaeodune (talk)
paleoentomological |
alternative form of |
palaeoentomological (talk)
paleoentomology |
alternative form of |
palaeoentomology (talk)
paleoequator |
alternative form of |
palaeoequator (talk)
paleofloral |
alternative form of |
palaeofloral (talk)
paleoforest |
alternative form of |
palaeoforest (talk)
paleogenomic |
alternative form of |
palaeogenomic (talk)
paleogeographer |
alternative form of |
palaeogeographer (talk)
paleohexaploidization |
alternative form of |
paleohexaploidisation (talk)
paleohydrologic |
alternative form of |
palaeohydrologic (talk)
paleohydrological |
alternative form of |
palaeohydrological (talk)
paleohydrology |
alternative form of |
palaeohydrology (talk)
paleoindian |
alternative form of |
Paleo-Indian (talk)
paleolimnologic |
alternative form of |
paleolimnological (talk)
paleomammalogy |
alternative form of |
palaeomammalogy (talk)
paleomodel |
alternative form of |
palaeomodel (talk)
paleomodeling |
alternative form of |
palaeomodeling (talk)
paleonemertean |
alternative form of |
palaeonemertean (talk)
paleoniscid |
alternative form of |
palaeoniscid (talk)
paleonisciform |
alternative form of |
palaeonisciform (talk)
paleooceanographic |
alternative form of |
paleoceanographic (talk)
paleopathologic |
alternative form of |
paleopathological (talk)
paleopolyploidization |
alternative form of |
palaeopolyploidization (talk)
paleoseismologic |
alternative form of |
paleoseismological (talk)
paleotropical |
alternative form of |
palaeotropical (talk)
paleotropics |
alternative form of |
palaeotropics (talk)
paleoxylological |
alternative form of |
palaeoxylological (talk)
paleoxylology |
alternative form of |
palaeoxylology (talk)
Palestinean |
alternative form of |
Palestinian (talk)
Palestinean |
alternative form of |
Palestinian (talk)
palgrave |
alternative form of |
palsgrave (talk)
Pallie |
alternative form of |
Pally (talk)
palpifer |
alternative form of |
palpiger (talk)
paludial |
alternative form of |
paludal (talk)
palulus |
alternative form of |
palus (talk)
palynostratigraphical |
alternative form of |
palynostratigraphic (talk)
pampano |
alternative form of |
pompano (talk)
pamphilid |
alternative form of |
pamphiliid (talk)
pan-Deist |
alternative form of |
pandeist (talk)
panch |
alternative form of |
paunch (talk)
panchin |
alternative form of |
pancheon (talk)
pancreatectomised |
alternative form of |
pancreatectomized (talk)
pandarism |
alternative form of |
panderism (talk)
pandoura |
alternative form of |
pandura (talk)
panellized |
alternative form of |
panelized (talk)
panfungus |
alternative form of |
panfungal (talk)
Pangaea II |
alternative form of |
Pangaea Ultima (talk)
Pangaea Proxima |
alternative form of |
Pangaea Ultima (talk)
pangenotypical |
alternative form of |
pangenotypic (talk)
panir |
alternative form of |
paneer (talk)
pannary |
alternative form of |
panary (talk)
pano- |
alternative form of |
pan- (talk)
panspermatist |
alternative form of |
panspermist (talk)
pantagraph |
alternative form of |
pantograph (talk)
pantisocrat |
alternative form of |
pantisocratist (talk)
pantropic |
alternative form of |
pantropical (talk)
papalagi |
alternative form of |
palagi (talk)
papaverin |
alternative form of |
papaverine (talk)
papillomatogenesis |
alternative form of |
papillomagenesis (talk)
papillous |
alternative form of |
papillose (talk)
papionin |
alternative form of |
papionine (talk)
papionin |
alternative form of |
papionine (talk)
pappaw |
alternative form of |
papaw (talk)
para hockey |
alternative form of |
parahockey (talk)
para-sport |
alternative form of |
parasport (talk)
paraboloidic |
alternative form of |
paraboloidal (talk)
paracalcitol |
alternative form of |
paricalcitol (talk)
paracryptodire |
alternative form of |
paracryptodiran (talk)
paradisical |
alternative form of |
paradisiacal (talk)
paraenetic |
alternative form of |
parenetic (talk)
paraesthetic |
alternative form of |
paresthetic (talk)
paraffinise |
alternative form of |
paraffinize (talk)
paraffinised |
alternative form of |
paraffinized (talk)
parafocal |
alternative form of |
parfocal (talk)
paraglioma |
alternative form of |
paraganglioma (talk)
paragnath |
alternative form of |
paragnathus (talk)
paragraphical |
alternative form of |
paragraphic (talk)
parallactical |
alternative form of |
parallactic (talk)
parallelepipedical |
alternative form of |
parallelepipedic (talk)
parallelisability |
alternative form of |
parallelizability (talk)
parallelisable |
alternative form of |
parallelizable (talk)
parallelogrammic |
alternative form of |
parallelogramic (talk)
parameterisable |
alternative form of |
parameterizable (talk)
paraoccipital |
alternative form of |
paroccipital (talk)
paraoesophageal |
alternative form of |
paraesophageal (talk)
paraoxysmal |
alternative form of |
paroxysmal (talk)
paraphrasia |
alternative form of |
paraphasia (talk)
paraphrastical |
alternative form of |
paraphrastic (talk)
paraprostate |
alternative form of |
paraprostatic (talk)
paraproteinaemia |
alternative form of |
paraproteinemia (talk)
paraproteinaemic |
alternative form of |
paraproteinemic (talk)
paraquito |
alternative form of |
parakeet (talk)
pararosanilin |
alternative form of |
pararosaniline (talk)
parasitised |
alternative form of |
parasitized (talk)
parasitostatic |
alternative form of |
parasitistatic (talk)
parasympatheticolytic |
alternative form of |
parasympatholytic (talk)
parasympatheticolytic |
alternative form of |
parasympatholytic (talk)
parataxonomical |
alternative form of |
parataxonomic (talk)
paratendon |
alternative form of |
paratenon (talk)
paratenial |
alternative form of |
parataenial (talk)
parcelation |
alternative form of |
parcellation (talk)
parcelization |
alternative form of |
parcellization (talk)
parcelize |
alternative form of |
parcellize (talk)
parcelized |
alternative form of |
parcellized (talk)
parchisi |
alternative form of |
pachisi (talk)
parenchymatical |
alternative form of |
parenchymatic (talk)
Paretoan |
alternative form of |
Paretian (talk)
parhelium |
alternative form of |
parhelion (talk)
parlez-vous |
alternative form of |
parleyvoo (talk)
parlez-vous |
alternative form of |
parleyvoo (talk)
parlyvoo |
alternative form of |
parleyvoo (talk)
parovarian |
alternative form of |
paraovarian (talk)
parquette |
alternative form of |
parquet (talk)
parthenocarpous |
alternative form of |
parthenocarpic (talk)
parthenogenetical |
alternative form of |
parthenogenetic (talk)
partial function application |
alternative form of |
partial application (talk)
partogramme |
alternative form of |
partogram (talk)
partyocracy |
alternative form of |
partocracy (talk)
parvolin |
alternative form of |
parvoline (talk)
pashaw |
alternative form of |
pasha (talk)
pass by reference |
alternative form of |
call-by-reference (talk)
passive aggressive |
alternative form of |
passive-aggressive (talk)
pasteurisable |
alternative form of |
pasteurizable (talk)
pasteuriser |
alternative form of |
pasteurizer (talk)
pathloss |
alternative form of |
path loss (talk)
pathoadaptative |
alternative form of |
pathoadaptive (talk)
pathobiologic |
alternative form of |
pathobiological (talk)
pathocascade |
alternative form of |
path cascade (talk)
pathoetiologic |
alternative form of |
pathoetiological (talk)
pathogenity |
alternative form of |
pathogenicity (talk)
pathohistologic |
alternative form of |
pathohistological (talk)
pathophenotypical |
alternative form of |
pathophenotypic (talk)
patia |
alternative form of |
pathia (talk)
patin |
alternative form of |
patine (talk)
patriarchical |
alternative form of |
patriarchal (talk)
patriclinous |
alternative form of |
patroclinous (talk)
patrilinial |
alternative form of |
patrilineal (talk)
pau |
alternative form of |
pa (talk)
paune |
alternative form of |
pone (talk)
pavage |
alternative form of |
paviage (talk)
paw paw |
alternative form of |
pawpaw (talk)
pawn |
alternative form of |
pwn (talk)
pawnor |
alternative form of |
pawner (talk)
pay for play |
alternative form of |
pay to play (talk)
paytable |
alternative form of |
pay table (talk)
pea |
alternative form of |
peak (talk)
peage |
alternative form of |
pedage (talk)
peanutworm |
alternative form of |
peanut worm (talk)
Pearl Harbour |
alternative form of |
Pearl Harbor (talk)
pearlite |
alternative form of |
perlite (talk)
peatmoss |
alternative form of |
peat moss (talk)
pecary |
alternative form of |
peccary (talk)
pedalavium |
alternative form of |
pedilavium (talk)
pedleress |
alternative form of |
peddleress (talk)
pedogenetical |
alternative form of |
pedogenetic (talk)
pee like a racehorse |
alternative form of |
piss like a racehorse (talk)
peekabo |
alternative form of |
peekaboo (talk)
peevit |
alternative form of |
peewit (talk)
peh |
alternative form of |
pe (talk)
pelletisation |
alternative form of |
pelletization (talk)
pelletiser |
alternative form of |
pelletizer (talk)
peltated |
alternative form of |
peltate (talk)
penholder |
alternative form of |
penhold (talk)
penneth |
alternative form of |
pennyworth (talk)
penny for them |
alternative form of |
penny for your thoughts (talk)
penny wise, pound foolish |
alternative form of |
penny wise and pound foolish (talk)
pent |
alternative form of |
penned (talk)
pentacetate |
alternative form of |
pentaacetate (talk)
pentadactyle |
alternative form of |
pentadactyl (talk)
pentaose |
alternative form of |
pentose (talk)
pentavalency |
alternative form of |
pentavalence (talk)
penuchi |
alternative form of |
penuche (talk)
penuchle |
alternative form of |
pinochle (talk)
penuckle |
alternative form of |
pinochle (talk)
peoniflorin |
alternative form of |
paeoniflorin (talk)
people who have, get more |
alternative form of |
those that have, get (talk)
people who have, get |
alternative form of |
those that have, get (talk)
pepaw |
alternative form of |
peepaw (talk)
peperine |
alternative form of |
peperino (talk)
pepsinised |
alternative form of |
pepsinized (talk)
peptoglycan |
alternative form of |
peptidoglycan (talk)
per orem |
alternative form of |
per os (talk)
pereopod |
alternative form of |
pereiopod (talk)
perfloxacine |
alternative form of |
perfloxacin (talk)
perfluoroctane |
alternative form of |
perfluorooctane (talk)
perfusant |
alternative form of |
perfusate (talk)
perfuser |
alternative form of |
perfusor (talk)
perhexilline |
alternative form of |
perhexiline (talk)
periablation |
alternative form of |
periablational (talk)
periacinar |
alternative form of |
periacinal (talk)
periaortal |
alternative form of |
periaortic (talk)
periauger |
alternative form of |
pirogue (talk)
pericardectomy |
alternative form of |
pericardiectomy (talk)
pericentriole |
alternative form of |
pericentriolar (talk)
periecian |
alternative form of |
Perioecian (talk)
perihematoma |
alternative form of |
perihematomal (talk)
perihemotoma |
alternative form of |
perihematomal (talk)
perihemotomal |
alternative form of |
perihematomal (talk)
perijunction |
alternative form of |
perijunctional (talk)
perilesion |
alternative form of |
perilesional (talk)
periluminar |
alternative form of |
periluminal (talk)
perimacula |
alternative form of |
perimacular (talk)
perimedullar |
alternative form of |
perimedullary (talk)
periodise |
alternative form of |
periodize (talk)
perioikoi |
alternative form of |
Perioikoi (talk)
periopod |
alternative form of |
pereiopod (talk)
periorbit |
alternative form of |
periorbital (talk)
periostic |
alternative form of |
periosteal (talk)
periovary |
alternative form of |
periovarian (talk)
peripapillar |
alternative form of |
peripapillary (talk)
peripatetical |
alternative form of |
peripatetic (talk)
peripherically |
alternative form of |
peripherally (talk)
periphrastical |
alternative form of |
periphrastic (talk)
periplastid |
alternative form of |
periplastidial (talk)
periplastidal |
alternative form of |
periplastidial (talk)
peripodium |
alternative form of |
parapodium (talk)
peristoma |
alternative form of |
peristome (talk)
peritectoidically |
alternative form of |
peritectoidally (talk)
peritrichious |
alternative form of |
peritrichous (talk)
peritropous |
alternative form of |
peritropal (talk)
perituber |
alternative form of |
perituberal (talk)
peritumour |
alternative form of |
peritumor (talk)
peritumoural |
alternative form of |
peritumoral (talk)
perivascularitis |
alternative form of |
perivasculitis (talk)
perivitellin |
alternative form of |
perivitelline (talk)
perjurous |
alternative form of |
perjurious (talk)
perlaceous |
alternative form of |
pearlaceous (talk)
permineralised |
alternative form of |
permineralized (talk)
permit nature to take her course |
alternative form of |
let nature take its course (talk)
permit nature to take its course |
alternative form of |
let nature take its course (talk)
perofskite |
alternative form of |
perovskite (talk)
perogue |
alternative form of |
pirogue (talk)
peroxidisability |
alternative form of |
peroxidizability (talk)
peroxidoredoxin |
alternative form of |
peroxiredoxin (talk)
peroxinitrite |
alternative form of |
peroxynitrite (talk)
peroxocarbonate |
alternative form of |
peroxycarbonate (talk)
peroxodisulfate |
alternative form of |
peroxydisulfate (talk)
peroxodisulphate |
alternative form of |
peroxidisulfate (talk)
peroxyredoxin |
alternative form of |
peroxiredoxin (talk)
persistive vegetative state |
alternative form of |
persistent vegetative state (talk)
pertinaceous |
alternative form of |
pertinacious (talk)
pertinaceously |
alternative form of |
pertinaciously (talk)
perule |
alternative form of |
perula (talk)
pervis |
alternative form of |
parvis (talk)
Peschito |
alternative form of |
Peshito (talk)
Peshito |
alternative form of |
Peshitta (talk)
Peshitto |
alternative form of |
Peshitta (talk)
petralogy |
alternative form of |
petrology (talk)
petrographical |
alternative form of |
petrographic (talk)
petromyzonid |
alternative form of |
petromyzontid (talk)
pettichaps |
alternative form of |
pettychaps (talk)
pewet |
alternative form of |
peewit (talk)
phacoidoscope |
alternative form of |
phacoscope (talk)
phaeophorbide |
alternative form of |
pheophorbide (talk)
phaeophytin |
alternative form of |
pheophytin (talk)
phaeoplast |
alternative form of |
pheoplast (talk)
phagedaenical |
alternative form of |
phagedaenic (talk)
phagedaenous |
alternative form of |
phagedaenic (talk)
phakoemulsification |
alternative form of |
phacoemulsification (talk)
phalangal |
alternative form of |
phalangeal (talk)
phallical |
alternative form of |
phallic (talk)
phalloidine |
alternative form of |
phalloidin (talk)
phallologocentric |
alternative form of |
phallogocentric (talk)
phallologocentrism |
alternative form of |
phallogocentrism (talk)
phaneric |
alternative form of |
phaneritic (talk)
pharmaceuticalisation |
alternative form of |
pharmaceuticalization (talk)
pharmacogenetical |
alternative form of |
pharmacogenetic (talk)
pharmacognosia |
alternative form of |
pharmacognosy (talk)
pharmacokinetical |
alternative form of |
pharmacokinetic (talk)
pharmacopolitan |
alternative form of |
pharmacopole (talk)
pharmacotherapeutical |
alternative form of |
pharmacotherapeutic (talk)
pharmatheutical |
alternative form of |
pharmaceutical (talk)
pharmodynamic |
alternative form of |
pharmacodynamic (talk)
pharyngalization |
alternative form of |
pharyngealization (talk)
pharyngalized |
alternative form of |
pharyngealized (talk)
phasal |
alternative form of |
phasic (talk)
phaseogram |
alternative form of |
phasogram (talk)
phaseollin |
alternative form of |
phaseolin (talk)
phaseometer |
alternative form of |
phasemeter (talk)
phaseplane |
alternative form of |
phase plane (talk)
phaseshift |
alternative form of |
phase shift (talk)
phasirna |
alternative form of |
phasiRNA (talk)
phenacodont |
alternative form of |
phenacodontid (talk)
Phenician |
alternative form of |
Phoenician (talk)
Phenician |
alternative form of |
Phoenician (talk)
phenogamic |
alternative form of |
phaenogamic (talk)
phenogamous |
alternative form of |
phaenogamous (talk)
phenomenologic |
alternative form of |
phenomenological (talk)
phenylketoneuria |
alternative form of |
phenylketonuria (talk)
phenylmethylsulphonyl |
alternative form of |
phenylmethylsulfonyl (talk)
pheopigment |
alternative form of |
phaeopigment (talk)
philosophising |
alternative form of |
philosophizing (talk)
philosophistical |
alternative form of |
philosophistic (talk)
phlebolite |
alternative form of |
phlebolith (talk)
phleme |
alternative form of |
fleam (talk)
phleomycine |
alternative form of |
phleomycin (talk)
phlogistical |
alternative form of |
phlogistic (talk)
phloretine |
alternative form of |
phloretin (talk)
phlorhizin |
alternative form of |
phlorizin (talk)
phon- |
alternative form of |
phono- (talk)
phonaesthemic |
alternative form of |
phonesthemic (talk)
phoneyness |
alternative form of |
phoniness (talk)
phonographical |
alternative form of |
phonographic (talk)
phosphatisation |
alternative form of |
phosphatization (talk)
phosphinotricin |
alternative form of |
phosphinothricin (talk)
phosphoamide |
alternative form of |
phosphamide (talk)
phosphoenoylpyruvate |
alternative form of |
phosphoenolpyruvate (talk)
phosphohydrase |
alternative form of |
phosphohydrolase (talk)
phospholipidase |
alternative form of |
phospholipase (talk)
phospholytic |
alternative form of |
phosphorolytic (talk)
phosphoprotemics |
alternative form of |
phosphoproteomics (talk)
phosphoramidase |
alternative form of |
phosphoamidase (talk)
phosphoribosylpyrophosphate |
alternative form of |
phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate (talk)
phosphorimage |
alternative form of |
phosphoimage (talk)
phosphorolytical |
alternative form of |
phosphorolytic (talk)
phosphorthioate |
alternative form of |
phosphorothioate (talk)
photichthyid |
alternative form of |
phosichthyid (talk)
photochrome |
alternative form of |
photochrom (talk)
photogrammetrical |
alternative form of |
photogrammetric (talk)
photoimmune |
alternative form of |
photoimmunotherapeutic (talk)
photolabelling |
alternative form of |
photolabeling (talk)
photopolymerisation |
alternative form of |
photopolymerization (talk)
photopolymerise |
alternative form of |
photopolymerize (talk)
photosensitiser |
alternative form of |
photosensitizer (talk)
photosynthetical |
alternative form of |
photosynthetic (talk)
phototactical |
alternative form of |
phototactic (talk)
phototherapeutical |
alternative form of |
phototherapeutic (talk)
phototopic |
alternative form of |
photopic (talk)
phototropistic |
alternative form of |
phototropic (talk)
photoxidative |
alternative form of |
photooxidative (talk)
phpht |
alternative form of |
pht (talk)
phraseologic |
alternative form of |
phraseological (talk)
phthalazinone |
alternative form of |
phthalazone (talk)
phycobillin |
alternative form of |
phycobilin (talk)
phycocyanine |
alternative form of |
phycocyanin (talk)
phycoerythrine |
alternative form of |
phycoerythrin (talk)
physioabsorption |
alternative form of |
physisorption (talk)
physiogeographical |
alternative form of |
physiogeographic (talk)
physiognomise |
alternative form of |
physiognomize (talk)
physiognomonic |
alternative form of |
physiognomic (talk)
physiognomonical |
alternative form of |
physiognomic (talk)
physionotrace |
alternative form of |
physiognotrace (talk)
physiosorbed |
alternative form of |
physisorbed (talk)
physiosorption |
alternative form of |
physisorption (talk)
physog |
alternative form of |
fizzog (talk)
phytoallexin |
alternative form of |
phytoalexin (talk)
phytochelatine |
alternative form of |
phytochelatin (talk)
phytohormonic |
alternative form of |
phytohormonal (talk)
phytopathogenous |
alternative form of |
phytopathogenic (talk)
phytopharmaceutic |
alternative form of |
phytopharmaceutical (talk)
phytopharmacologic |
alternative form of |
phytopharmacological (talk)
phytostabiliser |
alternative form of |
phytostabilizer (talk)
phytotherapeutical |
alternative form of |
phytotherapeutic (talk)
phytovolatilisation |
alternative form of |
phytovolatilization (talk)
phyz |
alternative form of |
phiz (talk)
pickaninnie |
alternative form of |
pickaninny (talk)
picketee |
alternative form of |
picotee (talk)
picnotic |
alternative form of |
pyknotic (talk)
picomol |
alternative form of |
picomole (talk)
picoprojector |
alternative form of |
pico projector (talk)
picotah |
alternative form of |
picota (talk)
picotiterplate |
alternative form of |
picotiter plate (talk)
picquerism |
alternative form of |
piquerism (talk)
picrocrocine |
alternative form of |
picrocrocin (talk)
pigs may fly |
alternative form of |
pigs might fly (talk)
piipite |
alternative form of |
piypite (talk)
pikrolite |
alternative form of |
picrolite (talk)
pilage |
alternative form of |
pelage (talk)
pillar block |
alternative form of |
pillow block (talk)
pillarisation |
alternative form of |
pillarization (talk)
pilocarpin |
alternative form of |
pilocarpine (talk)
pin |
alternative form of |
peen (talk)
Pinatex |
alternative form of |
Piñatex (talk)
pinchforce |
alternative form of |
pinch force (talk)
pinealectomise |
alternative form of |
pinealectomize (talk)
pineaster |
alternative form of |
pinaster (talk)
pinguecule |
alternative form of |
pinguecula (talk)
pinocembrine |
alternative form of |
pinocembrin (talk)
pinopode |
alternative form of |
pinopod (talk)
pinostrombin |
alternative form of |
pinostrobin (talk)
piperidge |
alternative form of |
pepperidge (talk)
pipistrel |
alternative form of |
pipistrelle (talk)
pipracillin |
alternative form of |
piperacillin (talk)
piqueer |
alternative form of |
pickeer (talk)
piqueerer |
alternative form of |
pickeerer (talk)
pissmire |
alternative form of |
pismire (talk)
pistazite |
alternative form of |
pistacite (talk)
pitch-and-toss |
alternative form of |
pitch and toss (talk)
pitpat |
alternative form of |
pitapat (talk)
placentomic |
alternative form of |
placentomal (talk)
plagiostomatous |
alternative form of |
plagiostomous (talk)
plaistering |
alternative form of |
plastering (talk)
planarium |
alternative form of |
planarian (talk)
planctophagous |
alternative form of |
planktophagous (talk)
planigraphic |
alternative form of |
planographic (talk)
planigraphy |
alternative form of |
planography (talk)
planimetrical |
alternative form of |
planimetric (talk)
planimetrics |
alternative form of |
planimetry (talk)
planktonicly |
alternative form of |
planktonically (talk)
planktonological |
alternative form of |
planktological (talk)
planktonologist |
alternative form of |
planktologist (talk)
planktonology |
alternative form of |
planktology (talk)
planoparallel |
alternative form of |
plane-parallel (talk)
plantaflexor |
alternative form of |
plantarflexor (talk)
planulated |
alternative form of |
planulate (talk)
plasmamembrane |
alternative form of |
plasma membrane (talk)
plasmocytoid |
alternative form of |
plasmacytoid (talk)
plastidal |
alternative form of |
plastidial (talk)
plastochrone |
alternative form of |
plastochron (talk)
plastoglobulus |
alternative form of |
plastoglobule (talk)
platey |
alternative form of |
platy (talk)
platycnemid |
alternative form of |
platycnemidid (talk)
platygasterid |
alternative form of |
platygastrid (talk)
platypellic |
alternative form of |
platypelvic (talk)
platypnoea |
alternative form of |
platypnea (talk)
platyrhine |
alternative form of |
platyrrhine (talk)
platyrhine |
alternative form of |
platyrrhine (talk)
play someone like a bass fiddle |
alternative form of |
play someone like a fiddle (talk)
play the ball, not the man |
alternative form of |
play the ball and not the man (talk)
play the man, not the ball |
alternative form of |
play the man and not the ball (talk)
playte |
alternative form of |
pleyt (talk)
plectenchymatic |
alternative form of |
plectenchymatous (talk)
pledgeable |
alternative form of |
pledgable (talk)
pleiocytosis |
alternative form of |
pleocytosis (talk)
pleiomorphous |
alternative form of |
pleomorphous (talk)
pleiotrophy |
alternative form of |
pleiotropy (talk)
pleiotropical |
alternative form of |
pleiotropic (talk)
pleomorphy |
alternative form of |
pleomorphism (talk)
pleotropy |
alternative form of |
pleiotropy (talk)
plessimeter |
alternative form of |
pleximeter (talk)
plethorical |
alternative form of |
plethoric (talk)
plethrum |
alternative form of |
plethron (talk)
plethysmometrical |
alternative form of |
plethysmometric (talk)
pleurosthotonus |
alternative form of |
pleurosthotonos (talk)
plicaballinid |
alternative form of |
plicaballin (talk)
Plow Monday |
alternative form of |
Plough Monday (talk)
plowing |
alternative form of |
ploughing (talk)
plumous |
alternative form of |
plumose (talk)
pluviametrical |
alternative form of |
pluviometrical (talk)
alternative form of |
PMQs (talk)
pneum- |
alternative form of |
pneumo- (talk)
pneumat- |
alternative form of |
pneumato- (talk)
pneumatisation |
alternative form of |
pneumatization (talk)
pneumograph |
alternative form of |
pneumatograph (talk)
pneumohaemothorax |
alternative form of |
pneumohemothorax (talk)
pneumon- |
alternative form of |
pneumono- (talk)
podsol |
alternative form of |
podzol (talk)
podsolic |
alternative form of |
podzolic (talk)
podzolisation |
alternative form of |
podzolization (talk)
poge |
alternative form of |
pogue (talk)
poggy |
alternative form of |
porgy (talk)
pogie |
alternative form of |
pogy (talk)
poikilothermous |
alternative form of |
poikilothermal (talk)
poisha |
alternative form of |
paisa (talk)
polarchy |
alternative form of |
polyarchy (talk)
polarographical |
alternative form of |
polarographic (talk)
pollicisation |
alternative form of |
pollicization (talk)
pollinophagy |
alternative form of |
palynophagy (talk)
Pollyanish |
alternative form of |
Pollyannish (talk)
polyadelphian |
alternative form of |
polyadelphous (talk)
polyanethol |
alternative form of |
polyanethole (talk)
polycarpous |
alternative form of |
polycarpic (talk)
polyethersulphone |
alternative form of |
polyethersulfone (talk)
polyfunctionalised |
alternative form of |
polyfunctionalized (talk)
polymineral |
alternative form of |
polymineralic (talk)
polyoestrous |
alternative form of |
polyestrous (talk)
polyphalangy |
alternative form of |
polyphalangism (talk)
polyploidal |
alternative form of |
polyploid (talk)
polypnoea |
alternative form of |
polypnea (talk)
polypnoeic |
alternative form of |
polypneic (talk)
polypode |
alternative form of |
polypod (talk)
polysensitise |
alternative form of |
polysensitize (talk)
polysomnographical |
alternative form of |
polysomnographic (talk)
polysulphonated |
alternative form of |
polysulfonated (talk)
polysumoylation |
alternative form of |
polySUMOylation (talk)
polysyllabical |
alternative form of |
polysyllabic (talk)
polysynaptical |
alternative form of |
polysynaptic (talk)
polysyndactylism |
alternative form of |
polysyndactyly (talk)
polytraumatised |
alternative form of |
polytraumatized (talk)
polyubiquitinylated |
alternative form of |
polyubiquitinated (talk)
polyubiquitinylation |
alternative form of |
polyubiquitination (talk)
pommage |
alternative form of |
pomage (talk)
pomwater |
alternative form of |
pomewater (talk)
pontee |
alternative form of |
punty (talk)
pontinocerebellar |
alternative form of |
pontocerebellar (talk)
pontocerebral |
alternative form of |
pontocerebellar (talk)
ponzi scams |
alternative form of |
Ponzi scam (talk)
poopoo |
alternative form of |
pooh-pooh (talk)
poorga |
alternative form of |
purga (talk)
popodum |
alternative form of |
papadam (talk)
porcelanitic |
alternative form of |
porcellanitic (talk)
porcellanite |
alternative form of |
porcelanite (talk)
porgie |
alternative form of |
porgy (talk)
porketta |
alternative form of |
porchetta (talk)
portacaval |
alternative form of |
portocaval (talk)
portalvenous |
alternative form of |
portal venous (talk)
post boy |
alternative form of |
postboy (talk)
post-doc |
alternative form of |
postdoc (talk)
post-tympanic |
alternative form of |
posttympanic (talk)
postanaesthesia |
alternative form of |
postanesthesia (talk)
postarticular |
alternative form of |
postarticulatory (talk)
postauricle |
alternative form of |
postauricular (talk)
postbifurcal |
alternative form of |
postbifurcation (talk)
postconfluence |
alternative form of |
postconfluent (talk)
posteriolabial |
alternative form of |
posterolabial (talk)
posteriorisation |
alternative form of |
posteriorization (talk)
posteriorise |
alternative form of |
posteriorize (talk)
posterioventral |
alternative form of |
posteroventral (talk)
posterioventrally |
alternative form of |
posteroventrally (talk)
posterodorsomedian |
alternative form of |
posterodorsomedial (talk)
postestrus |
alternative form of |
postoestrus (talk)
postexperiment |
alternative form of |
postexperimental (talk)
postfactum |
alternative form of |
postfact (talk)
postfertilisation |
alternative form of |
postfertilization (talk)
postfixated |
alternative form of |
postfixed (talk)
posthypoglycaemic |
alternative form of |
posthypoglycemic (talk)
posthysteroscopy |
alternative form of |
posthysteroscopic (talk)
postimmunisation |
alternative form of |
postimmunization (talk)
postintegrational |
alternative form of |
postintegration (talk)
postischaemic |
alternative form of |
postischemic (talk)
postmenarche |
alternative form of |
postmenarcheal (talk)
postmorbidity |
alternative form of |
postmorbid (talk)
postnomial |
alternative form of |
postnominal (talk)
postoesophageal |
alternative form of |
postesophageal (talk)
postranscriptionally |
alternative form of |
posttranscriptionally (talk)
postranslationally |
alternative form of |
posttranslationally (talk)
postreceptoral |
alternative form of |
postreceptor (talk)
posttherapeutical |
alternative form of |
posttherapeutic (talk)
posttranscription |
alternative form of |
posttranscriptional (talk)
posttransfusional |
alternative form of |
posttransfusion (talk)
posttranslocational |
alternative form of |
posttranslocation (talk)
postventral |
alternative form of |
posteroventral (talk)
potichomanie |
alternative form of |
potichomania (talk)
potorid |
alternative form of |
potoroid (talk)
pottress |
alternative form of |
potteress (talk)
poursuivant |
alternative form of |
pursuivant (talk)
pout |
alternative form of |
poult (talk)
powen |
alternative form of |
powan (talk)
powercar |
alternative form of |
power car (talk)
powerchain |
alternative form of |
power chain (talk)
powerloom |
alternative form of |
power loom (talk)
powerstroke |
alternative form of |
power stroke (talk)
powertiller |
alternative form of |
power tiller (talk)
powter |
alternative form of |
pouter (talk)
ppl. |
alternative form of |
ppl (talk)
practicer |
alternative form of |
practiser (talk)
praemaxilla |
alternative form of |
premaxilla (talk)
praemorse |
alternative form of |
premorse (talk)
praeopercular |
alternative form of |
preopercular (talk)
praeoperculum |
alternative form of |
preoperculum (talk)
praepositi |
alternative form of |
praeposituses (talk)
praeterist |
alternative form of |
preterist (talk)
praetermit |
alternative form of |
pretermit (talk)
pragmaticalization |
alternative form of |
pragmaticalisation (talk)
pragmaticalize |
alternative form of |
pragmaticalise (talk)
Prairie |
alternative form of |
Prairies (talk)
pratic |
alternative form of |
pratique (talk)
prawn |
alternative form of |
porn (talk)
preanalytic |
alternative form of |
preanalytical (talk)
preanesthesia |
alternative form of |
preanesthetic (talk)
preauthorisation |
alternative form of |
preauthorization (talk)
preblastoderm |
alternative form of |
preblastodermic (talk)
preceptual |
alternative form of |
preceptial (talk)
precerebellary |
alternative form of |
precerebellar (talk)
precipe |
alternative form of |
praecipe (talk)
predentine |
alternative form of |
predentin (talk)
prefibril |
alternative form of |
prefibrillar (talk)
pregabaline |
alternative form of |
pregabalin (talk)
pregelatinised |
alternative form of |
pregelatinized (talk)
preheparinised |
alternative form of |
preheparinized (talk)
prehybridised |
alternative form of |
prehybridized (talk)
preischaemic |
alternative form of |
preischemic (talk)
prelactal |
alternative form of |
prelacteal (talk)
prelatic |
alternative form of |
prelatical (talk)
prelearnt |
alternative form of |
prelearned (talk)
premaxillar |
alternative form of |
premaxillary (talk)
premenstruation |
alternative form of |
premenstrual (talk)
premiparous |
alternative form of |
primiparous (talk)
premotoric |
alternative form of |
premotor (talk)
prenasalise |
alternative form of |
prenasalize (talk)
preneoplasic |
alternative form of |
preneoplastic (talk)
preopercule |
alternative form of |
preopercle (talk)
prephonatory |
alternative form of |
prephonetic (talk)
prepiriform |
alternative form of |
prepyriform (talk)
prepolymerised |
alternative form of |
prepolymerized (talk)
prepositi |
alternative form of |
preposituses (talk)
preprioception |
alternative form of |
proprioception (talk)
preprioceptive |
alternative form of |
proprioceptive (talk)
presbytress |
alternative form of |
presbyteress (talk)
presolubilisation |
alternative form of |
presolubilization (talk)
presynaptical |
alternative form of |
presynaptic (talk)
presynchronised |
alternative form of |
presynchronized (talk)
presynthesised |
alternative form of |
presynthesized (talk)
pretenceless |
alternative form of |
pretenseless (talk)
pretherapeutical |
alternative form of |
pretherapeutic (talk)
pretorial |
alternative form of |
praetorian (talk)
Pretty |
alternative form of |
Preeti (talk)
pretumoural |
alternative form of |
pretumoral (talk)
preve |
alternative form of |
prove (talk)
previremic |
alternative form of |
previraemic (talk)
prevue |
alternative form of |
preview (talk)
prick teaser |
alternative form of |
prickteaser (talk)
prickly pear cactus |
alternative form of |
prickly pear (talk)
prionemia |
alternative form of |
prionaemia (talk)
prionisation |
alternative form of |
prionization (talk)
pro-democracy |
alternative form of |
prodemocracy (talk)
proangiogenetic |
alternative form of |
proangiogenic (talk)
proanthocyanidine |
alternative form of |
proanthocyanidin (talk)
procalcitonine |
alternative form of |
procalcitonin (talk)
procellarid |
alternative form of |
procellariid (talk)
processibility |
alternative form of |
processability (talk)
processible |
alternative form of |
processable (talk)
processiveness |
alternative form of |
processivity (talk)
procumbency |
alternative form of |
procumbence (talk)
profibrogenesis |
alternative form of |
profibrogenic (talk)
profibrogenetic |
alternative form of |
profibrogenic (talk)
proficience |
alternative form of |
proficiency (talk)
profilometrical |
alternative form of |
profilometric (talk)
proflavin |
alternative form of |
proflavine (talk)
prognostification |
alternative form of |
prognostication (talk)
prohaemocyte |
alternative form of |
prohemocyte (talk)
proinflammationary |
alternative form of |
proinflammatory (talk)
projectible |
alternative form of |
projectable (talk)
prolymphocytoid |
alternative form of |
prolymphocytic (talk)
promasine |
alternative form of |
promazine (talk)
prometastasis |
alternative form of |
prometastatic (talk)
pronotary |
alternative form of |
prothonotary (talk)
prop comedian |
alternative form of |
prop comic (talk)
Prop. |
alternative form of |
prop#Etymology 4 (talk)
propaedeutical |
alternative form of |
propaedeutic (talk)
propensitude |
alternative form of |
propensity (talk)
prophecying |
alternative form of |
prophesying (talk)
prophyllum |
alternative form of |
prophyll (talk)
propine |
alternative form of |
propyne (talk)
propleurum |
alternative form of |
propleuron (talk)
proprietory |
alternative form of |
proprietary (talk)
proprioreceptor |
alternative form of |
proprioceptor (talk)
proprioreceptory |
alternative form of |
proprioceptory (talk)
propyleneoxide |
alternative form of |
propylene oxide (talk)
prosaical |
alternative form of |
prosaic (talk)
proskinesis |
alternative form of |
proskynesis (talk)
prosomatic |
alternative form of |
prosomal (talk)
prosoplectenchymatous |
alternative form of |
prosenchymatous (talk)
prostacycline |
alternative form of |
prostacyclin (talk)
prostatosome |
alternative form of |
prostasome (talk)
prostectomy |
alternative form of |
prostatectomy (talk)
prostrater |
alternative form of |
prostrator (talk)
protacadherin |
alternative form of |
protocadherin (talk)
proteinolysis |
alternative form of |
proteolysis (talk)
proteinolytic |
alternative form of |
proteolytic (talk)
proteogenomical |
alternative form of |
proteogenomic (talk)
proterandric |
alternative form of |
proterandrous (talk)
Protestant ethic |
alternative form of |
Protestant work ethic (talk)
prothyalosome |
alternative form of |
prothyalosoma (talk)
proto-ancestor |
alternative form of |
protoancestor (talk)
protoandrous |
alternative form of |
protandrous (talk)
protofibrillary |
alternative form of |
protofibrillar (talk)
protohaem |
alternative form of |
protoheme (talk)
protolipid |
alternative form of |
proteolipid (talk)
protoma |
alternative form of |
protome (talk)
protoncogene |
alternative form of |
protooncogene (talk)
protophase |
alternative form of |
prophase (talk)
protophorin |
alternative form of |
protoporphyrin (talk)
protorosaurian |
alternative form of |
protorosaur (talk)
protospatharius |
alternative form of |
protospatharios (talk)
protozoologic |
alternative form of |
protozoological (talk)
protracter |
alternative form of |
protractor (talk)
protumour |
alternative form of |
protumor (talk)
protumourigenic |
alternative form of |
protumorigenic (talk)
proximalisation |
alternative form of |
proximalization (talk)
prurigenic |
alternative form of |
pruritogenic (talk)
ps |
alternative form of |
PS (talk)
psalmodical |
alternative form of |
psalmodic (talk)
pseudo-obstruction |
alternative form of |
pseudoobstruction (talk)
pseudo-pseudohypoparathyroidism |
alternative form of |
pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (talk)
pseudoanonymization |
alternative form of |
pseudonymization (talk)
pseudoautosomic |
alternative form of |
pseudoautosomal (talk)
pseudobulbous |
alternative form of |
pseudobulbar (talk)
pseudocoelome |
alternative form of |
pseudocoelom (talk)
pseudogenisation |
alternative form of |
pseudogenization (talk)
pseudogenised |
alternative form of |
pseudogenized (talk)
pseudologia phantastica |
alternative form of |
pseudologia fantastica (talk)
pseudomembraneous |
alternative form of |
pseudomembranous (talk)
pseudonavicella |
alternative form of |
pseudonavicula (talk)
pseudonormalisation |
alternative form of |
pseudonormalization (talk)
pseudonormalise |
alternative form of |
pseudonormalize (talk)
pseudonormalised |
alternative form of |
pseudonormalized (talk)
pseudoparasitization |
alternative form of |
pseudoparasitisation (talk)
pseudoparasitize |
alternative form of |
pseudoparasitise (talk)
pseudoparasitized |
alternative form of |
pseudoparasitised (talk)
pseudoparenchymatic |
alternative form of |
pseudoparenchymatous (talk)
pseudophakodonesis |
alternative form of |
pseudophacodonesis (talk)
pseudopolycythemia |
alternative form of |
pseudopolycythaemia (talk)
pseudorandomisation |
alternative form of |
pseudorandomization (talk)
pseudorandomised |
alternative form of |
pseudorandomized (talk)
pseudouridinylation |
alternative form of |
pseudouridylation (talk)
psrna |
alternative form of |
psRNA (talk)
psychoanalyzer |
alternative form of |
psychoanalyser (talk)
psychoendocrinological |
alternative form of |
psychoendocrine (talk)
psychomotive |
alternative form of |
psychomotor (talk)
psychomotoric |
alternative form of |
psychomotor (talk)
psychoneurologic |
alternative form of |
psychoneurological (talk)
psychophysiologic |
alternative form of |
psychophysiological (talk)
psychostimulative |
alternative form of |
psychostimulatory (talk)
psychotherapeutical |
alternative form of |
psychotherapeutic (talk)
pteriomorph |
alternative form of |
pteriomorphian (talk)
pterygostomian |
alternative form of |
pterygostomial (talk)
alternative form of |
PLTX (talk)
ptyaline |
alternative form of |
ptyalin (talk)
ptychographical |
alternative form of |
ptychographic (talk)
puboischiadic |
alternative form of |
puboischiatic (talk)
pudd |
alternative form of |
pud (talk)
puh-leeze |
alternative form of |
puh-lease (talk)
puh |
alternative form of |
pugh (talk)
pulicide |
alternative form of |
pulicicide (talk)
pull someone down a peg |
alternative form of |
take down a notch (talk)
pull the fat out of the fire |
alternative form of |
pull out of the fire (talk)
pullthrough |
alternative form of |
pull through (talk)
pumpet |
alternative form of |
pompet (talk)
punchin |
alternative form of |
puncheon (talk)
puncticulate |
alternative form of |
punctulate (talk)
punyness |
alternative form of |
puniness (talk)
puoy |
alternative form of |
poy (talk)
purchaseable |
alternative form of |
purchasable (talk)
purrock |
alternative form of |
parrock (talk)
purrock |
alternative form of |
puddock (talk)
purrsuasive |
alternative form of |
persuasive (talk)
pushbroom |
alternative form of |
push broom (talk)
pushmepullyou |
alternative form of |
pushmi-pullyu (talk)
pushscooter |
alternative form of |
push scooter (talk)
pushscooters |
alternative form of |
push scooters (talk)
pusscat |
alternative form of |
pussy-cat (talk)
pussy |
alternative form of |
pursy (talk)
puzzolan |
alternative form of |
pozzolana (talk)
pyknodysostosis |
alternative form of |
pycnodysostosis (talk)
pyknometer |
alternative form of |
pycnometer (talk)
pyodermal |
alternative form of |
pyodermic (talk)
pyonephritis |
alternative form of |
pyelonephritis (talk)
pyore |
alternative form of |
pure (talk)
pyoverdin |
alternative form of |
pyoverdine (talk)
pyramidisation |
alternative form of |
pyramidization (talk)
pyrazin |
alternative form of |
pyrazine (talk)
pyrazolamide |
alternative form of |
pyrazoleamide (talk)
pyrimiphos |
alternative form of |
pirimiphos (talk)
pyrolignous |
alternative form of |
pyroligneous (talk)
pyrolysable |
alternative form of |
pyrolyzable (talk)
pyrrolidonecarboxylic |
alternative form of |
] (])
Q. E. D. |
alternative form of |
QED (talk)
Q. E. D. |
alternative form of |
QED (talk)
Q.E.F. |
alternative form of |
QEF (talk)
qabalism |
alternative form of |
cabalism (talk)
qabalist |
alternative form of |
cabalist (talk)
qabalistical |
alternative form of |
cabalistic (talk)
qafila |
alternative form of |
cafila (talk)
qafilah |
alternative form of |
cafila (talk)
qagan |
alternative form of |
khagan (talk)
qaganate |
alternative form of |
khaganate (talk)
qaghan |
alternative form of |
khagan (talk)
qaghanate |
alternative form of |
khaganate (talk)
qango |
alternative form of |
quango (talk)
Qaraite |
alternative form of |
Karaite (talk)
Qawasqar |
alternative form of |
Kawésqar (talk)
quadmire |
alternative form of |
quagmire (talk)
quadrafoil |
alternative form of |
quadrofoil (talk)
quadrangled |
alternative form of |
quadrangular (talk)
quadrantinopia |
alternative form of |
quadrantanopia (talk)
quadrantinopsia |
alternative form of |
quadrantanopsia (talk)
quadravalent |
alternative form of |
quadrivalent (talk)
quadrectomy |
alternative form of |
quadrantectomy (talk)
quadrible |
alternative form of |
quadrable (talk)
quadriennially |
alternative form of |
quadrennially (talk)
quadrifoil |
alternative form of |
quadrifoliate (talk)
quadrilateralization |
alternative form of |
quadrangulation (talk)
quadrinominal |
alternative form of |
quadrinomial (talk)
quadrinucleated |
alternative form of |
quadrinucleate (talk)
quadriplex |
alternative form of |
quadruplex (talk)
quadriplicate |
alternative form of |
quadruplicate (talk)
quadriplicate |
alternative form of |
quadruplicate (talk)
quadriploid |
alternative form of |
tetraploid (talk)
quadromer |
alternative form of |
quadrimer (talk)
quarg |
alternative form of |
quark (talk)
quarre |
alternative form of |
quarry (talk)
quartermiler |
alternative form of |
quarter-miler (talk)
quartinvariant |
alternative form of |
quadrinvariant (talk)
quartisect |
alternative form of |
quadrisect (talk)
quartzarenite |
alternative form of |
quartz arenite (talk)
quasisymmetrical |
alternative form of |
quasisymmetric (talk)
alternative form of |
quat (talk)
quatercentennial |
alternative form of |
quatercentenary (talk)
quatercentennial |
alternative form of |
quatercentenary (talk)
quaternary sector of the economy |
alternative form of |
quaternary industry (talk)
quaternisation |
alternative form of |
quaternization (talk)
quaw |
alternative form of |
quawmire (talk)
quawmire |
alternative form of |
quagmire (talk)
Quebecoise |
alternative form of |
Québécoise (talk)
questorship |
alternative form of |
quaestorship (talk)
quice |
alternative form of |
queest (talk)
quicksetting |
alternative form of |
quick-setting (talk)
quicumque vult |
alternative form of |
quicunque vult (talk)
quinaldic |
alternative form of |
quinaldinic (talk)
quinoneoxime |
alternative form of |
quinonoxime (talk)
quislingism |
alternative form of |
Quislingism (talk)
qulfi |
alternative form of |
kulfi (talk)
quondong |
alternative form of |
quandong (talk)
quranimal |
alternative form of |
koranimal (talk)
R |
alternative form of |
CCR (talk)
race on Sunday, sell on Monday |
alternative form of |
what wins on Sunday sells on Monday (talk)
racemous |
alternative form of |
racemose (talk)
radioaluminum |
alternative form of |
radioaluminium (talk)
radioanalytic |
alternative form of |
radioanalytical (talk)
radioembolisation |
alternative form of |
radioembolization (talk)
radiomorphologic |
alternative form of |
radiomorphological (talk)
radioopacity |
alternative form of |
radiopacity (talk)
radioopaque |
alternative form of |
radiopaque (talk)
radiosterilisation |
alternative form of |
radiosterilization (talk)
radiosulphur |
alternative form of |
radiosulfur (talk)
radiotherapeutical |
alternative form of |
radiotherapeutic (talk)
radiotherapic |
alternative form of |
radiotherapeutic (talk)
rain like cats and dogs |
alternative form of |
rain cats and dogs (talk)
rainbow-like |
alternative form of |
] (])
rainfrog |
alternative form of |
rain frog (talk)
raingarden |
alternative form of |
rain garden (talk)
raingauge |
alternative form of |
rain gauge (talk)
raloxifen |
alternative form of |
raloxifene (talk)
rameal |
alternative form of |
ramal (talk)
ramificate |
alternative form of |
ramify (talk)
ramous |
alternative form of |
ramose (talk)
ramulous |
alternative form of |
ramulose (talk)
raparee |
alternative form of |
rapparee (talk)
rapaseed |
alternative form of |
rapeseed (talk)
rarification |
alternative form of |
rarefaction (talk)
rasterplot |
alternative form of |
raster plot (talk)
ratan |
alternative form of |
rattan (talk)
rathripe |
alternative form of |
rareripe (talk)
ratiometrical |
alternative form of |
ratiometric (talk)
ratling |
alternative form of |
ratline (talk)
ratsnake |
alternative form of |
rat snake (talk)
rattling |
alternative form of |
ratline (talk)
ravine |
alternative form of |
raven (talk)
rawbone |
alternative form of |
rawboned (talk)
rdna |
alternative form of |
rDNA (talk)
re-education camp |
alternative form of |
reeducation camp (talk)
re-evoke |
alternative form of |
reevoke (talk)
reach |
alternative form of |
retch (talk)
reach |
alternative form of |
retch (talk)
readcount |
alternative form of |
read count (talk)
readlength |
alternative form of |
read length (talk)
reanaesthetize |
alternative form of |
reanesthetize (talk)
reanaesthetized |
alternative form of |
reanesthetized (talk)
rearhorse |
alternative form of |
rear-horse (talk)
rebato |
alternative form of |
rabato (talk)
recharacterise |
alternative form of |
recharacterize (talk)
recircularise |
alternative form of |
recircularize (talk)
recoloniser |
alternative form of |
recolonizer (talk)
recombinagenic |
alternative form of |
recombinogenic (talk)
recriminalisation |
alternative form of |
recriminalization (talk)
rectangularise |
alternative form of |
rectangularize (talk)
rectangularised |
alternative form of |
rectangularized (talk)
rectocoele |
alternative form of |
rectocele (talk)
rectosigmoidal |
alternative form of |
rectosigmoid (talk)
redimerise |
alternative form of |
redimerize (talk)
redolency |
alternative form of |
redolence (talk)
redoxocline |
alternative form of |
redoxcline (talk)
redpole |
alternative form of |
redpoll (talk)
redraught |
alternative form of |
redraft (talk)
reduction to the absurd |
alternative form of |
reductio ad absurdum (talk)
redundant acronym syndrome |
alternative form of |
RAS syndrome (talk)
reduvid |
alternative form of |
reduviid (talk)
reendothelization |
alternative form of |
reendothelialization (talk)
reendothelized |
alternative form of |
reendothelialized (talk)
reendothelizing |
alternative form of |
reendothelializing (talk)
reënforce |
alternative form of |
reinforce (talk)
reepithelisation |
alternative form of |
reepithelization (talk)
reepithelization |
alternative form of |
reepithelialization (talk)
reest |
alternative form of |
rest (talk)
reference frame |
alternative form of |
frame of reference (talk)
refineability |
alternative form of |
refinability (talk)
refineable |
alternative form of |
refinable (talk)
reflectancy |
alternative form of |
reflectance (talk)
reguardant |
alternative form of |
regardant (talk)
regular folk |
alternative form of |
just folks (talk)
rehomogenise |
alternative form of |
rehomogenize (talk)
reinstallment |
alternative form of |
reinstalment (talk)
relativisation |
alternative form of |
relativization (talk)
relaxicon |
alternative form of |
relaxacon (talk)
relessee |
alternative form of |
releasee (talk)
reliquial |
alternative form of |
relict (talk)
relly |
alternative form of |
rellie (talk)
relocalisation |
alternative form of |
relocalization (talk)
remberge |
alternative form of |
ramberge (talk)
remyelinisation |
alternative form of |
remyelinization (talk)
renaturalisation |
alternative form of |
renaturalization (talk)
renaturalise |
alternative form of |
renaturalize (talk)
rench |
alternative form of |
rinse (talk)
reniculated |
alternative form of |
reniculate (talk)
renitency |
alternative form of |
renitence (talk)
reoptimise |
alternative form of |
reoptimize (talk)
reorganisational |
alternative form of |
reorganizational (talk)
reorthogonalisation |
alternative form of |
reorthogonalization (talk)
reparameterise |
alternative form of |
reparameterize (talk)
reparameterised |
alternative form of |
reparameterized (talk)
repellant |
alternative form of |
repellent (talk)
repellant |
alternative form of |
repellent (talk)
repellence |
alternative form of |
repellency (talk)
replevisable |
alternative form of |
repleviable (talk)
repolymerisation |
alternative form of |
repolymerization (talk)
repolymerise |
alternative form of |
repolymerize (talk)
reprograming |
alternative form of |
reprogramming (talk)
Republic of Türkiye |
alternative form of |
Republic of Turkey (talk)
repug |
alternative form of |
repugnant (talk)
rerandomisation |
alternative form of |
rerandomization (talk)
rerandomise |
alternative form of |
rerandomize (talk)
resaleable |
alternative form of |
resalable (talk)
rescindible |
alternative form of |
rescindable (talk)
resensitisation |
alternative form of |
resensitization (talk)
resibufogenin |
alternative form of |
bufogenin (talk)
residualization |
alternative form of |
residualisation (talk)
resolubilisation |
alternative form of |
resolubilization (talk)
resolubilised |
alternative form of |
resolubilized (talk)
respondency |
alternative form of |
respondence (talk)
restabilisation |
alternative form of |
restabilization (talk)
restless legs |
alternative form of |
restless legs syndrome (talk)
resynchronisation |
alternative form of |
resynchronization (talk)
retractibility |
alternative form of |
retractability (talk)
retractible |
alternative form of |
retractable (talk)
retraumatisation |
alternative form of |
retraumatization (talk)
retraumatise |
alternative form of |
retraumatize (talk)
retrobulbary |
alternative form of |
retrobulbar (talk)
retroclivous |
alternative form of |
retroclival (talk)
retromammillar |
alternative form of |
retromammary (talk)
retromammillary |
alternative form of |
retromammary (talk)
retromaxillar |
alternative form of |
retromaxillary (talk)
retropulsing |
alternative form of |
retropulsion (talk)
retrosigmoidal |
alternative form of |
retrosigmoid (talk)
revascularise |
alternative form of |
revascularize (talk)
revisualisation |
alternative form of |
revisualization (talk)
revisualise |
alternative form of |
revisualize (talk)
revokability |
alternative form of |
revocability (talk)
rewirable |
alternative form of |
rewireable (talk)
rewriteable |
alternative form of |
rewritable (talk)
rhabdomeral |
alternative form of |
rhabdomeric (talk)
rhachialgia |
alternative form of |
rachialgia (talk)
Rhæto- |
alternative form of |
Rhaeto- (talk)
rhaphide |
alternative form of |
raphide (talk)
Rhees |
alternative form of |
Rhys (talk)
rhegmatogeneous |
alternative form of |
rhegmatogenous (talk)
rheopathologic |
alternative form of |
rheopathological (talk)
rheophilous |
alternative form of |
rheophilic (talk)
rheotaxic |
alternative form of |
rheotactic (talk)
Rhetian |
alternative form of |
Rhaetian (talk)
rhetizite |
alternative form of |
rhaetizite (talk)
rheumatoidal |
alternative form of |
rheumatoid (talk)
rhizotrone |
alternative form of |
rhizotron (talk)
rhoeadin |
alternative form of |
rhoeadine (talk)
rhombododecahedral |
alternative form of |
rhombidodecahedral (talk)
rhomboencephalic |
alternative form of |
rhombencephalic (talk)
rhonchal |
alternative form of |
rhonchial (talk)
rhoticism |
alternative form of |
rhotacism (talk)
rhynchonelliformean |
alternative form of |
rhynchonelliform (talk)
rhythmisation |
alternative form of |
rhythmization (talk)
ribbok |
alternative form of |
rhebok (talk)
riboforin |
alternative form of |
ribophorin (talk)
ribolysation |
alternative form of |
ribolyzation (talk)
ribotransferase |
alternative form of |
ribosyltransferase (talk)
ricegrowing |
alternative form of |
rice-growing (talk)
ricinolic |
alternative form of |
ricinoleic (talk)
rickettsiaemic |
alternative form of |
rickettsiemic (talk)
ridgeplate |
alternative form of |
ridgepiece (talk)
riflebutt |
alternative form of |
] (])
right-sized |
alternative form of |
rightsized (talk)
right, left and center |
alternative form of |
left and right (talk)
right, left and centre |
alternative form of |
left and right (talk)
riglet |
alternative form of |
reglet (talk)
rill |
alternative form of |
rille (talk)
rimantidine |
alternative form of |
rimantadine (talk)
rimous |
alternative form of |
rimose (talk)
rinch |
alternative form of |
rinse (talk)
riot girl |
alternative form of |
riot grrrl (talk)
ritualisation |
alternative form of |
ritualization (talk)
riverdune |
alternative form of |
river dune (talk)
road-test |
alternative form of |
roadtest (talk)
robotical |
alternative form of |
robotic (talk)
rock alum |
alternative form of |
roche alum (talk)
rock-climber |
alternative form of |
rock climber (talk)
rockshelter |
alternative form of |
rock shelter (talk)
rod, line and sinker |
alternative form of |
hook, line and sinker (talk)
roll mill |
alternative form of |
roller mill (talk)
rollerbottle |
alternative form of |
roller bottle (talk)
Romy |
alternative form of |
Romi (talk)
ronchopathy |
alternative form of |
rhonchopathy (talk)
rooflight |
alternative form of |
roof light (talk)
rooineck |
alternative form of |
rooinek (talk)
root word |
alternative form of |
root (talk)
root-bound |
alternative form of |
rootbound (talk)
ropalic |
alternative form of |
rhopalic (talk)
roquefortin |
alternative form of |
roquefortine (talk)
roscovitin |
alternative form of |
roscovitine (talk)
rotacism |
alternative form of |
rhotacism (talk)
rotavapour |
alternative form of |
rotavapor (talk)
rotovaporation |
alternative form of |
rotoevaporation (talk)
rotovaporator |
alternative form of |
rotoevaporator (talk)
rouly-pouly |
alternative form of |
rolly-pooly (talk)
rowt |
alternative form of |
rout (talk)
rowt |
alternative form of |
rout (talk)
roziglitazone |
alternative form of |
rosiglitazone (talk)
rubberisation |
alternative form of |
rubberization (talk)
rubbish in, rubbish out |
alternative form of |
garbage in, garbage out (talk)
rud |
alternative form of |
rudd (talk)
ruffle any feathers |
alternative form of |
ruffle some feathers (talk)
ruleable |
alternative form of |
rulable (talk)
run around in circles |
alternative form of |
go round in circles (talk)
run round in circles |
alternative form of |
go round in circles (talk)
run to seed |
alternative form of |
go to seed (talk)
runish |
alternative form of |
rennish (talk)
runnion |
alternative form of |
ronion (talk)
russetted |
alternative form of |
russeted (talk)
Russianisation |
alternative form of |
Russianization (talk)
Russianise |
alternative form of |
Russianize (talk)
rut roh |
alternative form of |
ruh-roh (talk)
rysimeter |
alternative form of |
rhysimeter (talk)
S. A. T. |
alternative form of |
SAT (talk)
S. A. |
alternative form of |
S.A. (talk)
S. A. |
alternative form of |
SA (talk)
S.A.T. |
alternative form of |
SAT (talk)
S.O.P. |
alternative form of |
SOP (talk)
Saadh |
alternative form of |
Sadh (talk)
sacrotuberal |
alternative form of |
sacrotuberous (talk)
saffi |
alternative form of |
saphie (talk)
saffranin |
alternative form of |
safranin (talk)
saffranine |
alternative form of |
safranin (talk)
saftie |
alternative form of |
softy (talk)
Sagan |
alternative form of |
Sakan (talk)
sagittarid |
alternative form of |
sagittariid (talk)
saheb |
alternative form of |
sahib (talk)
Saint Michael |
alternative form of |
St. Michael (talk)
Saint Michael |
alternative form of |
St. Michael (talk)
Saint-Simonism |
alternative form of |
Saint-Simonianism (talk)
salami slicing |
alternative form of |
salami-slicing (talk)
saleb |
alternative form of |
salep (talk)
saliant |
alternative form of |
salient (talk)
saliva gland |
alternative form of |
salivary gland (talk)
salmocheline |
alternative form of |
salmochelin (talk)
salophene |
alternative form of |
salophen (talk)
salpingoophorectomy |
alternative form of |
salpingo-oophorectomy (talk)
salsafy |
alternative form of |
salsify (talk)
saltasaurian |
alternative form of |
saltasaurine (talk)
saltatoric |
alternative form of |
saltatory (talk)
saltdome |
alternative form of |
salt dome (talk)
saltgland |
alternative form of |
salt gland (talk)
saltwedge |
alternative form of |
salt wedge (talk)
samarra |
alternative form of |
simar (talk)
same old same-old |
alternative form of |
same old same old (talk)
same old, same old |
alternative form of |
same old same old (talk)
same old |
alternative form of |
same old same old (talk)
same-old, same-old |
alternative form of |
same old same old (talk)
Sampsiceramid |
alternative form of |
Sampsigeramid (talk)
Sampsiceramid |
alternative form of |
Sampsigeramid (talk)
sampson post |
alternative form of |
Samson post (talk)
samsonfish |
alternative form of |
samson fish (talk)
sandarach |
alternative form of |
sandarac (talk)
sandbreak |
alternative form of |
sand break (talk)
sandever |
alternative form of |
sandiver (talk)
sandshark |
alternative form of |
sand shark (talk)
sandwave |
alternative form of |
sand wave (talk)
sandwinner |
alternative form of |
sand winner (talk)
Sang-chu |
alternative form of |
Sangzhu (talk)
sangiac |
alternative form of |
sanjak (talk)
sannop |
alternative form of |
sannup (talk)
sanpan |
alternative form of |
sampan (talk)
sapajo |
alternative form of |
sapajou (talk)
saphaneous |
alternative form of |
saphenous (talk)
saprobiontic |
alternative form of |
saprobiotic (talk)
sarcopaenia |
alternative form of |
sarcopenia (talk)
sarcoplasmatic |
alternative form of |
sarcoplasmic (talk)
sarcosporidian |
alternative form of |
sarcocystid (talk)
sardinelle |
alternative form of |
sardinella (talk)
sarmentous |
alternative form of |
sarmentose (talk)
sartorious |
alternative form of |
sartorial (talk)
satiogenic |
alternative form of |
satietogenic (talk)
satrna |
alternative form of |
satRNA (talk)
satsirna |
alternative form of |
satsiRNA (talk)
sauropsidian |
alternative form of |
sauropsidan (talk)
sauve-qui-peut |
alternative form of |
sauve qui peut (talk)
saveable |
alternative form of |
savable (talk)
scabetic |
alternative form of |
scabietic (talk)
scabrate |
alternative form of |
scabrous (talk)
scaddle |
alternative form of |
skaddle (talk)
scairt |
alternative form of |
scared (talk)
scalarisation |
alternative form of |
scalarization (talk)
scalarise |
alternative form of |
scalarize (talk)
scalarised |
alternative form of |
scalarized (talk)
scaley |
alternative form of |
scaly (talk)
scaley |
alternative form of |
scaly (talk)
scandicaine |
alternative form of |
scandicain (talk)
scanRNA |
alternative form of |
scnRNA (talk)
scapement |
alternative form of |
escapement (talk)
Scaramouch |
alternative form of |
Scaramouche (talk)
scatterogram |
alternative form of |
scattergram (talk)
scatterpoint |
alternative form of |
scatter point (talk)
sceatta |
alternative form of |
sceat (talk)
schematise |
alternative form of |
schematize (talk)
scherif |
alternative form of |
shereef (talk)
scherif |
alternative form of |
xeriff (talk)
schismatical |
alternative form of |
schismatic (talk)
schismatical |
alternative form of |
schismatic (talk)
schistosomacidal |
alternative form of |
schistosomicidal (talk)
schizandrin |
alternative form of |
schisandrin (talk)
schizogenesis |
alternative form of |
schizogeny (talk)
schizontocidal |
alternative form of |
schizonticidal (talk)
schizontocide |
alternative form of |
schizonticide (talk)
schizothoracin |
alternative form of |
schizothoracine (talk)
schmoo |
alternative form of |
shmoo (talk)
schnorkel |
alternative form of |
snorkel (talk)
scholastical |
alternative form of |
scholastic (talk)
scholastical |
alternative form of |
scholastic (talk)
schoolrun |
alternative form of |
school run (talk)
schoolwards |
alternative form of |
schoolward (talk)
schrode |
alternative form of |
scrod (talk)
schwag |
alternative form of |
swag (talk)
Schweinfurt green |
alternative form of |
Paris green (talk)
scientiometrics |
alternative form of |
scientometrics (talk)
sciography |
alternative form of |
sciagraphy (talk)
sciophilic |
alternative form of |
sciaphilic (talk)
scioptric |
alternative form of |
scioptic (talk)
scissil |
alternative form of |
scissel (talk)
scissorsbill |
alternative form of |
scissorbill (talk)
scleracorneal |
alternative form of |
sclerocorneal (talk)
scleractinan |
alternative form of |
scleractinian (talk)
scleractinan |
alternative form of |
scleractinian (talk)
scleratize |
alternative form of |
sclerotize (talk)
sclerenchymatic |
alternative form of |
sclerenchymatous (talk)
sclerenchyme |
alternative form of |
sclerenchyma (talk)
sclerotinization |
alternative form of |
sclerotization (talk)
scolopidal |
alternative form of |
scolopidial (talk)
scomberoid |
alternative form of |
scombroid (talk)
scomberoid |
alternative form of |
scombroid (talk)
scoreable |
alternative form of |
scorable (talk)
scorper |
alternative form of |
scauper (talk)
scraffito |
alternative form of |
sgraffito (talk)
screeplot |
alternative form of |
scree plot (talk)
screwed, glued and tattooed |
alternative form of |
screwed, blued and tattooed (talk)
screwed, glued, and tattooed |
alternative form of |
screwed, blued and tattooed (talk)
scrna |
alternative form of |
scRNA (talk)
scrollwheel |
alternative form of |
scroll wheel (talk)
scrum half |
alternative form of |
scrum-half (talk)
scrumtrelescent |
alternative form of |
scrumtrulescent (talk)
scruncheon |
alternative form of |
scrunchion (talk)
scrunchi |
alternative form of |
scrunchie (talk)
scurred |
alternative form of |
scared (talk)
sdrna |
alternative form of |
sdRNA (talk)
seaball |
alternative form of |
sea ball (talk)
seacorn |
alternative form of |
sea corn (talk)
seafan |
alternative form of |
sea fan (talk)
seamoth |
alternative form of |
sea moth (talk)
seapoy |
alternative form of |
sepoy (talk)
searobin |
alternative form of |
sea robin (talk)
seawhip |
alternative form of |
sea whip coral (talk)
Sebat |
alternative form of |
Shevat (talk)
Sebec |
alternative form of |
Sobek (talk)
sebecosuchid |
alternative form of |
sebecosuchian (talk)
Sebek |
alternative form of |
Sobek (talk)
secaline |
alternative form of |
secalin (talk)
second-from-last |
alternative form of |
second-to-last (talk)
secondiparous |
alternative form of |
secundiparous (talk)
secretine |
alternative form of |
secretin (talk)
secretogogue |
alternative form of |
secretagogue (talk)
secretomotorneuron |
alternative form of |
] (])
sedgegrass |
alternative form of |
sedge grass (talk)
see ya |
alternative form of |
see you (talk)
seedbug |
alternative form of |
seed bug (talk)
seedstock |
alternative form of |
seed stock (talk)
Seereer |
alternative form of |
Serer (talk)
seeya |
alternative form of |
see you (talk)
seggar |
alternative form of |
saggar (talk)
segger |
alternative form of |
saggar (talk)
segmentate |
alternative form of |
segment (talk)
segmentor |
alternative form of |
segmenter (talk)
selenocystein |
alternative form of |
selenocysteine (talk)
selenographical |
alternative form of |
selenographic (talk)
selenous |
alternative form of |
selenious (talk)
selfassessment |
alternative form of |
self-assessment (talk)
selfconjugate |
alternative form of |
self-conjugate (talk)
selfefficacy |
alternative form of |
self-efficacy (talk)
selfwilledness |
alternative form of |
self-willedness (talk)
selfy |
alternative form of |
selfie (talk)
Seljuqian |
alternative form of |
Seljukian (talk)
Seljuqian |
alternative form of |
Seljukian (talk)
sell in May, then go away |
alternative form of |
sell in May and go away (talk)
sell in May, then stay away |
alternative form of |
sell in May and go away (talk)
selvedged |
alternative form of |
selvaged (talk)
semanticisation |
alternative form of |
semanticization (talk)
semanticise |
alternative form of |
semanticize (talk)
semantisation |
alternative form of |
semantization (talk)
semaphorant |
alternative form of |
semaphoront (talk)
semaphorical |
alternative form of |
semaphoric (talk)
semaphorine |
alternative form of |
semaphorin (talk)
semeiologic |
alternative form of |
semiologic (talk)
semeiological |
alternative form of |
semiological (talk)
semeiologically |
alternative form of |
semiologically (talk)
semeiology |
alternative form of |
semiology (talk)
semeniferous |
alternative form of |
seminiferous (talk)
semestrial |
alternative form of |
semestral (talk)
semiconfluence |
alternative form of |
semiconfluency (talk)
semicylindric |
alternative form of |
semicylindrical (talk)
seminogram |
alternative form of |
semenogram (talk)
seminological |
alternative form of |
semenological (talk)
semioma |
alternative form of |
seminoma (talk)
semivariagram |
alternative form of |
semivariogram (talk)
Sen |
alternative form of |
Sen. (talk)
senatoress |
alternative form of |
senatress (talk)
sennachy |
alternative form of |
seannachie (talk)
sensationalisation |
alternative form of |
sensationalization (talk)
sensillae |
alternative form of |
sensilla (talk)
sensillary |
alternative form of |
sensillar (talk)
sensomotoric |
alternative form of |
sensorimotor (talk)
sensoneural |
alternative form of |
sensorineural (talk)
sensorineuronal |
alternative form of |
sensorineural (talk)
sepawn |
alternative form of |
suppawn (talk)
sepon |
alternative form of |
suppawn (talk)
septalplasty |
alternative form of |
septoplasty (talk)
sericitisation |
alternative form of |
sericitization (talk)
serinyl |
alternative form of |
seryl (talk)
serjeantcy |
alternative form of |
sergeantcy (talk)
seroalbumin |
alternative form of |
seralbumin (talk)
seroconvertor |
alternative form of |
seroconverter (talk)
serodiscordancy |
alternative form of |
serodiscordance (talk)
seron |
alternative form of |
ceroon (talk)
seroneutralize |
alternative form of |
seroneutralise (talk)
serotoninergic |
alternative form of |
serotonergic (talk)
serotypable |
alternative form of |
serotypeable (talk)
serpine |
alternative form of |
serpin (talk)
serveable |
alternative form of |
servable (talk)
servelet |
alternative form of |
servlet (talk)
sesamoidean |
alternative form of |
sesamoid (talk)
sesquialter |
alternative form of |
sesquialteral (talk)
sesquialterous |
alternative form of |
sesquialteral (talk)
sesquipedalism |
alternative form of |
sesquipedalianism (talk)
sesterpenoid |
alternative form of |
sesterterpenoid (talk)
set the world ablaze |
alternative form of |
set the world on fire (talk)
set the world afire |
alternative form of |
set the world on fire (talk)
set the world aflame |
alternative form of |
set the world on fire (talk)
set the world alight |
alternative form of |
set the world on fire (talk)
set together by the ears |
alternative form of |
set by the ears (talk)
setewale |
alternative form of |
cetewale (talk)
setim |
alternative form of |
shittah (talk)
settlable |
alternative form of |
settleable (talk)
sex |
alternative form of |
sect (talk)
sexationalism |
alternative form of |
sexsationalism (talk)
sexcomb |
alternative form of |
sex comb (talk)
sexdecimal |
alternative form of |
sexadecimal (talk)
sexfoiled |
alternative form of |
sexfoil (talk)
sextine |
alternative form of |
sextain (talk)
SF |
alternative form of |
ATSF (talk)
sgmrna |
alternative form of |
sgmRNA (talk)
shabeen |
alternative form of |
shebeen (talk)
shadecloth |
alternative form of |
shade cloth (talk)
shadeism |
alternative form of |
shadism (talk)
shaheen |
alternative form of |
shahin (talk)
Shannen |
alternative form of |
Shannon (talk)
shaygetz |
alternative form of |
shegetz (talk)
Shaykh |
alternative form of |
Sheikh (talk)
shearwave |
alternative form of |
shear wave (talk)
sheebeen |
alternative form of |
shebeen (talk)
shelgoose |
alternative form of |
sheldgoose (talk)
shellbed |
alternative form of |
shell bed (talk)
shellscript |
alternative form of |
shell script (talk)
Shemitism |
alternative form of |
Semitism (talk)
sheyikh |
alternative form of |
sheik (talk)
shie |
alternative form of |
shy (talk)
shiness |
alternative form of |
shyness (talk)
shist |
alternative form of |
schist (talk)
shistose |
alternative form of |
schistose (talk)
shitebag |
alternative form of |
shitbag (talk)
shlocky |
alternative form of |
schlocky (talk)
Sho |
alternative form of |
Shö (talk)
shoar |
alternative form of |
shore (talk)
shoemaker, stick to your last |
alternative form of |
cobbler, keep to your last (talk)
Shoemaker |
alternative form of |
Schumacher (talk)
shorecrab |
alternative form of |
shore crab (talk)
shoreling |
alternative form of |
shorling (talk)
shorl |
alternative form of |
schorl (talk)
short sword |
alternative form of |
shortsword (talk)
shortblock |
alternative form of |
short block (talk)
shoulda, coulda, woulda |
alternative form of |
woulda, coulda, shoulda (talk)
shoulda, woulda, coulda |
alternative form of |
woulda, coulda, shoulda (talk)
shouldna |
alternative form of |
shouldnae (talk)
shovelable |
alternative form of |
shovellable (talk)
shrab |
alternative form of |
shrub (talk)
shrna |
alternative form of |
shRNA (talk)
shrubline |
alternative form of |
shrub line (talk)
Shum Chun |
alternative form of |
Shenzhen (talk)
shute |
alternative form of |
chute (talk)
shute |
alternative form of |
shoot (talk)
sialoadenitis |
alternative form of |
sialadenitis (talk)
sialyation |
alternative form of |
sialylation (talk)
sialylate |
alternative form of |
sialate (talk)
sialylglycoprotein |
alternative form of |
sialoglycoprotein (talk)
sialysaccharide |
alternative form of |
sialosaccharide (talk)
sicklaemia |
alternative form of |
sicklemia (talk)
sicklaemic |
alternative form of |
sicklemic (talk)
sienite |
alternative form of |
syenite (talk)
signetted |
alternative form of |
signeted (talk)
signior |
alternative form of |
signor (talk)
silent cop |
alternative form of |
silent policeman (talk)
siliconised |
alternative form of |
siliconized (talk)
silification |
alternative form of |
silicification (talk)
silk oak |
alternative form of |
silky oak (talk)
silk-oak |
alternative form of |
silky oak (talk)
silktree |
alternative form of |
silk tree (talk)
siluroid |
alternative form of |
silurid (talk)
silvanite |
alternative form of |
sylvanite (talk)
silvate |
alternative form of |
sylvate (talk)
silverstone |
alternative form of |
] (])
silvertree |
alternative form of |
silver tree (talk)
silymarine |
alternative form of |
silymarin (talk)
simploce |
alternative form of |
symploce (talk)
sinch |
alternative form of |
cinch (talk)
Singaporan |
alternative form of |
Singaporean (talk)
Singaporan |
alternative form of |
Singaporean (talk)
singlestranded |
alternative form of |
single-stranded (talk)
sinuatrial |
alternative form of |
sinoatrial (talk)
sinuitis |
alternative form of |
sinusitis (talk)
sinunasal |
alternative form of |
sinonasal (talk)
sipage |
alternative form of |
seepage (talk)
Sirbonian |
alternative form of |
Serbonian (talk)
sit the fence |
alternative form of |
sit on the fence (talk)
sitten |
alternative form of |
sat (talk)
sivatheriine |
alternative form of |
sivatherine (talk)
skag |
alternative form of |
skeg (talk)
skain |
alternative form of |
skein (talk)
skeed |
alternative form of |
skid (talk)
skeine |
alternative form of |
skean (talk)
skene |
alternative form of |
skean (talk)
skiagraph |
alternative form of |
sciagraph (talk)
skiagraph |
alternative form of |
sciagraph (talk)
skiagraphy |
alternative form of |
sciagraphy (talk)
skimmerton |
alternative form of |
skimmington (talk)
skolezite |
alternative form of |
scolecite (talk)
Skopian |
alternative form of |
Skopjan (talk)
Skopian |
alternative form of |
Skopjan (talk)
skordhalia |
alternative form of |
skordalia (talk)
skorodite |
alternative form of |
scorodite (talk)
skorthalia |
alternative form of |
skordalia (talk)
skrimp |
alternative form of |
scrimp (talk)
skrimshander |
alternative form of |
scrimshander (talk)
skrimshander |
alternative form of |
scrimshander (talk)
skringe |
alternative form of |
scringe (talk)
skulpin |
alternative form of |
sculpin (talk)
skunkpox |
alternative form of |
skunk pox (talk)
skytale |
alternative form of |
scytale (talk)
slabcake |
alternative form of |
slab cake (talk)
slackwater |
alternative form of |
slack-water (talk)
slactivism |
alternative form of |
slacktivism (talk)
slantways |
alternative form of |
slantwise (talk)
slash |
alternative form of |
slatch (talk)
sleck |
alternative form of |
slake (talk)
slidescanner |
alternative form of |
slide scanner (talk)
sliness |
alternative form of |
slyness (talk)
slitlamp |
alternative form of |
slit lamp (talk)
slopey |
alternative form of |
slopy (talk)
slow but sure wins the race |
alternative form of |
slow and steady wins the race (talk)
slower than molasses |
alternative form of |
slow as molasses (talk)
smart-sized |
alternative form of |
smartsized (talk)
smiddy |
alternative form of |
smithy (talk)
smidgey |
alternative form of |
smidgy (talk)
smidgey |
alternative form of |
smidgy (talk)
smidgy |
alternative form of |
smidgen (talk)
smithonite |
alternative form of |
smithsonite (talk)
smokeable |
alternative form of |
smokable (talk)
snacket |
alternative form of |
snecket (talk)
snail-mail |
alternative form of |
snail mail (talk)
snapbean |
alternative form of |
snap bean (talk)
snaphaunce |
alternative form of |
snaphance (talk)
snassy |
alternative form of |
snazzy (talk)
sncrna |
alternative form of |
sncRNA (talk)
snick |
alternative form of |
sneck (talk)
snigg |
alternative form of |
snig (talk)
sniveling |
alternative form of |
snivelling (talk)
snowcover |
alternative form of |
snow cover (talk)
snuff box |
alternative form of |
snuffbox (talk)
soaked to the bones |
alternative form of |
soaked to the bone (talk)
socially distance |
alternative form of |
social distance (talk)
sociobehavioral |
alternative form of |
sociobehavioural (talk)
sociodemographical |
alternative form of |
sociodemographic (talk)
socioeconomical |
alternative form of |
socioeconomic (talk)
sociogeographic |
alternative form of |
sociogeographical (talk)
Sofism |
alternative form of |
Sufism (talk)
soft porn |
alternative form of |
softcore pornography (talk)
softly, softly caught the monkey |
alternative form of |
softly, softly, catchee monkey (talk)
sokeman |
alternative form of |
socman (talk)
sokemanry |
alternative form of |
socmanry (talk)
solubilisate |
alternative form of |
solubilizate (talk)
solvatisation |
alternative form of |
solvatization (talk)
solvatochromatic |
alternative form of |
solvatochromic (talk)
solvolyse |
alternative form of |
solvolyze (talk)
somaline |
alternative form of |
somalin (talk)
somatiform |
alternative form of |
somatoform (talk)
somatosensoric |
alternative form of |
somatosensory (talk)
somatotopical |
alternative form of |
somatotopic (talk)
somatotrophinoma |
alternative form of |
somatotropinoma (talk)
somesthetically |
alternative form of |
somaesthetically (talk)
somitocoel |
alternative form of |
somatocoel (talk)
sommit |
alternative form of |
summat (talk)
somnopathy |
alternative form of |
somnipathy (talk)
sonigraphically |
alternative form of |
sonographically (talk)
sonlaw |
alternative form of |
son-in-law (talk)
sonographical |
alternative form of |
sonographic (talk)
sophta |
alternative form of |
softa (talk)
sopraventricular |
alternative form of |
supraventricular (talk)
sorceled |
alternative form of |
ensorcelled (talk)
sorcelled |
alternative form of |
ensorcelled (talk)
soubahdar |
alternative form of |
subadar (talk)
soup-and-fish suit |
alternative form of |
soup and fish (talk)
sourmash |
alternative form of |
sour mash (talk)
South Ndebele |
alternative form of |
Southern Ndebele (talk)
South Sami |
alternative form of |
Southern Sami (talk)
soyabean |
alternative form of |
soya bean (talk)
soyaburger |
alternative form of |
soyburger (talk)
Spacva |
alternative form of |
Spačva (talk)
spalacotheriid |
alternative form of |
spalacothere (talk)
spar-hawk |
alternative form of |
sparrow hawk (talk)
sparhawk |
alternative form of |
sparrow hawk (talk)
spasmodical |
alternative form of |
spasmodic (talk)
speakeasys |
alternative form of |
speakeasies (talk)
spearsman |
alternative form of |
spearman (talk)
specieist |
alternative form of |
speciesist (talk)
specieist |
alternative form of |
speciesist (talk)
specist |
alternative form of |
speciesist (talk)
spectrophotofluorimeter |
alternative form of |
spectrophotofluorometer (talk)
spectroscopical |
alternative form of |
spectroscopic (talk)
speech is silver, but silence is golden |
alternative form of |
speech is silver, silence is golden (talk)
speech is silver, silence is gold |
alternative form of |
speech is silver, silence is golden (talk)
speleotherm |
alternative form of |
speleothem (talk)
sperm-blossoms |
alternative form of |
sperm blossom (talk)
spermatozooid |
alternative form of |
spermatozoid (talk)
spermogram |
alternative form of |
spermiogram (talk)
spermophore |
alternative form of |
spermatophore (talk)
sphaeroplast |
alternative form of |
spheroplast (talk)
sphaeroplasted |
alternative form of |
spheroplasted (talk)
sphaerulite |
alternative form of |
spherulite (talk)
sphenorbital |
alternative form of |
sphenoorbital (talk)
spheroconical |
alternative form of |
spheroconic (talk)
spheronise |
alternative form of |
spheronize (talk)
sphingomyeline |
alternative form of |
sphingomyelin (talk)
spidergraph |
alternative form of |
spider graph (talk)
spikein |
alternative form of |
spike-in (talk)
spikey |
alternative form of |
spiky (talk)
spinalise |
alternative form of |
spinalize (talk)
spinmaster |
alternative form of |
spinmeister (talk)
spinofected |
alternative form of |
spinfected (talk)
spinofection |
alternative form of |
spinfection (talk)
spintrap |
alternative form of |
spin trap (talk)
spintrapping |
alternative form of |
spin trapping (talk)
spinulated |
alternative form of |
spinulate (talk)
spiraea |
alternative form of |
spirea (talk)
spiraling |
alternative form of |
spiralling (talk)
spiralised |
alternative form of |
spiralized (talk)
spiroannulated |
alternative form of |
spiro-annulated (talk)
spirochaetaemia |
alternative form of |
spirochetemia (talk)
spirochaetaemic |
alternative form of |
spirochetemic (talk)
spirochaetemia |
alternative form of |
spirochetemia (talk)
spirometrical |
alternative form of |
spirometric (talk)
spirorchiidiasis |
alternative form of |
spirorchiidiosis (talk)
spleenocyte |
alternative form of |
splenocyte (talk)
splenectomise |
alternative form of |
splenectomize (talk)
splenectomised |
alternative form of |
splenectomized (talk)
spliceform |
alternative form of |
splice form (talk)
spliceoform |
alternative form of |
splice form (talk)
splicesome |
alternative form of |
spliceosome (talk)
splitist |
alternative form of |
splittist (talk)
splitist |
alternative form of |
splittist (talk)
spludgy |
alternative form of |
splodgy (talk)
spondonical |
alternative form of |
spondonicle (talk)
spondyloarthritis |
alternative form of |
spondylarthritis (talk)
spondylodiskitis |
alternative form of |
spondylodiscitis (talk)
spongeous |
alternative form of |
spongious (talk)
spoolie brush |
alternative form of |
spool brush (talk)
sprag |
alternative form of |
sprack (talk)
Spratlies |
alternative form of |
Spratlys (talk)
springall |
alternative form of |
springald (talk)
springboc |
alternative form of |
springbok (talk)
sprung |
alternative form of |
sprang (talk)
spur |
alternative form of |
speer (talk)
sqr. |
alternative form of |
sqr (talk)
squarrous |
alternative form of |
squarrose (talk)
squawl |
alternative form of |
squall (talk)
squawl |
alternative form of |
squall (talk)
squeaky wheels get oiled |
alternative form of |
squeaky wheel gets the grease (talk)
srub |
alternative form of |
shrub (talk)
ssirna |
alternative form of |
ssiRNA (talk)
sssh |
alternative form of |
shh (talk)
stafette |
alternative form of |
estafette (talk)
stalactitical |
alternative form of |
stalactitic (talk)
stalagmitical |
alternative form of |
stalagmitic (talk)
stalding |
alternative form of |
scalding (talk)
stamenate |
alternative form of |
staminate (talk)
standgall |
alternative form of |
staniel (talk)
stannene |
alternative form of |
stanene (talk)
starplot |
alternative form of |
star plot (talk)
state owned enterprise |
alternative form of |
state-owned enterprise (talk)
statespace |
alternative form of |
state space (talk)
stationary bike |
alternative form of |
stationary bicycle (talk)
statocone |
alternative form of |
statoconium (talk)
statokinesiogram |
alternative form of |
statokinesigram (talk)
staurosporin |
alternative form of |
staurosporine (talk)
Ste. |
alternative form of |
Ste (talk)
steeler |
alternative form of |
stealer (talk)
steining |
alternative form of |
steening (talk)
stem node |
alternative form of |
leaf node (talk)
stembuck |
alternative form of |
stembok (talk)
stemloop |
alternative form of |
stem-loop (talk)
stenographical |
alternative form of |
stenographic (talk)
stercorarid |
alternative form of |
stercorariid (talk)
stereocamera |
alternative form of |
stereo camera (talk)
stereologic |
alternative form of |
stereological (talk)
stereoscopical |
alternative form of |
stereoscopic (talk)
stereotaxial |
alternative form of |
stereotactical (talk)
stereotaxially |
alternative form of |
stereotaxically (talk)
stereotaxical |
alternative form of |
stereotaxic (talk)
sternacostal |
alternative form of |
sternocostal (talk)
Stevo |
alternative form of |
Steve (talk)
stick welded |
alternative form of |
stick-welded (talk)
stickie |
alternative form of |
sticky (talk)
sticks in a bundle cannot be broken |
alternative form of |
sticks in a bundle are unbreakable (talk)
sticky finger |
alternative form of |
sticky-finger (talk)
stiffie |
alternative form of |
stiffy (talk)
stiffneckedness |
alternative form of |
stiff-neckedness (talk)
stigmatical |
alternative form of |
stigmatic (talk)
stilar |
alternative form of |
stylar (talk)
still lives |
alternative form of |
still lifes (talk)
stipella |
alternative form of |
stipel (talk)
stirbar |
alternative form of |
stir bar (talk)
stirplate |
alternative form of |
stir plate (talk)
Stockholm effect |
alternative form of |
Stockholm syndrome (talk)
stomatodeum |
alternative form of |
stomodaeum (talk)
stonebuck |
alternative form of |
steinbock (talk)
stonemarten |
alternative form of |
stone marten (talk)
stonish |
alternative form of |
astonish (talk)
stoom |
alternative form of |
stum (talk)
stopcodon |
alternative form of |
stop codon (talk)
storm in a tea-kettle |
alternative form of |
storm in a teacup (talk)
storm in a teapot |
alternative form of |
storm in a teacup (talk)
strabological |
alternative form of |
strabismological (talk)
Strangelovean |
alternative form of |
Strangelovian (talk)
strategery |
alternative form of |
strategy (talk)
stratiomyiid |
alternative form of |
stratiomyid (talk)
straught |
alternative form of |
stretched (talk)
streamcipher |
alternative form of |
stream cipher (talk)
streamgage |
alternative form of |
stream guage (talk)
street credibility |
alternative form of |
street cred (talk)
streeteries |
alternative form of |
streateries (talk)
strepsirhine |
alternative form of |
strepsirrhine (talk)
streptavidine |
alternative form of |
streptavidin (talk)
streptoavidin |
alternative form of |
streptavidin (talk)
streptomycine |
alternative form of |
streptomycin (talk)
strickler |
alternative form of |
strickle (talk)
striopallidal |
alternative form of |
striatopallidal (talk)
strobe light |
alternative form of |
strobe (talk)
strobilurine |
alternative form of |
strobilurin (talk)
strongylid |
alternative form of |
strongyloid (talk)
strongylid |
alternative form of |
strongyloid (talk)
studentised |
alternative form of |
studentized (talk)
stupify |
alternative form of |
stupefy (talk)
stuprous |
alternative form of |
stuporous (talk)
sturk |
alternative form of |
stirk (talk)
stygobiontic |
alternative form of |
stygobitic (talk)
stythy |
alternative form of |
stithy (talk)
subacuminated |
alternative form of |
subacuminate (talk)
subanalyse |
alternative form of |
subanalyze (talk)
subcarbureted |
alternative form of |
subcarburetted (talk)
subcardial |
alternative form of |
subcardiac (talk)
subcentimetric |
alternative form of |
subcentimetre (talk)
subchromosome |
alternative form of |
subchromosomal (talk)
subclavial |
alternative form of |
subclavian (talk)
subcompartmentalise |
alternative form of |
subcompartmentalize (talk)
subconjunctive |
alternative form of |
subconjunctival (talk)
subconjunctively |
alternative form of |
subconjunctivally (talk)
subdeltoidal |
alternative form of |
subdeltoid (talk)
subdermic |
alternative form of |
subdermal (talk)
subfranchisor |
alternative form of |
subfranchiser (talk)
subfunctionalisation |
alternative form of |
subfunctionalization (talk)
subfunctionalise |
alternative form of |
subfunctionalize (talk)
subfunctionalised |
alternative form of |
subfunctionalized (talk)
subfunctioning |
alternative form of |
subfunctional (talk)
subgreywacke |
alternative form of |
subgraywacke (talk)
subharmonical |
alternative form of |
subharmonic (talk)
subinfeodation |
alternative form of |
subinfeudation (talk)
subjectivise |
alternative form of |
subjectivize (talk)
sublicence |
alternative form of |
sublicense (talk)
sublicence |
alternative form of |
sublicense (talk)
subligamental |
alternative form of |
subligamentous (talk)
sublocalisation |
alternative form of |
sublocalization (talk)
sublumbal |
alternative form of |
sublumbar (talk)
submaxillar |
alternative form of |
submaxillary (talk)
submaximum |
alternative form of |
submaximal (talk)
submembranal |
alternative form of |
submembrane (talk)
submentalise |
alternative form of |
submentalize (talk)
submicroscopical |
alternative form of |
submicroscopic (talk)
subpedunculated |
alternative form of |
subpedunculate (talk)
subrhomboidal |
alternative form of |
subrhomboid (talk)
subsidiser |
alternative form of |
subsidizer (talk)
subspecialisation |
alternative form of |
subspecialization (talk)
subspheroidal |
alternative form of |
subspherical (talk)
subsyndromic |
alternative form of |
subsyndromal (talk)
subtegument |
alternative form of |
subtegumental (talk)
subtherapeutical |
alternative form of |
subtherapeutic (talk)
subtile body |
alternative form of |
subtle body (talk)
subtrapezoid |
alternative form of |
subtrapezoidal (talk)
subtrochanter |
alternative form of |
subtrochanteric (talk)
suburbanise |
alternative form of |
suburbanize (talk)
subxiphoidal |
alternative form of |
subxiphoid (talk)
succulency |
alternative form of |
succulence (talk)
suck it up, buttercup |
alternative form of |
suck it up (talk)
suckatash |
alternative form of |
succotash (talk)
suddent |
alternative form of |
sudden (talk)
suddently |
alternative form of |
suddenly (talk)
Suebic |
alternative form of |
Suevic (talk)
suffering cats |
alternative form of |
suffering catfish (talk)
sulbactame |
alternative form of |
sulbactam (talk)
sulf- |
alternative form of |
sulfo- (talk)
sulfachinoxaline |
alternative form of |
sulfaquinoxaline (talk)
sulfadoxin |
alternative form of |
sulfadoxine (talk)
sulfaphenazol |
alternative form of |
sulfaphenazole (talk)
sulfatic |
alternative form of |
sulphatic (talk)
sulfazalazine |
alternative form of |
sulfasalazine (talk)
sulfindigotic acid |
alternative form of |
sulphindigotic acid (talk)
sulfocyanic |
alternative form of |
sulphocyanic (talk)
sulforhodamin |
alternative form of |
sulforhodamine (talk)
sulphacid |
alternative form of |
sulfacid (talk)
sulphamoylated |
alternative form of |
sulfamoylated (talk)
sulphanilate |
alternative form of |
sulfanilate (talk)
sulpharsenite |
alternative form of |
sulfarsenite (talk)
sulphenic |
alternative form of |
sulfenic (talk)
sulphinide |
alternative form of |
sulfinide (talk)
sulphoacid |
alternative form of |
sulfacid (talk)
sulphobenzoate |
alternative form of |
sulfobenzoate (talk)
sulphobetaine |
alternative form of |
sulfobetaine (talk)
sulphocarbonate |
alternative form of |
sulfocarbonate (talk)
sulphochlorinated |
alternative form of |
sulfochlorinated (talk)
sulphocyanide |
alternative form of |
sulphocyanate (talk)
sulphomucin |
alternative form of |
sulfomucin (talk)
sulphoraphane |
alternative form of |
sulforaphane (talk)
sulphosuccinate |
alternative form of |
sulfosuccinate (talk)
sulphoxylate |
alternative form of |
sulfoxylate (talk)
sulphurization |
alternative form of |
sulfurization (talk)
sulphurylase |
alternative form of |
sulfurylase (talk)
summing |
alternative form of |
something (talk)
sun glasses |
alternative form of |
sunglasses (talk)
sun-angel |
alternative form of |
sunangel (talk)
sun-worshiper |
alternative form of |
sun worshipper (talk)
Sunday motorist |
alternative form of |
Sunday driver (talk)
sungen |
alternative form of |
sung (talk)
supawn |
alternative form of |
suppawn (talk)
super gargantuan |
alternative form of |
supergargantuan (talk)
super heavy |
alternative form of |
superheavy (talk)
super-heavy |
alternative form of |
superheavy (talk)
super-quakes |
alternative form of |
superquakes (talk)
super-rats |
alternative form of |
superrats (talk)
superachiasmatic |
alternative form of |
suprachiasmatic (talk)
superbasal |
alternative form of |
suprabasal (talk)
supercalcarine |
alternative form of |
supracalcarine (talk)
supercivilisation |
alternative form of |
supercivilization (talk)
supercutaneous |
alternative form of |
supracutaneous (talk)
superiliac |
alternative form of |
suprailiac (talk)
superimposing |
alternative form of |
superimposition (talk)
superiotemporal |
alternative form of |
superotemporal (talk)
supermaxillary |
alternative form of |
supramaxillary (talk)
superocaudal |
alternative form of |
supracaudal (talk)
superoccipital |
alternative form of |
supraoccipital (talk)
superperfuse |
alternative form of |
superfuse (talk)
superperfusion |
alternative form of |
superfusion (talk)
superrecognizer |
alternative form of |
super recogniser (talk)
superspinous |
alternative form of |
supraspinous (talk)
superspiral |
alternative form of |
super spiral (talk)
supersternal |
alternative form of |
suprasternal (talk)
supersuperlatives |
alternative form of |
super-superlatives (talk)
supersymmetrise |
alternative form of |
supersymmetrize (talk)
Suppire |
alternative form of |
Supyire (talk)
suppresser |
alternative form of |
suppressor (talk)
supracetabular |
alternative form of |
supraacetabular (talk)
supraciliary |
alternative form of |
superciliary (talk)
supraciliary |
alternative form of |
superciliary (talk)
supracoeliac |
alternative form of |
supraceliac (talk)
supracrystal |
alternative form of |
supracrestal (talk)
suprailiacal |
alternative form of |
suprailiac (talk)
supraliminar |
alternative form of |
supraliminal (talk)
supraliminary |
alternative form of |
supraliminal (talk)
supralocalisation |
alternative form of |
supralocalization (talk)
supramaximum |
alternative form of |
supramaximal (talk)
supraoccipitial |
alternative form of |
supraoccipital (talk)
suprastomatal |
alternative form of |
suprastomal (talk)
supratentoral |
alternative form of |
supratentorial (talk)
Supyire Senoufo |
alternative form of |
Supyire (talk)
suretiship |
alternative form of |
suretyship (talk)
suricat |
alternative form of |
suricate (talk)
surloin |
alternative form of |
sirloin (talk)
surtarbrand |
alternative form of |
surturbrand (talk)
sutorian |
alternative form of |
sutorial (talk)
Sveta Nedjelja |
alternative form of |
Sveta Nedelja (talk)
swag-bellied |
alternative form of |
swagbellied (talk)
swaggy |
alternative form of |
swaggie (talk)
swan hopping |
alternative form of |
swan upping (talk)
swearwords |
alternative form of |
swear word (talk)
sweepline |
alternative form of |
sweep line (talk)
sweepnet |
alternative form of |
sweep net (talk)
sweetclover |
alternative form of |
sweet clover (talk)
sweetpotato |
alternative form of |
sweet potato (talk)
swimming cap |
alternative form of |
swimcap (talk)
Swiss banks |
alternative form of |
Swiss bank accounts (talk)
switchcane |
alternative form of |
switch cane (talk)
swob |
alternative form of |
swab (talk)
swob |
alternative form of |
swab (talk)
sybow |
alternative form of |
sybo (talk)
sycophantical |
alternative form of |
sycophantic (talk)
symarr |
alternative form of |
simar (talk)
symbiogenic |
alternative form of |
symbiogenetic (talk)
symmetrise |
alternative form of |
symmetrize (talk)
sympathicomimetic |
alternative form of |
sympathomimetic (talk)
sympathicomimetics |
alternative form of |
sympathomimetics (talk)
sympathicovagal |
alternative form of |
sympathovagal (talk)
symplectisation |
alternative form of |
symplectization (talk)
synapomorphous |
alternative form of |
synapomorphic (talk)
synaptical |
alternative form of |
synaptic (talk)
synchromotor |
alternative form of |
synchronmotor (talk)
synclinical |
alternative form of |
synclinal (talk)
syncytialisation |
alternative form of |
syncytialization (talk)
syncytialised |
alternative form of |
syncytialized (talk)
synecdochisation |
alternative form of |
synecdochization (talk)
synesthetically |
alternative form of |
synaesthetically (talk)
syngenecious |
alternative form of |
syngenesious (talk)
synonymisation |
alternative form of |
synonymization (talk)
synonymise |
alternative form of |
synonymize (talk)
synovectomize |
alternative form of |
synovectomise (talk)
syns |
alternative form of |
syns. (talk)
syntaxonomical |
alternative form of |
syntaxonomic (talk)
synthaxin |
alternative form of |
syntaxin (talk)
synthemid |
alternative form of |
synthemistid (talk)
synthesase |
alternative form of |
synthase (talk)
synthesisable |
alternative form of |
synthesizable (talk)
sysad |
alternative form of |
sysadmin (talk)
systematisation |
alternative form of |
systematization (talk)
T. |
alternative form of |
T (talk)
T. |
alternative form of |
T (talk)
Tache |
alternative form of |
La Tâche (talk)
Tache |
alternative form of |
Le Tâche (talk)
tachhydrite |
alternative form of |
tachyhydrite (talk)
tachi- |
alternative form of |
tachy- (talk)
tachylite |
alternative form of |
tachylyte (talk)
tachymyopathy |
alternative form of |
tachycardiomyopathy (talk)
TaeBo |
alternative form of |
Tae Bo (talk)
taeniafuge |
alternative form of |
taenifuge (talk)
tagitinin |
alternative form of |
tagitinine (talk)
tai-pan |
alternative form of |
taipan#Etymology 1 (talk)
tailboom |
alternative form of |
tail boom (talk)
taillie |
alternative form of |
tailzie (talk)
tailvein |
alternative form of |
tail vein (talk)
take it up the arse |
alternative form of |
take it up the ass (talk)
take orders |
alternative form of |
take holy orders (talk)
takky |
alternative form of |
takkie (talk)
talik |
alternative form of |
taliq (talk)
talismanical |
alternative form of |
talismanic (talk)
tally-man |
alternative form of |
tallyman (talk)
tally-woman |
alternative form of |
tallywoman (talk)
Tana |
alternative form of |
Tanya (talk)
tankia |
alternative form of |
tanka (talk)
tanylobic |
alternative form of |
tanylobous (talk)
tap-dancing |
alternative form of |
tap dancing (talk)
tapdancing |
alternative form of |
tap dancing (talk)
taphonomical |
alternative form of |
taphonomic (talk)
Tarabul |
alternative form of |
Turrbal (talk)
Tarasco |
alternative form of |
Tarascan (talk)
Tarasco |
alternative form of |
Tarascan (talk)
tarentism |
alternative form of |
tarantism (talk)
targetier |
alternative form of |
targeteer (talk)
tariqat |
alternative form of |
tariqa (talk)
tarlaton |
alternative form of |
tarlatan (talk)
taste bud |
alternative form of |
tastebud (talk)
tautomerisation |
alternative form of |
tautomerization (talk)
tautomerise |
alternative form of |
tautomerize (talk)
tautonomy |
alternative form of |
tautonymy (talk)
taxidermise |
alternative form of |
taxidermize (talk)
tchetverik |
alternative form of |
chetverik (talk)
tebuconazol |
alternative form of |
tebuconazole (talk)
techily |
alternative form of |
tetchily (talk)
techiness |
alternative form of |
tetchiness (talk)
technogeneous |
alternative form of |
technogenic (talk)
techtochrysin |
alternative form of |
tectochrysin (talk)
tecnonym |
alternative form of |
teknonym (talk)
teepee |
alternative form of |
TP (talk)
teepee |
alternative form of |
TP (talk)
teethbrush |
alternative form of |
toothbrush (talk)
teethmarks |
alternative form of |
toothmarks (talk)
telangiectasy |
alternative form of |
telangiectasis (talk)
telecounselling |
alternative form of |
telecounseling (talk)
telegrammic |
alternative form of |
telegrammatic (talk)
teleiochrysalid |
alternative form of |
teleiochrysalis (talk)
telepathetic |
alternative form of |
telepathic (talk)
telepathetically |
alternative form of |
telepathically (talk)
teliochrysalid |
alternative form of |
teleiochrysalis (talk)
telmophagic |
alternative form of |
telmophagous (talk)
telomerisation |
alternative form of |
telomerization (talk)
temporisingly |
alternative form of |
temporizingly (talk)
temporozygomatical |
alternative form of |
temporozygomatic (talk)
tenderisation |
alternative form of |
tenderization (talk)
tendinal |
alternative form of |
tendinous (talk)
tendineous |
alternative form of |
tendinous (talk)
tendonous |
alternative form of |
tendinous (talk)
tendosynovitis |
alternative form of |
tenosynovitis (talk)
tenebrious |
alternative form of |
tenebrous (talk)
tenioid |
alternative form of |
taenioid (talk)
tenotomise |
alternative form of |
tenotomize (talk)
terabinth |
alternative form of |
terebinth (talk)
Terabul |
alternative form of |
Turrbal (talk)
terbinafin |
alternative form of |
terbinafine (talk)
terfinadine |
alternative form of |
terfenadine (talk)
terminalisation |
alternative form of |
terminalization (talk)
termtime |
alternative form of |
term time (talk)
terrestrialisation |
alternative form of |
terrestrialization (talk)
terrestrialise |
alternative form of |
terrestrialize (talk)
terrigeneous |
alternative form of |
terrigenous (talk)
territ |
alternative form of |
terret (talk)
testcase |
alternative form of |
test case (talk)
tetched in the haid |
alternative form of |
touched in the head (talk)
tetched in the head |
alternative form of |
touched in the head (talk)
tetraacid |
alternative form of |
tetracid (talk)
tetracetate |
alternative form of |
tetraacetate (talk)
tetrachloraurate |
alternative form of |
tetrachloroaurate (talk)
tetraconazol |
alternative form of |
tetraconazole (talk)
tetradactyle |
alternative form of |
tetradactyl (talk)
tetradiploid |
alternative form of |
tetraploid (talk)
tetraedrically |
alternative form of |
tetrahedrally (talk)
tetrahedrization |
alternative form of |
tetrahedralization (talk)
tetrahydridoborate |
alternative form of |
tetrahydroborate (talk)
tetramerical |
alternative form of |
tetrameric (talk)
tetramerisation |
alternative form of |
tetramerization (talk)
tetramisol |
alternative form of |
tetramisole (talk)
tetrantennary |
alternative form of |
tetraantennary (talk)
tetranucleate |
alternative form of |
tetranucleated (talk)
tetraparesia |
alternative form of |
tetraparesis (talk)
tetraphenylboron |
alternative form of |
tetraphenylborate (talk)
tetraploidisation |
alternative form of |
tetraploidization (talk)
tetraploidism |
alternative form of |
tetraploidy (talk)
tetrapolyploid |
alternative form of |
tetraploid (talk)
tetrasomal |
alternative form of |
tetrasomic (talk)
thallious |
alternative form of |
thallous (talk)
thankee |
alternative form of |
thank you (talk)
That was then. This is now |
alternative form of |
that was then, this is now (talk)
that-a-way |
alternative form of |
thataway (talk)
thattagirl |
alternative form of |
attagirl (talk)
the apple does not fall far from the stem |
alternative form of |
the apple does not fall far from the tree (talk)
the apple does not fall far from the trunk |
alternative form of |
the apple does not fall far from the tree (talk)
the apple never falls far from the tree |
alternative form of |
the apple does not fall far from the tree (talk)
the darkest hour is always just before the dawn |
alternative form of |
the darkest hour is just before the dawn (talk)
the lady doth protest too much, methinks |
alternative form of |
the lady doth protest too much (talk)
the Lord helps those that help themselves |
alternative form of |
God helps those who help themselves (talk)
The Lord works in mysterious ways |
alternative form of |
God works in mysterious ways (talk)
the natives are getting restless |
alternative form of |
the natives are restless (talk)
the truth is in the wine |
alternative form of |
in wine, there is truth (talk)
theanthropical |
alternative form of |
theanthropic (talk)
thelmophagous |
alternative form of |
telmophagous (talk)
them that has gets |
alternative form of |
those that have, get (talk)
them that has, gets more |
alternative form of |
those that have, get (talk)
them that has, gets |
alternative form of |
those that have, get (talk)
them what has gets |
alternative form of |
those that have, get (talk)
them what has, gets more |
alternative form of |
those that have, get (talk)
them what has, gets |
alternative form of |
those that have, get (talk)
theorising |
alternative form of |
theorizing (talk)
theoxeny |
alternative form of |
theoxenia (talk)
theraponid |
alternative form of |
terapontid (talk)
thermalgesic |
alternative form of |
thermoalgesic (talk)
thermoanalyzer |
alternative form of |
thermoanalyser (talk)
thermoceptor |
alternative form of |
thermoreceptor (talk)
thermochemic |
alternative form of |
thermochemical (talk)
thermochromatic |
alternative form of |
thermochromic (talk)
thermofluid |
alternative form of |
thermofluidic (talk)
thermogenetical |
alternative form of |
thermogenetic (talk)
thermoresistor |
alternative form of |
thermistor (talk)
thermosbenacean |
alternative form of |
thermosbaenacean (talk)
thermostabilisation |
alternative form of |
thermostabilization (talk)
thermotherapeutical |
alternative form of |
thermotherapeutic (talk)
thermotropical |
alternative form of |
thermotropic (talk)
thiazol |
alternative form of |
thiazole (talk)
thiepin |
alternative form of |
thiepine (talk)
Thimbu |
alternative form of |
Thimphu (talk)
thingamyjig |
alternative form of |
thingamajig (talk)
thingmajig |
alternative form of |
thingamajig (talk)
thingummajig |
alternative form of |
thingamajig (talk)
thingummyjig |
alternative form of |
thingamajig (talk)
thingymajig |
alternative form of |
thingamajig (talk)
thioflavine |
alternative form of |
thioflavin (talk)
thionamide |
alternative form of |
thioamide (talk)
thionin |
alternative form of |
thionine (talk)
thionylchloride |
alternative form of |
thionyl chloride (talk)
thiostreptone |
alternative form of |
thiostrepton (talk)
thiosulphinate |
alternative form of |
thiosulfinate (talk)
thiosulphonate |
alternative form of |
thiosulfonate (talk)
thiotoluene |
alternative form of |
thiotolene (talk)
this-a-way |
alternative form of |
thisaway (talk)
this, that, and the third |
alternative form of |
this, that, and the other (talk)
this, that, and the third |
alternative form of |
this, that, and the other (talk)
this, that, or the other |
alternative form of |
this, that, and the other (talk)
this, that, or the other |
alternative form of |
this, that, and the other (talk)
Thomaism |
alternative form of |
Thomism (talk)
those that have get more |
alternative form of |
those that have, get (talk)
those that have, get more |
alternative form of |
those that have, get (talk)
those who have get more |
alternative form of |
those that have, get (talk)
those who have get |
alternative form of |
those that have, get (talk)
those who have, get more |
alternative form of |
those that have, get (talk)
those who have, get |
alternative form of |
those that have, get (talk)
thrombaspiration |
alternative form of |
thromboaspiration (talk)
thrombelastogram |
alternative form of |
thromboelastogram (talk)
thrombelastograph |
alternative form of |
thromboelastograph (talk)
thrombelastographic |
alternative form of |
thromboelastographic (talk)
thrombelastography |
alternative form of |
thromboelastography (talk)
thrombelastometry |
alternative form of |
thromboelastometry (talk)
thrombembolic |
alternative form of |
thromboembolic (talk)
thrombembolism |
alternative form of |
thromboembolism (talk)
thrombocytopaenic |
alternative form of |
thrombocytopenic (talk)
thromboembolitic |
alternative form of |
thromboembolic (talk)
thrombolytical |
alternative form of |
thrombolytic (talk)
thrombolyzed |
alternative form of |
thrombolysed (talk)
thrombopenic |
alternative form of |
thrombocytopenic (talk)
thrombophylaxis |
alternative form of |
thromboprophylaxis (talk)
thrombspondin |
alternative form of |
thrombospondin (talk)
throphozoite |
alternative form of |
trophozoite (talk)
throuble |
alternative form of |
trouble (talk)
throw a curve |
alternative form of |
throw someone a curve (talk)
thrustle |
alternative form of |
thrushel (talk)
thwaite |
alternative form of |
twaite (talk)
thwok |
alternative form of |
thock (talk)
thwop |
alternative form of |
thock (talk)
thymectomised |
alternative form of |
thymectomized (talk)
thymomectomy |
alternative form of |
thymectomy (talk)
tiazofurine |
alternative form of |
tiazofurin (talk)
tick-tack |
alternative form of |
tick tack (talk)
tigecyclin |
alternative form of |
tigecycline (talk)
tigerine |
alternative form of |
tigrine (talk)
tight head |
alternative form of |
tighthead (talk)
tiletamin |
alternative form of |
tiletamine (talk)
tilimicosin |
alternative form of |
tilmicosin (talk)
tilivallin |
alternative form of |
tilivalline (talk)
tilvalosin |
alternative form of |
tylvalosin (talk)
timeshared |
alternative form of |
time-shared (talk)
timoglobulin |
alternative form of |
thymoglobulin (talk)
tin dog |
alternative form of |
tinned dog (talk)
tinamouse |
alternative form of |
tinamou (talk)
Tiruchchirappalli |
alternative form of |
Tiruchirappalli (talk)
tisicky |
alternative form of |
phthisicky (talk)
titheable |
alternative form of |
tithable (talk)
tithebarn |
alternative form of |
tithe barn (talk)
titrability |
alternative form of |
titratability (talk)
titrable |
alternative form of |
titratable (talk)
titty fuck |
alternative form of |
tit fuck (talk)
titty fuck |
alternative form of |
tit fuck (talk)
titulary |
alternative form of |
titular (talk)
tmrna |
alternative form of |
tmRNA (talk)
to the T |
alternative form of |
to a T (talk)
to the tee |
alternative form of |
to a T (talk)
toast sandwich |
alternative form of |
] (])
tofi |
alternative form of |
tophi (talk)
tofus |
alternative form of |
tophus (talk)
Tokharian |
alternative form of |
Tocharian (talk)
Tokharian |
alternative form of |
Tocharian (talk)
Tokharian |
alternative form of |
Tocharian (talk)
tolerigenic |
alternative form of |
tolerogenic (talk)
tolerisable |
alternative form of |
tolerizeable (talk)
tolerisation |
alternative form of |
tolerization (talk)
tolerizable |
alternative form of |
tolerizeable (talk)
tolmen |
alternative form of |
dolmen (talk)
toluole |
alternative form of |
toluol (talk)
Tom, Dick or Harry |
alternative form of |
Tom, Dick and Harry (talk)
tomentous |
alternative form of |
tomentose (talk)
tomographical |
alternative form of |
tomographic (talk)
tongue-bath |
alternative form of |
tongue bath (talk)
tonsillary |
alternative form of |
tonsillar (talk)
tonsillotome |
alternative form of |
tonsilotome (talk)
tonsilotomy |
alternative form of |
tonsillotomy (talk)
toolstone |
alternative form of |
tool stone (talk)
Toorbal |
alternative form of |
Turrbal (talk)
top age |
alternative form of |
top-age (talk)
top aged |
alternative form of |
top-age (talk)
top-aged |
alternative form of |
top-age (talk)
topage |
alternative form of |
top-age (talk)
topaged |
alternative form of |
top-age (talk)
tophamper |
alternative form of |
top-hamper (talk)
topisomerase |
alternative form of |
topoisomerase (talk)
topnotcher |
alternative form of |
top-notcher (talk)
topoclimatical |
alternative form of |
topoclimatic (talk)
topomorphologic |
alternative form of |
topomorphological (talk)
topsy turvied |
alternative form of |
topsy-turvied (talk)
topsy turvyed |
alternative form of |
topsy-turvyed (talk)
Tor-bul |
alternative form of |
Turrbal (talk)
torkance |
alternative form of |
torquance (talk)
torquemeter |
alternative form of |
torque meter (talk)
torril |
alternative form of |
toril (talk)
torsal |
alternative form of |
torsel (talk)
toss them a bone |
alternative form of |
throw him a bone (talk)
totipotential |
alternative form of |
totipotent (talk)
touched in the haid |
alternative form of |
touched in the head (talk)
touque |
alternative form of |
tuque (talk)
touze |
alternative form of |
touse (talk)
toxigenesis |
alternative form of |
toxicogenesis (talk)
toxigenomic |
alternative form of |
toxicogenomic (talk)
toxinogenesis |
alternative form of |
toxicogenesis (talk)
toxiphobia |
alternative form of |
toxicophobia (talk)
toxonosis |
alternative form of |
toxinosis (talk)
toxoplasmal |
alternative form of |
toxoplasmic (talk)
tozilizumab |
alternative form of |
tocilizumab (talk)
trabacula |
alternative form of |
trabecula (talk)
trabecularisation |
alternative form of |
trabecularization (talk)
trabecularised |
alternative form of |
trabecularized (talk)
trabeculary |
alternative form of |
trabecular (talk)
tracheo-oesophageal |
alternative form of |
tracheooesophageal (talk)
trackerball |
alternative form of |
trackball (talk)
tractographical |
alternative form of |
tractographic (talk)
traderess |
alternative form of |
tradress (talk)
trailer park trash |
alternative form of |
trailer trash (talk)
tranfection |
alternative form of |
transfection (talk)
trangenic |
alternative form of |
transgenic (talk)
tranquilisation |
alternative form of |
tranquillization (talk)
tranquilization |
alternative form of |
tranquillization (talk)
transamidinase |
alternative form of |
amidinotransferase (talk)
transcapular |
alternative form of |
transscapular (talk)
transcategorical |
alternative form of |
transcategorial (talk)
transcranic |
alternative form of |
transcranial (talk)
transdiagnostical |
alternative form of |
transdiagnostic (talk)
transducable |
alternative form of |
transducible (talk)
transduct |
alternative form of |
transduce (talk)
transducted |
alternative form of |
transduced (talk)
transeptal |
alternative form of |
transseptal (talk)
transferrence |
alternative form of |
transference (talk)
transflectance |
alternative form of |
transflection (talk)
transfontanelar |
alternative form of |
transfontanellar (talk)
transgenosis |
alternative form of |
transgenesis (talk)
transglottic |
alternative form of |
transglottal (talk)
transiliacal |
alternative form of |
transiliac (talk)
transitude |
alternative form of |
transit (talk)
translateable |
alternative form of |
translatable (talk)
translocalisation |
alternative form of |
translocalization (talk)
translumination |
alternative form of |
transillumination (talk)
transmembrance |
alternative form of |
transmembrane (talk)
transmembraneous |
alternative form of |
transmembranous (talk)
transovaric |
alternative form of |
transovarial (talk)
transpinal |
alternative form of |
transspinal (talk)
transpinally |
alternative form of |
transspinally (talk)
transposease |
alternative form of |
transposase (talk)
transpupilar |
alternative form of |
transpupillary (talk)
transsectional |
alternative form of |
transectional (talk)
transsulphuration |
alternative form of |
transsulfuration (talk)
transsynaptical |
alternative form of |
transsynaptic (talk)
transtadial |
alternative form of |
transstadial (talk)
transthylakoidal |
alternative form of |
transthylakoid (talk)
transtympanical |
alternative form of |
transtympanic (talk)
transulfuration |
alternative form of |
transsulfuration (talk)
transynaptic |
alternative form of |
transsynaptic (talk)
trapt |
alternative form of |
trapped (talk)
trasfected |
alternative form of |
transfected (talk)
traveling-wave tubes |
alternative form of |
travelling-wave tubes (talk)
treblet |
alternative form of |
triblet (talk)
treddle |
alternative form of |
treadle (talk)
treddle |
alternative form of |
treadle (talk)
treefern |
alternative form of |
tree fern (talk)
treenut |
alternative form of |
tree nut (talk)
tremulent |
alternative form of |
tremulant (talk)
treponemic |
alternative form of |
treponemal (talk)
triangularisation |
alternative form of |
triangularization (talk)
triazol |
alternative form of |
triazole (talk)
trichloracetic |
alternative form of |
trichloroacetic (talk)
trichodermal |
alternative form of |
trichodermic (talk)
trichomonosis |
alternative form of |
trichomoniasis (talk)
trichotomise |
alternative form of |
trichotomize (talk)
tricornuate |
alternative form of |
tricornute (talk)
tricotomize |
alternative form of |
trichotomize (talk)
tricuspidal |
alternative form of |
tricuspid (talk)
tricylindric |
alternative form of |
tricylindrical (talk)
tridactyle |
alternative form of |
tridactyl (talk)
tridecaphobia |
alternative form of |
triskaidekaphobia (talk)
triding |
alternative form of |
trithing (talk)
trifluoracetate |
alternative form of |
trifluoroacetate (talk)
trigrammic |
alternative form of |
trigrammatic (talk)
triiodothyronin |
alternative form of |
triiodothyronine (talk)
trimerical |
alternative form of |
trimeric (talk)
trimerisation |
alternative form of |
trimerization (talk)
trimethoprime |
alternative form of |
trimethoprim (talk)
trimethylsilylchloride |
alternative form of |
trimethylsilyl chloride (talk)
tripalmitine |
alternative form of |
tripalmitin (talk)
tripennate |
alternative form of |
tripinnate (talk)
triple A |
alternative form of |
AAA (talk)
triple A |
alternative form of |
AAA (talk)
triple-E |
alternative form of |
EEE (talk)
triploidisation |
alternative form of |
triploidization (talk)
tripomastigote |
alternative form of |
trypomastigote (talk)
tritheledont |
alternative form of |
tritheledontid (talk)
tritylodont |
alternative form of |
tritylodontid (talk)
trochaical |
alternative form of |
trochaic (talk)
trochar |
alternative form of |
trocar (talk)
trochleate |
alternative form of |
trochlear (talk)
troglobiomorphy |
alternative form of |
troglobiomorphism (talk)
troglodytical |
alternative form of |
troglodytic (talk)
trophoblastoid |
alternative form of |
trophoblastic (talk)
trophoectoderm |
alternative form of |
trophectoderm (talk)
trophoectodermal |
alternative form of |
trophectodermal (talk)
tropidopheid |
alternative form of |
tropidophiid (talk)
tropidophid |
alternative form of |
tropidophiid (talk)
tropologic |
alternative form of |
tropological (talk)
trrna |
alternative form of |
tracrRNA (talk)
trust every man, but cut the cards |
alternative form of |
trust everybody, but cut the cards (talk)
trust everybody, but always cut the cards |
alternative form of |
trust everybody, but cut the cards (talk)
trust everybody, but always cut the deck |
alternative form of |
trust everybody, but cut the cards (talk)
trust everybody, but cut the deck |
alternative form of |
trust everybody, but cut the cards (talk)
trust your friends, but cut the cards |
alternative form of |
trust everybody, but cut the cards (talk)
truthwards |
alternative form of |
truthward (talk)
Truxillo |
alternative form of |
Trujillo (talk)
trypanicidal |
alternative form of |
trypanocidal (talk)
trypanicide |
alternative form of |
trypanocide (talk)
tuatera |
alternative form of |
tuatara (talk)
tubefoot |
alternative form of |
tube foot (talk)
tuberisation |
alternative form of |
tuberization (talk)
tuberomammillar |
alternative form of |
tuberomammillary (talk)
tubovillous |
alternative form of |
tubulovillous (talk)
tubularisation |
alternative form of |
tubularization (talk)
tubularise |
alternative form of |
tubularize (talk)
tularaemic |
alternative form of |
tularemic (talk)
tulipmania |
alternative form of |
tulipomania (talk)
tummy ache |
alternative form of |
tummyache (talk)
tumorcidal |
alternative form of |
tumoricidal (talk)
tumorgenic |
alternative form of |
tumorigenic (talk)
tumorogenicity |
alternative form of |
tumorigenicity (talk)
tumorostatic |
alternative form of |
tumoristatic (talk)
tumoural |
alternative form of |
tumoral (talk)
tumouricidal |
alternative form of |
tumoricidal (talk)
tumourigenetic |
alternative form of |
tumorigenic (talk)
tunnage |
alternative form of |
tonnage (talk)
turbeth |
alternative form of |
turpeth (talk)
turbimeter |
alternative form of |
turbidimeter (talk)
turbimetrically |
alternative form of |
turbidimetrically (talk)
turbiometric |
alternative form of |
turbidimetric (talk)
turbulisation |
alternative form of |
turbulization (talk)
Turibul |
alternative form of |
Turrbal (talk)
turmaline |
alternative form of |
tourmaline (talk)
turn a new leaf |
alternative form of |
turn over a new leaf (talk)
turn on, tune in, drop out |
alternative form of |
tune in, turn on, drop out (talk)
Turrabul |
alternative form of |
Turrbal (talk)
Turrbul |
alternative form of |
Turrbal (talk)
Turrubal |
alternative form of |
Turrbal (talk)
Turrubul |
alternative form of |
Turrbal (talk)
Turubul |
alternative form of |
Turrbal (talk)
tussur |
alternative form of |
tussar (talk)
tuyer |
alternative form of |
tuyere (talk)
tweague |
alternative form of |
tweag (talk)
tweece |
alternative form of |
twice (talk)
twentyfirst |
alternative form of |
twenty-first (talk)
twin-engined |
alternative form of |
twin-engine (talk)
two pairs |
alternative form of |
two pair (talk)
twocker |
alternative form of |
twoccer (talk)
twonies |
alternative form of |
toonies (talk)
twoonies |
alternative form of |
toonies (talk)
tylosaur |
alternative form of |
tylosaurine (talk)
tympanosquamous |
alternative form of |
tympanosquamosal (talk)
typometrical |
alternative form of |
typometric (talk)
tyre bead |
alternative form of |
tire bead (talk)
tyrocidin |
alternative form of |
tyrocidine (talk)
tzuica |
alternative form of |
tsuica (talk)
U. |
alternative form of |
U (talk)
U. |
alternative form of |
U (talk)
U. |
alternative form of |
U (talk)
ubiquarian |
alternative form of |
ubiquitarian (talk)
ubiquitist |
alternative form of |
ubiquitarian (talk)
udderly |
alternative form of |
utterly (talk)
ueV |
alternative form of |
μeV (talk)
Ugarapul |
alternative form of |
Yagara (talk)
uhh |
alternative form of |
uh (talk)
uhm |
alternative form of |
um (talk)
Uigurian |
alternative form of |
Uyghurian (talk)
Uiguric |
alternative form of |
Uyghuric (talk)
Ukrainianisation |
alternative form of |
Ukrainianization (talk)
ultramaphic |
alternative form of |
ultramafic (talk)
ultrametricised |
alternative form of |
ultrametricized (talk)
ultramicrofluorometric |
alternative form of |
ultramicrofluorimetric (talk)
ultramorphologic |
alternative form of |
ultramorphological (talk)
umbelliferon |
alternative form of |
umbelliferone (talk)
umbilicous |
alternative form of |
umbilic (talk)
umbilicular |
alternative form of |
umbilical (talk)
umbrella-cover |
alternative form of |
umbrella cover (talk)
un-pin-downable |
alternative form of |
unpindownable (talk)
unadequate |
alternative form of |
inadequate (talk)
unadvisability |
alternative form of |
inadvisability (talk)
unageing |
alternative form of |
unaging (talk)
unanaesthetised |
alternative form of |
unanesthetized (talk)
unartful |
alternative form of |
inartful (talk)
unbiassedly |
alternative form of |
unbiasedly (talk)
unbiassedness |
alternative form of |
unbiasedness (talk)
uncatabolised |
alternative form of |
uncatabolized (talk)
uncentredness |
alternative form of |
uncenteredness (talk)
unclergiable |
alternative form of |
unclergyable (talk)
unclinch |
alternative form of |
unclench (talk)
uncolonised |
alternative form of |
uncolonized (talk)
uncomprehension |
alternative form of |
incomprehension (talk)
uncompromized |
alternative form of |
uncompromised (talk)
unconsistent |
alternative form of |
inconsistent (talk)
unculpable |
alternative form of |
inculpable (talk)
undecideable |
alternative form of |
undecidable (talk)
undecisive |
alternative form of |
indecisive (talk)
undeconstructible |
alternative form of |
undeconstructable (talk)
under boob |
alternative form of |
underboob (talk)
under-extension |
alternative form of |
underextension (talk)
undercharacterised |
alternative form of |
undercharacterized (talk)
underground railway |
alternative form of |
Underground Railroad (talk)
underivatised |
alternative form of |
underivatized (talk)
undervirilisation |
alternative form of |
undervirilization (talk)
undervirilised |
alternative form of |
undervirilized (talk)
underweigh |
alternative form of |
under way (talk)
undescribably |
alternative form of |
indescribably (talk)
undiscipline |
alternative form of |
indiscipline (talk)
undivisible |
alternative form of |
indivisible (talk)
undreamed |
alternative form of |
undreamt (talk)
unelasticity |
alternative form of |
inelasticity (talk)
unenergised |
alternative form of |
unenergized (talk)
unequivalence |
alternative form of |
inequivalence (talk)
unequivalent |
alternative form of |
inequivalent (talk)
uneroticised |
alternative form of |
uneroticized (talk)
unexactness |
alternative form of |
inexactness (talk)
unfiltrable |
alternative form of |
unfilterable (talk)
unfireable |
alternative form of |
unfirable (talk)
unfluidised |
alternative form of |
unfluidized (talk)
unfreakingbelievable |
alternative form of |
unbefuckinglievable (talk)
unfunctionalised |
alternative form of |
unfunctionalized (talk)
unfusible |
alternative form of |
infusible (talk)
unguiculated |
alternative form of |
unguiculate (talk)
unh |
alternative form of |
uh (talk)
unhandselled |
alternative form of |
unhandseled (talk)
unharmonious |
alternative form of |
inharmonious (talk)
unheparinised |
alternative form of |
unheparinized (talk)
unhydrolysable |
alternative form of |
unhydrolyzable (talk)
unhypnotisable |
alternative form of |
unhypnotizable (talk)
unicistronic |
alternative form of |
monocistronic (talk)
uniformally |
alternative form of |
uniformly (talk)
uniformisable |
alternative form of |
uniformizable (talk)
unimbedded |
alternative form of |
unembedded (talk)
unincumbered |
alternative form of |
unencumbered (talk)
uninvestigatable |
alternative form of |
uninvestigable (talk)
unipodal |
alternative form of |
unipedal (talk)
unitalicise |
alternative form of |
unitalicize (talk)
United Kingdom Independence Party |
alternative form of |
UK Independence Party (talk)
univariated |
alternative form of |
univariate (talk)
universalism |
alternative form of |
Unitarian Universalism (talk)
unknownly |
alternative form of |
unknowingly (talk)
unknownst |
alternative form of |
unbeknownst (talk)
unlaboring |
alternative form of |
unlabouring (talk)
unmanoeuvrable |
alternative form of |
unmaneuverable (talk)
unmarked, small bills |
alternative form of |
small, unmarked bills (talk)
unmelanised |
alternative form of |
unmelanized (talk)
unmetabolisable |
alternative form of |
unmetabolizable (talk)
unpaneled |
alternative form of |
unpanelled (talk)
unparameterised |
alternative form of |
unparameterized (talk)
unparametrized |
alternative form of |
unparameterized (talk)
unparasitised |
alternative form of |
unparasitized (talk)
unparriable |
alternative form of |
unparryable (talk)
unpatronised |
alternative form of |
unpatronized (talk)
unphotolysed |
alternative form of |
unphotolyzed (talk)
unphysiologic |
alternative form of |
unphysiological (talk)
unpneumatised |
alternative form of |
unpneumatized (talk)
unpolymerised |
alternative form of |
unpolymerized (talk)
unquietude |
alternative form of |
inquietude (talk)
unrelieveable |
alternative form of |
unrelievable (talk)
unsaveable |
alternative form of |
unsavable (talk)
unsclerotised |
alternative form of |
unsclerotized (talk)
unsexualised |
alternative form of |
unsexualized (talk)
unslacked |
alternative form of |
unslaked (talk)
unsolubilised |
alternative form of |
unsolubilized (talk)
unstagey |
alternative form of |
unstagy (talk)
unstigmatised |
alternative form of |
unstigmatized (talk)
unsupervized |
alternative form of |
unsupervised (talk)
until the cows come |
alternative form of |
until the cows come home (talk)
untranslateable |
alternative form of |
untranslatable (talk)
untypically |
alternative form of |
atypically (talk)
unvascularised |
alternative form of |
unvascularized (talk)
unverbalised |
alternative form of |
unverbalized (talk)
unvoluntarily |
alternative form of |
involuntarily (talk)
unwakened |
alternative form of |
unawakened (talk)
unwriteable |
alternative form of |
unwritable (talk)
up poo creek |
alternative form of |
up shit creek (talk)
up with the larks |
alternative form of |
up with the lark (talk)
upped stick |
alternative form of |
upped sticks (talk)
upping stick |
alternative form of |
upping sticks (talk)
uppityness |
alternative form of |
uppitiness (talk)
urali |
alternative form of |
wourali (talk)
uredinospore |
alternative form of |
urediniospore (talk)
ureolytic |
alternative form of |
urealytic (talk)
ureolytically |
alternative form of |
urealytically (talk)
uricaemia |
alternative form of |
uricemia (talk)
urinastatin |
alternative form of |
ulinastatin (talk)
urinose |
alternative form of |
urinous (talk)
urodynamical |
alternative form of |
urodynamic (talk)
urogynecologic |
alternative form of |
urogynecological (talk)
urohaematin |
alternative form of |
urohematin (talk)
utilisability |
alternative form of |
utilizability (talk)
UV A |
alternative form of |
UVA (talk)
UV B |
alternative form of |
UVB (talk)
UV C |
alternative form of |
UVC (talk)
UV-A |
alternative form of |
UVA (talk)
UV-B |
alternative form of |
UVB (talk)
UV-C |
alternative form of |
UVC (talk)
V. |
alternative form of |
V (talk)
vacuolarisation |
alternative form of |
vacuolarization (talk)
vacuolarize |
alternative form of |
vacuolate (talk)
vacuolisation |
alternative form of |
vacuolization (talk)
vacuolise |
alternative form of |
vacuolize (talk)
vacuolization |
alternative form of |
vacuolation (talk)
vagotomised |
alternative form of |
vagotomized (talk)
Vaisya |
alternative form of |
Vaishya (talk)
valchovite |
alternative form of |
walchowite (talk)
valvasor |
alternative form of |
vavasor (talk)
vamose |
alternative form of |
vamoose (talk)
vaporer |
alternative form of |
vapourer (talk)
vapoured |
alternative form of |
vapored (talk)
varanopseid |
alternative form of |
varanopid (talk)
varanopsid |
alternative form of |
varanopid (talk)
varment |
alternative form of |
varmint (talk)
vascularitis |
alternative form of |
vasculitis (talk)
vasculous |
alternative form of |
vascular (talk)
vasectomised |
alternative form of |
vasectomized (talk)
vasocentric |
alternative form of |
vasicentric (talk)
vasomotive |
alternative form of |
vasomotor (talk)
vasomotricity |
alternative form of |
vasomotion (talk)
vaw |
alternative form of |
vav (talk)
vcrna |
alternative form of |
vcRNA (talk)
vectorboson |
alternative form of |
vector boson (talk)
veination |
alternative form of |
venation (talk)
velvetbean |
alternative form of |
velvet bean (talk)
ven- |
alternative form of |
veno- (talk)
venatica |
alternative form of |
vinatico (talk)
ventralisation |
alternative form of |
ventralization (talk)
ventralward |
alternative form of |
ventralwards (talk)
ventricous |
alternative form of |
ventricose (talk)
Vergilianism |
alternative form of |
Virgilianism (talk)
vernalised |
alternative form of |
vernalized (talk)
verotoxinogenic |
alternative form of |
verotoxigenic (talk)
verrugose |
alternative form of |
verrucose (talk)
vertebraectomy |
alternative form of |
vertebrectomy (talk)
vertebrobasilary |
alternative form of |
vertebrobasilar (talk)
verticalisation |
alternative form of |
verticalization (talk)
vertiver |
alternative form of |
vetiver (talk)
vescicular |
alternative form of |
vesicular (talk)
vesciculous |
alternative form of |
vesicular (talk)
vesicouretal |
alternative form of |
vesicouretral (talk)
Vestal |
alternative form of |
vestal (talk)
vestan |
alternative form of |
Vestan (talk)
vestimental |
alternative form of |
vestimentary (talk)
vi. |
alternative form of |
vi (talk)
vibroid |
alternative form of |
vibrioid (talk)
vibrotome |
alternative form of |
vibratome (talk)
vicillin |
alternative form of |
vicilin (talk)
videooculography |
alternative form of |
video-oculography (talk)
Vienna green |
alternative form of |
Paris green (talk)
viewplane |
alternative form of |
view plane (talk)
vigonia |
alternative form of |
vicuña (talk)
Vikky |
alternative form of |
Vicky (talk)
vildagliptine |
alternative form of |
vildagliptin (talk)
villain of the week |
alternative form of |
monster of the week (talk)
vinclozoline |
alternative form of |
vinclozolin (talk)
vinculine |
alternative form of |
vinculin (talk)
vinegarone |
alternative form of |
vinegaroon (talk)
vinylaluminum |
alternative form of |
vinylaluminium (talk)
viracide |
alternative form of |
viricide (talk)
virchovian |
alternative form of |
Virchowian (talk)
virgina |
alternative form of |
vagina (talk)
virginamycin |
alternative form of |
virginiamycin (talk)
virioplasm |
alternative form of |
viroplasm (talk)
virocidal |
alternative form of |
virucidal (talk)
visceralise |
alternative form of |
visceralize (talk)
visfatine |
alternative form of |
visfatin (talk)
Vishakhapatnam |
alternative form of |
Visakhapatnam (talk)
vision purple |
alternative form of |
visual purple (talk)
visiospatial |
alternative form of |
visuospatial (talk)
visit a spell |
alternative form of |
set a spell (talk)
visomotoric |
alternative form of |
visuomotor (talk)
visuomotoric |
alternative form of |
visuomotor (talk)
vitellogen |
alternative form of |
vitellogenin (talk)
VJ |
alternative form of |
Vijay (talk)
vodouist |
alternative form of |
voodooist (talk)
VoI |
alternative form of |
VOI (talk)
VoI |
alternative form of |
VOI (talk)
volæmia |
alternative form of |
] (])
volary |
alternative form of |
volery (talk)
volcanoplot |
alternative form of |
volcano plot (talk)
volitational |
alternative form of |
volitional (talk)
voltametry |
alternative form of |
voltammetry (talk)
volumetrical |
alternative form of |
volumetric (talk)
volumometric |
alternative form of |
volumetric (talk)
volumometrical |
alternative form of |
volumetric (talk)
volumometry |
alternative form of |
volumetry (talk)
voluntaryist |
alternative form of |
voluntarist (talk)
vortexor |
alternative form of |
vortexer (talk)
vouchor |
alternative form of |
voucher (talk)
voweled |
alternative form of |
vowelled (talk)
voxelisation |
alternative form of |
voxelization (talk)
voxelise |
alternative form of |
voxelize (talk)
voyl |
alternative form of |
viol (talk)
vpirna |
alternative form of |
vpiRNA (talk)
vt. |
alternative form of |
vt (talk)
vugg |
alternative form of |
vug (talk)
W. A. |
alternative form of |
WA (talk)
W. O. |
alternative form of |
WO (talk)
W.A. |
alternative form of |
WA (talk)
Wa-shih-hsia |
alternative form of |
Washixia (talk)
waah |
alternative form of |
wah (talk)
waaw |
alternative form of |
waw (talk)
wagel |
alternative form of |
waggel (talk)
wager a dollar to a donut |
alternative form of |
bet a dollar to a doughnut (talk)
waggonage |
alternative form of |
wagonage (talk)
wait on hand, foot and finger |
alternative form of |
wait on hand and foot (talk)
wait on someone hand, foot and finger |
alternative form of |
wait on hand and foot (talk)
wait on someone hand, foot, and finger |
alternative form of |
wait on hand and foot (talk)
wait upon hand and foot |
alternative form of |
wait on hand and foot (talk)
waivure |
alternative form of |
waiver (talk)
walrus mustache |
alternative form of |
walrus moustache (talk)
wannabee |
alternative form of |
wannabe (talk)
warsh |
alternative form of |
wash (talk)
wasna |
alternative form of |
wasnae (talk)
waspwaisted |
alternative form of |
wasp-waisted (talk)
watchglass |
alternative form of |
watch glass (talk)
water birthing |
alternative form of |
water birth (talk)
waterflea |
alternative form of |
water flea (talk)
waterjacket |
alternative form of |
water jacket (talk)
watermite |
alternative form of |
water mite (talk)
waternymph |
alternative form of |
water nymph (talk)
waterplantain |
alternative form of |
water plantain (talk)
waterpower |
alternative form of |
water power (talk)
waterstrider |
alternative form of |
water strider (talk)
wawl |
alternative form of |
waul (talk)
waxmoth |
alternative form of |
wax moth (talk)
waxmyrtle |
alternative form of |
wax myrtle (talk)
Way of Saint James |
alternative form of |
Way of St. James (talk)
weale |
alternative form of |
wale (talk)
weale |
alternative form of |
weal (talk)
weale |
alternative form of |
weel (talk)
weaponshowing |
alternative form of |
wapinschawing (talk)
wears the pants |
alternative form of |
wear the trousers (talk)
weatherloach |
alternative form of |
weather loach (talk)
weightbearing |
alternative form of |
weight-bearing (talk)
weightbearing |
alternative form of |
weight-bearing (talk)
Weihsien |
alternative form of |
Weixian (talk)
werena |
alternative form of |
werenae (talk)
weroansqua |
alternative form of |
werowansqua (talk)
Western Dwina |
alternative form of |
Western Dvina (talk)
wetdream |
alternative form of |
wet dream (talk)
wetdreams |
alternative form of |
wet dreams (talk)
wetiko |
alternative form of |
wihtikow (talk)
weuns |
alternative form of |
we-uns (talk)
wgadna |
alternative form of |
wgaDNA (talk)
whachacallit |
alternative form of |
whatchacallit (talk)
whanghee |
alternative form of |
whangee (talk)
whapper |
alternative form of |
whopper (talk)
whasisname |
alternative form of |
whatshisname (talk)
what do you want, a biscuit |
alternative form of |
what do you want, a cookie (talk)
what do you want, a medal |
alternative form of |
what do you want, a cookie (talk)
what foot the shoe is on |
alternative form of |
which foot the shoe is on (talk)
whatever next |
alternative form of |
what next (talk)
whatshumacallit |
alternative form of |
whatchamacallit (talk)
whattaya |
alternative form of |
whatya (talk)
when in Rome, do as the Romans |
alternative form of |
when in Rome, do as the Romans do (talk)
when in Rome, do like the Romans do |
alternative form of |
when in Rome, do as the Romans do (talk)
when one door closes, another door opens |
alternative form of |
when one door closes, another opens (talk)
when one door closes, another one opens |
alternative form of |
when one door closes, another opens (talk)
when one door shuts, another door opens |
alternative form of |
when one door closes, another opens (talk)
when one door shuts, another one opens |
alternative form of |
when one door closes, another opens (talk)
when one door shuts, another opens |
alternative form of |
when one door closes, another opens (talk)
whenceever |
alternative form of |
whencever (talk)
where are the toilets |
alternative form of |
where is the toilet (talk)
where do you live at |
alternative form of |
where do you live (talk)
whimple |
alternative form of |
wimple (talk)
whipspider |
alternative form of |
whip spider (talk)
whipstalk |
alternative form of |
whipstock (talk)
whisp |
alternative form of |
wisp (talk)
whistle blow |
alternative form of |
blow the whistle (talk)
whitebream |
alternative form of |
white bream (talk)
whiteish |
alternative form of |
whitish (talk)
whiteishness |
alternative form of |
whitishness (talk)
whiteleg |
alternative form of |
white leg (talk)
who keeps company with wolves, will learn to howl |
alternative form of |
who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl (talk)
whole kit and kaboodle |
alternative form of |
kit and caboodle (talk)
wholist |
alternative form of |
holist (talk)
whoopdee doo |
alternative form of |
whoopee do (talk)
whooping |
alternative form of |
whupping (talk)
whose foot the shoe is on |
alternative form of |
which foot the shoe is on (talk)
whurt |
alternative form of |
whort (talk)
whydja |
alternative form of |
whyja (talk)
Wickliffite |
alternative form of |
Wycliffite (talk)
widgeongrass |
alternative form of |
widgeon grass (talk)
wig-wags |
alternative form of |
] (])
wig-wags |
alternative form of |
] (])
willna |
alternative form of |
willnae (talk)
willsome |
alternative form of |
wilsome (talk)
willst |
alternative form of |
wilt (talk)
willy |
alternative form of |
willow (talk)
willywaw |
alternative form of |
williwaw (talk)
wimbrel |
alternative form of |
whimbrel (talk)
win on Sunday, sell on Monday |
alternative form of |
what wins on Sunday sells on Monday (talk)
windwards |
alternative form of |
windward (talk)
wingloading |
alternative form of |
wing loading (talk)
wingwalker |
alternative form of |
wing walker (talk)
winrow |
alternative form of |
windrow (talk)
wins on Sunday, sells on Monday |
alternative form of |
what wins on Sunday sells on Monday (talk)
wireable |
alternative form of |
wirable (talk)
wirecutter |
alternative form of |
wire cutter (talk)
wistonwish |
alternative form of |
wishtonwish (talk)
witfish |
alternative form of |
whitefish (talk)
with |
alternative form of |
withe (talk)
woald |
alternative form of |
weld (talk)
wolly |
alternative form of |
wally (talk)
womenfolks |
alternative form of |
womenfolk (talk)
womens |
alternative form of |
women (talk)
wompam |
alternative form of |
wampum (talk)
womyn-born-womyn |
alternative form of |
women-born-women (talk)
wooden anniversary |
alternative form of |
wood anniversary (talk)
woodpulp |
alternative form of |
wood pulp (talk)
woodroach |
alternative form of |
wood roach (talk)
woolybutt |
alternative form of |
woollybutt (talk)
wordcloud |
alternative form of |
word cloud (talk)
wore the pants |
alternative form of |
wear the trousers (talk)
work round |
alternative form of |
] (])
World War One |
alternative form of |
World War I (talk)
wormiform |
alternative form of |
vermiform (talk)
wormpick |
alternative form of |
worm pick (talk)
worn the pants |
alternative form of |
wear the trousers (talk)
wough |
alternative form of |
woof (talk)
woulda, shoulda, coulda |
alternative form of |
woulda, coulda, shoulda (talk)
wowf |
alternative form of |
woof (talk)
wrackline |
alternative form of |
wrack line (talk)
wristspinner |
alternative form of |
wrist spinner (talk)
wrothful |
alternative form of |
wrathful (talk)
wrothfully |
alternative form of |
wrathfully (talk)
wud |
alternative form of |
would (talk)
wuhanvirus |
alternative form of |
Wuhan virus (talk)
Wuhsien |
alternative form of |
Wuxian (talk)
wurmal |
alternative form of |
wormil (talk)
Wutsin |
alternative form of |
Wujin (talk)
Wyclifite |
alternative form of |
Wycliffite (talk)
X-risk |
alternative form of |
x-risk (talk)
xantham |
alternative form of |
xanthan (talk)
xanthochroism |
alternative form of |
xanthochromism (talk)
xanthocillin |
alternative form of |
xantocillin (talk)
xanthommatine |
alternative form of |
xanthommatin (talk)
xanthopterine |
alternative form of |
xanthopterin (talk)
xanthoxyline |
alternative form of |
xanthoxylin (talk)
xebecque |
alternative form of |
xebec (talk)
xebeque |
alternative form of |
xebec (talk)
xenochimaeric |
alternative form of |
xenochimeric (talk)
xenodocheion |
alternative form of |
xenodochium (talk)
xenogeneous |
alternative form of |
xenogenous (talk)
xerafin |
alternative form of |
xeraphim (talk)
xeriff |
alternative form of |
sharif (talk)
xerostomy |
alternative form of |
xerostomia (talk)
xerothermophilic |
alternative form of |
xerothermophilous (talk)
xestospongine |
alternative form of |
xestospongin (talk)
Xi |
alternative form of |
] (])
Xicana |
alternative form of |
Chicana (talk)
Xicano |
alternative form of |
Chicano (talk)
Xosa |
alternative form of |
Xhosa (talk)
xylazin |
alternative form of |
xylazine (talk)
xylocain |
alternative form of |
xylocaine (talk)
xylofucoglucuronan |
alternative form of |
xylofucoglycuronan (talk)
xyloidine |
alternative form of |
xyloidin (talk)
xylopentose |
alternative form of |
xylopentaose (talk)
xylophilic |
alternative form of |
xylophilous (talk)
xylotetrose |
alternative form of |
xylotetraose (talk)
xyphopubic |
alternative form of |
xiphopubic (talk)
Yackarabul |
alternative form of |
Yagara (talk)
Yagar |
alternative form of |
Yagara (talk)
Yagarr |
alternative form of |
Yagara (talk)
Yaggera |
alternative form of |
Yagara (talk)
yaguarundi |
alternative form of |
jaguarundi (talk)
yapon |
alternative form of |
yaupon (talk)
yarnut |
alternative form of |
yernut (talk)
yashmacked |
alternative form of |
yashmaked (talk)
yaul |
alternative form of |
yawl (talk)
Yavneh |
alternative form of |
Yavne (talk)
ycomen |
alternative form of |
comen (talk)
yeelin |
alternative form of |
yealing (talk)
yeh |
alternative form of |
yeah (talk)
yellow-back |
alternative form of |
yellowback (talk)
yemista |
alternative form of |
gemista (talk)
yeouch |
alternative form of |
yeow (talk)
yeowch |
alternative form of |
yeow (talk)
yessum |
alternative form of |
yes (talk)
yiddo |
alternative form of |
Yiddo (talk)
Ying-chi-sha |
alternative form of |
Yingjisha (talk)
yis |
alternative form of |
yous (talk)
yiz |
alternative form of |
yous (talk)
yolksac |
alternative form of |
yolk sac (talk)
yonkapin |
alternative form of |
yoncopin (talk)
yorkipoo |
alternative form of |
Yorkipoo (talk)
you all |
alternative form of |
] (])
you cannot break a stick in a bundle |
alternative form of |
sticks in a bundle are unbreakable (talk)
you cannot break a twig in a bundle |
alternative form of |
sticks in a bundle are unbreakable (talk)
you cannot break sticks in a bundle |
alternative form of |
sticks in a bundle are unbreakable (talk)
your arse |
alternative form of |
my arse (talk)
your goodself |
alternative form of |
your good self (talk)
your goodselves |
alternative form of |
your good selves (talk)
your mother |
alternative form of |
yo momma (talk)
yousuns |
alternative form of |
you-uns (talk)
yp |
alternative form of |
Yp (talk)
YP |
alternative form of |
Yp (talk)
yuckel |
alternative form of |
yokel (talk)
Yugaapul |
alternative form of |
Yagara (talk)
Yugara |
alternative form of |
Yagara (talk)
Yugarabul |
alternative form of |
Yagara (talk)
Yugg-ari |
alternative form of |
Yagara (talk)
Yuggara |
alternative form of |
Yagara (talk)
Yuggarabul |
alternative form of |
Yagara (talk)
Yuggarapul |
alternative form of |
Yagara (talk)
Yuggera |
alternative form of |
Yagara (talk)
Yukon Time |
alternative form of |
Yukon Standard Time (talk)
z-score |
alternative form of |
Z score (talk)
Zabaism |
alternative form of |
Sabianism (talk)
Zabaleen |
alternative form of |
Zabbaleen (talk)
Zabian |
alternative form of |
Sabian (talk)
Zabism |
alternative form of |
Sabianism (talk)
zabtieh |
alternative form of |
zaptieh (talk)
zackly |
alternative form of |
exactly (talk)
zaddick |
alternative form of |
tzaddik (talk)
zampugna |
alternative form of |
zampogna (talk)
zante |
alternative form of |
zantewood (talk)
zapotilla |
alternative form of |
sapodilla (talk)
zaptiah |
alternative form of |
zaptieh (talk)
Zarathushtra |
alternative form of |
Zarathustra (talk)
zastrugi |
alternative form of |
sastrugi (talk)
zeaxanthine |
alternative form of |
zeaxanthin (talk)
zebecque |
alternative form of |
xebec (talk)
zebrafinch |
alternative form of |
zebra finch (talk)
zeromode |
alternative form of |
zero mode (talk)
zetapotential |
alternative form of |
zeta potential (talk)
zeylanite |
alternative form of |
ceylanite (talk)
zibeth |
alternative form of |
zibet (talk)
ziconitide |
alternative form of |
ziconotide (talk)
zigsaw |
alternative form of |
jigsaw (talk)
zimeldine |
alternative form of |
zimelidine (talk)
zincaemia |
alternative form of |
zincemia (talk)
zincky |
alternative form of |
zincy (talk)
zinky |
alternative form of |
zincy (talk)
Zip code |
alternative form of |
ZIP Code (talk)
Zip Code |
alternative form of |
ZIP Code (talk)
zitch |
alternative form of |
such (talk)
zizith |
alternative form of |
tzitzit (talk)
zoletile |
alternative form of |
zoletil (talk)
zombiefied |
alternative form of |
zombified (talk)
zooanthid |
alternative form of |
zoanthid (talk)
zoocenose |
alternative form of |
zoocenosis (talk)
zoogony |
alternative form of |
zoogeny (talk)
zoomorphous |
alternative form of |
zoomorphic (talk)
zootherapeutical |
alternative form of |
zootherapeutic (talk)
zuclopentixole |
alternative form of |
zuclopenthixol (talk)
zygodactyle |
alternative form of |
zygodactyl (talk)
zygodactyle |
alternative form of |
zygodactyl (talk)
zygopod |
alternative form of |
zygopodium (talk)
zym- |
alternative form of |
zymo- (talk)
zymolase |
alternative form of |
zymolyase (talk)
keropok |
alternative form |
krupuk (talk)
tfw |
alternative letter-case form of |
TFW (talk)
Spidey Senses |
alternative plural of |
Spider Sense (talk)
Spidey senses |
alternative plural of |
spidey sense (talk)
A |
alternative spelling of |
Q and A (talk)
cetera |
alternative spelling of |
et cetera (talk)
democrat |
alternative spelling of |
small-d democrat (talk)
democrats |
alternative spelling of |
small-d democrats (talk)
liberal |
alternative spelling of |
small-l liberal (talk)
libertarian |
alternative spelling of |
small-l libertarian (talk)
republican |
alternative spelling of |
small-r republican (talk)
republicans |
alternative spelling of |
small-r republicans (talk)
seq. |
alternative spelling of |
et seq. (talk)
seqq. |
alternative spelling of |
et seqq. (talk)
@$$ |
alternative spelling of |
ass (talk)
@55 |
alternative spelling of |
ass (talk)
10th grade |
alternative spelling of |
tenth grade (talk)
11th grade |
alternative spelling of |
eleventh grade (talk)
12th grade |
alternative spelling of |
twelfth grade (talk)
13th grade |
alternative spelling of |
thirteenth grade (talk)
2nd grade |
alternative spelling of |
second grade (talk)
3 card monte |
alternative spelling of |
three-card monte (talk)
3-card monte |
alternative spelling of |
three-card monte (talk)
4th grade |
alternative spelling of |
fourth grade (talk)
5th grade |
alternative spelling of |
fifth grade (talk)
6ix |
alternative spelling of |
six (talk)
6th grade |
alternative spelling of |
sixth grade (talk)
7th grade |
alternative spelling of |
seventh grade (talk)
8th grade |
alternative spelling of |
eighth grade (talk)
9th grade |
alternative spelling of |
ninth grade (talk)
a.o. |
alternative spelling of |
ao (talk)
aazaan |
alternative spelling of |
azan (talk)
abelianised |
alternative spelling of |
abelianized (talk)
abiocen |
alternative spelling of |
abiocoen (talk)
abowt |
alternative spelling of |
about (talk)
absis |
alternative spelling of |
apsis (talk)
absynthe |
alternative spelling of |
absinthe (talk)
abye |
alternative spelling of |
aby (talk)
accentmark |
alternative spelling of |
accent mark (talk)
accipitary |
alternative spelling of |
accipitrary (talk)
acclimatisational |
alternative spelling of |
acclimatizational (talk)
Accomack |
alternative spelling of |
Accawmack (talk)
accompanyist |
alternative spelling of |
accompanist (talk)
acculturalisation |
alternative spelling of |
acculturalization (talk)
acerous |
alternative spelling of |
acerose (talk)
acetylinic |
alternative spelling of |
acetylenic (talk)
acolothist |
alternative spelling of |
acolythist (talk)
acr- |
alternative spelling of |
acro- (talk)
acroesthesia |
alternative spelling of |
acroaesthesia (talk)
Action démocratique du Québec |
alternative spelling of |
Action Democratique du Quebec (talk)
acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis |
alternative spelling of |
acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (talk)
addability |
alternative spelling of |
addibility (talk)
addition polymerisation |
alternative spelling of |
addition polymerization (talk)
adelopode |
alternative spelling of |
adelopod (talk)
adelopodes |
alternative spelling of |
adelopods (talk)
adhocism |
alternative spelling of |
ad hocism (talk)
admissable |
alternative spelling of |
admissible (talk)
admixt |
alternative spelling of |
admixed (talk)
admortisation |
alternative spelling of |
admortization (talk)
aesthenosphere |
alternative spelling of |
asthenosphere (talk)
aestivated |
alternative spelling of |
estivated (talk)
aestivating |
alternative spelling of |
estivating (talk)
aestuate |
alternative spelling of |
estuate (talk)
aforestation |
alternative spelling of |
afforestation (talk)
Africaness |
alternative spelling of |
Africanness (talk)
after-life |
alternative spelling of |
afterlife (talk)
after-world |
alternative spelling of |
afterworld (talk)
agammaglobulinaemia |
alternative spelling of |
agammaglobulinemia (talk)
age of judgement |
alternative spelling of |
age of judgment (talk)
aglycon |
alternative spelling of |
aglycone (talk)
aglycons |
alternative spelling of |
aglycone (talk)
agorah |
alternative spelling of |
agora (talk)
agouty |
alternative spelling of |
agouti (talk)
ahh |
alternative spelling of |
aah (talk)
ahh |
alternative spelling of |
aah (talk)
ahh |
alternative spelling of |
aah (talk)
ahuh |
alternative spelling of |
uh-huh (talk)
airblown |
alternative spelling of |
air-blown (talk)
airfryer |
alternative spelling of |
air fryer (talk)
akhoond |
alternative spelling of |
akhund (talk)
akropolises |
alternative spelling of |
acropolises (talk)
Ala |
alternative spelling of |
Ala. (talk)
albuminise |
alternative spelling of |
albuminize (talk)
alchemize |
alternative spelling of |
alchemise (talk)
alchymist |
alternative spelling of |
alchemist (talk)
alchymy |
alternative spelling of |
alchemy (talk)
alcoholise |
alternative spelling of |
alcoholize (talk)
aleukemia |
alternative spelling of |
aleukaemia (talk)
alined |
alternative spelling of |
aligned (talk)
alinement |
alternative spelling of |
alignment (talk)
alkalinise |
alternative spelling of |
alkalinize (talk)
allophycocyanine |
alternative spelling of |
allophycocyanin (talk)
allterrain |
alternative spelling of |
all-terrain (talk)
Almaine Rivet |
alternative spelling of |
almain rivet (talk)
Almaine Rivets |
alternative spelling of |
almain-rivets (talk)
almondmilk |
alternative spelling of |
almond milk (talk)
alt-metal |
alternative spelling of |
alternative metal (talk)
alternate energy |
alternative spelling of |
alternative energy (talk)
aluminum chloride |
alternative spelling of |
aluminium chloride (talk)
alveolarisation |
alternative spelling of |
alveolarization (talk)
amebalike |
alternative spelling of |
amoebalike (talk)
amebean |
alternative spelling of |
amoebean (talk)
amebocytes |
alternative spelling of |
amoebocyte (talk)
amiantus |
alternative spelling of |
amianthus (talk)
amirate |
alternative spelling of |
emirate (talk)
amoeban |
alternative spelling of |
ameban (talk)
amoeboid |
alternative spelling of |
ameboid (talk)
amoebous |
alternative spelling of |
amebous (talk)
amorphisation |
alternative spelling of |
amorphization (talk)
Amphissa |
alternative spelling of |
Amfissa (talk)
ampul |
alternative spelling of |
ampulla (talk)
anacolouthons |
alternative spelling of |
anacoluthons (talk)
anagrammatize |
alternative spelling of |
anagrammatise (talk)
analogue hole |
alternative spelling of |
analog hole (talk)
analyzand |
alternative spelling of |
analysand (talk)
anaphrodisiacal |
alternative spelling of |
anaphrodisiac (talk)
anathematiser |
alternative spelling of |
anathematizer (talk)
andesyte |
alternative spelling of |
andesite (talk)
anesthetised |
alternative spelling of |
anesthetized (talk)
anisoeikonia |
alternative spelling of |
aniseikonia (talk)
ansätze |
alternative spelling of |
ansatz (talk)
anthropomorphisation |
alternative spelling of |
anthropomorphization (talk)
anti-agreement |
alternative spelling of |
antiagreement (talk)
anti-trade |
alternative spelling of |
antitrade (talk)
antibussing |
alternative spelling of |
antibusing (talk)
antidiarrhoeal |
alternative spelling of |
antidiarrheal (talk)
antidiarrhoeal |
alternative spelling of |
antidiarrheal (talk)
antiglobalisation |
alternative spelling of |
anti-globalization (talk)
antihippy |
alternative spelling of |
antihippie (talk)
antihyperglycaemic |
alternative spelling of |
antihyperglycemic (talk)
antistrange |
alternative spelling of |
anti-strange (talk)
antoikoi |
alternative spelling of |
antœci (talk)
apnoeic |
alternative spelling of |
apneic (talk)
apomyxis |
alternative spelling of |
apomixis (talk)
aposiopestic |
alternative spelling of |
aposiopetic (talk)
apparachik |
alternative spelling of |
apparatchik (talk)
aqa |
alternative spelling of |
agha (talk)
aque- |
alternative spelling of |
aqua- (talk)
aqueous humor |
alternative spelling of |
aqueous humour (talk)
aquiculturist |
alternative spelling of |
aquaculturist (talk)
aqvavit |
alternative spelling of |
aquavit (talk)
arch-fiend |
alternative spelling of |
archfiend (talk)
archeoastronomical |
alternative spelling of |
archaeoastronomical (talk)
archeon |
alternative spelling of |
archaeon (talk)
argentoroméite |
alternative spelling of |
argentoromeite (talk)
arhythmia |
alternative spelling of |
arrhythmia (talk)
arhythmically |
alternative spelling of |
arrhythmically (talk)
armored fighting vehicle |
alternative spelling of |
armoured fighting vehicle (talk)
aromatisation |
alternative spelling of |
aromatization (talk)
arrow-head |
alternative spelling of |
arrowhead (talk)
arylsulphonate |
alternative spelling of |
arylsulfonate (talk)
arythmic |
alternative spelling of |
arrhythmic (talk)
asexualisation |
alternative spelling of |
asexualization (talk)
asexualise |
alternative spelling of |
asexualize (talk)
Asianess |
alternative spelling of |
Asianness (talk)
aspergillium |
alternative spelling of |
aspergillum (talk)
assai |
alternative spelling of |
acai (talk)
asterperious |
alternative spelling of |
asterperious (talk)
atavaquone |
alternative spelling of |
atovaquone (talk)
atchar |
alternative spelling of |
achar (talk)
atchoo |
alternative spelling of |
achoo (talk)
atchoo |
alternative spelling of |
achoo (talk)
atheisation |
alternative spelling of |
atheization (talk)
atheise |
alternative spelling of |
atheize (talk)
atomisation |
alternative spelling of |
atomization (talk)
attorny |
alternative spelling of |
attorney (talk)
authorised term |
alternative spelling of |
authorized term (talk)
autocatalyse |
alternative spelling of |
autocatalyze (talk)
autochtonous |
alternative spelling of |
autochthonous (talk)
aways |
alternative spelling of |
] (])
axelike |
alternative spelling of |
axlike (talk)
axiomatisable |
alternative spelling of |
axiomatizable (talk)
ay up |
alternative spelling of |
hey up (talk)
ayup |
alternative spelling of |
ayuh (talk)
azadiractin |
alternative spelling of |
azadirachtin (talk)
azederach |
alternative spelling of |
azedarach (talk)
azotaemia |
alternative spelling of |
azotemia (talk)
azotaemic |
alternative spelling of |
azotemic (talk)
B-A-C-H |
alternative spelling of |
BACH (talk)
bacchanale |
alternative spelling of |
bacchanal (talk)
back-bone |
alternative spelling of |
backbone (talk)
back-seat |
alternative spelling of |
back seat (talk)
backchannelled |
alternative spelling of |
backchanneled (talk)
backne |
alternative spelling of |
bacne (talk)
Badjao |
alternative spelling of |
Bajau (talk)
balkanise |
alternative spelling of |
balkanize (talk)
ban hammer |
alternative spelling of |
banhammer (talk)
bandorist |
alternative spelling of |
bandurist (talk)
bandourist |
alternative spelling of |
bandurist (talk)
banjo ukelele |
alternative spelling of |
banjo ukulele (talk)
banoffi |
alternative spelling of |
banoffee (talk)
bar-b-ques |
alternative spelling of |
barbecues (talk)
barage |
alternative spelling of |
barège (talk)
bardolater |
alternative spelling of |
bardolator (talk)
barfolicious |
alternative spelling of |
barfalicious (talk)
barkantine |
alternative spelling of |
barquentine (talk)
bashlik |
alternative spelling of |
bashlyk (talk)
basorelief |
alternative spelling of |
bas relief (talk)
basso profundo |
alternative spelling of |
basso profondo (talk)
battik |
alternative spelling of |
batik (talk)
battik |
alternative spelling of |
batik (talk)
battleax |
alternative spelling of |
battleaxe (talk)
baulky |
alternative spelling of |
balky (talk)
beatch |
alternative spelling of |
biatch (talk)
beautimus |
alternative spelling of |
beautimous (talk)
beautyness |
alternative spelling of |
beautiness (talk)
bechamel sauce |
alternative spelling of |
béchamel sauce (talk)
bed-bath |
alternative spelling of |
bedbath (talk)
bed-staves |
alternative spelling of |
bedstaves (talk)
bedlem |
alternative spelling of |
bedlam (talk)
beeotch |
alternative spelling of |
biatch (talk)
beeyatch |
alternative spelling of |
biatch (talk)
beeyotch |
alternative spelling of |
biatch (talk)
beggar-my-neighbour |
alternative spelling of |
beggar-my-neighbor (talk)
beggar-thy-neighbour |
alternative spelling of |
beggar-thy-neighbor (talk)
begorah |
alternative spelling of |
begorra (talk)
behind the 8-ball |
alternative spelling of |
behind the eight-ball (talk)
belaboredly |
alternative spelling of |
belabouredly (talk)
belar |
alternative spelling of |
belah (talk)
beldam |
alternative spelling of |
beldame (talk)
benzylidine |
alternative spelling of |
benzylidene (talk)
beotch |
alternative spelling of |
biatch (talk)
berzerker |
alternative spelling of |
berserker (talk)
beshert |
alternative spelling of |
bashert (talk)
beta |
alternative spelling of |
betta (talk)
betalipoprotein |
alternative spelling of |
beta-lipoprotein (talk)
betyl |
alternative spelling of |
baetyl (talk)
beveling |
alternative spelling of |
bevelling (talk)
bhajee |
alternative spelling of |
bhaji (talk)
biddy |
alternative spelling of |
bitty (talk)
binarisation |
alternative spelling of |
binarization (talk)
binarise |
alternative spelling of |
binarize (talk)
binarised |
alternative spelling of |
binarized (talk)
bio-receptive |
alternative spelling of |
bioreceptive (talk)
biofunctionalisation |
alternative spelling of |
biofunctionalization (talk)
biofunctionalised |
alternative spelling of |
biofunctionalized (talk)
bioinspired |
alternative spelling of |
bio-inspired (talk)
biomineralisation |
alternative spelling of |
biomineralization (talk)
biophore |
alternative spelling of |
biophor (talk)
biosynthesise |
alternative spelling of |
biosynthesize (talk)
biotch |
alternative spelling of |
biatch (talk)
birddog |
alternative spelling of |
bird dog (talk)
biriyani |
alternative spelling of |
biryani (talk)
bituminise |
alternative spelling of |
bituminize (talk)
biyatch |
alternative spelling of |
biatch (talk)
biyotch |
alternative spelling of |
biatch (talk)
black letter law |
alternative spelling of |
black-letter law (talk)
black-pill |
alternative spelling of |
black pill (talk)
black-pill |
alternative spelling of |
black pill (talk)
blackpill |
alternative spelling of |
black pill (talk)
blackpill |
alternative spelling of |
black pill (talk)
blerg |
alternative spelling of |
blarg (talk)
bletherer |
alternative spelling of |
blatherer (talk)
blintze |
alternative spelling of |
blintz (talk)
blowy |
alternative spelling of |
blowie (talk)
boconcini |
alternative spelling of |
bocconcini (talk)
bodyshop |
alternative spelling of |
body shop (talk)
bolix |
alternative spelling of |
bollix (talk)
bollox |
alternative spelling of |
bollocks (talk)
bollox |
alternative spelling of |
bollocks (talk)
bombazed |
alternative spelling of |
bumbazed (talk)
bonser |
alternative spelling of |
bonzer (talk)
boobie |
alternative spelling of |
booby (talk)
Boogeyman |
alternative spelling of |
bogeyman (talk)
book-ended |
alternative spelling of |
bookended (talk)
book-ending |
alternative spelling of |
bookending (talk)
boose |
alternative spelling of |
booze (talk)
boose |
alternative spelling of |
booze (talk)
booshwa |
alternative spelling of |
bushwah (talk)
bootle |
alternative spelling of |
boodle (talk)
borkha |
alternative spelling of |
burka (talk)
born |
alternative spelling of |
burn (talk)
born |
alternative spelling of |
burn (talk)
boschveld |
alternative spelling of |
bushveld (talk)
boteless |
alternative spelling of |
bootless#Etymology_2 (talk)
bottle-nosed dolphins |
alternative spelling of |
bottlenose dolphins (talk)
bottlenosed dolphin |
alternative spelling of |
bottlenose dolphin (talk)
bottlenosed dolphins |
alternative spelling of |
bottlenose dolphins (talk)
bougainvilia |
alternative spelling of |
bougainvillea (talk)
bouillion |
alternative spelling of |
bouillon (talk)
boulevarde |
alternative spelling of |
boulevard (talk)
boundariless |
alternative spelling of |
boundaryless (talk)
bourka |
alternative spelling of |
burka (talk)
bovichthyid |
alternative spelling of |
bovichtid (talk)
boy-bishop |
alternative spelling of |
boy bishop (talk)
breathalizer |
alternative spelling of |
breathalyzer (talk)
breathalysed |
alternative spelling of |
breathalyze (talk)
breathalyses |
alternative spelling of |
breathalyze (talk)
breathalysing |
alternative spelling of |
breathalyze (talk)
bredren |
alternative spelling of |
bredrin (talk)
bribeable |
alternative spelling of |
bribable (talk)
broguing |
alternative spelling of |
brogueing (talk)
bromosulfthalein |
alternative spelling of |
bromsulphthalein (talk)
browseability |
alternative spelling of |
browsability (talk)
browseable |
alternative spelling of |
browsable (talk)
browze |
alternative spelling of |
browse (talk)
bruskly |
alternative spelling of |
brusquely (talk)
bubkus |
alternative spelling of |
bupkis (talk)
bum fodder |
alternative spelling of |
bumfodder (talk)
bunjy |
alternative spelling of |
bungee (talk)
burgomeister |
alternative spelling of |
burgomaster (talk)
burqaed |
alternative spelling of |
burkaed (talk)
bushwack |
alternative spelling of |
bushwhack (talk)
butt and ben |
alternative spelling of |
but and ben (talk)
buttie |
alternative spelling of |
butty (talk)
byeline |
alternative spelling of |
byline (talk)
byepath |
alternative spelling of |
bypath (talk)
byestreet |
alternative spelling of |
bystreet (talk)
c flat |
alternative spelling of |
C-flat (talk)
C flat |
alternative spelling of |
C-flat (talk)
c sharp |
alternative spelling of |
C-sharp (talk)
c-flat |
alternative spelling of |
C-flat (talk)
c-sharp |
alternative spelling of |
C-sharp (talk)
c |
alternative spelling of |
etc. (talk)
C♭ |
alternative spelling of |
C-flat (talk)
ca. |
alternative spelling of |
etc. (talk)
ca |
alternative spelling of |
etc. (talk)
cabbaling |
alternative spelling of |
cabbeling (talk)
cacomixl |
alternative spelling of |
cacomistle (talk)
cacomixle |
alternative spelling of |
cacomixl (talk)
caerulean |
alternative spelling of |
cerulean (talk)
caldrons |
alternative spelling of |
cauldrons (talk)
callipygean |
alternative spelling of |
callipygian (talk)
callisthenic |
alternative spelling of |
calisthenic (talk)
campanularid |
alternative spelling of |
campanulariid (talk)
campong |
alternative spelling of |
kampong (talk)
canaceid |
alternative spelling of |
canacid (talk)
cancelable |
alternative spelling of |
cancellable (talk)
cannon-ball |
alternative spelling of |
cannonball (talk)
canoable |
alternative spelling of |
canoeable (talk)
caravansera |
alternative spelling of |
caravanserai (talk)
carbomonoxyhaemoglobin |
alternative spelling of |
carbomonoxyhemoglobin (talk)
carbonatise |
alternative spelling of |
carbonatize (talk)
carbonised |
alternative spelling of |
carbonized (talk)
carburations |
alternative spelling of |
carburetions (talk)
cardiovertor |
alternative spelling of |
cardioverter (talk)
cardy |
alternative spelling of |
cardie (talk)
carryable |
alternative spelling of |
carriable (talk)
carryable |
alternative spelling of |
carriable (talk)
cashew-nut |
alternative spelling of |
cashew nut (talk)
casomorphine |
alternative spelling of |
casomorphin (talk)
castillated |
alternative spelling of |
castellated (talk)
categoriser |
alternative spelling of |
categorizer (talk)
catnaper |
alternative spelling of |
catnapper (talk)
cavilation |
alternative spelling of |
cavillation (talk)
caviller |
alternative spelling of |
caviler (talk)
caziques |
alternative spelling of |
cacique (talk)
cell adhesion molecule |
alternative spelling of |
cell-adhesion molecule (talk)
cellar-door |
alternative spelling of |
cellar door (talk)
centraliser |
alternative spelling of |
centralizer (talk)
cephalo-pelvic |
alternative spelling of |
cephalopelvic (talk)
cesarean section |
alternative spelling of |
Caesarean section (talk)
cesarevich |
alternative spelling of |
tsarevich (talk)
cesarevitch |
alternative spelling of |
tsarevich (talk)
chachka |
alternative spelling of |
Tzatza (talk)
Chai Nat |
alternative spelling of |
Chainat (talk)
chain-mail |
alternative spelling of |
chain mail (talk)
Chaldaean |
alternative spelling of |
Chaldean (talk)
Chaldaean |
alternative spelling of |
Chaldean (talk)
Chaldaean |
alternative spelling of |
Chaldean (talk)
chancey |
alternative spelling of |
chancy (talk)
chantarelle |
alternative spelling of |
chanterelle (talk)
chantie |
alternative spelling of |
shanty (talk)
chappie |
alternative spelling of |
chappy (talk)
characterisability |
alternative spelling of |
characterizability (talk)
characterisable |
alternative spelling of |
characterizable (talk)
charettes |
alternative spelling of |
charet (talk)
Charlie Chaplin moustache |
alternative spelling of |
Charlie Chaplin mustache (talk)
chedda |
alternative spelling of |
cheddar (talk)
cheese ball |
alternative spelling of |
cheeseball (talk)
cheezy |
alternative spelling of |
cheesy (talk)
chemokyne |
alternative spelling of |
chemokine (talk)
chequing |
alternative spelling of |
checking (talk)
chhetrum |
alternative spelling of |
chetrum (talk)
chiarivari |
alternative spelling of |
charivari (talk)
chimaerism |
alternative spelling of |
chimerism (talk)
chinze |
alternative spelling of |
chinthe (talk)
chiralised |
alternative spelling of |
chiralized (talk)
chirurigian |
alternative spelling of |
chirurgeon (talk)
chirurigians |
alternative spelling of |
chirurgeons (talk)
chlorosulpholipid |
alternative spelling of |
chlorosulfolipid (talk)
chocaholic |
alternative spelling of |
chocoholic (talk)
choccie |
alternative spelling of |
choccy (talk)
chockful |
alternative spelling of |
chock-full (talk)
choo choo |
alternative spelling of |
choo-choo (talk)
chooseable |
alternative spelling of |
choosable (talk)
Christcentrism |
alternative spelling of |
Christocentrism (talk)
Chrystal |
alternative spelling of |
Crystal (talk)
churr |
alternative spelling of |
chirr (talk)
churr |
alternative spelling of |
chirr (talk)
chylomicronaemia |
alternative spelling of |
chylomicronemia (talk)
cimbalon |
alternative spelling of |
cimbalom (talk)
circumcizer |
alternative spelling of |
circumcisor (talk)
circumcizor |
alternative spelling of |
circumcisor (talk)
cirripede |
alternative spelling of |
cirriped (talk)
cityfied |
alternative spelling of |
citified (talk)
clamjamphrie |
alternative spelling of |
clanjamphry (talk)
clamorer |
alternative spelling of |
clamourer (talk)
clayiness |
alternative spelling of |
clayeyness (talk)
clearsightedness |
alternative spelling of |
clear-sightedness (talk)
Cleitus |
alternative spelling of |
Clitus (talk)
cleptoparasite |
alternative spelling of |
kleptoparasite (talk)
cleptoparasitic |
alternative spelling of |
kleptoparasitic (talk)
cleptoparasitically |
alternative spelling of |
kleptoparasitically (talk)
climatisation |
alternative spelling of |
climatization (talk)
closable |
alternative spelling of |
closeable (talk)
cloudless sulphur |
alternative spelling of |
cloudless sulfur (talk)
clusterisation |
alternative spelling of |
clusterization (talk)
coat-hangers |
alternative spelling of |
coat hanger (talk)
cobalmin |
alternative spelling of |
cobalamin (talk)
cocrystallisation |
alternative spelling of |
cocrystallization (talk)
coinflipping |
alternative spelling of |
coin-flipping (talk)
cold avoidant |
alternative spelling of |
cold-avoidant (talk)
collater |
alternative spelling of |
collator (talk)
collateralise |
alternative spelling of |
collateralize (talk)
collateralised |
alternative spelling of |
collateralized (talk)
collonade |
alternative spelling of |
colonnade (talk)
collonaded |
alternative spelling of |
colonnaded (talk)
colloquialising |
alternative spelling of |
colloquializing (talk)
colocalisation |
alternative spelling of |
colocalization (talk)
color force |
alternative spelling of |
colour force (talk)
coma vigile |
alternative spelling of |
coma vigil (talk)
combating |
alternative spelling of |
combatting (talk)
combuster |
alternative spelling of |
combustor (talk)
comix |
alternative spelling of |
commix (talk)
companisation |
alternative spelling of |
companization (talk)
compatibilisation |
alternative spelling of |
compatibilization (talk)
compatibilised |
alternative spelling of |
compatibilized (talk)
compatibiliser |
alternative spelling of |
compatibilizer (talk)
completist |
alternative spelling of |
completest (talk)
concentricly |
alternative spelling of |
concentrically (talk)
conde |
alternative spelling of |
conn (talk)
confessionalise |
alternative spelling of |
confessionalize (talk)
confusible |
alternative spelling of |
confusable (talk)
conjey |
alternative spelling of |
congee (talk)
connodal |
alternative spelling of |
conodal (talk)
consentually |
alternative spelling of |
consensually (talk)
consolised |
alternative spelling of |
consolized (talk)
constitutionalise |
alternative spelling of |
constitutionalize (talk)
constitutionalised |
alternative spelling of |
constitutionalized (talk)
containerise |
alternative spelling of |
containerize (talk)
contestible |
alternative spelling of |
contestable (talk)
contradanse |
alternative spelling of |
contra dance (talk)
contrarywise |
alternative spelling of |
contrariwise (talk)
contredance |
alternative spelling of |
contra dance (talk)
conveyer belt |
alternative spelling of |
conveyor belt (talk)
cooli |
alternative spelling of |
coolie (talk)
cooty |
alternative spelling of |
cootie (talk)
copasetic |
alternative spelling of |
copacetic (talk)
copesetic |
alternative spelling of |
copacetic (talk)
coprophile |
alternative spelling of |
coprophil (talk)
copulater |
alternative spelling of |
copulator (talk)
cor pulmonare |
alternative spelling of |
cor pulmonale (talk)
corporatisation |
alternative spelling of |
corporatization (talk)
corporatise |
alternative spelling of |
corporatize (talk)
correctomundo |
alternative spelling of |
correctamundo (talk)
cosmogenist |
alternative spelling of |
cosmogonist (talk)
cotunnelling |
alternative spelling of |
cotunneling (talk)
couis |
alternative spelling of |
cooee (talk)
counterguerilla |
alternative spelling of |
counterguerrilla (talk)
countryfy |
alternative spelling of |
countrify (talk)
courseload |
alternative spelling of |
course load (talk)
courtezan |
alternative spelling of |
courtesan (talk)
coverdisc |
alternative spelling of |
coverdisk (talk)
coveteousness |
alternative spelling of |
covetousness (talk)
cozy up to |
alternative spelling of |
cosy up to (talk)
cracka |
alternative spelling of |
cracker (talk)
crool |
alternative spelling of |
cruel (talk)
crool |
alternative spelling of |
cruel (talk)
cross-banded |
alternative spelling of |
crossbanded (talk)
crossculturally |
alternative spelling of |
cross-culturally (talk)
cryoanaesthesia |
alternative spelling of |
cryoanesthesia (talk)
crypto-currency |
alternative spelling of |
cryptocurrency (talk)
crystalisation |
alternative spelling of |
crystallization (talk)
crystalographic |
alternative spelling of |
crystallographic (talk)
cukservative |
alternative spelling of |
cuckservative (talk)
cumberbund |
alternative spelling of |
cummerbund (talk)
cumerbund |
alternative spelling of |
cummerbund (talk)
cummy |
alternative spelling of |
cummie (talk)
cundum |
alternative spelling of |
condom (talk)
cupping-jar |
alternative spelling of |
cupping jar (talk)
customised |
alternative spelling of |
customized (talk)
customised |
alternative spelling of |
customized (talk)
cutesie |
alternative spelling of |
cutesy (talk)
cyanocobalmin |
alternative spelling of |
cyanocobalamin (talk)
cyberise |
alternative spelling of |
cyberize (talk)
cycloisomerisation |
alternative spelling of |
cycloisomerization (talk)
cyphertext |
alternative spelling of |
ciphertext (talk)
cytopaenia |
alternative spelling of |
cytopenia (talk)
d flat |
alternative spelling of |
D-flat (talk)
D flat |
alternative spelling of |
D-flat (talk)
d sharp |
alternative spelling of |
D-sharp (talk)
D sharp |
alternative spelling of |
D-sharp (talk)
d-flat |
alternative spelling of |
D-flat (talk)
d-sharp |
alternative spelling of |
D-sharp (talk)
D♭ |
alternative spelling of |
D-flat (talk)
D♯ |
alternative spelling of |
D-sharp (talk)
da fuq |
alternative spelling of |
dafuq (talk)
dacoid |
alternative spelling of |
dacoit (talk)
daddy long-legs |
alternative spelling of |
daddy longlegs (talk)
daddy longlegs spider |
alternative spelling of |
daddy long-legs spider (talk)
dakoity |
alternative spelling of |
dacoity (talk)
dancey |
alternative spelling of |
dancy (talk)
darbukah |
alternative spelling of |
darbuka (talk)
daudle |
alternative spelling of |
dawdle (talk)
Davey Jones |
alternative spelling of |
Davy Jones (talk)
dead-eye |
alternative spelling of |
deadeye (talk)
dead-eye |
alternative spelling of |
deadeye (talk)
dealbreaker |
alternative spelling of |
deal breaker (talk)
dearomatise |
alternative spelling of |
dearomatize (talk)
dearomatised |
alternative spelling of |
dearomatized (talk)
debuccalisation |
alternative spelling of |
debuccalization (talk)
debuccalise |
alternative spelling of |
debuccalize (talk)
decaff |
alternative spelling of |
decaf (talk)
decellularisation |
alternative spelling of |
decellularization (talk)
decellularised |
alternative spelling of |
decellularized (talk)
decolonisation |
alternative spelling of |
decolonization (talk)
decolonise |
alternative spelling of |
decolonize (talk)
decolorisation |
alternative spelling of |
decolorization (talk)
decolourisation |
alternative spelling of |
decolorization (talk)
decolourization |
alternative spelling of |
decolorization (talk)
decompartmentalise |
alternative spelling of |
decompartmentalize (talk)
deconceptualise |
alternative spelling of |
deconceptualize (talk)
decontextualise |
alternative spelling of |
decontextualize (talk)
dedal |
alternative spelling of |
daedal (talk)
deep fried |
alternative spelling of |
deep-fried (talk)
defamiliarise |
alternative spelling of |
defamiliarize (talk)
defeminise |
alternative spelling of |
defeminize (talk)
defencible |
alternative spelling of |
defensible (talk)
defencive |
alternative spelling of |
defensive (talk)
defenseman |
alternative spelling of |
defenceman (talk)
deglobalisation |
alternative spelling of |
deglobalization (talk)
deglobalise |
alternative spelling of |
deglobalize (talk)
dehydrogenise |
alternative spelling of |
dehydrogenize (talk)
dehypnotise |
alternative spelling of |
dehypnotize (talk)
deinstitutionalisation |
alternative spelling of |
deinstitutionalization (talk)
deinstitutionalise |
alternative spelling of |
deinstitutionalize (talk)
deionised |
alternative spelling of |
deionized (talk)
dekametric |
alternative spelling of |
decametric (talk)
delegitimatise |
alternative spelling of |
delegitimatize (talk)
delegitimisation |
alternative spelling of |
delegitimization (talk)
delegitimise |
alternative spelling of |
delegitimize (talk)
Delnitze |
alternative spelling of |
Delnice (talk)
delocalisation |
alternative spelling of |
delocalization (talk)
demineralisation |
alternative spelling of |
demineralization (talk)
demutualisation |
alternative spelling of |
demutualization (talk)
demutualise |
alternative spelling of |
demutualize (talk)
denationalise |
alternative spelling of |
denationalize (talk)
denormalisation |
alternative spelling of |
denormalization (talk)
denormalise |
alternative spelling of |
denormalize (talk)
denuclearisation |
alternative spelling of |
denuclearization (talk)
deoxidise |
alternative spelling of |
deoxidize (talk)
deparaffinised |
alternative spelling of |
deparaffinized (talk)
departmentalisation |
alternative spelling of |
departmentalization (talk)
departmentalise |
alternative spelling of |
departmentalize (talk)
depolarise |
alternative spelling of |
depolarize (talk)
depolariser |
alternative spelling of |
depolarizer (talk)
depoliticisation |
alternative spelling of |
depoliticization (talk)
depoliticise |
alternative spelling of |
depoliticize (talk)
deprioritise |
alternative spelling of |
deprioritize (talk)
derandomisation |
alternative spelling of |
derandomization (talk)
derandomise |
alternative spelling of |
derandomize (talk)
derecognise |
alternative spelling of |
derecognize (talk)
dereligionise |
alternative spelling of |
dereligionize (talk)
deromanticise |
alternative spelling of |
deromanticize (talk)
desensitiser |
alternative spelling of |
desensitizer (talk)
deserialisation |
alternative spelling of |
deserialization (talk)
deserialise |
alternative spelling of |
deserialize (talk)
desexualisation |
alternative spelling of |
desexualization (talk)
desexualise |
alternative spelling of |
desexualize (talk)
desocialise |
alternative spelling of |
desocialize (talk)
destabilisation |
alternative spelling of |
destabilization (talk)
destabiliser |
alternative spelling of |
destabilizer (talk)
destandardise |
alternative spelling of |
destandardize (talk)
desulphurase |
alternative spelling of |
desulfurase (talk)
desynchronised |
alternative spelling of |
desynchronized (talk)
deubiquitinylating |
alternative spelling of |
deubiquitinating (talk)
deubiquitinylation |
alternative spelling of |
deubiquitination (talk)
deunionise |
alternative spelling of |
deunionize (talk)
devascularisation |
alternative spelling of |
devascularization (talk)
deverbalise |
alternative spelling of |
deverbalize (talk)
Dhahiri |
alternative spelling of |
Zahiri (talk)
diagonalisability |
alternative spelling of |
diagonalizability (talk)
diagonalise |
alternative spelling of |
diagonalize (talk)
diallable |
alternative spelling of |
dialable (talk)
dialuminum |
alternative spelling of |
dialuminium (talk)
diazol |
alternative spelling of |
diazole (talk)
diazotisation |
alternative spelling of |
diazotization (talk)
dichotomisation |
alternative spelling of |
dichotomization (talk)
dichotomise |
alternative spelling of |
dichotomize (talk)
dichromasy |
alternative spelling of |
dichromacy (talk)
dicotyledenous |
alternative spelling of |
dicotyledonous (talk)
dicy |
alternative spelling of |
dicey (talk)
didya |
alternative spelling of |
didja (talk)
diecious |
alternative spelling of |
dioecious (talk)
diedral |
alternative spelling of |
dihedral (talk)
diedral |
alternative spelling of |
dihedral (talk)
digable |
alternative spelling of |
diggable (talk)
digitalise |
alternative spelling of |
digitalize (talk)
digitiser |
alternative spelling of |
digitizer (talk)
dimensionalisation |
alternative spelling of |
dimensionalization (talk)
dimensionalise |
alternative spelling of |
dimensionalize (talk)
dimerisation |
alternative spelling of |
dimerization (talk)
dimerise |
alternative spelling of |
dimerize (talk)
dimethyldisulphide |
alternative spelling of |
dimethyldisulfide (talk)
dimethylsulfoxide |
alternative spelling of |
dimethylsulphoxide (talk)
dimethylsulphoniopropionate |
alternative spelling of |
dimethylsulfoniopropionate (talk)
dimethylsulphoxide |
alternative spelling of |
dimethyl sulfoxide (talk)
dingey |
alternative spelling of |
dinghy (talk)
discolourment |
alternative spelling of |
discolorment (talk)
discussible |
alternative spelling of |
discussable (talk)
disequalising |
alternative spelling of |
disequalizing (talk)
disgenic |
alternative spelling of |
dysgenic (talk)
dishonourableness |
alternative spelling of |
dishonorableness (talk)
disillusionise |
alternative spelling of |
disillusionize (talk)
disincentivisation |
alternative spelling of |
disincentivization (talk)
dissectible |
alternative spelling of |
dissectable (talk)
disspirited |
alternative spelling of |
dispirited (talk)
disspirits |
alternative spelling of |
dispirits (talk)
disulphur |
alternative spelling of |
disulfur (talk)
djinni |
alternative spelling of |
djinn (talk)
do not pass Go, do not collect two hundred dollars |
alternative spelling of |
do not pass go, do not collect $200 (talk)
dodecaedron |
alternative spelling of |
dodecahedron (talk)
doesnae |
alternative spelling of |
doesna (talk)
dognaper |
alternative spelling of |
dognapper (talk)
dolmeh |
alternative spelling of |
dolma (talk)
dominitrix |
alternative spelling of |
dominatrix (talk)
doohickie |
alternative spelling of |
doohickey (talk)
doohicky |
alternative spelling of |
doohickey (talk)
dooky |
alternative spelling of |
dookie (talk)
dottie |
alternative spelling of |
dotty (talk)
double adaptor |
alternative spelling of |
double adapter (talk)
dovekey |
alternative spelling of |
dovekie (talk)
doxycyclin |
alternative spelling of |
doxycycline (talk)
dramatise |
alternative spelling of |
dramatize (talk)
draughter |
alternative spelling of |
drafter (talk)
draughtsmanly |
alternative spelling of |
draftsmanly (talk)
dray |
alternative spelling of |
] (])
driefats |
alternative spelling of |
dryfats (talk)
drive offs |
alternative spelling of |
drive-off (talk)
dromeosaur |
alternative spelling of |
dromaeosaur (talk)
dropable |
alternative spelling of |
droppable (talk)
druzy |
alternative spelling of |
drusy (talk)
dufftail |
alternative spelling of |
dovetail (talk)
dumbell |
alternative spelling of |
dumbbell (talk)
duncey |
alternative spelling of |
duncy (talk)
dung-beetle |
alternative spelling of |
dung beetle (talk)
dunsail |
alternative spelling of |
dunsel (talk)
durag |
alternative spelling of |
do-rag (talk)
durags |
alternative spelling of |
do-rags (talk)
durste |
alternative spelling of |
durst (talk)
duvetyn |
alternative spelling of |
duvetyne (talk)
dyking |
alternative spelling of |
diking (talk)
dysgracia |
alternative spelling of |
dyscrasia (talk)
dyshomoeostasis |
alternative spelling of |
dyshomeostasis (talk)
dyslipidaemia |
alternative spelling of |
dyslipidemia (talk)
dyuers |
alternative spelling of |
dyvers (talk)
dzomo |
alternative spelling of |
zhomo (talk)
e flat |
alternative spelling of |
E-flat (talk)
E flat |
alternative spelling of |
E-flat (talk)
e sharp |
alternative spelling of |
E-sharp (talk)
E sharp |
alternative spelling of |
E-sharp (talk)
e-flat |
alternative spelling of |
E-flat (talk)
e-sharp |
alternative spelling of |
E-sharp (talk)
E♭ |
alternative spelling of |
E-flat (talk)
E♯ |
alternative spelling of |
E-sharp (talk)
earshell |
alternative spelling of |
ear shell (talk)
ebauche |
alternative spelling of |
ébauche (talk)
eclecticise |
alternative spelling of |
eclecticize (talk)
economicly |
alternative spelling of |
economically (talk)
editorialisation |
alternative spelling of |
editorialization (talk)
eeew |
alternative spelling of |
ew (talk)
eew |
alternative spelling of |
ew (talk)
eform |
alternative spelling of |
e-form (talk)
eForm |
alternative spelling of |
e-form (talk)
eicosahedral |
alternative spelling of |
icosahedral (talk)
einheriar |
alternative spelling of |
einherjar (talk)
ejit |
alternative spelling of |
eejit (talk)
eka-aluminum |
alternative spelling of |
eka-aluminium (talk)
ekaaluminum |
alternative spelling of |
eka-aluminium (talk)
ekkers |
alternative spelling of |
ekker (talk)
electrolyse |
alternative spelling of |
electrolyze (talk)
electrophylic |
alternative spelling of |
electrophilic (talk)
electrosmosis |
alternative spelling of |
electro-osmosis (talk)
elegise |
alternative spelling of |
elegize (talk)
embatteled |
alternative spelling of |
embattled (talk)
emeerate |
alternative spelling of |
emirate (talk)
emerge |
alternative spelling of |
emerg (talk)
emotionalisation |
alternative spelling of |
emotionalization (talk)
emotionalise |
alternative spelling of |
emotionalize (talk)
encyclopædias |
alternative spelling of |
encyclopaedia (talk)
endogeneous |
alternative spelling of |
endogenous (talk)
endopthalmitis |
alternative spelling of |
endophthalmitis (talk)
endotoxaemia |
alternative spelling of |
endotoxemia (talk)
energised |
alternative spelling of |
energized (talk)
enflame |
alternative spelling of |
inflame (talk)
engraulidid |
alternative spelling of |
engraulid (talk)
enquiringly |
alternative spelling of |
inquiringly (talk)
ensheath |
alternative spelling of |
ensheathe (talk)
entamoeba |
alternative spelling of |
entameba (talk)
entextualization |
alternative spelling of |
entextualisation (talk)
enthralment |
alternative spelling of |
enthrallment (talk)
epicly |
alternative spelling of |
] (])
epileptical |
alternative spelling of |
epileptic (talk)
eroticise |
alternative spelling of |
eroticize (talk)
escatology |
alternative spelling of |
eschatology (talk)
eternalisation |
alternative spelling of |
eternalization (talk)
etherealise |
alternative spelling of |
etherealize (talk)
etherise |
alternative spelling of |
etherize (talk)
ethylenediaminetetraacetic |
alternative spelling of |
ethylenediaminetetracetic (talk)
etiologic |
alternative spelling of |
aetiologic (talk)
etiologics |
alternative spelling of |
aetiologics (talk)
etiologies |
alternative spelling of |
aetiologies (talk)
eudaimonistic |
alternative spelling of |
eudaemonistic (talk)
euglycaemia |
alternative spelling of |
euglycemia (talk)
euglycaemic |
alternative spelling of |
euglycemic (talk)
euthanaze |
alternative spelling of |
euthanase (talk)
evangelisation |
alternative spelling of |
evangelization (talk)
exacter |
alternative spelling of |
exactor (talk)
exciteable |
alternative spelling of |
excitable (talk)
exolve |
alternative spelling of |
exsolve (talk)
exorcizer |
alternative spelling of |
exorciser (talk)
exorphine |
alternative spelling of |
exorphin (talk)
exoticise |
alternative spelling of |
exoticize (talk)
exploitable avoidant |
alternative spelling of |
exploitable-avoidant (talk)
externalisation |
alternative spelling of |
externalization (talk)
externalise |
alternative spelling of |
externalize (talk)
extoll |
alternative spelling of |
extol (talk)
extracoelomic |
alternative spelling of |
extracelomic (talk)
extractible |
alternative spelling of |
extractable (talk)
extravertish |
alternative spelling of |
extrovertish (talk)
eyup |
alternative spelling of |
hey up (talk)
f flat |
alternative spelling of |
F-flat (talk)
F flat |
alternative spelling of |
F-flat (talk)
f sharp |
alternative spelling of |
F-sharp (talk)
F sharp |
alternative spelling of |
F-sharp (talk)
f-flat |
alternative spelling of |
F-flat (talk)
f-sharp |
alternative spelling of |
F-sharp (talk)
f.k.a. |
alternative spelling of |
FKA (talk)
F♭ |
alternative spelling of |
F-flat (talk)
F♯ |
alternative spelling of |
F-sharp (talk)
factchecker |
alternative spelling of |
fact checker (talk)
factorisable |
alternative spelling of |
factorizable (talk)
falang |
alternative spelling of |
farang (talk)
fall-offs |
alternative spelling of |
falloff (talk)
faroff |
alternative spelling of |
far-off (talk)
fatoush |
alternative spelling of |
fattoush (talk)
favourability |
alternative spelling of |
favorability (talk)
fech-fech |
alternative spelling of |
fesh-fesh (talk)
fechfech |
alternative spelling of |
fesh-fesh (talk)
federalisation |
alternative spelling of |
federalization (talk)
federalise |
alternative spelling of |
federalize (talk)
fediverse |
alternative spelling of |
Fediverse (talk)
femalecentric |
alternative spelling of |
female-centric (talk)
feminised |
alternative spelling of |
feminized (talk)
feminiser |
alternative spelling of |
feminizer (talk)
feminising |
alternative spelling of |
feminizing (talk)
fernackerpan |
alternative spelling of |
fanackapan (talk)
feromone |
alternative spelling of |
pheromone (talk)
ferrugineous |
alternative spelling of |
ferruginous (talk)
fertilisable |
alternative spelling of |
fertilizable (talk)
fetishisation |
alternative spelling of |
fetishization (talk)
fettucini |
alternative spelling of |
fettuccini (talk)
fewl |
alternative spelling of |
fool (talk)
fidayee |
alternative spelling of |
fedayee (talk)
figure-head |
alternative spelling of |
figurehead (talk)
filing system |
alternative spelling of |
file system (talk)
fin-de-siecle |
alternative spelling of |
fin-de-siècle (talk)
financialise |
alternative spelling of |
financialize (talk)
Fing |
alternative spelling of |
effing (talk)
Fing |
alternative spelling of |
effing (talk)
Finian |
alternative spelling of |
Finnian (talk)
Finnicise |
alternative spelling of |
Finnicize (talk)
finochi |
alternative spelling of |
finocchio (talk)
firedoor |
alternative spelling of |
fire door (talk)
first come, first served |
alternative spelling of |
first-come-first-served (talk)
first sale doctrine |
alternative spelling of |
first-sale doctrine (talk)
five eighth |
alternative spelling of |
five-eighth (talk)
five finger discounts |
alternative spelling of |
five-finger discount (talk)
five-pin bowling |
alternative spelling of |
fivepin bowling (talk)
flakeable |
alternative spelling of |
flakable (talk)
flambee |
alternative spelling of |
flambé (talk)
flambee |
alternative spelling of |
flambé (talk)
flannelet |
alternative spelling of |
flannelette (talk)
flavenoid |
alternative spelling of |
flavonoid (talk)
flavine |
alternative spelling of |
flavin (talk)
flavour enhancer |
alternative spelling of |
flavor enhancer (talk)
flavourant |
alternative spelling of |
flavorant (talk)
flavourlessly |
alternative spelling of |
flavorlessly (talk)
flavourlessness |
alternative spelling of |
flavorlessness (talk)
flection |
alternative spelling of |
flexion (talk)
flibberty-gibbet |
alternative spelling of |
flibbertigibbet (talk)
flittermice |
alternative spelling of |
flitter-mouse (talk)
fliver |
alternative spelling of |
flivver (talk)
flowers of sulphur |
alternative spelling of |
flowers of sulfur (talk)
fluidodynamics |
alternative spelling of |
fluid dynamics (talk)
flunkeys |
alternative spelling of |
flunkies (talk)
flutey |
alternative spelling of |
fluty (talk)
focalise |
alternative spelling of |
focalize (talk)
foetoprotein |
alternative spelling of |
fetoprotein (talk)
foetotoxic |
alternative spelling of |
fetotoxic (talk)
folderal |
alternative spelling of |
folderol (talk)
folkdance |
alternative spelling of |
folk dance (talk)
follow the leader |
alternative spelling of |
follow-the-leader (talk)
fore arm |
alternative spelling of |
forearm (talk)
fore-arm |
alternative spelling of |
forearm (talk)
forefend |
alternative spelling of |
forfend (talk)
formalisation |
alternative spelling of |
formalization (talk)
fossy |
alternative spelling of |
phossy (talk)
foto |
alternative spelling of |
photo (talk)
fouth |
alternative spelling of |
fourth (talk)
foyst |
alternative spelling of |
foist (talk)
fractalisation |
alternative spelling of |
fractalization (talk)
fraternalisation |
alternative spelling of |
fraternalization (talk)
fraternalise |
alternative spelling of |
fraternalize (talk)
freebee |
alternative spelling of |
freebie (talk)
freespin |
alternative spelling of |
free spin (talk)
freight hopper |
alternative spelling of |
freighthopper (talk)
freight hopping |
alternative spelling of |
freighthopping (talk)
fricken |
alternative spelling of |
fricking (talk)
Friday the 13th |
alternative spelling of |
Friday the thirteenth (talk)
friggin |
alternative spelling of |
frigging (talk)
froginess |
alternative spelling of |
frogginess (talk)
frying-pan |
alternative spelling of |
frying pan (talk)
fucken |
alternative spelling of |
fucking (talk)
fuhgedaboudit |
alternative spelling of |
fuhgeddaboudit (talk)
fuhgedaboutit |
alternative spelling of |
fuhgeddaboudit (talk)
functionalisation |
alternative spelling of |
functionalization (talk)
functionalised |
alternative spelling of |
functionalized (talk)
funeral parlour |
alternative spelling of |
funeral parlor (talk)
fungemia |
alternative spelling of |
fungaemia (talk)
fungemic |
alternative spelling of |
fungaemic (talk)
Fus-ha |
alternative spelling of |
Fusha (talk)
futurise |
alternative spelling of |
futurize (talk)
Fuzhine |
alternative spelling of |
Fužine (talk)
g flat |
alternative spelling of |
G-flat (talk)
G flat |
alternative spelling of |
G-flat (talk)
g sharp |
alternative spelling of |
G-sharp (talk)
G sharp |
alternative spelling of |
G-sharp (talk)
g-flat |
alternative spelling of |
G-flat (talk)
g-sharp |
alternative spelling of |
G-sharp (talk)
G. I. |
alternative spelling of |
GI (talk)
G♭ |
alternative spelling of |
G-flat (talk)
G♯ |
alternative spelling of |
G-sharp (talk)
Gáe Bolg |
alternative spelling of |
Gae Bulg (talk)
Gáe Bolga |
alternative spelling of |
Gae Bulg (talk)
Gáe Bulga |
alternative spelling of |
Gae Bulg (talk)
galage |
alternative spelling of |
galoshe (talk)
galvaniser |
alternative spelling of |
galvanizer (talk)
gamily |
alternative spelling of |
gamely (talk)
gammation |
alternative spelling of |
gammadion (talk)
gaolbird |
alternative spelling of |
jailbird (talk)
gaolhouse |
alternative spelling of |
jailhouse (talk)
garbagy |
alternative spelling of |
garbagey (talk)
garden-variety |
alternative spelling of |
garden variety (talk)
garote |
alternative spelling of |
garrote (talk)
garote |
alternative spelling of |
garrote (talk)
garotter |
alternative spelling of |
garrotter (talk)
gasfield |
alternative spelling of |
gas field (talk)
gasses |
alternative spelling of |
gases (talk)
gasses |
alternative spelling of |
gases (talk)
gayety |
alternative spelling of |
gaiety (talk)
gedge |
alternative spelling of |
gauge (talk)
gelatinisation |
alternative spelling of |
gelatinization (talk)
gendervague |
alternative spelling of |
gender-vague (talk)
generalised |
alternative spelling of |
generalized (talk)
geometrisation |
alternative spelling of |
geometrization (talk)
geranygeranyl |
alternative spelling of |
geranylgeranyl (talk)
gewd |
alternative spelling of |
good (talk)
gezumph |
alternative spelling of |
gazump (talk)
ghayr muqallid |
alternative spelling of |
ghair muqallid (talk)
Gipsy |
alternative spelling of |
Gypsy (talk)
gis |
alternative spelling of |
jizz (talk)
gittin |
alternative spelling of |
gitting (talk)
glamourie |
alternative spelling of |
glamoury (talk)
glottalisation |
alternative spelling of |
glottalization (talk)
glottalise |
alternative spelling of |
glottalize (talk)
glueing |
alternative spelling of |
gluing (talk)
glutenous |
alternative spelling of |
glutinous (talk)
gnosticise |
alternative spelling of |
gnosticize (talk)
godammit |
alternative spelling of |
goddammit (talk)
goddam |
alternative spelling of |
goddamn (talk)
goddamit |
alternative spelling of |
goddammit (talk)
goddamnit |
alternative spelling of |
goddammit (talk)
Gödelisation |
alternative spelling of |
Gödelization (talk)
godmamma |
alternative spelling of |
godmama (talk)
goldern |
alternative spelling of |
goldurn (talk)
goldplate |
alternative spelling of |
gold plate (talk)
goldplate |
alternative spelling of |
gold plate (talk)
golosh |
alternative spelling of |
galosh (talk)
good humor |
alternative spelling of |
good humour (talk)
goolie |
alternative spelling of |
gooly (talk)
goomba |
alternative spelling of |
gumbe (talk)
goosey |
alternative spelling of |
goosy (talk)
goosey |
alternative spelling of |
goosy (talk)
Gospich |
alternative spelling of |
Gospić (talk)
gossipper |
alternative spelling of |
gossiper (talk)
Gothicize |
alternative spelling of |
Gothicise (talk)
grade 11 |
alternative spelling of |
grade eleven (talk)
grain whiskey |
alternative spelling of |
grain whisky (talk)
grand-daddy |
alternative spelling of |
granddaddy (talk)
grande finale |
alternative spelling of |
grand final (talk)
grande finale |
alternative spelling of |
grand finale (talk)
grandmama |
alternative spelling of |
grandmamma (talk)
granularisation |
alternative spelling of |
granularization (talk)
granularise |
alternative spelling of |
granularize (talk)
gray amber |
alternative spelling of |
grey amber (talk)
green keeper |
alternative spelling of |
greenkeeper (talk)
gremoulata |
alternative spelling of |
gremolata (talk)
greybody |
alternative spelling of |
graybody (talk)
grillework |
alternative spelling of |
grillwork (talk)
Grizelda |
alternative spelling of |
Griselda (talk)
Gro-bag |
alternative spelling of |
growbag (talk)
grock |
alternative spelling of |
grok (talk)
grow a custom |
alternative spelling of |
] (])
guanco |
alternative spelling of |
guanaco (talk)
Guelfism |
alternative spelling of |
Guelphism (talk)
guestimation |
alternative spelling of |
guesstimation (talk)
guiltyness |
alternative spelling of |
guiltiness (talk)
gun fu |
alternative spelling of |
kung fu (talk)
guyses |
alternative spelling of |
guys (talk)
guyses |
alternative spelling of |
guys (talk)
guywire |
alternative spelling of |
guy-wire (talk)
guzla |
alternative spelling of |
gusle (talk)
gynæcocracy |
alternative spelling of |
gynecocracy (talk)
gynaecologically |
alternative spelling of |
gynecologically (talk)
Habbakuk |
alternative spelling of |
] (])
hadnae |
alternative spelling of |
hadna (talk)
Hadramautian |
alternative spelling of |
Hadhramautian (talk)
Hadramautian |
alternative spelling of |
Hadhramautian (talk)
hadronisation |
alternative spelling of |
hadronization (talk)
hadronize |
alternative spelling of |
hadronise (talk)
haemin |
alternative spelling of |
hemin (talk)
haemocytoblast |
alternative spelling of |
hemocytoblast (talk)
haemoderivative |
alternative spelling of |
hemoderivative (talk)
haemolysate |
alternative spelling of |
hemolysate (talk)
haemolysin |
alternative spelling of |
hemolysin (talk)
haemolytic |
alternative spelling of |
hemolytic (talk)
haemoprotein |
alternative spelling of |
hemoprotein (talk)
haemotologist |
alternative spelling of |
hematologist (talk)
haemozoin |
alternative spelling of |
hemozoin (talk)
hafidh |
alternative spelling of |
hafiz (talk)
haiduck |
alternative spelling of |
hajduk (talk)
hairyness |
alternative spelling of |
hairiness (talk)
Hakeems |
alternative spelling of |
Hakims (talk)
halaal |
alternative spelling of |
halal (talk)
half-orphan |
alternative spelling of |
half orphan (talk)
halp |
alternative spelling of |
help (talk)
halter-top |
alternative spelling of |
halter top (talk)
hamatia |
alternative spelling of |
hamartia (talk)
hamfistedly |
alternative spelling of |
ham-fistedly (talk)
hamfistedness |
alternative spelling of |
ham-fistedness (talk)
hand-basket |
alternative spelling of |
handbasket (talk)
handlable |
alternative spelling of |
handleable (talk)
handwavey |
alternative spelling of |
handwavy (talk)
Hannukkah |
alternative spelling of |
Hanukkah (talk)
harang |
alternative spelling of |
harangue (talk)
harang |
alternative spelling of |
harangue (talk)
hard-arse |
alternative spelling of |
hard-ass (talk)
haulyard |
alternative spelling of |
halyard (talk)
haxx |
alternative spelling of |
hacks (talk)
heads-up displays |
alternative spelling of |
head-up display (talk)
heartachey |
alternative spelling of |
heartachy (talk)
hebophile |
alternative spelling of |
hebephile (talk)
hegemonise |
alternative spelling of |
hegemonize (talk)
Heisenbugs |
alternative spelling of |
heisenbug (talk)
hel bent |
alternative spelling of |
hellbent (talk)
hel-bent |
alternative spelling of |
hellbent (talk)
helgramites |
alternative spelling of |
hellgramites (talk)
hellgrammites |
alternative spelling of |
hellgramites (talk)
hemisulphate |
alternative spelling of |
hemisulfate (talk)
hempmilk |
alternative spelling of |
hemp milk (talk)
henny |
alternative spelling of |
honey (talk)
heparinisation |
alternative spelling of |
heparinization (talk)
hermaphrodyte |
alternative spelling of |
hermaphrodite (talk)
hermaphrodytes |
alternative spelling of |
hermaphrodites (talk)
heterochromatinisation |
alternative spelling of |
heterochromatinization (talk)
heterogenised |
alternative spelling of |
heterogenized (talk)
hexaedron |
alternative spelling of |
hexahedron (talk)
heyduck |
alternative spelling of |
hajduk (talk)
high tension |
alternative spelling of |
high-tension (talk)
highjacker |
alternative spelling of |
hijacker (talk)
Hightech |
alternative spelling of |
hi-tech (talk)
Hindostan |
alternative spelling of |
Hindustan (talk)
hip-flasks |
alternative spelling of |
hip flask (talk)
hippieish |
alternative spelling of |
hippyish (talk)
hireable |
alternative spelling of |
hirable (talk)
Hitler moustache |
alternative spelling of |
Hitler mustache (talk)
hog-gum |
alternative spelling of |
hog gum (talk)
holorime |
alternative spelling of |
holorhyme (talk)
homochiralisation |
alternative spelling of |
homochiralization (talk)
homoeobox |
alternative spelling of |
homeobox (talk)
homogenous function |
alternative spelling of |
homogeneous function (talk)
homogenous polynomial |
alternative spelling of |
homogeneous polynomial (talk)
homosexualise |
alternative spelling of |
homosexualize (talk)
honourableness |
alternative spelling of |
honorableness (talk)
Hormuz |
alternative spelling of |
Hormud (talk)
horse-heal |
alternative spelling of |
horseheal (talk)
hot diggity dog |
alternative spelling of |
hot diggety dog (talk)
hot diggity |
alternative spelling of |
hot diggety (talk)
hot favourite |
alternative spelling of |
hot favorite (talk)
hot gospeler |
alternative spelling of |
hot gospeller (talk)
hot gospeling |
alternative spelling of |
hot gospelling (talk)
hotty |
alternative spelling of |
hottie (talk)
hourslong |
alternative spelling of |
hours-long (talk)
howsomdever |
alternative spelling of |
howsomedever (talk)
hr. |
alternative spelling of |
hr (talk)
hrrmph |
alternative spelling of |
hrmph (talk)
Huanghe |
alternative spelling of |
Huang He (talk)
hudnah |
alternative spelling of |
hudna (talk)
humourlessly |
alternative spelling of |
humorlessly (talk)
humourlessness |
alternative spelling of |
humorlessness (talk)
huppah |
alternative spelling of |
chuppah (talk)
hushabye |
alternative spelling of |
hushaby (talk)
huzzas |
alternative spelling of |
huzzahs (talk)
hydrocoele |
alternative spelling of |
hydrocele (talk)
hydrogencarbonate |
alternative spelling of |
hydrogen carbonate (talk)
hydrohydrodesulphurisation |
alternative spelling of |
hydrohydrodesulphurization (talk)
hydrolysable |
alternative spelling of |
hydrolyzable (talk)
hydrophobised |
alternative spelling of |
hydrophobized (talk)
hydrosulphite |
alternative spelling of |
hydrosulfite (talk)
hydrosulphurous acid |
alternative spelling of |
hydrosulfurous acid (talk)
hylogeny |
alternative spelling of |
hylogenesis (talk)
hyperbilirubinaemia |
alternative spelling of |
hyperbilirubinemia (talk)
hyperhomocysteinaemia |
alternative spelling of |
hyperhomocysteinemia (talk)
hyperkalaemia |
alternative spelling of |
hyperkalemia (talk)
hyperlipidaemia |
alternative spelling of |
hyperlipidemia (talk)
hyperlipoproteinaemia |
alternative spelling of |
hyperlipoproteinemia (talk)
hyperoestrogenaemia |
alternative spelling of |
hyperestrogenemia (talk)
hyperphenylalaninaemia |
alternative spelling of |
hyperphenylalaninemia (talk)
hyperpolarisation |
alternative spelling of |
hyperpolarization (talk)
hyperpolarise |
alternative spelling of |
hyperpolarize (talk)
hypersexualisation |
alternative spelling of |
hypersexualization (talk)
hypertriglyceridaemia |
alternative spelling of |
hypertriglyceridemia (talk)
hypesthesia |
alternative spelling of |
hypoesthesia (talk)
hypnotisability |
alternative spelling of |
hypnotizability (talk)
hypnotisable |
alternative spelling of |
hypnotizable (talk)
hypnotizeable |
alternative spelling of |
hypnotizable (talk)
hypoaesthesia |
alternative spelling of |
hypoesthesia (talk)
hypoalbuminaemia |
alternative spelling of |
hypoalbuminemia (talk)
hypoalbuminaemic |
alternative spelling of |
hypoalbuminemic (talk)
hypogammaglobulinaemia |
alternative spelling of |
hypogammaglobulinemia (talk)
hypomagnesaemia |
alternative spelling of |
hypomagnesemia (talk)
hypophyseal |
alternative spelling of |
hypophysial (talk)
I should coco |
alternative spelling of |
I should cocoa (talk)
iapygid |
alternative spelling of |
japygid (talk)
Ibadhism |
alternative spelling of |
Ibadism (talk)
ice ax |
alternative spelling of |
ice axe (talk)
ichomage |
alternative spelling of |
oichomage (talk)
icosaedron |
alternative spelling of |
icosahedron (talk)
icthyosporean |
alternative spelling of |
ichthyosporean (talk)
ideologise |
alternative spelling of |
ideologize (talk)
idiosyncracy |
alternative spelling of |
idiosyncrasy (talk)
idolisation |
alternative spelling of |
idolization (talk)
Idul Fitr |
alternative spelling of |
Eid al-Fitr (talk)
idylist |
alternative spelling of |
idyllist (talk)
illfavoured |
alternative spelling of |
ill-favored (talk)
immoveably |
alternative spelling of |
immovably (talk)
immuno-competent |
alternative spelling of |
immunocompetent (talk)
immuno-compromised |
alternative spelling of |
immunocompromised (talk)
immunocompromized |
alternative spelling of |
immunocompromised (talk)
immunolabelled |
alternative spelling of |
immunolabeled (talk)
improvize |
alternative spelling of |
improvise (talk)
in before |
alternative spelling of |
inb4 (talk)
inbalance |
alternative spelling of |
imbalance (talk)
incognisance |
alternative spelling of |
incognizance (talk)
incontestible |
alternative spelling of |
incontestable (talk)
Indianization |
alternative spelling of |
Indianisation (talk)
indigenisation |
alternative spelling of |
indigenization (talk)
indrid |
alternative spelling of |
indriid (talk)
inflator |
alternative spelling of |
inflater (talk)
informisation |
alternative spelling of |
informatization (talk)
innoculation |
alternative spelling of |
inoculation (talk)
insconce |
alternative spelling of |
ensconce (talk)
instrumentalise |
alternative spelling of |
instrumentalize (talk)
intefadeh |
alternative spelling of |
intifada (talk)
internalisation |
alternative spelling of |
internalization (talk)
intraoesophageal |
alternative spelling of |
intraesophageal (talk)
intraperitonial |
alternative spelling of |
intraperitoneal (talk)
invocable |
alternative spelling of |
invokable (talk)
ionising |
alternative spelling of |
ionizing (talk)
Iranianisation |
alternative spelling of |
Iranianization (talk)
Iranianise |
alternative spelling of |
Iranianize (talk)
iridisation |
alternative spelling of |
iridization (talk)
ironise |
alternative spelling of |
ironize (talk)
irrevokable |
alternative spelling of |
irrevocable (talk)
irrevokably |
alternative spelling of |
irrevocably (talk)
isochor |
alternative spelling of |
isochore (talk)
isoimmunisation |
alternative spelling of |
isoimmunization (talk)
isomerise |
alternative spelling of |
isomerize (talk)
isotropisation |
alternative spelling of |
isotropization (talk)
itemisation |
alternative spelling of |
itemization (talk)
itineracy |
alternative spelling of |
itinerancy (talk)
ivyed |
alternative spelling of |
ivied (talk)
jabrone |
alternative spelling of |
] (])
jabroney |
alternative spelling of |
] (])
jabronie |
alternative spelling of |
] (])
Jae |
alternative spelling of |
Jay (talk)
jagghery |
alternative spelling of |
jaggery (talk)
jaghire |
alternative spelling of |
jaghir (talk)
jakfruit |
alternative spelling of |
jackfruit (talk)
jambok |
alternative spelling of |
sjambok (talk)
jambok |
alternative spelling of |
sjambok (talk)
Japanese mandolin |
alternative spelling of |
Japanese mandoline (talk)
japanise |
alternative spelling of |
japanize (talk)
jararaka |
alternative spelling of |
jararaca (talk)
jawbation |
alternative spelling of |
jobation (talk)
jay-walker |
alternative spelling of |
jaywalker (talk)
jay-walkers |
alternative spelling of |
jaywalkers (talk)
Jayzus |
alternative spelling of |
Jaysus (talk)
jazzercize |
alternative spelling of |
jazzercise (talk)
jee |
alternative spelling of |
gee (talk)
Jeezum Crow |
alternative spelling of |
Jesum Crow (talk)
jehadi |
alternative spelling of |
jihadi (talk)
jehadism |
alternative spelling of |
jihadism (talk)
jehadist |
alternative spelling of |
jihadist (talk)
jejeunostomy |
alternative spelling of |
jejunostomy (talk)
jejeunum |
alternative spelling of |
jejunum (talk)
jellabah |
alternative spelling of |
jellaba (talk)
jemidar |
alternative spelling of |
jemadar (talk)
jequerity |
alternative spelling of |
jequirity (talk)
jerry-rigged |
alternative spelling of |
jury-rigged (talk)
jibberish |
alternative spelling of |
gibberish (talk)
jibberish |
alternative spelling of |
gibberish (talk)
jihadisation |
alternative spelling of |
jihadization (talk)
jimcro |
alternative spelling of |
Jim Crow (talk)
jingko |
alternative spelling of |
gingko (talk)
jinnee |
alternative spelling of |
jinni (talk)
jissom |
alternative spelling of |
jism (talk)
jist |
alternative spelling of |
gist (talk)
jiujitsu |
alternative spelling of |
jujitsu (talk)
jodeler |
alternative spelling of |
yodeler (talk)
jodeller |
alternative spelling of |
yodeller (talk)
journalise |
alternative spelling of |
journalize (talk)
Judæo-Spanish |
alternative spelling of |
Judaeo-Spanish (talk)
Judeo-Spanish |
alternative spelling of |
Judaeo-Spanish (talk)
juice |
alternative spelling of |
Jew (talk)
jujubi |
alternative spelling of |
jujube (talk)
kabbala |
alternative spelling of |
Kaballah (talk)
Kabbalah |
alternative spelling of |
Kabballah (talk)
kabballah |
alternative spelling of |
Kabbalah (talk)
kaching |
alternative spelling of |
kerching (talk)
kack-handed |
alternative spelling of |
cack-handed (talk)
kaffeeklatch |
alternative spelling of |
coffee klatch (talk)
kaffiyeh |
alternative spelling of |
keffiyeh (talk)
kagool |
alternative spelling of |
cagoule (talk)
kalamdan |
alternative spelling of |
qalamdan (talk)
Kalashmondr |
alternative spelling of |
Kalash (talk)
kalifate |
alternative spelling of |
caliphate (talk)
Kambo |
alternative spelling of |
Kamboh (talk)
kameez |
alternative spelling of |
kamees (talk)
kamis |
alternative spelling of |
kamees (talk)
kannemeyerid |
alternative spelling of |
kannemeyeriid (talk)
kaolinise |
alternative spelling of |
kaolinize (talk)
kapow |
alternative spelling of |
kerpow (talk)
Kashkai |
alternative spelling of |
Qashqai (talk)
keepy-uppy |
alternative spelling of |
keepie-uppie (talk)
kelipot |
alternative spelling of |
Qliphoth (talk)
kelson |
alternative spelling of |
keelson (talk)
kephalin |
alternative spelling of |
cephalin (talk)
kepo |
alternative spelling of |
kaypoh (talk)
kepo |
alternative spelling of |
kaypoh (talk)
kepo |
alternative spelling of |
kaypoh (talk)
keratinisation |
alternative spelling of |
keratinization (talk)
keratosulphate |
alternative spelling of |
keratosulfate (talk)
kewl beans |
alternative spelling of |
cool beans (talk)
Khakass |
alternative spelling of |
Khakas (talk)
khimaar |
alternative spelling of |
khimar (talk)
kiddy porn |
alternative spelling of |
kiddie porn (talk)
kidnaped |
alternative spelling of |
kidnapped (talk)
kielbasi |
alternative spelling of |
kielbasa (talk)
kieselgur |
alternative spelling of |
kieselguhr (talk)
kilogrammeter |
alternative spelling of |
kilogram-meter (talk)
king-size |
alternative spelling of |
king-sized (talk)
Kirgiz |
alternative spelling of |
Kirghiz (talk)
kleptoplastidy |
alternative spelling of |
kleptoplasty (talk)
knick |
alternative spelling of |
nick (talk)
Knight Batchelor |
alternative spelling of |
Knight Bachelor (talk)
kolkoz |
alternative spelling of |
kolkhoz (talk)
komboucha |
alternative spelling of |
kombucha (talk)
kopasetic |
alternative spelling of |
copacetic (talk)
Koprivnitza |
alternative spelling of |
Koprivnica (talk)
Koranist |
alternative spelling of |
Quranist (talk)
Koranite |
alternative spelling of |
Quranite (talk)
kotower |
alternative spelling of |
kowtower (talk)
koulibiak |
alternative spelling of |
coulibiac (talk)
kouskous |
alternative spelling of |
couscous (talk)
Kraguyevac |
alternative spelling of |
Kragujevac (talk)
kronur |
alternative spelling of |
krona (talk)
kruft |
alternative spelling of |
cruft (talk)
Kung |
alternative spelling of |
ǃKung (talk)
Kymric |
alternative spelling of |
Cymric (talk)
Kymric |
alternative spelling of |
Cymric (talk)
l337 |
alternative spelling of |
leet (talk)
l337 |
alternative spelling of |
leet (talk)
labellable |
alternative spelling of |
labelable (talk)
Lacedemonian |
alternative spelling of |
Lacedaemonian (talk)
Lacedemonian |
alternative spelling of |
Lacedaemonian (talk)
lacey |
alternative spelling of |
lacy (talk)
lachrymal bone |
alternative spelling of |
lacrimal bone (talk)
lachrymal sac |
alternative spelling of |
lacrimal sac (talk)
lachrymal sacs |
alternative spelling of |
lacrimal sacs (talk)
lacrimator |
alternative spelling of |
lachrymator (talk)
lactonisation |
alternative spelling of |
lactonization (talk)
ladysfinger |
alternative spelling of |
ladyfinger (talk)
laicisation |
alternative spelling of |
laicization (talk)
laicise |
alternative spelling of |
laicize (talk)
laissez-fairism |
alternative spelling of |
laissez-faireism (talk)
lamajun |
alternative spelling of |
lahmacun (talk)
lampost |
alternative spelling of |
lamppost (talk)
larikin |
alternative spelling of |
larrikin (talk)
larvacidal |
alternative spelling of |
larvicidal (talk)
Last Judgement |
alternative spelling of |
Last Judgment (talk)
latka |
alternative spelling of |
latke (talk)
legitimised |
alternative spelling of |
legitimized (talk)
legitimises |
alternative spelling of |
legitimizes (talk)
leucoerythroblastosis |
alternative spelling of |
leukoerythroblastosis (talk)
leucomalacia |
alternative spelling of |
leukomalacia (talk)
lexicalisable |
alternative spelling of |
lexicalizable (talk)
lexicalisation |
alternative spelling of |
lexicalization (talk)
liberalised |
alternative spelling of |
liberalized (talk)
library catalogue |
alternative spelling of |
library catalog (talk)
Licca |
alternative spelling of |
Lika (talk)
licorine |
alternative spelling of |
lycorine (talk)
likably |
alternative spelling of |
likeably (talk)
lime-stone |
alternative spelling of |
limestone (talk)
linearisability |
alternative spelling of |
linearizability (talk)
linearise |
alternative spelling of |
linearize (talk)
linearised |
alternative spelling of |
linearized (talk)
lionisation |
alternative spelling of |
lionization (talk)
lipophylic |
alternative spelling of |
lipophilic (talk)
liquefied |
alternative spelling of |
liquified (talk)
liquefied |
alternative spelling of |
liquified (talk)
liquefying |
alternative spelling of |
liquifying (talk)
lisencephaly |
alternative spelling of |
lissencephaly (talk)
literateuses |
alternative spelling of |
litterateuses (talk)
lithium aluminum hydride |
alternative spelling of |
lithium aluminium hydride (talk)
lithotriptor |
alternative spelling of |
lithotripter (talk)
lithotryptor |
alternative spelling of |
lithotripter (talk)
lizard man |
alternative spelling of |
lizardman (talk)
llamoid |
alternative spelling of |
lamoid (talk)
lobotomised |
alternative spelling of |
lobotomized (talk)
lochea |
alternative spelling of |
lochia (talk)
loop de loop |
alternative spelling of |
loop-de-loop (talk)
lordie |
alternative spelling of |
lordy (talk)
Los Angelino |
alternative spelling of |
Los Angeleno (talk)
lotah |
alternative spelling of |
lota (talk)
luteinising hormone |
alternative spelling of |
luteinizing hormone (talk)
luteinising |
alternative spelling of |
luteinizing (talk)
luzern |
alternative spelling of |
lusern (talk)
lych |
alternative spelling of |
lich (talk)
lymantrid |
alternative spelling of |
lymantriid (talk)
maccaron |
alternative spelling of |
macaron (talk)
macroglobulinaemia |
alternative spelling of |
macroglobulinemia (talk)
Magna Chartas |
alternative spelling of |
Magna Cartas (talk)
Magnae Chartae |
alternative spelling of |
Magnae Cartae (talk)
magnesium sulphate |
alternative spelling of |
magnesium sulfate (talk)
magnesium sulphide |
alternative spelling of |
magnesium sulfide (talk)
magnetisation |
alternative spelling of |
magnetization (talk)
magnetodisk |
alternative spelling of |
magnetodisc (talk)
maharanee |
alternative spelling of |
maharani (talk)
Maisy |
alternative spelling of |
Maisie (talk)
makeup call |
alternative spelling of |
make-up call (talk)
makhila |
alternative spelling of |
makila (talk)
Malaŵian |
alternative spelling of |
Malawian (talk)
Malaŵian |
alternative spelling of |
Malawian (talk)
Malikist |
alternative spelling of |
Maliki (talk)
Malikite |
alternative spelling of |
Maliki (talk)
malodour |
alternative spelling of |
malodor (talk)
mammology |
alternative spelling of |
mammalogy (talk)
Mandean |
alternative spelling of |
Mandaean (talk)
mandore |
alternative spelling of |
mandor (talk)
maniness |
alternative spelling of |
manyness (talk)
manisided |
alternative spelling of |
many-sided (talk)
manœuvred |
alternative spelling of |
manoeuvre (talk)
manoeuvrer |
alternative spelling of |
maneuverer (talk)
Mantchou |
alternative spelling of |
Manchu (talk)
Mantinea |
alternative spelling of |
Mantineia (talk)
manty |
alternative spelling of |
manti (talk)
manufactury |
alternative spelling of |
manufactory (talk)
mapo dofu |
alternative spelling of |
mapo doufu (talk)
mapo tofu |
alternative spelling of |
mapo doufu (talk)
margraviate |
alternative spelling of |
margravate (talk)
maribou |
alternative spelling of |
marabou (talk)
marking nut tree |
alternative spelling of |
marking-nut tree (talk)
marmorised |
alternative spelling of |
marmorized (talk)
marrie |
alternative spelling of |
marry (talk)
marrie |
alternative spelling of |
marry (talk)
Masai |
alternative spelling of |
Maasai (talk)
Masai |
alternative spelling of |
Maasai (talk)
mashgiah |
alternative spelling of |
mashgiach (talk)
Massai |
alternative spelling of |
Maasai (talk)
materialisation |
alternative spelling of |
materialization (talk)
maternalisation |
alternative spelling of |
maternalization (talk)
maternalise |
alternative spelling of |
maternalize (talk)
mathematicise |
alternative spelling of |
mathematicize (talk)
matie |
alternative spelling of |
matey (talk)
maumish |
alternative spelling of |
mawmish (talk)
Maurician |
alternative spelling of |
Mauritian (talk)
Maurician |
alternative spelling of |
Mauritian (talk)
maximisable |
alternative spelling of |
maximizable (talk)
maximisation |
alternative spelling of |
maximization (talk)
maximiser |
alternative spelling of |
maximizer (talk)
Mazandarani |
alternative spelling of |
Mazanderani (talk)
Mazandarani |
alternative spelling of |
Mazanderani (talk)
Mazandarani |
alternative spelling of |
Mazanderani (talk)
meadow-saffron |
alternative spelling of |
meadow saffron (talk)
Medjimurye |
alternative spelling of |
Međimurje (talk)
megagramme |
alternative spelling of |
megagram (talk)
melick |
alternative spelling of |
melic (talk)
melodramatise |
alternative spelling of |
melodramatize (talk)
memoise |
alternative spelling of |
memoize (talk)
meningocele manqué |
alternative spelling of |
meningocele manque (talk)
mercaptobenzthiazole |
alternative spelling of |
mercaptobenzothiazole (talk)
merchandizer |
alternative spelling of |
merchandiser (talk)
merchandizing |
alternative spelling of |
merchandising (talk)
meroir |
alternative spelling of |
merroir (talk)
mesilect |
alternative spelling of |
mesolect (talk)
meta model |
alternative spelling of |
] (])
metabolisable |
alternative spelling of |
metabolizable (talk)
metaled |
alternative spelling of |
metalled (talk)
metalicity |
alternative spelling of |
metallicity (talk)
metalization |
alternative spelling of |
metallization (talk)
metamodelling |
alternative spelling of |
metamodeling (talk)
methaemoglobinaemia |
alternative spelling of |
methemoglobinemia (talk)
methamfetamine |
alternative spelling of |
methamphetamine (talk)
methanesulphonate |
alternative spelling of |
methanesulfonate (talk)
methanesulphonic acid |
alternative spelling of |
methanesulfonic acid (talk)
methanethiosulphonate |
alternative spelling of |
methanethiosulfonate (talk)
methemoglobinaemia |
alternative spelling of |
methemoglobinemia (talk)
Metropolitan Area Network |
alternative spelling of |
metropolitan area network (talk)
miaou |
alternative spelling of |
miaow (talk)
miaou |
alternative spelling of |
miaow (talk)
microanalyser |
alternative spelling of |
microanalyzer (talk)
microfluidiser |
alternative spelling of |
microfluidizer (talk)
microhm |
alternative spelling of |
micro-ohm (talk)
microproteinaemia |
alternative spelling of |
microproteinemia (talk)
Midean |
alternative spelling of |
Midian (talk)
midnite |
alternative spelling of |
midnight (talk)
midsaggital |
alternative spelling of |
midsagittal (talk)
minah |
alternative spelling of |
myna (talk)
mineable |
alternative spelling of |
minable (talk)
minimalise |
alternative spelling of |
minimalize (talk)
minimisable |
alternative spelling of |
minimizable (talk)
minimisation |
alternative spelling of |
minimization (talk)
minimiser |
alternative spelling of |
minimizer (talk)
minoritise |
alternative spelling of |
minoritize (talk)
Miriam |
alternative spelling of |
Meriam (talk)
miscategorisation |
alternative spelling of |
miscategorization (talk)
miscategorise |
alternative spelling of |
miscategorize (talk)
misses |
alternative spelling of |
missus (talk)
Misses |
alternative spelling of |
Missus (talk)
Miztec |
alternative spelling of |
Mixtec (talk)
Miztec |
alternative spelling of |
Mixtec (talk)
mo-mo |
alternative spelling of |
momo (talk)
mocassined |
alternative spelling of |
moccasined (talk)
moccassined |
alternative spelling of |
moccasined (talk)
mod pack |
alternative spelling of |
modpack (talk)
mod packs |
alternative spelling of |
modpacks (talk)
modalise |
alternative spelling of |
modalize (talk)
modularisation |
alternative spelling of |
modularization (talk)
molluskan |
alternative spelling of |
molluscan (talk)
molybdenum disulphide |
alternative spelling of |
molybdenum disulfide (talk)
mommie |
alternative spelling of |
mommy (talk)
mongrelisation |
alternative spelling of |
mongrelization (talk)
monoaluminum |
alternative spelling of |
monoaluminium (talk)
monomerisation |
alternative spelling of |
monomerization (talk)
mooshy |
alternative spelling of |
mushy (talk)
Moroccanisation |
alternative spelling of |
Moroccanization (talk)
Moroccanise |
alternative spelling of |
Moroccanize (talk)
morphe |
alternative spelling of |
morphew (talk)
mortgagable |
alternative spelling of |
mortgageable (talk)
mothership |
alternative spelling of |
mother ship (talk)
motor-home |
alternative spelling of |
motor home (talk)
motorised |
alternative spelling of |
motorized (talk)
mott |
alternative spelling of |
mot (talk)
mouldlike |
alternative spelling of |
moldlike (talk)
mouth-breathers |
alternative spelling of |
mouth breather (talk)
mouzhik |
alternative spelling of |
mujik (talk)
mujahed |
alternative spelling of |
mujahid (talk)
mula |
alternative spelling of |
moola (talk)
multi-tier |
alternative spelling of |
multitier (talk)
muntjack |
alternative spelling of |
muntjac (talk)
Murinbada |
alternative spelling of |
Murinypata (talk)
Muslimisation |
alternative spelling of |
Muslimization (talk)
muthafuckah |
alternative spelling of |
motherfucker (talk)
mutilid |
alternative spelling of |
mutillid (talk)
muzac |
alternative spelling of |
muzak (talk)
myelogeneous |
alternative spelling of |
myelogenous (talk)
myn |
alternative spelling of |
men (talk)
mysterioso |
alternative spelling of |
misterioso (talk)
myther |
alternative spelling of |
mither (talk)
mythologise |
alternative spelling of |
mythologize (talk)
n0rp |
alternative spelling of |
porn (talk)
naiveite |
alternative spelling of |
naivete (talk)
nannofossil |
alternative spelling of |
nanofossil (talk)
narcotise |
alternative spelling of |
narcotize (talk)
narrativise |
alternative spelling of |
narrativize (talk)
Nashitse |
alternative spelling of |
Našice (talk)
nationaliser |
alternative spelling of |
nationalizer (talk)
natraemia |
alternative spelling of |
natremia (talk)
nearfall |
alternative spelling of |
near-fall (talk)
nebulisation |
alternative spelling of |
nebulization (talk)
necrotise |
alternative spelling of |
necrotize (talk)
neighbourhood electric vehicle |
alternative spelling of |
neighborhood electric vehicle (talk)
neologise |
alternative spelling of |
neologize (talk)
neovascularisation |
alternative spelling of |
neovascularization (talk)
neutralizes |
alternative spelling of |
neutralises (talk)
newbz |
alternative spelling of |
newbs (talk)
nicca |
alternative spelling of |
nikka (talk)
nidda |
alternative spelling of |
niddah (talk)
niggertoe |
alternative spelling of |
nigger toe (talk)
night-jar |
alternative spelling of |
nightjar (talk)
nitrogenise |
alternative spelling of |
nitrogenize (talk)
nobbly |
alternative spelling of |
knobbly (talk)
nobhead |
alternative spelling of |
knobhead (talk)
non-gamer |
alternative spelling of |
nongamer (talk)
non-governmental organisation |
alternative spelling of |
non-governmental organization (talk)
non-parties |
alternative spelling of |
nonparties (talk)
non-party |
alternative spelling of |
nonparty (talk)
non-sense |
alternative spelling of |
nonsense (talk)
nonarcheological |
alternative spelling of |
nonarchaeological (talk)
nonarmoured |
alternative spelling of |
nonarmored (talk)
noncomputerised |
alternative spelling of |
noncomputerized (talk)
nondefence |
alternative spelling of |
nondefense (talk)
nonexchangable |
alternative spelling of |
nonexchangeable (talk)
Nong Bua Lam Phu |
alternative spelling of |
Nong Bua Lamphu (talk)
nongrey |
alternative spelling of |
nongray (talk)
nongynaecological |
alternative spelling of |
nongynecological (talk)
nonhospitalised |
alternative spelling of |
nonhospitalized (talk)
nonjudgemental |
alternative spelling of |
nonjudgmental (talk)
nonoxidising |
alternative spelling of |
nonoxidizing (talk)
nonpartizan |
alternative spelling of |
nonpartisan (talk)
nonpartizanship |
alternative spelling of |
nonpartisanship (talk)
nonpolarisable |
alternative spelling of |
nonpolarizable (talk)
nonregisterable |
alternative spelling of |
nonregistrable (talk)
nonrunner |
alternative spelling of |
non-runner (talk)
nonsynaesthetic |
alternative spelling of |
nonsynesthetic (talk)
nontransferrable |
alternative spelling of |
nontransferable (talk)
noobie |
alternative spelling of |
newbie (talk)
noobies |
alternative spelling of |
newbies (talk)
normalisable |
alternative spelling of |
normalizable (talk)
normaliser |
alternative spelling of |
normalizer (talk)
normokalaemia |
alternative spelling of |
normokalemia (talk)
normokalaemic |
alternative spelling of |
normokalemic (talk)
northeastermost |
alternative spelling of |
northeasternmost (talk)
northeastmost |
alternative spelling of |
northeasternmost (talk)
northwestermost |
alternative spelling of |
northwesternmost (talk)
northwestmost |
alternative spelling of |
northwesternmost (talk)
novelisation |
alternative spelling of |
novelization (talk)
noyon |
alternative spelling of |
noyan (talk)
Nu |
alternative spelling of |
NU (talk)
nuclearisation |
alternative spelling of |
nuclearization (talk)
nuclearise |
alternative spelling of |
nuclearize (talk)
nuh |
alternative spelling of |
nah (talk)
number 2 |
alternative spelling of |
number two (talk)
number-crunchers |
alternative spelling of |
number cruncher (talk)
nurdy |
alternative spelling of |
nerdy (talk)
nurl |
alternative spelling of |
knurl (talk)
nurl |
alternative spelling of |
knurl (talk)
nursy |
alternative spelling of |
nursie (talk)
nyjer |
alternative spelling of |
niger (talk)
Nyungar |
alternative spelling of |
Nyunga (talk)
oatmilk |
alternative spelling of |
oat milk (talk)
obligatedly |
alternative spelling of |
obligately (talk)
octaedron |
alternative spelling of |
octahedron (talk)
odorise |
alternative spelling of |
odorize (talk)
oecumenicalism |
alternative spelling of |
ecumenicalism (talk)
ohmygawd |
alternative spelling of |
ohmygod (talk)
oi vay |
alternative spelling of |
oy vey (talk)
oi vey |
alternative spelling of |
oy vey (talk)
old-timy |
alternative spelling of |
old-timey (talk)
oldy |
alternative spelling of |
oldie (talk)
oligomerisation |
alternative spelling of |
oligomerization (talk)
oomiack |
alternative spelling of |
umiak (talk)
opistognathid |
alternative spelling of |
opisthognathid (talk)
opsonise |
alternative spelling of |
opsonize (talk)
optical disk |
alternative spelling of |
optical disc (talk)
optimisable |
alternative spelling of |
optimizable (talk)
optimiser |
alternative spelling of |
optimizer (talk)
optimisers |
alternative spelling of |
optimizer (talk)
orchard grass |
alternative spelling of |
orchardgrass (talk)
organoaluminum |
alternative spelling of |
organoaluminium (talk)
orichalchum |
alternative spelling of |
orichalcum (talk)
orthogonalisation |
alternative spelling of |
orthogonalization (talk)
orthonormalisation |
alternative spelling of |
orthonormalization (talk)
orthonormalised |
alternative spelling of |
orthonormalized (talk)
ostracised |
alternative spelling of |
ostracized (talk)
oughtta |
alternative spelling of |
oughta (talk)
over-illumination |
alternative spelling of |
] (])
over-pronate |
alternative spelling of |
overpronate (talk)
over-pronation |
alternative spelling of |
overpronation (talk)
over-supinate |
alternative spelling of |
oversupinate (talk)
over-supination |
alternative spelling of |
oversupination (talk)
overanalyse |
alternative spelling of |
overanalyze (talk)
overdramatisation |
alternative spelling of |
overdramatization (talk)
overgeneralise |
alternative spelling of |
overgeneralize (talk)
overiodisation |
alternative spelling of |
overiodization (talk)
overpressurisation |
alternative spelling of |
overpressurization (talk)
overpressurised |
alternative spelling of |
overpressurized (talk)
overstorey |
alternative spelling of |
overstory (talk)
oversystematise |
alternative spelling of |
oversystematize (talk)
oww |
alternative spelling of |
ow (talk)
ox-eyed |
alternative spelling of |
oxeyed (talk)
oxidisable |
alternative spelling of |
oxidizable (talk)
oxidisation |
alternative spelling of |
oxidization (talk)
oxidised |
alternative spelling of |
oxidized (talk)
oxidising |
alternative spelling of |
oxidizing (talk)
oy gewalt |
alternative spelling of |
oy gevalt (talk)
oy vay |
alternative spelling of |
oy vey (talk)
Paakantji |
alternative spelling of |
Paakantyi (talk)
packy |
alternative spelling of |
packie (talk)
pacy |
alternative spelling of |
pacey (talk)
paedagogues |
alternative spelling of |
pedagogues (talk)
pædagogues |
alternative spelling of |
pedagogues (talk)
pædiatrists |
alternative spelling of |
podiatrists (talk)
pædomorphic |
alternative spelling of |
pedomorphic (talk)
paedomorphism |
alternative spelling of |
pedomorphism (talk)
paedophobia |
alternative spelling of |
pedophobia (talk)
pagefile |
alternative spelling of |
page file (talk)
Palaearctic |
alternative spelling of |
Palearctic (talk)
Palaeo-Indian |
alternative spelling of |
Paleo-Indian (talk)
palæoanthropology |
alternative spelling of |
palaeanthropology (talk)
palaeobotanical |
alternative spelling of |
paleobotanical (talk)
palaeocurrent |
alternative spelling of |
paleocurrent (talk)
palaeoenvironment |
alternative spelling of |
paleoenvironment (talk)
Palaeogenic |
alternative spelling of |
Paleogenic (talk)
palaeogeographical |
alternative spelling of |
paleogeographical (talk)
palaeographically |
alternative spelling of |
paleographically (talk)
palaeomagnetist |
alternative spelling of |
paleomagnetist (talk)
palæophytic |
alternative spelling of |
paleophytic (talk)
palaeozoologist |
alternative spelling of |
paleozoologist (talk)
palaiyam |
alternative spelling of |
pollam (talk)
palau |
alternative spelling of |
pilaf (talk)
palayam |
alternative spelling of |
pollam (talk)
paleoanthropological |
alternative spelling of |
palaeoanthropological (talk)
paleobiogeographical |
alternative spelling of |
palaeobiogeographical (talk)
paleobiologic |
alternative spelling of |
palaeobiologic (talk)
paleoceanographic |
alternative spelling of |
palaeoceanographic (talk)
paleogenomics |
alternative spelling of |
palaeogenomics (talk)
paleogeochemical |
alternative spelling of |
palaeogeochemical (talk)
paleoichthyological |
alternative spelling of |
palaeoichthyological (talk)
paleoichthyologist |
alternative spelling of |
palaeoichthyologist (talk)
paleoichthyology |
alternative spelling of |
palaeoichthyology (talk)
paleolatitudinal |
alternative spelling of |
palaeolatitudinal (talk)
paleosalinity |
alternative spelling of |
palaeosalinity (talk)
paleothermometry |
alternative spelling of |
palaeothermometry (talk)
palletisable |
alternative spelling of |
palletizable (talk)
palmate compound |
alternative spelling of |
palmately compound (talk)
pan-Slavic |
alternative spelling of |
Pan-Slavic (talk)
pan-Slavism |
alternative spelling of |
Pan-Slavism (talk)
pancreectomy |
alternative spelling of |
pancreatectomy (talk)
panegyrise |
alternative spelling of |
panegyrize (talk)
panim |
alternative spelling of |
paynim (talk)
panjandarum |
alternative spelling of |
panjandrum (talk)
panleukopaenia |
alternative spelling of |
panleukopenia (talk)
pantiless |
alternative spelling of |
pantyless (talk)
papilloedema |
alternative spelling of |
papilledema (talk)
pappodoms |
alternative spelling of |
papadams (talk)
pappoose |
alternative spelling of |
papoose (talk)
pappyshow |
alternative spelling of |
poppy show (talk)
papulla |
alternative spelling of |
papula (talk)
paralepsis |
alternative spelling of |
paraleipsis (talk)
parallelised |
alternative spelling of |
parallelized (talk)
paralysingly |
alternative spelling of |
paralyzingly (talk)
paramoecium |
alternative spelling of |
paramecium (talk)
paraphraseable |
alternative spelling of |
paraphrasable (talk)
parasailer |
alternative spelling of |
parasailor (talk)
parasitaemia |
alternative spelling of |
parasitemia (talk)
paravirtualisation |
alternative spelling of |
paravirtualization (talk)
pariesis |
alternative spelling of |
paresis (talk)
partizanship |
alternative spelling of |
partisanship (talk)
paternalisation |
alternative spelling of |
paternalization (talk)
paternalise |
alternative spelling of |
paternalize (talk)
pathologisation |
alternative spelling of |
pathologization (talk)
patooty |
alternative spelling of |
patootie (talk)
patronisation |
alternative spelling of |
patronization (talk)
patroniser |
alternative spelling of |
patronizer (talk)
patronising |
alternative spelling of |
patronizing (talk)
pattie |
alternative spelling of |
patty (talk)
Patzcuaro |
alternative spelling of |
Pátzcuaro (talk)
pauperisation |
alternative spelling of |
pauperization (talk)
Pauranic |
alternative spelling of |
Puranic (talk)
pavillion |
alternative spelling of |
pavilion (talk)
pearlised |
alternative spelling of |
pearlized (talk)
pedaler |
alternative spelling of |
pedaller (talk)
Peggie |
alternative spelling of |
Peggy (talk)
pelau |
alternative spelling of |
pilaf (talk)
pen-case |
alternative spelling of |
pencase (talk)
penalisation |
alternative spelling of |
penalization (talk)
penciling |
alternative spelling of |
pencilling (talk)
peneid |
alternative spelling of |
penaeid (talk)
pentylenetetrazole |
alternative spelling of |
pentylenetetrazol (talk)
permeabilisation |
alternative spelling of |
permeabilization (talk)
permeablise |
alternative spelling of |
permeabilize (talk)
peroxidisable |
alternative spelling of |
peroxidizable (talk)
peroxidise |
alternative spelling of |
peroxidize (talk)
Persianisation |
alternative spelling of |
Persianization (talk)
Persianise |
alternative spelling of |
Persianize (talk)
personalisable |
alternative spelling of |
personalizable (talk)
personalised |
alternative spelling of |
personalized (talk)
pescevegetarian |
alternative spelling of |
pescovegetarian (talk)
peuce |
alternative spelling of |
puce (talk)
pfaff |
alternative spelling of |
faff (talk)
phattie |
alternative spelling of |
] (])
phenobarbitol |
alternative spelling of |
phenobarbital (talk)
phfft |
alternative spelling of |
pfft (talk)
phosphorial |
alternative spelling of |
phosphoreal (talk)
phosphorise |
alternative spelling of |
phosphorize (talk)
phosphosulphate |
alternative spelling of |
phosphosulfate (talk)
phosphuretted |
alternative spelling of |
phosphureted (talk)
phosphuria |
alternative spelling of |
phosphoruria (talk)
photoaffinity labelling |
alternative spelling of |
photoaffinity labeling (talk)
photocatalysed |
alternative spelling of |
photocatalyzed (talk)
photoionised |
alternative spelling of |
photoionized (talk)
photoionization |
alternative spelling of |
photoionisation (talk)
photoisomerisation |
alternative spelling of |
photoisomerization (talk)
photosensitise |
alternative spelling of |
photosensitize (talk)
photosensitised |
alternative spelling of |
photosensitized (talk)
photosensitising |
alternative spelling of |
photosensitizing (talk)
photosynthesise |
alternative spelling of |
photosynthesize (talk)
phunky |
alternative spelling of |
funky (talk)
phwoarr |
alternative spelling of |
phwoar (talk)
phytohaemagglutinin |
alternative spelling of |
phytohemagglutinin (talk)
phytohaemoagglutinin |
alternative spelling of |
phytohemagglutinin (talk)
pick up trucks |
alternative spelling of |
pick-up truck (talk)
picrotoxine |
alternative spelling of |
picrotoxin (talk)
piggy-wiggy |
alternative spelling of |
piggy wiggy (talk)
pigmies |
alternative spelling of |
pygmies (talk)
piney |
alternative spelling of |
piny (talk)
piñon jay |
alternative spelling of |
pinyon jay (talk)
piss weak |
alternative spelling of |
piss-weak (talk)
pixieish |
alternative spelling of |
pixyish (talk)
pixieishly |
alternative spelling of |
pixyishly (talk)
pixillated |
alternative spelling of |
pixilated (talk)
plagiariser |
alternative spelling of |
plagiarizer (talk)
plasticiser |
alternative spelling of |
plasticizer (talk)
plea bargaining |
alternative spelling of |
plea-bargaining (talk)
pleaseable |
alternative spelling of |
pleasable (talk)
pledgeor |
alternative spelling of |
pledger (talk)
ploot |
alternative spelling of |
plout (talk)
ploughability |
alternative spelling of |
plowability (talk)
plumbaginous |
alternative spelling of |
plumbagineous (talk)
pluralisability |
alternative spelling of |
pluralizability (talk)
pluralisable |
alternative spelling of |
pluralizable (talk)
plyer |
alternative spelling of |
plier (talk)
pneumonoconiosis |
alternative spelling of |
pneumoconiosis (talk)
pocket-size |
alternative spelling of |
pocket-sized (talk)
poecilid |
alternative spelling of |
poeciliid (talk)
polarisabilities |
alternative spelling of |
polarizabilities (talk)
polarisability |
alternative spelling of |
polarizability (talk)
polarisable |
alternative spelling of |
polarizable (talk)
polariser |
alternative spelling of |
polarizer (talk)
polka-dots |
alternative spelling of |
polka dot (talk)
polychaete |
alternative spelling of |
polychete (talk)
polycythaemic |
alternative spelling of |
polycythemic (talk)
polygamise |
alternative spelling of |
polygamize (talk)
polygonal mesh |
alternative spelling of |
polygon mesh (talk)
polygonise |
alternative spelling of |
polygonize (talk)
polymerisable |
alternative spelling of |
polymerizable (talk)
polymerisations |
alternative spelling of |
polymerizations (talk)
polymixin |
alternative spelling of |
polymyxin (talk)
pompelo |
alternative spelling of |
pomelo (talk)
poo poo |
alternative spelling of |
pooh-pooh (talk)
poohbah |
alternative spelling of |
poobah (talk)
popadam |
alternative spelling of |
papadam (talk)
poppinjay |
alternative spelling of |
popinjay (talk)
populariser |
alternative spelling of |
popularizer (talk)
porphine |
alternative spelling of |
porphin (talk)
postboxes |
alternative spelling of |
post box (talk)
posterise |
alternative spelling of |
posterize (talk)
postillions |
alternative spelling of |
postilions (talk)
postmodernisation |
alternative spelling of |
postmodernization (talk)
postmodernise |
alternative spelling of |
postmodernize (talk)
potash of sulphur |
alternative spelling of |
potash of sulfur (talk)
potlached |
alternative spelling of |
potlatched (talk)
potlaches |
alternative spelling of |
potlatches (talk)
potlaches |
alternative spelling of |
potlatches (talk)
pouffy |
alternative spelling of |
poufy (talk)
Pozhega |
alternative spelling of |
Požega (talk)
praeseodymium |
alternative spelling of |
praseodymium (talk)
prannit |
alternative spelling of |
prannet (talk)
pre-eclamptic |
alternative spelling of |
preeclamptic (talk)
precognisant |
alternative spelling of |
precognizant (talk)
prego |
alternative spelling of |
preggo (talk)
prehybridisation |
alternative spelling of |
prehybridization (talk)
preponderance of evidence |
alternative spelling of |
preponderance of the evidence (talk)
prethee |
alternative spelling of |
prithee (talk)
pristinamycine |
alternative spelling of |
pristinamycin (talk)
privatiser |
alternative spelling of |
privatizer (talk)
productionization |
alternative spelling of |
productionisation (talk)
programed |
alternative spelling of |
programmed (talk)
programing |
alternative spelling of |
programming (talk)
propadeutic |
alternative spelling of |
propaedeutic (talk)
propretor |
alternative spelling of |
proprætor (talk)
proto-Slavic |
alternative spelling of |
Proto-Slavic (talk)
protohaemin |
alternative spelling of |
protohemin (talk)
provincialise |
alternative spelling of |
provincialize (talk)
pruning-hook |
alternative spelling of |
pruning hook (talk)
pseudo-nation |
alternative spelling of |
pseudonation (talk)
pseudoresponse |
alternative spelling of |
pseudo-response (talk)
psychobehavioural |
alternative spelling of |
psychobehavioral (talk)
puddley |
alternative spelling of |
puddly (talk)
pulse dialling |
alternative spelling of |
pulse dialing (talk)
pulverisation |
alternative spelling of |
pulverization (talk)
pulveriser |
alternative spelling of |
pulverizer (talk)
pummeller |
alternative spelling of |
pummeler (talk)
Puna |
alternative spelling of |
Poona (talk)
punka |
alternative spelling of |
punkah (talk)
puromycine |
alternative spelling of |
puromycin (talk)
purselane |
alternative spelling of |
purslane (talk)
pushrim |
alternative spelling of |
push rim (talk)
pustulent |
alternative spelling of |
pustulant (talk)
pyorrhœa |
alternative spelling of |
pyorrhea (talk)
pyrrhexia |
alternative spelling of |
pyrexia (talk)
pyrrol |
alternative spelling of |
pyrrole (talk)
pzazzy |
alternative spelling of |
pizazzy (talk)
qabab |
alternative spelling of |
kebab (talk)
qaymaqam |
alternative spelling of |
kaymakam (talk)
Qazaq |
alternative spelling of |
Kazakh (talk)
Qazaq |
alternative spelling of |
Kazakh (talk)
qhat |
alternative spelling of |
khat (talk)
qindar |
alternative spelling of |
qintar (talk)
Qlipothic |
alternative spelling of |
Qliphothic (talk)
qt 3.14 |
alternative spelling of |
cutie pie (talk)
QT 3.14 |
alternative spelling of |
cutie pie (talk)
qt |
alternative spelling of |
cutie (talk)
quadrefoils |
alternative spelling of |
quatrefoils (talk)
quadrophonic |
alternative spelling of |
quadraphonic (talk)
quakey |
alternative spelling of |
quaky (talk)
quantisable |
alternative spelling of |
quantizable (talk)
quarreller |
alternative spelling of |
quarreler (talk)
queuable |
alternative spelling of |
queueable (talk)
quick-froze |
alternative spelling of |
quick-frozen (talk)
quicky |
alternative spelling of |
quickie (talk)
quincunxial |
alternative spelling of |
quincuncial (talk)
racemisation |
alternative spelling of |
racemization (talk)
radiaesthesia |
alternative spelling of |
radiesthesia (talk)
radicalisable |
alternative spelling of |
radicalizable (talk)
radicalise |
alternative spelling of |
radicalize (talk)
radiosensitisation |
alternative spelling of |
radiosensitization (talk)
radiosensitise |
alternative spelling of |
radiosensitize (talk)
rai |
alternative spelling of |
raï (talk)
rakshas |
alternative spelling of |
rakshasa (talk)
randomiser |
alternative spelling of |
randomizer (talk)
rarety |
alternative spelling of |
rarity (talk)
rasterisation |
alternative spelling of |
rasterization (talk)
rd rate |
alternative spelling of |
third-rate (talk)
rd rate |
alternative spelling of |
third-rate (talk)
rebeck |
alternative spelling of |
rebec (talk)
recapitalisation |
alternative spelling of |
recapitalization (talk)
recission |
alternative spelling of |
rescission (talk)
recognisance |
alternative spelling of |
recognizance (talk)
recogniser |
alternative spelling of |
recognizer (talk)
recolonisation |
alternative spelling of |
recolonization (talk)
recolonise |
alternative spelling of |
recolonize (talk)
reconceptualise |
alternative spelling of |
reconceptualize (talk)
reconnoissance |
alternative spelling of |
reconnaissance (talk)
reconstructable |
alternative spelling of |
reconstructible (talk)
recontextualise |
alternative spelling of |
recontextualize (talk)
recrystallisation |
alternative spelling of |
recrystallization (talk)
recrystallise |
alternative spelling of |
recrystallize (talk)
recrystallised |
alternative spelling of |
recrystallized (talk)
redpill |
alternative spelling of |
red pill (talk)
redpill |
alternative spelling of |
red pill (talk)
redpilled |
alternative spelling of |
red pilled (talk)
redressible |
alternative spelling of |
redressable (talk)
reduit |
alternative spelling of |
réduit (talk)
reendothelialisation |
alternative spelling of |
reendothelialization (talk)
refactorisation |
alternative spelling of |
refactorization (talk)
refamiliarisation |
alternative spelling of |
refamiliarization (talk)
referencable |
alternative spelling of |
referenceable (talk)
refloatation |
alternative spelling of |
reflotation (talk)
refueller |
alternative spelling of |
refueler (talk)
refusnik |
alternative spelling of |
refusenik (talk)
regionalise |
alternative spelling of |
regionalize (talk)
regretable |
alternative spelling of |
regrettable (talk)
regularisation |
alternative spelling of |
regularization (talk)
regularise |
alternative spelling of |
regularize (talk)
rehospitalise |
alternative spelling of |
rehospitalize (talk)
reinstitutionalisation |
alternative spelling of |
reinstitutionalization (talk)
reinstitutionalise |
alternative spelling of |
reinstitutionalize (talk)
reionisation |
alternative spelling of |
reionization (talk)
reionise |
alternative spelling of |
reionize (talk)
religionise |
alternative spelling of |
religionize (talk)
remedyless |
alternative spelling of |
remediless (talk)
remineralise |
alternative spelling of |
remineralize (talk)
remobilise |
alternative spelling of |
remobilize (talk)
remonetise |
alternative spelling of |
remonetize (talk)
Renascence |
alternative spelling of |
Renaissance (talk)
renormalisability |
alternative spelling of |
renormalizability (talk)
renormalisabilty |
alternative spelling of |
renormalizabilty (talk)
renormalisable |
alternative spelling of |
renormalizable (talk)
renormalisation |
alternative spelling of |
renormalization (talk)
renormalise |
alternative spelling of |
renormalize (talk)
reparametrization |
alternative spelling of |
reparameterization (talk)
reprioritisation |
alternative spelling of |
reprioritization (talk)
reprioritise |
alternative spelling of |
reprioritize (talk)
Republocrat |
alternative spelling of |
Republicrat (talk)
rest-harrow |
alternative spelling of |
restharrow (talk)
restabilise |
alternative spelling of |
restabilize (talk)
restabilised |
alternative spelling of |
restabilized (talk)
retranquillize |
alternative spelling of |
retranquilize (talk)
reuseable |
alternative spelling of |
reusable (talk)
reutilise |
alternative spelling of |
reutilize (talk)
revalorise |
alternative spelling of |
revalorize (talk)
revascularisation |
alternative spelling of |
revascularization (talk)
revokable |
alternative spelling of |
revocable (talk)
revolutionalise |
alternative spelling of |
revolutionise (talk)
rhachitis |
alternative spelling of |
rachitis (talk)
rheebok |
alternative spelling of |
rhebok (talk)
rhodamin |
alternative spelling of |
rhodamine (talk)
rhotacisation |
alternative spelling of |
rhotacization (talk)
rhumba |
alternative spelling of |
rumba (talk)
rhumba |
alternative spelling of |
rumba (talk)
ricercare |
alternative spelling of |
ricercar (talk)
rijstafel |
alternative spelling of |
rijsttafel (talk)
romanticisation |
alternative spelling of |
romanticization (talk)
rootbark |
alternative spelling of |
root bark (talk)
rosetinted |
alternative spelling of |
rose-tinted (talk)
rotateable |
alternative spelling of |
rotatable (talk)
rox |
alternative spelling of |
rocks (talk)
rubberise |
alternative spelling of |
rubberize (talk)
rubberised |
alternative spelling of |
rubberized (talk)
ruggedisation |
alternative spelling of |
ruggedization (talk)
rugula |
alternative spelling of |
rugelach (talk)
Sabber-day |
alternative spelling of |
Sabba-day (talk)
sabil |
alternative spelling of |
sebil#Etymology 2 (talk)
saddhu |
alternative spelling of |
sadhu (talk)
sade |
alternative spelling of |
sadhe (talk)
Sadian |
alternative spelling of |
Sadean (talk)
sagopalm |
alternative spelling of |
sago palm (talk)
saice |
alternative spelling of |
sais (talk)
Saint Catharines |
alternative spelling of |
St. Catharines (talk)
Saint-Louis |
alternative spelling of |
St. Louis (talk)
saintlyness |
alternative spelling of |
saintliness (talk)
Saïtic |
alternative spelling of |
Saitic (talk)
Sakti |
alternative spelling of |
Shakti (talk)
salugi |
alternative spelling of |
Saluki (talk)
sanad |
alternative spelling of |
sunnud (talk)
Sandzak |
alternative spelling of |
Sandžak (talk)
sanitorium |
alternative spelling of |
sanatorium (talk)
saringda |
alternative spelling of |
sarinda (talk)
saringdas |
alternative spelling of |
sarindas (talk)
sarvisberry |
alternative spelling of |
serviceberry (talk)
Sasanid |
alternative spelling of |
Sassanid (talk)
Sasanid |
alternative spelling of |
Sassanid (talk)
sassafrass |
alternative spelling of |
sassafras (talk)
sat fat |
alternative spelling of |
sat. fat (talk)
satcomms |
alternative spelling of |
satcoms (talk)
Satet |
alternative spelling of |
Satis (talk)
Satit |
alternative spelling of |
Satis (talk)
scaleability |
alternative spelling of |
scalability (talk)
scaleable |
alternative spelling of |
scalable (talk)
scallopini |
alternative spelling of |
scaloppini (talk)
scandalised |
alternative spelling of |
scandalized (talk)
scarabeid |
alternative spelling of |
scarabaeid (talk)
scatter-brained |
alternative spelling of |
scatterbrained (talk)
schapska |
alternative spelling of |
chapka (talk)
schmalzy |
alternative spelling of |
schmaltzy (talk)
schtup |
alternative spelling of |
shtup (talk)
sclerotization |
alternative spelling of |
sclerotisation (talk)
scoucer |
alternative spelling of |
Scouser (talk)
scoucers |
alternative spelling of |
Scouser (talk)
scroat |
alternative spelling of |
scrote (talk)
scrutinisation |
alternative spelling of |
scrutinization (talk)
sculk |
alternative spelling of |
skulk (talk)
sea chanty |
alternative spelling of |
sea shanty (talk)
sea-pike |
alternative spelling of |
sea pike (talk)
sealane |
alternative spelling of |
sea lane (talk)
Sebulshik |
alternative spelling of |
Sebeolsik (talk)
sectorised |
alternative spelling of |
sectorized (talk)
secularise |
alternative spelling of |
secularize (talk)
securitise |
alternative spelling of |
securitize (talk)
seismogramme |
alternative spelling of |
seismogram (talk)
selforganized |
alternative spelling of |
self-organized (talk)
selvatic |
alternative spelling of |
sylvatic (talk)
selvedge |
alternative spelling of |
selvage (talk)
semeiotician |
alternative spelling of |
semiotician (talk)
semeiotics |
alternative spelling of |
semiotics (talk)
semi-monthly |
alternative spelling of |
semimonthly (talk)
sensitising |
alternative spelling of |
sensitizing (talk)
sentimentalise |
alternative spelling of |
sentimentalize (talk)
Sept |
alternative spelling of |
Sept. (talk)
septembrise |
alternative spelling of |
septembrize (talk)
septicaemic |
alternative spelling of |
septicemic (talk)
sequencable |
alternative spelling of |
sequenceable (talk)
serialisable |
alternative spelling of |
serializable (talk)
serpentiginous |
alternative spelling of |
serpentigenous (talk)
Sewanee |
alternative spelling of |
Sewannee (talk)
sexigesimal |
alternative spelling of |
sexagesimal (talk)
sexualisable |
alternative spelling of |
sexualizable (talk)
Shahaptian |
alternative spelling of |
Sahaptian (talk)
shaikh |
alternative spelling of |
sheik (talk)
shakey |
alternative spelling of |
shaky (talk)
Shakspearean |
alternative spelling of |
Shakespearean (talk)
Shakspearian |
alternative spelling of |
Shakespearean (talk)
shambuk |
alternative spelling of |
sjambok (talk)
shampers |
alternative spelling of |
champers (talk)
shaslik |
alternative spelling of |
shashlik (talk)
sheesh kebab |
alternative spelling of |
shish kebab (talk)
shekeré |
alternative spelling of |
sekere (talk)
Shibenik |
alternative spelling of |
Šibenik (talk)
shid |
alternative spelling of |
should (talk)
shiddukh |
alternative spelling of |
shidduch (talk)
shikkaree |
alternative spelling of |
shikari (talk)
shilly and shally |
alternative spelling of |
shilly-shally (talk)
shinanigan |
alternative spelling of |
shenanigan (talk)
shiretown |
alternative spelling of |
shire town (talk)
shit houses |
alternative spelling of |
shithouse (talk)
shlub |
alternative spelling of |
schlub (talk)
shlubs |
alternative spelling of |
schlubs (talk)
shmata |
alternative spelling of |
shmatte (talk)
shmate |
alternative spelling of |
shmatte (talk)
shmoe |
alternative spelling of |
schmo (talk)
shoosh |
alternative spelling of |
shush (talk)
shorteralls |
alternative spelling of |
shortalls (talk)
shpritz |
alternative spelling of |
spritz (talk)
shpritz |
alternative spelling of |
spritz (talk)
shrog |
alternative spelling of |
scrog (talk)
Shtokavian |
alternative spelling of |
Štokavian (talk)
Shtokavian |
alternative spelling of |
Štokavian (talk)
shuftie |
alternative spelling of |
shufti (talk)
shumacking |
alternative spelling of |
shumacing (talk)
Si Sa Ket |
alternative spelling of |
Sisaket (talk)
sice |
alternative spelling of |
sais (talk)
signalisation |
alternative spelling of |
signalization (talk)
signalise |
alternative spelling of |
signalize (talk)
silicisation |
alternative spelling of |
silicization (talk)
silicon rubber |
alternative spelling of |
silicone rubber (talk)
siliconise |
alternative spelling of |
siliconize (talk)
silver-sheet |
alternative spelling of |
silver sheet (talk)
simonise |
alternative spelling of |
simonize (talk)
simoon |
alternative spelling of |
simoom (talk)
Singaporisation |
alternative spelling of |
Singaporization (talk)
Singaporise |
alternative spelling of |
Singaporize (talk)
Sinograph |
alternative spelling of |
Protactile (talk)
siphonoxanthin |
alternative spelling of |
siphonaxanthin (talk)
sitcommish |
alternative spelling of |
sitcomish (talk)
sk8 |
alternative spelling of |
skate (talk)
sk8 |
alternative spelling of |
skate (talk)
skatable |
alternative spelling of |
skateable (talk)
skeletonisation |
alternative spelling of |
skeletonization (talk)
skite |
alternative spelling of |
skete (talk)
skrimmage |
alternative spelling of |
scrimmage (talk)
skrimmage |
alternative spelling of |
scrimmage (talk)
slapable |
alternative spelling of |
slappable (talk)
slime mould |
alternative spelling of |
slime mold (talk)
Slobovia |
alternative spelling of |
Slobbovia (talk)
Slovack |
alternative spelling of |
Slovak (talk)
Slovack |
alternative spelling of |
Slovak (talk)
smart-allecky |
alternative spelling of |
smart-alecky (talk)
smoketree |
alternative spelling of |
smoke tree (talk)
smooshy |
alternative spelling of |
smushy (talk)
sniveller |
alternative spelling of |
sniveler (talk)
snow cap |
alternative spelling of |
snowcap (talk)
socialiser |
alternative spelling of |
socializer (talk)
softly, softly |
alternative spelling of |
softly softly (talk)
sola topee |
alternative spelling of |
solar topee (talk)
soliloquise |
alternative spelling of |
soliloquize (talk)
solubilise |
alternative spelling of |
solubilize (talk)
solubiliser |
alternative spelling of |
solubilizer (talk)
sonuvvabitch |
alternative spelling of |
son of a bitch (talk)
sony |
alternative spelling of |
sonny (talk)
sopapilla |
alternative spelling of |
sopaipilla (talk)
sourbelly |
alternative spelling of |
sowbelly (talk)
southeastermost |
alternative spelling of |
southeasternmost (talk)
southeastmost |
alternative spelling of |
southeasternmost (talk)
southwestermost |
alternative spelling of |
southwesternmost (talk)
southwestmost |
alternative spelling of |
southwesternmost (talk)
spadia |
alternative spelling of |
spadea (talk)
spanikopita |
alternative spelling of |
spanakopita (talk)
spanokopita |
alternative spelling of |
spanakopita (talk)
spider-sense |
alternative spelling of |
Spidey-sense (talk)
Spider-sense |
alternative spelling of |
Spidey-sense (talk)
Spider-Sense |
alternative spelling of |
Spidey-sense (talk)
spifflication |
alternative spelling of |
spiflication (talk)
spoke-shave |
alternative spelling of |
spokeshave (talk)
spondylarthropathy |
alternative spelling of |
spondyloarthropathy (talk)
spryte |
alternative spelling of |
sprite (talk)
spryte |
alternative spelling of |
sprite (talk)
squush |
alternative spelling of |
sqush (talk)
stagey |
alternative spelling of |
stagy (talk)
Stakhonovite |
alternative spelling of |
Stakhanovite (talk)
steinbok |
alternative spelling of |
steenbok (talk)
stembok |
alternative spelling of |
steenbok (talk)
stinkaroo |
alternative spelling of |
stinkeroo (talk)
stishie |
alternative spelling of |
stushie (talk)
stochiometric |
alternative spelling of |
stoichiometric (talk)
stochiometry |
alternative spelling of |
stoichiometry (talk)
stock-take |
alternative spelling of |
stocktake (talk)
Stolly |
alternative spelling of |
Stoli (talk)
stomodaeum |
alternative spelling of |
stomodeum (talk)
straitlacedness |
alternative spelling of |
strait-lacedness (talk)
stratonomy |
alternative spelling of |
stratinomy (talk)
stream graph |
alternative spelling of |
streamgraph (talk)
strenth |
alternative spelling of |
strength (talk)
stripey |
alternative spelling of |
stripy (talk)
structuralise |
alternative spelling of |
structuralize (talk)
studyable |
alternative spelling of |
studiable (talk)
stupified |
alternative spelling of |
stupefied (talk)
stur |
alternative spelling of |
stir (talk)
stylisation |
alternative spelling of |
stylization (talk)
subadviser |
alternative spelling of |
subadvisor (talk)
subcategorisable |
alternative spelling of |
subcategorizable (talk)
subcategorise |
alternative spelling of |
subcategorize (talk)
suboptimisation |
alternative spelling of |
suboptimization (talk)
subqubit |
alternative spelling of |
sub-qubit (talk)
sufferage |
alternative spelling of |
suffrage (talk)
suffrance |
alternative spelling of |
sufferance (talk)
sugardaddie |
alternative spelling of |
sugar daddy (talk)
sulfur pearl |
alternative spelling of |
sulphur pearl (talk)
sulfuretum |
alternative spelling of |
sulphuretum (talk)
sulfurised |
alternative spelling of |
sulfurized (talk)
sulfurity |
alternative spelling of |
sulphurity (talk)
sulfurwort |
alternative spelling of |
sulphurwort (talk)
sulphadoxine |
alternative spelling of |
sulfadoxine (talk)
sulphamidate |
alternative spelling of |
sulfamidate (talk)
sulphantimonite |
alternative spelling of |
sulfantimonite (talk)
sulphate of soda |
alternative spelling of |
sulfate of soda (talk)
sulphided |
alternative spelling of |
sulfided (talk)
sulphidic |
alternative spelling of |
sulfidic (talk)
sulphinyl |
alternative spelling of |
sulfinyl (talk)
sulphoaluminate |
alternative spelling of |
sulfoaluminate (talk)
sulphoaluminate |
alternative spelling of |
sulfoaluminate (talk)
sulphonal |
alternative spelling of |
sulfonal (talk)
sulphonic |
alternative spelling of |
sulfonic (talk)
sulphonylhydrazone |
alternative spelling of |
sulfonylhydrazone (talk)
sulphonyls |
alternative spelling of |
sulfonyl (talk)
sulphoquinovosyldiacylglycerol |
alternative spelling of |
sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol (talk)
sulphosalt |
alternative spelling of |
sulfosalt (talk)
sulphotransferase |
alternative spelling of |
sulfotransferase (talk)
sulphur acid |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur acid (talk)
sulphur alcohol |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur alcohol (talk)
sulphur bacterium |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur bath (talk)
sulphur bath |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur bath (talk)
sulphur butterfly |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur butterfly (talk)
sulphur cast |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur cast (talk)
sulphur cockatoo |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur cockatoo (talk)
sulphur cone |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur cone (talk)
sulphur cycle |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur cycle (talk)
sulphur dibromide |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur dibromide (talk)
sulphur ether |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur ether (talk)
sulphur fungus |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur fungus (talk)
sulphur hexafluoride |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur hexafluoride (talk)
sulphur impression |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur impression (talk)
sulphur match |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur match (talk)
sulphur monoxide |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur monoxide (talk)
sulphur nitride |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur nitride (talk)
sulphur ore |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur ore (talk)
sulphur oxide |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur oxide (talk)
sulphur parakeet |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur parakeet (talk)
sulphur print |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur print (talk)
sulphur pyrites |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur pyrites (talk)
sulphur rain |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur rain (talk)
sulphur salt |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur salt (talk)
sulphur shower |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur shower (talk)
sulphur soap |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur soap (talk)
sulphur tree |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur tree (talk)
sulphur weed |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur weed (talk)
sulphur works |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur works (talk)
sulphur yellow |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur yellow (talk)
sulphur-bottom |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur-bottom (talk)
sulphur-colour |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur-color (talk)
sulphur-coloured |
alternative spelling of |
sulfur-colored (talk)
sulphurate |
alternative spelling of |
sulfurate (talk)
sulphureted |
alternative spelling of |
sulfuretted (talk)
sulphuretted |
alternative spelling of |
sulfuretted (talk)
sulphuriferous |
alternative spelling of |
sulfuriferous (talk)
sulphurise |
alternative spelling of |
sulfurize (talk)
sulphurtransferase |
alternative spelling of |
sulfurtransferase (talk)
sulphury |
alternative spelling of |
sulfury (talk)
summarisable |
alternative spelling of |
summarizable (talk)
summer-castle |
alternative spelling of |
summercastle (talk)
Sunga |
alternative spelling of |
Shunga (talk)
Śuṅga |
alternative spelling of |
Shunga (talk)
suovitaurilia |
alternative spelling of |
suovetaurilia (talk)
superisation |
alternative spelling of |
superization (talk)
supermum |
alternative spelling of |
supermom (talk)
supernaturalise |
alternative spelling of |
supernaturalize (talk)
supersecretive |
alternative spelling of |
super-secretive (talk)
supersymmetrisation |
alternative spelling of |
supersymmetrization (talk)
supraorganisational |
alternative spelling of |
supraorganizational (talk)
sursie |
alternative spelling of |
sursy (talk)
sushimi |
alternative spelling of |
sashimi (talk)
swallow-tailed |
alternative spelling of |
swallowtailed (talk)
sweat pants |
alternative spelling of |
sweatpants (talk)
swyve |
alternative spelling of |
swive (talk)
syces |
alternative spelling of |
saises (talk)
symbolisable |
alternative spelling of |
symbolizable (talk)
symmetrisation |
alternative spelling of |
symmetrization (talk)
symmetrised |
alternative spelling of |
symmetrized (talk)
synecism |
alternative spelling of |
synoecism (talk)
systematiser |
alternative spelling of |
systematizer (talk)
systems software |
alternative spelling of |
system software (talk)
tabued |
alternative spelling of |
tabooed (talk)
tabuli |
alternative spelling of |
tabbouleh (talk)
tacheometer |
alternative spelling of |
tachymeter (talk)
tacheometry |
alternative spelling of |
tachymetry (talk)
tahcheen |
alternative spelling of |
tahchin (talk)
tahn |
alternative spelling of |
tawn (talk)
talk-page |
alternative spelling of |
talk page (talk)
tantalising |
alternative spelling of |
tantalizing (talk)
tantalising |
alternative spelling of |
tantalizing (talk)
tantalisingly |
alternative spelling of |
tantalizingly (talk)
tarboggin |
alternative spelling of |
toboggan (talk)
tarboggin |
alternative spelling of |
toboggan (talk)
targettable |
alternative spelling of |
targetable (talk)
teaseable |
alternative spelling of |
teasable (talk)
teet |
alternative spelling of |
teat (talk)
tehee |
alternative spelling of |
tee hee (talk)
telaesthesia |
alternative spelling of |
telesthesia (talk)
tellurise |
alternative spelling of |
tellurize (talk)
telnettable |
alternative spelling of |
telnetable (talk)
ten foot |
alternative spelling of |
tenfoot (talk)
tenderise |
alternative spelling of |
tenderize (talk)
tenderiser |
alternative spelling of |
tenderizer (talk)
teraponid |
alternative spelling of |
terapontid (talk)
tesselation |
alternative spelling of |
tessellation (talk)
tetracyclin |
alternative spelling of |
tetracycline (talk)
tetraedron |
alternative spelling of |
tetrahedron (talk)
tetrahedralisable |
alternative spelling of |
tetrahedralizable (talk)
tetrakosane |
alternative spelling of |
tetracosane (talk)
tetraline |
alternative spelling of |
tetralin (talk)
tetraoxide |
alternative spelling of |
tetroxide (talk)
tetraphosphorus trisulphide |
alternative spelling of |
tetraphosphorus trisulfide (talk)
tetrasulphur tetranitride |
alternative spelling of |
tetrasulfur tetranitride (talk)
tetrasulphur |
alternative spelling of |
tetrasulfur (talk)
tettigonid |
alternative spelling of |
tettigoniid (talk)
textualisable |
alternative spelling of |
textualizable (talk)
textualisation |
alternative spelling of |
textualization (talk)
textularid |
alternative spelling of |
textulariid (talk)
texturisation |
alternative spelling of |
texturization (talk)
texturise |
alternative spelling of |
texturize (talk)
Thahiri |
alternative spelling of |
Zahiri (talk)
thanka |
alternative spelling of |
tanka (talk)
thanku |
alternative spelling of |
thank you (talk)
thare |
alternative spelling of |
thar (talk)
thaub |
alternative spelling of |
thobe (talk)
theatricalise |
alternative spelling of |
theatricalize (talk)
thee |
alternative spelling of |
the (talk)
thein |
alternative spelling of |
theine (talk)
theologise |
alternative spelling of |
theologize (talk)
thermister |
alternative spelling of |
thermistor (talk)
thermit |
alternative spelling of |
thermite (talk)
thew |
alternative spelling of |
theow (talk)
thiamin |
alternative spelling of |
thiamine (talk)
Thomean |
alternative spelling of |
Thomæan (talk)
thoroly |
alternative spelling of |
thoroughly (talk)
threequarter |
alternative spelling of |
three-quarter (talk)
thyroxin |
alternative spelling of |
thyroxine (talk)
tiabendazole |
alternative spelling of |
thiabendazole (talk)
ticktacktoe |
alternative spelling of |
tic-tac-toe (talk)
Tiddledy Winks |
alternative spelling of |
tiddlywinks (talk)
time-release |
alternative spelling of |
timed-release (talk)
timesis |
alternative spelling of |
tmesis (talk)
Timeus |
alternative spelling of |
Timaeus (talk)
toat |
alternative spelling of |
tote (talk)
tokenisation |
alternative spelling of |
tokenization (talk)
tokenise |
alternative spelling of |
tokenize (talk)
tokeniser |
alternative spelling of |
tokenizer (talk)
toluidin |
alternative spelling of |
toluidine (talk)
tomato, tomato |
alternative spelling of |
tomayto, tomahto (talk)
tone dialling |
alternative spelling of |
tone dialing (talk)
tonsilar |
alternative spelling of |
tonsillar (talk)
tonsilitis |
alternative spelling of |
tonsillitis (talk)
toosh |
alternative spelling of |
tush (talk)
toponomy |
alternative spelling of |
toponymy (talk)
topsy-turveyed |
alternative spelling of |
topsy-turvied (talk)
tormenter |
alternative spelling of |
tormentor (talk)
torqueing up |
alternative spelling of |
torquing up (talk)
touch-tone dialling |
alternative spelling of |
touch-tone dialing (talk)
towny |
alternative spelling of |
townie (talk)
toxaemia |
alternative spelling of |
toxemia (talk)
tracheooesophageal |
alternative spelling of |
tracheoesophageal (talk)
trade line |
alternative spelling of |
tradeline (talk)
train hopper |
alternative spelling of |
trainhopper (talk)
train hopping |
alternative spelling of |
trainhopping (talk)
tranquilities |
alternative spelling of |
tranquillity (talk)
tranquillisation |
alternative spelling of |
tranquillization (talk)
tranquillised |
alternative spelling of |
tranquilized (talk)
tranquillizing |
alternative spelling of |
tranquilizing (talk)
transferrable |
alternative spelling of |
transferable (talk)
transfreight |
alternative spelling of |
transfrete (talk)
transhipment |
alternative spelling of |
transshipment (talk)
transmetalation |
alternative spelling of |
transmetallation (talk)
transmittible |
alternative spelling of |
transmittable (talk)
traumatisation |
alternative spelling of |
traumatization (talk)
trebucket |
alternative spelling of |
trebuchet (talk)
trepidacious |
alternative spelling of |
trepidatious (talk)
trialer |
alternative spelling of |
trialler (talk)
trialers |
alternative spelling of |
triallers (talk)
triglyceridaemia |
alternative spelling of |
triglyceridemia (talk)
trimerise |
alternative spelling of |
trimerize (talk)
trisulphide |
alternative spelling of |
trisulfide (talk)
tropaean |
alternative spelling of |
tropæan (talk)
tropicalia |
alternative spelling of |
Tropicália (talk)
tropin |
alternative spelling of |
tropine (talk)
trowse |
alternative spelling of |
trouse (talk)
trupial |
alternative spelling of |
troupial (talk)
trypsinisation |
alternative spelling of |
trypsinization (talk)
trypsinise |
alternative spelling of |
trypsinize (talk)
tsaddiq |
alternative spelling of |
tsaddik (talk)
tsaritza |
alternative spelling of |
czaritsa (talk)
tschk |
alternative spelling of |
tsk (talk)
tsesarevitch |
alternative spelling of |
tsarevich (talk)
tsooris |
alternative spelling of |
tsuris (talk)
tumorogenic |
alternative spelling of |
tumorigenic (talk)
tumourigenicity |
alternative spelling of |
tumorigenicity (talk)
tuneability |
alternative spelling of |
tunability (talk)
tuneable |
alternative spelling of |
tunable (talk)
tunicks |
alternative spelling of |
tunics (talk)
Turkicisation |
alternative spelling of |
Turkicization (talk)
Turkicise |
alternative spelling of |
Turkicize (talk)
turquoisy |
alternative spelling of |
turquoisey (talk)
turtle-doves |
alternative spelling of |
turtle dove (talk)
tutilage |
alternative spelling of |
tutelage (talk)
tweer |
alternative spelling of |
tuyere (talk)
twier |
alternative spelling of |
tuyere (talk)
twyere |
alternative spelling of |
tuyere (talk)
tymbal |
alternative spelling of |
timbal (talk)
tympanist |
alternative spelling of |
timpanist (talk)
tyrosinaemia |
alternative spelling of |
tyrosinemia (talk)
tyrothricine |
alternative spelling of |
tyrothricin (talk)
tzaddiq |
alternative spelling of |
tsaddik (talk)
tzantza |
alternative spelling of |
tsantsa (talk)
tzaricide |
alternative spelling of |
tsaricide (talk)
tzaritsa |
alternative spelling of |
czaritsa (talk)
tzetse |
alternative spelling of |
tsetse (talk)
tzigany |
alternative spelling of |
tzigane (talk)
uA |
alternative spelling of |
µA (talk)
ucd |
alternative spelling of |
µcd (talk)
uck |
alternative spelling of |
yuck (talk)
Ucraine |
alternative spelling of |
Ukraine (talk)
uegelhorn |
alternative spelling of |
flugelhorn (talk)
ug |
alternative spelling of |
µg (talk)
ugg |
alternative spelling of |
ug#Etymology 1 (talk)
ugg |
alternative spelling of |
ug#Etymology 2 (talk)
uhu |
alternative spelling of |
yoo-hoo (talk)
uK |
alternative spelling of |
µK (talk)
umol |
alternative spelling of |
µmol (talk)
umteenth |
alternative spelling of |
umpteenth (talk)
un-Christian |
alternative spelling of |
unchristian (talk)
unalienably |
alternative spelling of |
inalienably (talk)
unanaesthetized |
alternative spelling of |
unanesthetized (talk)
unanalysed |
alternative spelling of |
unanalyzed (talk)
unanalyzable |
alternative spelling of |
unanalysable (talk)
unanesthetised |
alternative spelling of |
unanesthetized (talk)
unauthorised term |
alternative spelling of |
unauthorized term (talk)
unauthorisedly |
alternative spelling of |
unauthorizedly (talk)
unblamable |
alternative spelling of |
unblameable (talk)
uncachable |
alternative spelling of |
uncacheable (talk)
uncataloged |
alternative spelling of |
uncatalogued (talk)
uncatalysed |
alternative spelling of |
uncatalyzed (talk)
uncategorisable |
alternative spelling of |
uncategorizable (talk)
uncategorisably |
alternative spelling of |
uncategorizably (talk)
uncategorised |
alternative spelling of |
uncategorized (talk)
uncharacterisable |
alternative spelling of |
uncharacterizable (talk)
uncharacterised |
alternative spelling of |
uncharacterized (talk)
uncheeseable |
alternative spelling of |
uncheesable (talk)
uncloseable |
alternative spelling of |
unclosable (talk)
unclubable |
alternative spelling of |
unclubbable (talk)
uncompartmentalised |
alternative spelling of |
uncompartmentalized (talk)
uncoördinate |
alternative spelling of |
uncoordinate (talk)
uncopyable |
alternative spelling of |
uncopiable (talk)
uncrystallised |
alternative spelling of |
uncrystallized (talk)
under-grounders |
alternative spelling of |
undergrounder (talk)
underemphasised |
alternative spelling of |
underemphasized (talk)
underpressurise |
alternative spelling of |
underpressurize (talk)
undigestible |
alternative spelling of |
indigestible (talk)
unencyclopaedic |
alternative spelling of |
unencyclopedic (talk)
unfactorisable |
alternative spelling of |
unfactorizable (talk)
unfakeable |
alternative spelling of |
unfakable (talk)
unfakeably |
alternative spelling of |
unfakably (talk)
unfertilised |
alternative spelling of |
unfertilized (talk)
unflavoured |
alternative spelling of |
unflavored (talk)
unfocussed |
alternative spelling of |
unfocused (talk)
unfossilised |
alternative spelling of |
unfossilized (talk)
ungalvanised |
alternative spelling of |
ungalvanized (talk)
unhydrolysed |
alternative spelling of |
unhydrolyzed (talk)
unhypnotised |
alternative spelling of |
unhypnotized (talk)
unhypothesised |
alternative spelling of |
unhypothesized (talk)
uniformisation |
alternative spelling of |
uniformization (talk)
uninitialised |
alternative spelling of |
uninitialized (talk)
uninterruptable |
alternative spelling of |
uninterruptible (talk)
unionisation |
alternative spelling of |
unionization (talk)
unitalicised |
alternative spelling of |
unitalicized (talk)
unitarised |
alternative spelling of |
unitarized (talk)
unjewish |
alternative spelling of |
un-Jewish (talk)
unleaf |
alternative spelling of |
unleave (talk)
unlexicalised |
alternative spelling of |
unlexicalized (talk)
unlicenced |
alternative spelling of |
unlicensed (talk)
unloveable |
alternative spelling of |
unlovable (talk)
unmagnetised |
alternative spelling of |
unmagnetized (talk)
unmarshalled |
alternative spelling of |
unmarshaled (talk)
unmesmerised |
alternative spelling of |
unmesmerized (talk)
unmistakeably |
alternative spelling of |
unmistakably (talk)
unnamable |
alternative spelling of |
unnameable (talk)
unnormalised |
alternative spelling of |
unnormalized (talk)
unopsonised |
alternative spelling of |
unopsonized (talk)
unoptimised |
alternative spelling of |
unoptimized (talk)
unoxidised |
alternative spelling of |
unoxidized (talk)
unpalletised |
alternative spelling of |
unpalletized (talk)
unparametrised |
alternative spelling of |
unparameterized (talk)
unparseable |
alternative spelling of |
unparsable (talk)
unparticularised |
alternative spelling of |
unparticularized (talk)
unpleaseable |
alternative spelling of |
unpleasable (talk)
unpractised |
alternative spelling of |
unpracticed (talk)
unprioritised |
alternative spelling of |
unprioritized (talk)
unpublicised |
alternative spelling of |
unpublicized (talk)
unrandomised |
alternative spelling of |
unrandomized (talk)
unrapeable |
alternative spelling of |
unrapable (talk)
unravelings |
alternative spelling of |
unravellings (talk)
unreconstructable |
alternative spelling of |
unreconstructible (talk)
unregisterable |
alternative spelling of |
unregistrable (talk)
unregularised |
alternative spelling of |
unregularized (talk)
unreprovable |
alternative spelling of |
unreproveable (talk)
unromanticised |
alternative spelling of |
unromanticized (talk)
unrubberised |
alternative spelling of |
unrubberized (talk)
unsalvagable |
alternative spelling of |
unsalvageable (talk)
unsalvagably |
alternative spelling of |
unsalvageably (talk)
unsanitised |
alternative spelling of |
unsanitized (talk)
unsceptical |
alternative spelling of |
unskeptical (talk)
unsceptically |
alternative spelling of |
unskeptically (talk)
unscrutinised |
alternative spelling of |
unscrutinized (talk)
unsensationalised |
alternative spelling of |
unsensationalized (talk)
unserialisable |
alternative spelling of |
unserializable (talk)
unskilfully |
alternative spelling of |
unskillfully (talk)
unspecialised |
alternative spelling of |
unspecialized (talk)
unstandardised |
alternative spelling of |
unstandardized (talk)
unstencilled |
alternative spelling of |
unstenciled (talk)
unsterilised |
alternative spelling of |
unsterilized (talk)
unsubsidised |
alternative spelling of |
unsubsidized (talk)
unsummarisable |
alternative spelling of |
unsummarizable (talk)
unsummarised |
alternative spelling of |
unsummarized (talk)
unsymbolisable |
alternative spelling of |
unsymbolizable (talk)
unsynched |
alternative spelling of |
unsynced (talk)
unsynchronized |
alternative spelling of |
unsynchronised (talk)
unsystematised |
alternative spelling of |
unsystematized (talk)
untetrahedralisable |
alternative spelling of |
untetrahedralizable (talk)
untextualised |
alternative spelling of |
untextualized (talk)
untheorised |
alternative spelling of |
untheorized (talk)
untraumatised |
alternative spelling of |
untraumatized (talk)
unturbaned |
alternative spelling of |
unturbanned (talk)
unurbanised |
alternative spelling of |
unurbanized (talk)
unviable |
alternative spelling of |
inviable (talk)
unvisualisable |
alternative spelling of |
unvisualizable (talk)
unvulcanised |
alternative spelling of |
unvulcanized (talk)
unwakable |
alternative spelling of |
unwakeable (talk)
upgradeability |
alternative spelling of |
upgradability (talk)
us |
alternative spelling of |
µs (talk)
Van Diemonian |
alternative spelling of |
Vandemonian (talk)
Van Diemonian |
alternative spelling of |
Vandemonian (talk)
vaporised |
alternative spelling of |
vaporized (talk)
alternative spelling of |
VaR (talk)
Varazhdin |
alternative spelling of |
Varaždin (talk)
vascularised |
alternative spelling of |
vascularized (talk)
vegetable sulphur |
alternative spelling of |
vegetable sulfur (talk)
vejovid |
alternative spelling of |
vaejovid (talk)
Venitian |
alternative spelling of |
Venetian (talk)
verbalisable |
alternative spelling of |
verbalizable (talk)
vermuth |
alternative spelling of |
vermouth (talk)
vice-a-versa |
alternative spelling of |
vice versa (talk)
victimiser |
alternative spelling of |
victimizer (talk)
videogramme |
alternative spelling of |
videogram (talk)
Vietnamisation |
alternative spelling of |
Vietnamization (talk)
Vietnamise |
alternative spelling of |
Vietnamize (talk)
villagisation |
alternative spelling of |
villagization (talk)
violaters |
alternative spelling of |
violators (talk)
virgin sulfur |
alternative spelling of |
virgin sulphur (talk)
virialise |
alternative spelling of |
virialize (talk)
virialised |
alternative spelling of |
virialized (talk)
virtualisable |
alternative spelling of |
virtualizable (talk)
virtualisation |
alternative spelling of |
virtualization (talk)
virtualiser |
alternative spelling of |
virtualizer (talk)
višap |
alternative spelling of |
vishap (talk)
visualisable |
alternative spelling of |
visualizable (talk)
vizored |
alternative spelling of |
visored (talk)
volatilisation |
alternative spelling of |
volatilization (talk)
volcanic sulfur |
alternative spelling of |
volcanic sulphur (talk)
vowelisation |
alternative spelling of |
vowelization (talk)
Voyvodina |
alternative spelling of |
Vojvodina (talk)
vulcanic |
alternative spelling of |
volcanic (talk)
w33d |
alternative spelling of |
weed (talk)
wakfed |
alternative spelling of |
waqfed (talk)
walljump |
alternative spelling of |
wall jump (talk)
wassock |
alternative spelling of |
wazzock (talk)
wassocks |
alternative spelling of |
wazzock (talk)
watch list |
alternative spelling of |
watchlist (talk)
watchcap |
alternative spelling of |
watch cap (talk)
water-cress |
alternative spelling of |
watercress (talk)
waz up |
alternative spelling of |
wassup (talk)
weakbrained |
alternative spelling of |
weak-brained (talk)
weakheaded |
alternative spelling of |
weak-headed (talk)
wedsetter |
alternative spelling of |
wadsetter (talk)
weisenheimer |
alternative spelling of |
wisenheimer (talk)
wellwishing |
alternative spelling of |
well-wishing (talk)
wellwishing |
alternative spelling of |
well-wishing (talk)
whachamacallit |
alternative spelling of |
whatchamacallit (talk)
whaddup |
alternative spelling of |
what up (talk)
whatevuh |
alternative spelling of |
whatever (talk)
whatevuh |
alternative spelling of |
whatever (talk)
wheelerdealer |
alternative spelling of |
wheeler-dealer (talk)
whiney |
alternative spelling of |
whiny (talk)
whip-arse |
alternative spelling of |
whoop-ass (talk)
whiparound |
alternative spelling of |
whip-around (talk)
whiparound |
alternative spelling of |
whip-around (talk)
whishtly |
alternative spelling of |
whistly (talk)
whoof |
alternative spelling of |
woof (talk)
whoop-dee-do |
alternative spelling of |
whoop-de-doo (talk)
whoopeedoo |
alternative spelling of |
whoopee do (talk)
whoopie |
alternative spelling of |
whoopee (talk)
whoopsy-daisy |
alternative spelling of |
whoops-a-daisy (talk)
wickyup |
alternative spelling of |
wickiup (talk)
widder |
alternative spelling of |
widow (talk)
wideish |
alternative spelling of |
widish (talk)
Woiworung |
alternative spelling of |
Woiwurrung (talk)
Woiwurrong |
alternative spelling of |
Woiwurrung (talk)
womble |
alternative spelling of |
wamble (talk)
womble |
alternative spelling of |
wamble (talk)
wonderfuler |
alternative spelling of |
wonderfuller (talk)
wonderfulest |
alternative spelling of |
wonderfullest (talk)
wooley |
alternative spelling of |
wooly (talk)
wooliness |
alternative spelling of |
woolliness (talk)
wooly mammoth |
alternative spelling of |
woolly mammoth (talk)
World War Two |
alternative spelling of |
World War II (talk)
woulder |
alternative spelling of |
woulda (talk)
wuzzup |
alternative spelling of |
wassup (talk)
x86 64 |
alternative spelling of |
x86-64 (talk)
Xanatos |
alternative spelling of |
Thanatos (talk)
xanthaemia |
alternative spelling of |
xanthemia (talk)
xanthin |
alternative spelling of |
xanthine (talk)
Xember |
alternative spelling of |
December (talk)
xerif |
alternative spelling of |
xeriff (talk)
yagouarundi |
alternative spelling of |
jaguarundi (talk)
Yahu |
alternative spelling of |
Jah (talk)
yanggona |
alternative spelling of |
yagona (talk)
yangona |
alternative spelling of |
yagona (talk)
yangpan |
alternative spelling of |
yangban (talk)
ycladd |
alternative spelling of |
yclad (talk)
yeap |
alternative spelling of |
yep (talk)
yelman |
alternative spelling of |
yalman (talk)
yes woman |
alternative spelling of |
yeswoman (talk)
yeuch |
alternative spelling of |
yech (talk)
yey |
alternative spelling of |
yay (talk)
yo mama |
alternative spelling of |
yo momma (talk)
yoghurty |
alternative spelling of |
yogurty (talk)
youz |
alternative spelling of |
yous (talk)
yowza |
alternative spelling of |
yowzah (talk)
yt |
alternative spelling of |
white (talk)
yu toy |
alternative spelling of |
yu choy (talk)
yucch |
alternative spelling of |
yech (talk)
yuch |
alternative spelling of |
yech (talk)
Zain |
alternative spelling of |
Zayn (talk)
zakouska |
alternative spelling of |
zakuska (talk)
Zambo |
alternative spelling of |
Sambo (talk)
zanana |
alternative spelling of |
zenana (talk)
Zapata moustache |
alternative spelling of |
Zapata mustache (talk)
zareba |
alternative spelling of |
zariba (talk)
zareba |
alternative spelling of |
zariba (talk)
zareeba |
alternative spelling of |
zariba (talk)
zariba |
alternative spelling of |
zeriba (talk)
zebra fishes |
alternative spelling of |
zebrafish (talk)
Zenoist |
alternative spelling of |
Zenonist (talk)
Zenoist |
alternative spelling of |
Zenonist (talk)
zepto-ampere |
alternative spelling of |
zeptoampere (talk)
zeroeth |
alternative spelling of |
zeroth (talk)
zimome |
alternative spelling of |
zymome (talk)
zomo |
alternative spelling of |
zhomo (talk)
zooea |
alternative spelling of |
zoëa (talk)
zowee |
alternative spelling of |
zowie (talk)
ǂQhôã |
alternative spelling of |
ǂHõã (talk)
acketon |
altform |
aketon (talk)
chefing |
altform |
cheffing (talk)
cush |
altform |
kush (talk)
Cush |
altform |
kush (talk)
engoulé |
altform |
engoulée (talk)
faudes |
altform |
faulds (talk)
garde rein |
altform |
garde de rein (talk)
grand-guard |
altform |
grand guard (talk)
grandguard |
altform |
grand guard (talk)
incanter |
altform |
incantor (talk)
It |
altform |
It. (talk)
It |
altform |
It. (talk)
o |
altform |
ο (talk)
palliardize |
altform |
palliardise (talk)
passe garde |
altform |
passguard (talk)
pike-guard |
altform |
pikeguard (talk)
ryvett |
altform |
rivet (talk)
tofu dregs |
altform |
tofu-dreg (talk)
warhammer |
altform |
war hammer (talk)
woodelf |
altform |
wood-elf (talk)
bout |
aphetic form of |
about (talk)
splain |
aphetic form of |
explain (talk)
splain |
aphetic form of |
explain (talk)
splaining |
aphetic form of |
explaining (talk)
aff |
apocopic form of |
affirmative (talk)
Abbadide |
archaic form of |
Abbadid (talk)
abbaye |
archaic form of |
abbey (talk)
accrew |
archaic form of |
accrue (talk)
aconitin |
archaic form of |
aconitine (talk)
adipsy |
archaic form of |
adipsia (talk)
Ælfric |
archaic form of |
Aelfric (talk)
æolipyle |
archaic form of |
aeolipile (talk)
æquatorial |
archaic form of |
equatorial (talk)
aeriate |
archaic form of |
aerate (talk)
aeriation |
archaic form of |
aeration (talk)
æstheticization |
archaic form of |
estheticization (talk)
Æthelred |
archaic form of |
Aethelred (talk)
algolagny |
archaic form of |
algolagnia (talk)
aliner |
archaic form of |
aligner (talk)
allignment |
archaic form of |
alignment (talk)
Amacao |
archaic form of |
Macau (talk)
amœbicidal |
archaic form of |
amebicidal (talk)
Amoor |
archaic form of |
Amur (talk)
amphibial |
archaic form of |
amphibian (talk)
anæsthetist |
archaic form of |
anesthetist (talk)
anæsthetization |
archaic form of |
anesthetization (talk)
analysist |
archaic form of |
analyst (talk)
anatta |
archaic form of |
annatto (talk)
anemony |
archaic form of |
anemone (talk)
anisotropous |
archaic form of |
anisotropic (talk)
annointment |
archaic form of |
anointment (talk)
anorexy |
archaic form of |
anorexia (talk)
antiroom |
archaic form of |
anteroom (talk)
antiscorbutical |
archaic form of |
antiscorbutic (talk)
antiseptical |
archaic form of |
antiseptic (talk)
antiseptize |
archaic form of |
antisepticize (talk)
antitoxine |
archaic form of |
antitoxin (talk)
any way |
archaic form of |
anyway (talk)
anywither |
archaic form of |
anywhither (talk)
apostacy |
archaic form of |
apostasy (talk)
apperture |
archaic form of |
aperture (talk)
apprizal |
archaic form of |
appraisal (talk)
apprizement |
archaic form of |
appraisement (talk)
aquatical |
archaic form of |
aquatic (talk)
archaical |
archaic form of |
archaic (talk)
arnatto |
archaic form of |
annatto (talk)
Asiatick |
archaic form of |
Asiatic (talk)
Asiatick |
archaic form of |
Asiatic (talk)
asphaltus |
archaic form of |
asphalt (talk)
assever |
archaic form of |
asseverate (talk)
atomical |
archaic form of |
atomic (talk)
Aussey |
archaic form of |
Aussie (talk)
autophoby |
archaic form of |
autophobia (talk)
awlessness |
archaic form of |
awelessness (talk)
awsome |
archaic form of |
awesome (talk)
axal |
archaic form of |
axial (talk)
babirousa |
archaic form of |
babirusa (talk)
baboodom |
archaic form of |
babudom (talk)
babooism |
archaic form of |
babuism (talk)
bacbakiri |
archaic form of |
bokmakierie (talk)
ballist |
archaic form of |
ballista (talk)
bandanah |
archaic form of |
bandanna (talk)
bandannah |
archaic form of |
bandanna (talk)
Bandell |
archaic form of |
Bandel (talk)
barrasingh |
archaic form of |
barasingha (talk)
basilick |
archaic form of |
basilic (talk)
batoon |
archaic form of |
baton (talk)
battallion |
archaic form of |
battalion (talk)
batton |
archaic form of |
baton (talk)
batton |
archaic form of |
batten (talk)
beauxite |
archaic form of |
bauxite (talk)
bebeerin |
archaic form of |
bebeerine (talk)
Bedawin |
archaic form of |
bedouin (talk)
Behar |
archaic form of |
Bihar (talk)
benzidin |
archaic form of |
benzidine (talk)
bergaptene |
archaic form of |
bergapten (talk)
bezzant |
archaic form of |
bezant (talk)
biaxal |
archaic form of |
biaxial (talk)
bibliograph |
archaic form of |
bibliographer (talk)
biltongue |
archaic form of |
biltong (talk)
binoxide |
archaic form of |
dioxide (talk)
bisulfid |
archaic form of |
bisulphide (talk)
bladderdash |
archaic form of |
balderdash (talk)
blimbing |
archaic form of |
bilimbi (talk)
blurr |
archaic form of |
blur (talk)
Bodhisattwa |
archaic form of |
bodhisattva (talk)
boiar |
archaic form of |
boyar (talk)
boilary |
archaic form of |
boilery (talk)
Bombasa |
archaic form of |
Mombasa (talk)
Bombaza |
archaic form of |
Mombasa (talk)
borofluorid |
archaic form of |
borofluoride (talk)
boulimia |
archaic form of |
bulimia (talk)
boulimic |
archaic form of |
bulimic (talk)
bowldery |
archaic form of |
bouldery (talk)
braggadocia |
archaic form of |
braggadocio (talk)
Brasilian |
archaic form of |
Brazilian (talk)
Brasilian |
archaic form of |
Brazilian (talk)
budgereegah |
archaic form of |
budgerigar (talk)
buffoonry |
archaic form of |
buffoonery (talk)
bugong |
archaic form of |
bogong (talk)
bulimy |
archaic form of |
bulimia (talk)
burgamot |
archaic form of |
bergamot (talk)
buss |
archaic form of |
bus (talk)
cabree |
archaic form of |
cabri (talk)
cacholot |
archaic form of |
cachalot (talk)
cænogenetic |
archaic form of |
cenogenetic (talk)
Cali |
archaic form of |
Kali (talk)
caligraphic |
archaic form of |
calligraphic (talk)
calorifical |
archaic form of |
calorific (talk)
Calyan |
archaic form of |
Kalyan (talk)
Cama |
archaic form of |
Kama (talk)
canonistical |
archaic form of |
canonistic (talk)
Cantyre |
archaic form of |
Kintyre (talk)
capsulary |
archaic form of |
capsular (talk)
carassow |
archaic form of |
curassow (talk)
carbonide |
archaic form of |
carbide (talk)
cardamum |
archaic form of |
cardamom (talk)
cardiack |
archaic form of |
cardiac (talk)
cariboo |
archaic form of |
caribou (talk)
carnahuba |
archaic form of |
carnauba (talk)
caromel |
archaic form of |
caramel (talk)
cartilagineous |
archaic form of |
cartilaginous (talk)
cartilege |
archaic form of |
cartilage (talk)
cattie |
archaic form of |
catty (talk)
caustical |
archaic form of |
caustic (talk)
causticly |
archaic form of |
caustically (talk)
cephalopode |
archaic form of |
cephalopod (talk)
chagan |
archaic form of |
khan (talk)
champo |
archaic form of |
shampoo (talk)
cheiropodist |
archaic form of |
chiropodist (talk)
cheiropody |
archaic form of |
chiropody (talk)
cherup |
archaic form of |
chirrup (talk)
cherup |
archaic form of |
chirrup (talk)
cherute |
archaic form of |
cheroot (talk)
Cheswick |
archaic form of |
Chiswick (talk)
chivey |
archaic form of |
chivvy (talk)
chlorin |
archaic form of |
chlorine (talk)
chrysalid |
archaic form of |
chrysalis (talk)
chrysophan |
archaic form of |
chrysophane (talk)
chutnee |
archaic form of |
chutney (talk)
chutny |
archaic form of |
chutney (talk)
coaiti |
archaic form of |
coati (talk)
coban |
archaic form of |
koban (talk)
coboose |
archaic form of |
caboose (talk)
cockateel |
archaic form of |
cockatiel (talk)
cokernut |
archaic form of |
coconut (talk)
colourfull |
archaic form of |
colourful (talk)
comatous |
archaic form of |
comatose (talk)
comprize |
archaic form of |
comprise (talk)
comptrol |
archaic form of |
control (talk)
comptrol |
archaic form of |
control (talk)
Concan |
archaic form of |
Konkan (talk)
conchylious |
archaic form of |
conchylaceous (talk)
conferrence |
archaic form of |
conference (talk)
copalm |
archaic form of |
copal (talk)
copan |
archaic form of |
koban (talk)
copang |
archaic form of |
koban (talk)
copperah |
archaic form of |
copra (talk)
coppra |
archaic form of |
copra (talk)
copyer |
archaic form of |
copier (talk)
corbell |
archaic form of |
corbel (talk)
corvet |
archaic form of |
curvet (talk)
corvorant |
archaic form of |
cormorant (talk)
councilling |
archaic form of |
counseling (talk)
counterbase |
archaic form of |
contrabass (talk)
courteouslie |
archaic form of |
courteously (talk)
couscousou |
archaic form of |
couscous (talk)
cowrey |
archaic form of |
cowrie (talk)
coypou |
archaic form of |
coypu (talk)
craal |
archaic form of |
kraal (talk)
craal |
archaic form of |
kraal (talk)
craunchingly |
archaic form of |
crunchingly (talk)
crease |
archaic form of |
kris (talk)
crease |
archaic form of |
kris (talk)
creasote |
archaic form of |
creosote (talk)
creasote |
archaic form of |
creosote (talk)
creese |
archaic form of |
kris (talk)
creese |
archaic form of |
kris (talk)
cumquot |
archaic form of |
kumquat (talk)
curmugeon |
archaic form of |
curmudgeon (talk)
curranto |
archaic form of |
coranto (talk)
cuspador |
archaic form of |
cuspidor (talk)
cuspadore |
archaic form of |
cuspidor (talk)
cyanamid |
archaic form of |
cyanamide (talk)
dakoiti |
archaic form of |
dacoity (talk)
Dantzic |
archaic form of |
Gdańsk (talk)
dawb |
archaic form of |
daub (talk)
dawb |
archaic form of |
daub (talk)
dawber |
archaic form of |
dauber (talk)
dawbing |
archaic form of |
daubing (talk)
dependancy |
archaic form of |
dependency (talk)
derham |
archaic form of |
dirham (talk)
descript |
archaic form of |
described (talk)
desireable |
archaic form of |
desirable (talk)
despoticly |
archaic form of |
despotically (talk)
diabetical |
archaic form of |
diabetic (talk)
dibromid |
archaic form of |
dibromide (talk)
dimish |
archaic form of |
dimmish (talk)
dinitril |
archaic form of |
dinitrile (talk)
dinoxide |
archaic form of |
dioxide (talk)
diœcesan |
archaic form of |
diocesan (talk)
directer |
archaic form of |
director (talk)
discontinuor |
archaic form of |
discontinuer (talk)
disforestation |
archaic form of |
deforestation (talk)
dispossest |
archaic form of |
dispossessed (talk)
dissention |
archaic form of |
dissension (talk)
disulfid |
archaic form of |
disulphide (talk)
djehad |
archaic form of |
jihad (talk)
djinny |
archaic form of |
djinni (talk)
Djuka |
archaic form of |
Ndyuka (talk)
Djuka |
archaic form of |
Ndyuka (talk)
Doorga |
archaic form of |
Durga (talk)
dorian |
archaic form of |
durian (talk)
dottrel |
archaic form of |
dotterel (talk)
dourra |
archaic form of |
durra (talk)
dowriless |
archaic form of |
dowryless (talk)
doyly |
archaic form of |
doily (talk)
driness |
archaic form of |
dryness (talk)
druidish |
archaic form of |
druidic (talk)
efficience |
archaic form of |
efficiency (talk)
efflorescency |
archaic form of |
efflorescence (talk)
ekzematous |
archaic form of |
eczematous (talk)
elastical |
archaic form of |
elastic (talk)
elchee |
archaic form of |
elchi (talk)
elchie |
archaic form of |
elchi (talk)
elleborin |
archaic form of |
helleborin (talk)
embassadorial |
archaic form of |
ambassadorial (talk)
emetical |
archaic form of |
emetic (talk)
emmure |
archaic form of |
immure (talk)
empart |
archaic form of |
impart (talk)
emplant |
archaic form of |
implant (talk)
enarthrodia |
archaic form of |
enarthrosis (talk)
encorporate |
archaic form of |
incorporate (talk)
endict |
archaic form of |
indict (talk)
endosmose |
archaic form of |
endosmosis (talk)
enfringement |
archaic form of |
infringement (talk)
engulph |
archaic form of |
engulf (talk)
enlay |
archaic form of |
inlay (talk)
enow |
archaic form of |
enough#Adverb (talk)
enow |
archaic form of |
enough#Determiner (talk)
enstate |
archaic form of |
instate (talk)
enveigle |
archaic form of |
inveigle (talk)
ephedrin |
archaic form of |
ephedrine (talk)
epidermeous |
archaic form of |
epidermal (talk)
epidermidal |
archaic form of |
epidermal (talk)
eponyme |
archaic form of |
eponym (talk)
equiponderancy |
archaic form of |
equiponderance (talk)
erotick |
archaic form of |
erotic (talk)
erpetologist |
archaic form of |
herpetologist (talk)
erpetology |
archaic form of |
herpetology (talk)
eschalot |
archaic form of |
shallot (talk)
Eskimauan |
archaic form of |
Eskimoan (talk)
Eskimauan |
archaic form of |
Eskimoan (talk)
etherean |
archaic form of |
ethereal (talk)
euphemistical |
archaic form of |
euphemistic (talk)
euthanasy |
archaic form of |
euthanasia (talk)
evesdrop |
archaic form of |
eavesdrop (talk)
evesdropper |
archaic form of |
eavesdropper (talk)
excentricity |
archaic form of |
eccentricity (talk)
existency |
archaic form of |
existence (talk)
exophthalmy |
archaic form of |
exophthalmia (talk)
exosmose |
archaic form of |
exosmosis (talk)
extatical |
archaic form of |
ecstatical (talk)
extuberancy |
archaic form of |
extuberance (talk)
exuberancy |
archaic form of |
exuberance (talk)
eyah |
archaic form of |
ayah (talk)
falanaka |
archaic form of |
falanouc (talk)
fartherer |
archaic form of |
furtherer (talk)
featherfew |
archaic form of |
feverfew (talk)
fetichist |
archaic form of |
fetishist (talk)
fidgetty |
archaic form of |
fidgety (talk)
filigraned |
archaic form of |
filigreed (talk)
fittish |
archaic form of |
fetish (talk)
fiz |
archaic form of |
fizz (talk)
fiz |
archaic form of |
fizz (talk)
flooky |
archaic form of |
fluky (talk)
flowk |
archaic form of |
fluke (talk)
flowret |
archaic form of |
floweret (talk)
fluoborid |
archaic form of |
fluoboride (talk)
foenngreek |
archaic form of |
fenugreek (talk)
Foulah |
archaic form of |
Fula (talk)
foussa |
archaic form of |
fossa (talk)
frangipanni |
archaic form of |
frangipani (talk)
freash |
archaic form of |
fresh (talk)
fricandel |
archaic form of |
fricandeau (talk)
fricando |
archaic form of |
fricandeau (talk)
frize |
archaic form of |
frieze (talk)
frize |
archaic form of |
frieze (talk)
fruitfullness |
archaic form of |
fruitfulness (talk)
Furrier |
archaic form of |
furrier (talk)
Gaboon |
archaic form of |
Gabon (talk)
galactolipide |
archaic form of |
galactolipid (talk)
gally |
archaic form of |
galley (talk)
galoshoes |
archaic form of |
galoshes (talk)
gamelang |
archaic form of |
gamelan (talk)
Gaoidhealg |
archaic form of |
Irish Gaelic (talk)
gargyle |
archaic form of |
gargoyle (talk)
gastralgy |
archaic form of |
gastralgia (talk)
gazeebo |
archaic form of |
gazebo (talk)
geestring |
archaic form of |
G-string (talk)
geisotherm |
archaic form of |
geoisotherm (talk)
geisothermal |
archaic form of |
geoisothermal (talk)
generalty |
archaic form of |
generality (talk)
gennet |
archaic form of |
genet (talk)
geodætical |
archaic form of |
geodetical (talk)
Germanical |
archaic form of |
Germanic (talk)
gibleh |
archaic form of |
ghibli (talk)
ginnee |
archaic form of |
jinni (talk)
gisarm |
archaic form of |
gisarme (talk)
glent |
archaic form of |
glint (talk)
glent |
archaic form of |
glint (talk)
glucolipide |
archaic form of |
glucolipid (talk)
glycogeny |
archaic form of |
glycogenesis (talk)
glycolipide |
archaic form of |
glycolipid (talk)
glycosid |
archaic form of |
glycoside (talk)
glyoxim |
archaic form of |
glyoxime (talk)
goalee |
archaic form of |
goalie (talk)
godzooks |
archaic form of |
gadzooks (talk)
goedown |
archaic form of |
godown (talk)
goffing |
archaic form of |
golfing (talk)
goldsmithry |
archaic form of |
goldsmithery (talk)
goloshoes |
archaic form of |
goloshes (talk)
governancy |
archaic form of |
governance (talk)
grakle |
archaic form of |
grackle (talk)
graphicly |
archaic form of |
graphically (talk)
grooper |
archaic form of |
grouper (talk)
Guardafoy |
archaic form of |
Guardafui (talk)
gunarchy |
archaic form of |
gynarchy (talk)
guyal |
archaic form of |
gayal (talk)
gyaul |
archaic form of |
gayal (talk)
hadje |
archaic form of |
hajji (talk)
hadjee |
archaic form of |
hajji (talk)
hæmatoporphyrin |
archaic form of |
hematoporphyrin (talk)
Hæmony |
archaic form of |
haemony (talk)
halid |
archaic form of |
halide (talk)
harico |
archaic form of |
haricot (talk)
hearsy |
archaic form of |
hearsay (talk)
hecdecane |
archaic form of |
hexadecane (talk)
Hindee |
archaic form of |
Hindi (talk)
Hindee |
archaic form of |
Hindi (talk)
Hindostani |
archaic form of |
Hindustani (talk)
Hindostani |
archaic form of |
Hindustani (talk)
hobandnob |
archaic form of |
hobnob (talk)
hobanob |
archaic form of |
hobnob (talk)
Hogmany |
archaic form of |
Hogmanay (talk)
homœopathicity |
archaic form of |
homeopathicity (talk)
hoonoomaun |
archaic form of |
hanuman (talk)
hoopoo |
archaic form of |
hoopoe (talk)
hubshee |
archaic form of |
hubshi (talk)
hydrid |
archaic form of |
hydride (talk)
hymenæal |
archaic form of |
hymeneal (talk)
hymenæal |
archaic form of |
hymeneal (talk)
hyppogriff |
archaic form of |
hippogriff (talk)
ihlang-ihlang |
archaic form of |
ylang ylang (talk)
imbalm |
archaic form of |
embalm (talk)
imbalmer |
archaic form of |
embalmer (talk)
imbargo |
archaic form of |
embargo (talk)
imbargo |
archaic form of |
embargo (talk)
imbark |
archaic form of |
embark (talk)
imbellish |
archaic form of |
embellish (talk)
imbitterment |
archaic form of |
embitterment (talk)
imbody |
archaic form of |
embody (talk)
imbolden |
archaic form of |
embolden (talk)
imboss |
archaic form of |
emboss (talk)
imbosser |
archaic form of |
embosser (talk)
imbowel |
archaic form of |
embowel (talk)
imbrangle |
archaic form of |
embrangle (talk)
immixt |
archaic form of |
immixed (talk)
impenitency |
archaic form of |
impenitence (talk)
impery |
archaic form of |
empery (talk)
inanitiation |
archaic form of |
inanition (talk)
incasement |
archaic form of |
encasement (talk)
inchamber |
archaic form of |
enchamber (talk)
inchase |
archaic form of |
enchase (talk)
incircle |
archaic form of |
encircle (talk)
inclasp |
archaic form of |
enclasp (talk)
incomber |
archaic form of |
encumber (talk)
incompass |
archaic form of |
encompass (talk)
incompetible |
archaic form of |
incompatible (talk)
inconveniency |
archaic form of |
inconvenience (talk)
incroach |
archaic form of |
encroach (talk)
incumber |
archaic form of |
encumber (talk)
incumberment |
archaic form of |
encumberment (talk)
incyst |
archaic form of |
encyst (talk)
indeavour |
archaic form of |
endeavour (talk)
indeavour |
archaic form of |
endeavour (talk)
indenization |
archaic form of |
endenization (talk)
indesirable |
archaic form of |
undesirable (talk)
indetermined |
archaic form of |
undetermined (talk)
indorsor |
archaic form of |
endorser (talk)
indowment |
archaic form of |
endowment (talk)
inerringly |
archaic form of |
unerringly (talk)
infeeble |
archaic form of |
enfeeble (talk)
infeoffment |
archaic form of |
enfeoffment (talk)
infolder |
archaic form of |
enfolder (talk)
infranchise |
archaic form of |
enfranchise (talk)
ingorge |
archaic form of |
engorge (talk)
ingraftment |
archaic form of |
engraftment (talk)
ingross |
archaic form of |
engross (talk)
ingulf |
archaic form of |
engulf (talk)
ingulfment |
archaic form of |
engulfment (talk)
inlard |
archaic form of |
enlard (talk)
inlist |
archaic form of |
enlist (talk)
inorganical |
archaic form of |
inorganic (talk)
insheath |
archaic form of |
ensheathe (talk)
insheathe |
archaic form of |
ensheathe (talk)
inshrine |
archaic form of |
enshrine (talk)
inslaver |
archaic form of |
enslaver (talk)
inspecter |
archaic form of |
inspector (talk)
insue |
archaic form of |
ensue (talk)
inswathe |
archaic form of |
enswathe (talk)
intermixtly |
archaic form of |
intermixedly (talk)
interstellary |
archaic form of |
interstellar (talk)
intersystematical |
archaic form of |
intersystematic (talk)
inthral |
archaic form of |
enthral (talk)
inthrall |
archaic form of |
enthrall (talk)
inthrone |
archaic form of |
enthrone (talk)
intomb |
archaic form of |
entomb (talk)
intombment |
archaic form of |
entombment (talk)
intreat |
archaic form of |
entreat (talk)
intwinement |
archaic form of |
entwinement (talk)
invenom |
archaic form of |
envenom (talk)
invertebral |
archaic form of |
invertebrate (talk)
iodid |
archaic form of |
iodide (talk)
ischæmic |
archaic form of |
ischemic (talk)
ittria |
archaic form of |
yttria (talk)
jaggory |
archaic form of |
jaggery (talk)
jamboo |
archaic form of |
jambul (talk)
jargonel |
archaic form of |
jargonelle (talk)
jarool |
archaic form of |
jarul (talk)
Jebusitical |
archaic form of |
Jebusitic (talk)
jibb |
archaic form of |
jib (talk)
John Doree |
archaic form of |
John Dory (talk)
jovialty |
archaic form of |
joviality (talk)
jumboo |
archaic form of |
jambul (talk)
kakodyl |
archaic form of |
cacodyl (talk)
kakotrophy |
archaic form of |
cacotrophy (talk)
Kamtschadale |
archaic form of |
Kamchadal (talk)
kangeroo |
archaic form of |
kangaroo (talk)
karob |
archaic form of |
carob (talk)
Kasack |
archaic form of |
Cossack (talk)
kedjeree |
archaic form of |
kedgeree (talk)
kellin |
archaic form of |
khellin (talk)
Kennery |
archaic form of |
Khanderi (talk)
kepper |
archaic form of |
kipper (talk)
khaliff |
archaic form of |
caliph (talk)
khanjee |
archaic form of |
khanji (talk)
khenna |
archaic form of |
henna (talk)
kimbo |
archaic form of |
akimbo (talk)
kookery |
archaic form of |
kukri (talk)
Koord |
archaic form of |
Kurd (talk)
Koordish |
archaic form of |
Kurdish (talk)
kraul |
archaic form of |
kraal (talk)
kreasote |
archaic form of |
creosote (talk)
kreasote |
archaic form of |
creosote (talk)
krees |
archaic form of |
kris (talk)
kreosote |
archaic form of |
creosote (talk)
kreosote |
archaic form of |
creosote (talk)
kresol |
archaic form of |
cresol (talk)
Kroo |
archaic form of |
Kru (talk)
kryometer |
archaic form of |
cryometer (talk)
lack |
archaic form of |
lakh (talk)
laemmergeyer |
archaic form of |
lammergeyer (talk)
Lakhnau |
archaic form of |
Lucknow (talk)
lapsided |
archaic form of |
lopsided (talk)
lashins |
archaic form of |
lashings (talk)
lese-majestie |
archaic form of |
lese majesty (talk)
lettern |
archaic form of |
lectern (talk)
Limander |
archaic form of |
Leander (talk)
lintseed |
archaic form of |
linseed (talk)
lithogenesy |
archaic form of |
lithogenesis (talk)
lithomarga |
archaic form of |
lithomarge (talk)
lobsided |
archaic form of |
lopsided (talk)
logarithmetically |
archaic form of |
logarithmically (talk)
loory |
archaic form of |
lory (talk)
lootah |
archaic form of |
lota (talk)
lowne |
archaic form of |
loon (talk)
lozenger |
archaic form of |
lozenge (talk)
lungoor |
archaic form of |
langur (talk)
maceranduba |
archaic form of |
massaranduba (talk)
Maderass |
archaic form of |
Madras (talk)
madrapore |
archaic form of |
madrepore (talk)
malepractice |
archaic form of |
malpractice (talk)
Manchoo |
archaic form of |
Manchu (talk)
Mandalé |
archaic form of |
Mandalay (talk)
Mandchuria |
archaic form of |
Manchuria (talk)
Mandchurian |
archaic form of |
Manchurian (talk)
Mandchurian |
archaic form of |
Manchurian (talk)
mangaby |
archaic form of |
mangabey (talk)
mangustine |
archaic form of |
mangosteen (talk)
markee |
archaic form of |
marquee (talk)
marketor |
archaic form of |
marketer (talk)
marmozet |
archaic form of |
marmoset (talk)
marone |
archaic form of |
maroon (talk)
marroon |
archaic form of |
maroon (talk)
marroon |
archaic form of |
maroon (talk)
matitudinal |
archaic form of |
matutinal (talk)
matress |
archaic form of |
mattress (talk)
mattrass |
archaic form of |
mattress (talk)
measley |
archaic form of |
measly (talk)
medcinal |
archaic form of |
medicinal (talk)
menagery |
archaic form of |
menagerie (talk)
Merjee |
archaic form of |
Mergui (talk)
metallicly |
archaic form of |
metallically (talk)
metaphenylenediamin |
archaic form of |
metaphenylenediamine (talk)
methylacetanilid |
archaic form of |
methylacetanilide (talk)
micracoustic |
archaic form of |
microacoustic (talk)
midling |
archaic form of |
middling (talk)
midlings |
archaic form of |
middlings (talk)
ministery |
archaic form of |
ministry (talk)
misceability |
archaic form of |
miscibility (talk)
mistakedly |
archaic form of |
mistakenly (talk)
mistery |
archaic form of |
mystery (talk)
mixible |
archaic form of |
miscible (talk)
mixtly |
archaic form of |
mixedly (talk)
Mohock |
archaic form of |
Mohawk (talk)
molary |
archaic form of |
molar (talk)
molary |
archaic form of |
molar (talk)
molatto |
archaic form of |
mulatto (talk)
mommery |
archaic form of |
mummery (talk)
monamine |
archaic form of |
monoamine (talk)
mongoos |
archaic form of |
mongoose (talk)
monochlorid |
archaic form of |
monochloride (talk)
monodrame |
archaic form of |
monodrama (talk)
monogrammal |
archaic form of |
monogrammic (talk)
monolithal |
archaic form of |
monolithic (talk)
Moobarek |
archaic form of |
Mubarak (talk)
moolah |
archaic form of |
mullah (talk)
moollah |
archaic form of |
mullah (talk)
moreland |
archaic form of |
moorland (talk)
mosaical |
archaic form of |
mosaic (talk)
Mundingo |
archaic form of |
Mandingo (talk)
mungoos |
archaic form of |
mongoose (talk)
mungous |
archaic form of |
mongoose (talk)
mungrel |
archaic form of |
mongrel (talk)
Murathee |
archaic form of |
Marathi (talk)
Murathee |
archaic form of |
Marathi (talk)
murdress |
archaic form of |
murderess (talk)
musjeed |
archaic form of |
masjid (talk)
musjid |
archaic form of |
masjid (talk)
musketo |
archaic form of |
mosquito (talk)
mutilater |
archaic form of |
mutilator (talk)
Muxadabad |
archaic form of |
Murshidabad (talk)
Muzarab |
archaic form of |
Mozarab (talk)
Muzarabic |
archaic form of |
Mozarabic (talk)
myopathia |
archaic form of |
myopathy (talk)
myopical |
archaic form of |
myopic (talk)
myopy |
archaic form of |
myopia (talk)
nandoo |
archaic form of |
nandu (talk)
nannyghai |
archaic form of |
nannygai (talk)
naphtol |
archaic form of |
naphthol (talk)
Nassick |
archaic form of |
Nashik (talk)
neemb |
archaic form of |
neem (talk)
neologianism |
archaic form of |
neologism (talk)
Nepaulese |
archaic form of |
Nepalese (talk)
Nepaulese |
archaic form of |
Nepalese (talk)
nephralgy |
archaic form of |
nephralgia (talk)
Nerbudda |
archaic form of |
Narmada (talk)
nitroleum |
archaic form of |
nitroglycerine (talk)
nocturnal arch |
archaic form of |
nocturnal arc (talk)
noonshine |
archaic form of |
nuncheon (talk)
norward |
archaic form of |
northward (talk)
norwards |
archaic form of |
northwards (talk)
novelet |
archaic form of |
novelette (talk)
nucleary |
archaic form of |
nuclear (talk)
nyctalopy |
archaic form of |
nyctalopia (talk)
oaritis |
archaic form of |
ovaritis (talk)
oban |
archaic form of |
obang (talk)
octaedral |
archaic form of |
octahedral (talk)
oculomotory |
archaic form of |
oculomotor (talk)
odalique |
archaic form of |
odalisque (talk)
oecumenic |
archaic form of |
ecumenic (talk)
oleas |
archaic form of |
oleate (talk)
Olympicly |
archaic form of |
Olympically (talk)
Omawhaw |
archaic form of |
Omaha (talk)
on a pinch |
archaic form of |
at a pinch (talk)
Oneider |
archaic form of |
Oneida (talk)
oose |
archaic form of |
ooze (talk)
oosy |
archaic form of |
oozy (talk)
ophidious |
archaic form of |
ophidian (talk)
ophthalmy |
archaic form of |
ophthalmia (talk)
opiniative |
archaic form of |
opinionative (talk)
opiniatively |
archaic form of |
opinionatively (talk)
opulency |
archaic form of |
opulence (talk)
organical |
archaic form of |
organic (talk)
Orknies |
archaic form of |
Orkneys (talk)
orthopedy |
archaic form of |
orthopedics (talk)
otalgy |
archaic form of |
otalgia (talk)
Othin |
archaic form of |
Odin (talk)
Othman |
archaic form of |
Ottoman (talk)
Othman |
archaic form of |
Ottoman (talk)
ouanderoo |
archaic form of |
wanderoo (talk)
oulong |
archaic form of |
oolong (talk)
ourology |
archaic form of |
urology (talk)
oxacid |
archaic form of |
oxyacid (talk)
oxaluramid |
archaic form of |
oxaluramide (talk)
oxamid |
archaic form of |
oxamide (talk)
oxindol |
archaic form of |
oxindole (talk)
ozonous |
archaic form of |
ozonic (talk)
pagodah |
archaic form of |
pagoda (talk)
palanchine |
archaic form of |
palanquin (talk)
palankine |
archaic form of |
palanquin (talk)
palanqueen |
archaic form of |
palanquin (talk)
Palavaram |
archaic form of |
Pallavaram (talk)
Palaveram |
archaic form of |
Pallavaram (talk)
palenquin |
archaic form of |
palanquin (talk)
palindromical |
archaic form of |
palindromic (talk)
Pallaveram |
archaic form of |
Pallavaram (talk)
palmine |
archaic form of |
palmin (talk)
palmira |
archaic form of |
palmyra (talk)
panoramical |
archaic form of |
panoramic (talk)
Panwell |
archaic form of |
Panvel (talk)
paramaecium |
archaic form of |
paramecium (talk)
paronomasy |
archaic form of |
paronomasia (talk)
parsnep |
archaic form of |
parsnip (talk)
paul |
archaic form of |
pawl (talk)
pawaw |
archaic form of |
powwow (talk)
pawaw |
archaic form of |
powwow (talk)
paynimry |
archaic form of |
paganry (talk)
paysa |
archaic form of |
paisa (talk)
pengolin |
archaic form of |
pangolin (talk)
peonin |
archaic form of |
paeonine (talk)
peptotoxine |
archaic form of |
peptotoxin (talk)
perhalid |
archaic form of |
perhalide (talk)
periodid |
archaic form of |
periodide (talk)
Persic |
archaic form of |
Persian (talk)
Persic |
archaic form of |
Persian (talk)
Persic |
archaic form of |
Persian (talk)
pessimistical |
archaic form of |
pessimistic (talk)
peterel |
archaic form of |
petrel (talk)
phænologic |
archaic form of |
phenologic (talk)
phosphid |
archaic form of |
phosphide (talk)
pickback |
archaic form of |
pickaback (talk)
picknicker |
archaic form of |
picnicker (talk)
picquet |
archaic form of |
picket (talk)
picquet |
archaic form of |
picket (talk)
pigeon English |
archaic form of |
pidgin English (talk)
pigstye |
archaic form of |
pigsty (talk)
pilcher |
archaic form of |
pilchard (talk)
pleuroperipneumony |
archaic form of |
pleuropneumonia (talk)
plusperfect |
archaic form of |
pluperfect (talk)
pneumony |
archaic form of |
pneumonia (talk)
polaoo |
archaic form of |
pilaf (talk)
Policat |
archaic form of |
Pulicat (talk)
poojaree |
archaic form of |
pujari (talk)
pookoo |
archaic form of |
puku (talk)
Poorana |
archaic form of |
Purana (talk)
poplitaeal |
archaic form of |
popliteal (talk)
pourlieu |
archaic form of |
purlieu (talk)
powerfull |
archaic form of |
powerful (talk)
powwaw |
archaic form of |
powwow (talk)
powwaw |
archaic form of |
powwow (talk)
Pracrita |
archaic form of |
Prakrit (talk)
praenasal |
archaic form of |
prenasal (talk)
praeoral |
archaic form of |
preoral (talk)
praescutum |
archaic form of |
prescutum (talk)
praesternum |
archaic form of |
presternum (talk)
praunce |
archaic form of |
prance (talk)
prauncer |
archaic form of |
prancer (talk)
proconsulary |
archaic form of |
proconsular (talk)
Procrus |
archaic form of |
Procris (talk)
prosaick |
archaic form of |
prosaic (talk)
protoxid |
archaic form of |
protoxide (talk)
Provencial |
archaic form of |
Provençal (talk)
pubescency |
archaic form of |
pubescence (talk)
pujaree |
archaic form of |
pujari (talk)
Pulecat |
archaic form of |
Pulicat (talk)
Punjaub |
archaic form of |
Punjab (talk)
Punjaubi |
archaic form of |
Punjabi (talk)
punkaw |
archaic form of |
punkah (talk)
punker |
archaic form of |
punkah (talk)
purvue |
archaic form of |
purview (talk)
Putlam |
archaic form of |
Puttalam (talk)
pyjammas |
archaic form of |
pyjamas (talk)
pyxie |
archaic form of |
pixie (talk)
quacha |
archaic form of |
quagga (talk)
quadrigeminous |
archaic form of |
quadrigeminal (talk)
quartett |
archaic form of |
quartet (talk)
quata |
archaic form of |
coiata (talk)
quercetine |
archaic form of |
quercetin (talk)
quesal |
archaic form of |
quetzal (talk)
quezal |
archaic form of |
quetzal (talk)
quinin |
archaic form of |
quinine (talk)
quintett |
archaic form of |
quintet (talk)
quizz |
archaic form of |
quiz (talk)
quoil |
archaic form of |
coil (talk)
rascalion |
archaic form of |
rapscallion (talk)
raspberriade |
archaic form of |
raspberryade (talk)
recoupe |
archaic form of |
recoup (talk)
redtape |
archaic form of |
red tape (talk)
reebuck |
archaic form of |
reebok (talk)
regreting |
archaic form of |
regretting (talk)
reimbark |
archaic form of |
reembark (talk)
reinthrone |
archaic form of |
reenthrone (talk)
reredorse |
archaic form of |
reredos (talk)
Restorationer |
archaic form of |
Restorationist (talk)
rheumaticks |
archaic form of |
rheumatics (talk)
riggle |
archaic form of |
wriggle (talk)
rolly-poly |
archaic form of |
roly-poly (talk)
romanticly |
archaic form of |
romantically (talk)
rusticly |
archaic form of |
rustically (talk)
sæptal |
archaic form of |
septal (talk)
sahookar |
archaic form of |
sahukar (talk)
salicine |
archaic form of |
salicin (talk)
samboo |
archaic form of |
sambar (talk)
samfoo |
archaic form of |
samfu (talk)
samoom |
archaic form of |
simoom (talk)
sappadillo |
archaic form of |
sapodilla (talk)
sappodilla |
archaic form of |
sapodilla (talk)
sawder |
archaic form of |
solder (talk)
sawder |
archaic form of |
solder (talk)
sawqui |
archaic form of |
sockeye (talk)
scaline |
archaic form of |
scalene (talk)
scheik |
archaic form of |
sheik (talk)
Scheraz |
archaic form of |
Shiraz (talk)
Sclav |
archaic form of |
Slav (talk)
Sclave |
archaic form of |
Slav (talk)
Sclavic |
archaic form of |
Slavic (talk)
scullcap |
archaic form of |
skullcap (talk)
seborrhœic |
archaic form of |
seborrheic (talk)
seringhi |
archaic form of |
sarangi (talk)
seriph |
archaic form of |
serif (talk)
sestett |
archaic form of |
sestet (talk)
sestette |
archaic form of |
sestet (talk)
Shafalus |
archaic form of |
Cephalus (talk)
shaik |
archaic form of |
sheik (talk)
shakal |
archaic form of |
jackal (talk)
shastree |
archaic form of |
shastri (talk)
shebean |
archaic form of |
shebeen (talk)
Sheraz |
archaic form of |
Shiraz (talk)
Sheraz |
archaic form of |
Shiraz (talk)
shily |
archaic form of |
shyly (talk)
Shintoo |
archaic form of |
Shinto (talk)
shirl |
archaic form of |
schorl (talk)
shrivalty |
archaic form of |
shrievalty (talk)
sicamore |
archaic form of |
sycamore (talk)
silicid |
archaic form of |
silicide (talk)
silicofluorid |
archaic form of |
silicofluoride (talk)
sinfull |
archaic form of |
sinful (talk)
Sintoo |
archaic form of |
Shinto (talk)
siphilis |
archaic form of |
syphilis (talk)
sismograph |
archaic form of |
seismograph (talk)
sismology |
archaic form of |
seismology (talk)
skilfull |
archaic form of |
skilful (talk)
softner |
archaic form of |
softener (talk)
Somal |
archaic form of |
Somali (talk)
Sonnite |
archaic form of |
Sunnite (talk)
soochong |
archaic form of |
souchong (talk)
Soonee |
archaic form of |
Sunni (talk)
Soonnee |
archaic form of |
Sunni (talk)
Soudanese |
archaic form of |
Sudanese (talk)
sourkrout |
archaic form of |
sauerkraut (talk)
southard |
archaic form of |
southward (talk)
spacially |
archaic form of |
spatially (talk)
spahee |
archaic form of |
spahi (talk)
spath |
archaic form of |
spathe (talk)
spaw |
archaic form of |
spa (talk)
sphæroidal |
archaic form of |
spheroidal (talk)
Spinosism |
archaic form of |
Spinozism (talk)
steenbock |
archaic form of |
steenbok (talk)
stiptic |
archaic form of |
styptic (talk)
stiptic |
archaic form of |
styptic (talk)
stoccade |
archaic form of |
stoccado (talk)
stoccade |
archaic form of |
stockade (talk)
stoccade |
archaic form of |
stockade (talk)
stoope |
archaic form of |
stoop (talk)
subsidency |
archaic form of |
subsidence (talk)
subsistency |
archaic form of |
subsistence (talk)
subsulfid |
archaic form of |
subsulfide (talk)
subsulphid |
archaic form of |
subsulphide (talk)
sulphid |
archaic form of |
sulphide (talk)
Sunderbunds |
archaic form of |
Sundarbans (talk)
Sunnee |
archaic form of |
Sunni (talk)
supersubtile |
archaic form of |
supersubtle (talk)
Suratt |
archaic form of |
Surat (talk)
surikat |
archaic form of |
suricate (talk)
suwarrow |
archaic form of |
saguaro (talk)
swarthness |
archaic form of |
swarthiness (talk)
swungen |
archaic form of |
swung (talk)
symptomical |
archaic form of |
symptomic (talk)
synæsthetic |
archaic form of |
synesthetic (talk)
synonyme |
archaic form of |
synonym (talk)
synostotical |
archaic form of |
synostotic (talk)
syrang |
archaic form of |
serang (talk)
syren |
archaic form of |
siren (talk)
tabbinet |
archaic form of |
tabinet (talk)
tacamahack |
archaic form of |
tacamahac (talk)
tacmahack |
archaic form of |
tacamahac (talk)
tallent |
archaic form of |
talent (talk)
talookdar |
archaic form of |
talukdar (talk)
Tamul |
archaic form of |
Tamil (talk)
Tamul |
archaic form of |
Tamil (talk)
Tamul |
archaic form of |
Tamil (talk)
tarpauling |
archaic form of |
tarpaulin (talk)
tattow |
archaic form of |
tattoo#Noun (talk)
tattow |
archaic form of |
tattoo#Verb (talk)
tauridor |
archaic form of |
toreador (talk)
taweez |
archaic form of |
tawiz (talk)
tazeea |
archaic form of |
tazia (talk)
teazing |
archaic form of |
teasing (talk)
tee-tee |
archaic form of |
titi (talk)
teetee |
archaic form of |
titi (talk)
Teloogoo |
archaic form of |
Telugu (talk)
Teloogoo |
archaic form of |
Telugu (talk)
temperancy |
archaic form of |
temperance (talk)
tempest-tost |
archaic form of |
tempest-tossed (talk)
terreen |
archaic form of |
tureen (talk)
terrifical |
archaic form of |
terrific (talk)
tetotal |
archaic form of |
teetotal (talk)
tetotaler |
archaic form of |
teetotaler (talk)
Thibetan |
archaic form of |
Tibetan (talk)
Thibetan |
archaic form of |
Tibetan (talk)
Thibetian |
archaic form of |
Tibetan (talk)
Thibetian |
archaic form of |
Tibetan (talk)
Thorah |
archaic form of |
Torah (talk)
Thorah |
archaic form of |
Torah (talk)
thunny |
archaic form of |
tunny (talk)
tit-tat-to |
archaic form of |
tic-tac-toe (talk)
titter-totter |
archaic form of |
teeter-totter (talk)
tolbooth |
archaic form of |
toll booth (talk)
tompon |
archaic form of |
tampon (talk)
toxical |
archaic form of |
toxic (talk)
transferrible |
archaic form of |
transferable (talk)
triazin |
archaic form of |
triazine (talk)
trichorrhœa |
archaic form of |
trichorrhea (talk)
tricrotous |
archaic form of |
tricrotic (talk)
troopial |
archaic form of |
troupial (talk)
trophiless |
archaic form of |
trophyless (talk)
troul |
archaic form of |
troll (talk)
trowl |
archaic form of |
troll (talk)
trowserless |
archaic form of |
trouserless (talk)
tryable |
archaic form of |
triable (talk)
tue |
archaic form of |
tui (talk)
turakoo |
archaic form of |
turaco (talk)
turband |
archaic form of |
turban (talk)
turbulency |
archaic form of |
turbulence (talk)
turkois |
archaic form of |
turquoise (talk)
tussuck |
archaic form of |
tussock (talk)
tyler |
archaic form of |
tiler (talk)
unclipt |
archaic form of |
unclipped (talk)
uncogitable |
archaic form of |
incogitable (talk)
unconvenient |
archaic form of |
inconvenient (talk)
undetermination |
archaic form of |
indetermination (talk)
unforgot |
archaic form of |
unforgotten (talk)
ungulous |
archaic form of |
ungulate (talk)
unidactyle |
archaic form of |
unidactyl (talk)
unimbittered |
archaic form of |
unembittered (talk)
unindifferency |
archaic form of |
unindifference (talk)
univocous |
archaic form of |
univocal (talk)
unmistakedly |
archaic form of |
unmistakenly (talk)
unravisht |
archaic form of |
unravished (talk)
unript |
archaic form of |
unripped (talk)
unscrutable |
archaic form of |
inscrutable (talk)
untangible |
archaic form of |
intangible (talk)
untemptible |
archaic form of |
untemptable (talk)
untipt |
archaic form of |
untipped (talk)
uræmic |
archaic form of |
uremic (talk)
urochs |
archaic form of |
aurochs (talk)
Usbeg |
archaic form of |
Uzbek (talk)
Usbek |
archaic form of |
Uzbek (talk)
Ushak |
archaic form of |
Uşak (talk)
usuary |
archaic form of |
usury (talk)
utterancy |
archaic form of |
utterance (talk)
vagabone |
archaic form of |
vagabond (talk)
vanillaism |
archaic form of |
vanillism (talk)
vaselin |
archaic form of |
vaseline (talk)
vaudoo |
archaic form of |
voodoo (talk)
venerial |
archaic form of |
venereal (talk)
vicount |
archaic form of |
viscount (talk)
virmilion |
archaic form of |
vermilion (talk)
visier |
archaic form of |
vizier (talk)
vitriolical |
archaic form of |
vitriolic (talk)
vysar |
archaic form of |
visor (talk)
wanderow |
archaic form of |
wanderoo (talk)
wanderu |
archaic form of |
wanderoo (talk)
wapping |
archaic form of |
whopping (talk)
wasteboard |
archaic form of |
washboard (talk)
weekwam |
archaic form of |
wigwam (talk)
weesel |
archaic form of |
weasel (talk)
weezel |
archaic form of |
weasel (talk)
whatsomever |
archaic form of |
whatsoever (talk)
whinestone |
archaic form of |
whinstone (talk)
williwau |
archaic form of |
williwaw (talk)
winchat |
archaic form of |
whinchat (talk)
wisard |
archaic form of |
wizard (talk)
wofulness |
archaic form of |
woefulness (talk)
wollop |
archaic form of |
wallop (talk)
wollop |
archaic form of |
wallop (talk)
wolloping |
archaic form of |
walloping (talk)
woold |
archaic form of |
weld (talk)
woorara |
archaic form of |
curare (talk)
wratch |
archaic form of |
wretch (talk)
wuzzeer |
archaic form of |
vizier (talk)
xanthopsy |
archaic form of |
xanthopsia (talk)
Xstmas |
archaic form of |
Xmas (talk)
Yakoot |
archaic form of |
Yakut (talk)
Yakoot |
archaic form of |
Yakut (talk)
yarta |
archaic form of |
yurt (talk)
Yauapery |
archaic form of |
Jauaperi (talk)
Ygdrasyl |
archaic form of |
Yggdrasil (talk)
yodler |
archaic form of |
yodeler (talk)
yohimbin |
archaic form of |
yohimbine (talk)
yourt |
archaic form of |
yurt (talk)
zabtie |
archaic form of |
zaptieh (talk)
Zarathustrism |
archaic form of |
Zoroastrianism (talk)
zennana |
archaic form of |
zenana (talk)
Zuinglian |
archaic form of |
Zwinglian (talk)
Zuinglian |
archaic form of |
Zwinglian (talk)
Zuinglianism |
archaic form of |
Zwinglianism (talk)
zylophone |
archaic form of |
xylophone (talk)
abbat |
archaic spelling of |
abbot (talk)
abbreviater |
archaic spelling of |
abbreviator (talk)
aboord |
archaic spelling of |
aboard (talk)
aboord |
archaic spelling of |
aboard (talk)
admittible |
archaic spelling of |
admittable (talk)
admynistre |
archaic spelling of |
administer (talk)
aemulation |
archaic spelling of |
emulation (talk)
aeromantick |
archaic spelling of |
aeromantic (talk)
aforesaide |
archaic spelling of |
aforesaid (talk)
aginst |
archaic spelling of |
against (talk)
albecore |
archaic spelling of |
albacore (talk)
albocore |
archaic spelling of |
albacore (talk)
asleepe |
archaic spelling of |
asleep (talk)
Asmodæus |
archaic spelling of |
Asmodeus (talk)
assoon |
archaic spelling of |
as soon as (talk)
atchievement |
archaic spelling of |
achievement (talk)
bawble |
archaic spelling of |
bauble (talk)
begge |
archaic spelling of |
beg (talk)
beliefe |
archaic spelling of |
belief (talk)
bemixt |
archaic spelling of |
bemixed (talk)
benefitt |
archaic spelling of |
benefit (talk)
besyde |
archaic spelling of |
beside (talk)
bicause |
archaic spelling of |
because (talk)
binn |
archaic spelling of |
bin (talk)
birthdaye |
archaic spelling of |
birthday (talk)
booke |
archaic spelling of |
book (talk)
caterpillers |
archaic spelling of |
caterpillars (talk)
cesarevna |
archaic spelling of |
tsarevna (talk)
cham |
archaic spelling of |
khan (talk)
chapatty |
archaic spelling of |
chapatti (talk)
chapparal |
archaic spelling of |
chaparral (talk)
chapparel |
archaic spelling of |
chaparral (talk)
charitie |
archaic spelling of |
charity (talk)
chirugeon |
archaic spelling of |
surgeon (talk)
chirurgion |
archaic spelling of |
surgeon (talk)
civill |
archaic spelling of |
civil (talk)
colick |
archaic spelling of |
colic (talk)
columbyn |
archaic spelling of |
columbine (talk)
comeing |
archaic spelling of |
coming (talk)
comœdies |
archaic spelling of |
comedies (talk)
concludible |
archaic spelling of |
concludable (talk)
coorse |
archaic spelling of |
coarse (talk)
counseller |
archaic spelling of |
counsellor (talk)
courtsey |
archaic spelling of |
curtsey (talk)
crame |
archaic spelling of |
cram (talk)
criminall |
archaic spelling of |
criminal (talk)
Crowne |
archaic spelling of |
Crown (talk)
cyder |
archaic spelling of |
cider (talk)
damnd |
archaic spelling of |
damned (talk)
darknesse |
archaic spelling of |
darkness (talk)
deale |
archaic spelling of |
deal (talk)
deale |
archaic spelling of |
deal (talk)
debateable |
archaic spelling of |
debatable (talk)
declareing |
archaic spelling of |
declaring (talk)
deere |
archaic spelling of |
dear (talk)
deere |
archaic spelling of |
dear (talk)
delt |
archaic spelling of |
dealt (talk)
dispenst |
archaic spelling of |
dispensed (talk)
drownd |
archaic spelling of |
drowned (talk)
durty |
archaic spelling of |
dirty (talk)
dutchy |
archaic spelling of |
duchy (talk)
earle |
archaic spelling of |
earl (talk)
elliptick |
archaic spelling of |
elliptic (talk)
empassion |
archaic spelling of |
impassion (talk)
empyric |
archaic spelling of |
empiric (talk)
equipt |
archaic spelling of |
equipped (talk)
euil |
archaic spelling of |
evil (talk)
fœderacy |
archaic spelling of |
federacy (talk)
foole |
archaic spelling of |
fool (talk)
foole |
archaic spelling of |
fool (talk)
forbeare |
archaic spelling of |
forbear (talk)
freedome |
archaic spelling of |
freedom (talk)
freshe |
archaic spelling of |
fresh (talk)
frolicksomely |
archaic spelling of |
frolicsomely (talk)
frolicksomeness |
archaic spelling of |
frolicsomeness (talk)
garlick |
archaic spelling of |
garlic (talk)
goe |
archaic spelling of |
go (talk)
gownd |
archaic spelling of |
gowned (talk)
gracelesse |
archaic spelling of |
graceless (talk)
Græco-Latin |
archaic spelling of |
Greco-Latin (talk)
growe |
archaic spelling of |
grow (talk)
guiltie |
archaic spelling of |
guilty (talk)
gullable |
archaic spelling of |
gullible (talk)
Haytian |
archaic spelling of |
Haitian (talk)
Haytian |
archaic spelling of |
Haitian (talk)
heate |
archaic spelling of |
heat (talk)
heate |
archaic spelling of |
heat (talk)
hereticall |
archaic spelling of |
heretical (talk)
hoboe |
archaic spelling of |
hobo (talk)
honestie |
archaic spelling of |
honesty (talk)
illegall |
archaic spelling of |
illegal (talk)
inhæred |
archaic spelling of |
inhered (talk)
inlarge |
archaic spelling of |
enlarge (talk)
intermixt |
archaic spelling of |
intermixed (talk)
intice |
archaic spelling of |
entice (talk)
intrap |
archaic spelling of |
entrap (talk)
issueing |
archaic spelling of |
issuing (talk)
iump |
archaic spelling of |
jump (talk)
jessemin |
archaic spelling of |
jasmine (talk)
jools |
archaic spelling of |
jewels (talk)
jugg |
archaic spelling of |
jug (talk)
juryes |
archaic spelling of |
juries (talk)
kaimacam |
archaic spelling of |
kaimakam (talk)
leag |
archaic spelling of |
league (talk)
learne |
archaic spelling of |
learn (talk)
libertie |
archaic spelling of |
liberty (talk)
locke |
archaic spelling of |
lock (talk)
lyege |
archaic spelling of |
liege (talk)
majestick |
archaic spelling of |
majestic (talk)
mistresse |
archaic spelling of |
mistress (talk)
mixd |
archaic spelling of |
mixed (talk)
monkie |
archaic spelling of |
monkey (talk)
muntra |
archaic spelling of |
mantra (talk)
naebody |
archaic spelling of |
nobody (talk)
necke |
archaic spelling of |
neck (talk)
neede |
archaic spelling of |
need (talk)
neede |
archaic spelling of |
need (talk)
nonsence |
archaic spelling of |
nonsense (talk)
noyeau |
archaic spelling of |
noyau (talk)
œsophagospasm |
archaic spelling of |
esophagospasm (talk)
ouer |
archaic spelling of |
over (talk)
pæony |
archaic spelling of |
peony (talk)
paide |
archaic spelling of |
paid (talk)
palæobiology |
archaic spelling of |
paleobiology (talk)
Parlyament |
archaic spelling of |
Parliament (talk)
pidgeons |
archaic spelling of |
pigeons (talk)
plynth |
archaic spelling of |
plinth (talk)
præantepenultima |
archaic spelling of |
preantepenultima (talk)
premixt |
archaic spelling of |
premixed (talk)
pretention |
archaic spelling of |
pretension (talk)
pritty |
archaic spelling of |
pretty (talk)
pye |
archaic spelling of |
pie (talk)
quackmire |
archaic spelling of |
quagmire (talk)
quadrain |
archaic spelling of |
quatrain (talk)
quæry |
archaic spelling of |
query#Noun (talk)
quæry |
archaic spelling of |
query#Verb (talk)
quæstioning |
archaic spelling of |
questioning (talk)
roave |
archaic spelling of |
rove (talk)
rown |
archaic spelling of |
roun (talk)
satisfie |
archaic spelling of |
satisfy (talk)
shooke |
archaic spelling of |
shook (talk)
shorte |
archaic spelling of |
short (talk)
smalle |
archaic spelling of |
small (talk)
Sophi |
archaic spelling of |
Sufi (talk)
sophism |
archaic spelling of |
Sufism (talk)
sour krout |
archaic spelling of |
sauerkraut (talk)
streighten |
archaic spelling of |
straighten (talk)
summerset |
archaic spelling of |
somersault (talk)
summerset |
archaic spelling of |
somersault (talk)
syght |
archaic spelling of |
sight (talk)
takeing |
archaic spelling of |
taking (talk)
teache |
archaic spelling of |
teach (talk)
thinge |
archaic spelling of |
thing (talk)
tidyness |
archaic spelling of |
tidiness (talk)
togeather |
archaic spelling of |
together (talk)
togeather |
archaic spelling of |
together (talk)
tould |
archaic spelling of |
told (talk)
uncropt |
archaic spelling of |
uncropped (talk)
undiscernable |
archaic spelling of |
indiscernible (talk)
undiscernible |
archaic spelling of |
indiscernible (talk)
unkist |
archaic spelling of |
unkissed (talk)
unmixt |
archaic spelling of |
unmixed (talk)
unqualifyed |
archaic spelling of |
unqualified (talk)
unwhipt |
archaic spelling of |
unwhipped (talk)
varyation |
archaic spelling of |
variation (talk)
wady |
archaic spelling of |
wadi (talk)
Wahabee |
archaic spelling of |
Wahhabi (talk)
wente |
archaic spelling of |
went (talk)
wobegone |
archaic spelling of |
woebegone (talk)
wolvish |
archaic spelling of |
wolfish (talk)
worthie |
archaic spelling of |
worthy (talk)
writeing |
archaic spelling of |
writing (talk)
wuld |
archaic spelling of |
would (talk)
wyse |
archaic spelling of |
wise (talk)
yeeld |
archaic spelling of |
yield (talk)
yeelde |
archaic spelling of |
yield (talk)
yellowammer |
archaic spelling of |
yellowhammer (talk)
yron |
archaic spelling of |
iron (talk)
zeale |
archaic spelling of |
zeal (talk)
cathode-ray |
attributive form of |
cathode ray (talk)
enterprise-union |
attributive form of |
enterprise union (talk)
fill-in-the-blank |
attributive form of |
fill in the blank (talk)
foreign-debt |
attributive form of |
foreign debt (talk)
forward genetic |
attributive form of |
forward genetics (talk)
hot-cathode |
attributive form of |
hot cathode (talk)
inside-baseball |
attributive form of |
inside baseball (talk)
jodhpur |
attributive form of |
jodhpurs (talk)
middle-finger |
attributive form of |
middle finger (talk)
one-hundred |
attributive form of |
one hundred (talk)
outer-space |
attributive form of |
outer space (talk)
picture-postcard |
attributive form of |
picture postcard (talk)
power-to-gas |
attributive form of |
power to gas (talk)
reverse genetic |
attributive form of |
reverse genetics (talk)
river-bank |
attributive form of |
river bank (talk)
two-liter |
attributive form of |
] (])
wing-and-prayer |
attributive form of |
wing and prayer (talk)
al. |
dated form of |
et al. (talk)
acridin |
dated form of |
acridine (talk)
am-meter |
dated form of |
ammeter (talk)
ambira |
dated form of |
mbira (talk)
antikathode |
dated form of |
anticathode (talk)
askant |
dated form of |
askance (talk)
bass-relief |
dated form of |
bas relief (talk)
Bencoolen |
dated form of |
Benkulen (talk)
Braminical |
dated form of |
Brahminical (talk)
Capsuimoon |
dated form of |
Kap Shui Mun (talk)
Celtophil |
dated form of |
Celtophile (talk)
Chefoo |
dated form of |
Zhifu (talk)
clack |
dated form of |
cluck (talk)
colonade |
dated form of |
colonnade (talk)
coneine |
dated form of |
conine (talk)
daimioship |
dated form of |
daimyoship (talk)
electrotherapeutist |
dated form of |
electrotherapist (talk)
expandor |
dated form of |
expander (talk)
fagopyrismus |
dated form of |
fagopyrism (talk)
flouncey |
dated form of |
flouncy (talk)
fluidextract |
dated form of |
] (])
gallocyanine |
dated form of |
gallocyanin (talk)
galloflavine |
dated form of |
galloflavin (talk)
Gothlander |
dated form of |
Gotlander (talk)
gunsman |
dated form of |
gunman (talk)
hem and hah |
dated form of |
hem and haw (talk)
hemiopsy |
dated form of |
hemiopsia (talk)
irresistably |
dated form of |
irresistibly (talk)
Izedism |
dated form of |
Yazidism (talk)
jehadee |
dated form of |
jihadi (talk)
jihadee |
dated form of |
jihadi (talk)
Kalapooian |
dated form of |
Kalapuyan (talk)
Kalapooian |
dated form of |
Kalapuyan (talk)
Kalapooian |
dated form of |
Kalapuyan (talk)
kay |
dated form of |
cay (talk)
kephalic |
dated form of |
cephalic (talk)
keramic |
dated form of |
ceramic (talk)
keramic |
dated form of |
ceramic (talk)
keramics |
dated form of |
ceramics (talk)
Kienning |
dated form of |
Jianning (talk)
Kikapoo |
dated form of |
Kickapoo (talk)
Kikapoo |
dated form of |
Kickapoo (talk)
Kinki |
dated form of |
Jinxi (talk)
kookeree |
dated form of |
kukri (talk)
kookri |
dated form of |
kukri (talk)
kreese |
dated form of |
kris (talk)
kreese |
dated form of |
kris (talk)
lactoproteid |
dated form of |
lactoprotein (talk)
lanseh |
dated form of |
langsat (talk)
lapelle |
dated form of |
lapel (talk)
lappel |
dated form of |
lapel (talk)
Ld. |
dated form of |
Ltd. (talk)
like a house afire |
dated form of |
like a house on fire (talk)
limeric |
dated form of |
limerick (talk)
maffioso |
dated form of |
mafioso (talk)
mahmil |
dated form of |
mahmal (talk)
Mahratti |
dated form of |
Marathi (talk)
Mahratti |
dated form of |
Marathi (talk)
malemiut |
dated form of |
malamute (talk)
marajuana |
dated form of |
marijuana (talk)
mazourka |
dated form of |
mazurka (talk)
meaw |
dated form of |
meow (talk)
meaw |
dated form of |
meow (talk)
mechanicize |
dated form of |
mechanize (talk)
Mechlin |
dated form of |
Mechelen (talk)
mesquit |
dated form of |
mesquite (talk)
meteorical |
dated form of |
meteoric (talk)
mezquit |
dated form of |
mesquite (talk)
micranatomy |
dated form of |
microanatomy (talk)
mokaddam |
dated form of |
muqaddam (talk)
Moluccan |
dated form of |
Malukan (talk)
Moluccan |
dated form of |
Malukan (talk)
Monandrian |
dated form of |
monandrous (talk)
Montenegrine |
dated form of |
Montenegrin (talk)
Montenegrine |
dated form of |
Montenegrin (talk)
mortgageor |
dated form of |
mortgager (talk)
moucher |
dated form of |
moocher (talk)
mueddin |
dated form of |
muezzin (talk)
mulsh |
dated form of |
mulch (talk)
mulsh |
dated form of |
mulch (talk)
multivoltin |
dated form of |
multivoltine (talk)
musquito |
dated form of |
mosquito (talk)
naifness |
dated form of |
naiveness (talk)
Narbada |
dated form of |
Narmada (talk)
narcein |
dated form of |
narceine (talk)
narcistic |
dated form of |
narcissistic (talk)
neurilema |
dated form of |
neurilemma (talk)
neuropterous |
dated form of |
neuropteral (talk)
nicish |
dated form of |
niceish (talk)
nicotin |
dated form of |
nicotine (talk)
oculimotor |
dated form of |
oculomotor (talk)
oenophil |
dated form of |
oenophile (talk)
once for all |
dated form of |
once and for all (talk)
orcine |
dated form of |
orcin (talk)
orthopny |
dated form of |
orthopnoea (talk)
ouse |
dated form of |
ooze (talk)
paddie |
dated form of |
paddy (talk)
Pahute |
dated form of |
Paiute (talk)
Pakistanee |
dated form of |
Pakistani (talk)
Pakstan |
dated form of |
Pakistan (talk)
palanquine |
dated form of |
palanquin (talk)
Pansclavic |
dated form of |
Panslavic (talk)
Pansclavist |
dated form of |
Panslavist (talk)
papau |
dated form of |
papaya (talk)
paraplegy |
dated form of |
paraplegia (talk)
paraquet |
dated form of |
parakeet (talk)
penlite |
dated form of |
penlight (talk)
pennylessness |
dated form of |
pennilessness (talk)
peptical |
dated form of |
peptic (talk)
phenylalanin |
dated form of |
phenylalanine (talk)
photelectric |
dated form of |
photoelectric (talk)
photelectrically |
dated form of |
photoelectrically (talk)
phrenetical |
dated form of |
frenetic (talk)
phrenetically |
dated form of |
frenetically (talk)
phthalyl |
dated form of |
phthaloyl (talk)
pickapack |
dated form of |
pickaback (talk)
pillau |
dated form of |
pilau (talk)
pippul |
dated form of |
peepul (talk)
pixey |
dated form of |
pixie (talk)
play upon words |
dated form of |
play on words (talk)
plombiferous |
dated form of |
plumbiferous (talk)
presbyopy |
dated form of |
presbyopia (talk)
Procrustesian |
dated form of |
procrustean (talk)
psha |
dated form of |
pshaw (talk)
pur |
dated form of |
purr (talk)
pur |
dated form of |
purr (talk)
Quichuan |
dated form of |
Quechuan (talk)
Quichuan |
dated form of |
Quechuan (talk)
quinolin |
dated form of |
quinoline (talk)
recreance |
dated form of |
recreancy (talk)
reflexional |
dated form of |
reflectional (talk)
rucksac |
dated form of |
rucksack (talk)
saintfoin |
dated form of |
sainfoin (talk)
Samoyede |
dated form of |
Samoyed (talk)
saraphan |
dated form of |
sarafan (talk)
savvey |
dated form of |
savvy (talk)
savvey |
dated form of |
savvy (talk)
say bo to a goose |
dated form of |
say boo to a goose (talk)
scenical |
dated form of |
scenic (talk)
scheroma |
dated form of |
xeroma (talk)
scragly |
dated form of |
scraggy (talk)
scrummage |
dated form of |
scrimmage (talk)
sculker |
dated form of |
skulker (talk)
seising |
dated form of |
seizing (talk)
sensitory |
dated form of |
sensory (talk)
shacko |
dated form of |
shako (talk)
Shaksperean |
dated form of |
Shakespearean (talk)
shell-lac |
dated form of |
shellac (talk)
sheykh |
dated form of |
sheik (talk)
shwanpan |
dated form of |
suanpan (talk)
simitar |
dated form of |
scimitar (talk)
Sindi |
dated form of |
Sindhi (talk)
Sinto |
dated form of |
Shinto (talk)
Sintoism |
dated form of |
Shintoism (talk)
Sintoist |
dated form of |
Shintoist (talk)
Sintu |
dated form of |
Shinto (talk)
Sintuism |
dated form of |
Shintoism (talk)
Sintuist |
dated form of |
Shintoist (talk)
sismometer |
dated form of |
seismometer (talk)
skurry |
dated form of |
scurry (talk)
skurry |
dated form of |
scurry (talk)
sliding-rule |
dated form of |
slide rule (talk)
slutish |
dated form of |
sluttish (talk)
slutishness |
dated form of |
sluttishness (talk)
soorah |
dated form of |
sura (talk)
sponk |
dated form of |
spunk (talk)
swamee |
dated form of |
swami (talk)
swamy |
dated form of |
swami (talk)
syntonical |
dated form of |
syntonic (talk)
taboggan |
dated form of |
toboggan (talk)
taboggan |
dated form of |
toboggan (talk)
taled |
dated form of |
tallit (talk)
tangental |
dated form of |
tangential (talk)
tar with the same stick |
dated form of |
tar with the same brush (talk)
tarentula |
dated form of |
tarantula (talk)
tartrazin |
dated form of |
tartrazine (talk)
teddie bear |
dated form of |
teddy bear (talk)
termonology |
dated form of |
terminology (talk)
tetrazin |
dated form of |
tetrazine (talk)
thermostabile |
dated form of |
thermostable (talk)
ticktack |
dated form of |
tick tock (talk)
Tlinkit |
dated form of |
Tlingit (talk)
Tlinkit |
dated form of |
Tlingit (talk)
Tlinkit |
dated form of |
Tlingit (talk)
toad in a hole |
dated form of |
toad in the hole (talk)
trades unionist |
dated form of |
trade unionist (talk)
transpondor |
dated form of |
transponder (talk)
Trichinopoly |
dated form of |
Tiruchirappalli (talk)
triedral |
dated form of |
trihedral (talk)
tyer |
dated form of |
tier (talk)
umiack |
dated form of |
umiak (talk)
undiplomatical |
dated form of |
undiplomatic (talk)
uninclosed |
dated form of |
unenclosed (talk)
union pipes |
dated form of |
uilleann pipes (talk)
univoltin |
dated form of |
univoltine (talk)
unsufferably |
dated form of |
insufferably (talk)
Uzbeg |
dated form of |
Uzbek (talk)
Uzbeg |
dated form of |
Uzbek (talk)
Uzbeg |
dated form of |
Uzbek (talk)
Valdenses |
dated form of |
Waldenses (talk)
virulency |
dated form of |
virulence (talk)
Waconda |
dated form of |
Wakanda (talk)
waggonry |
dated form of |
wagonry (talk)
Wahconda |
dated form of |
Wakanda (talk)
waheeny |
dated form of |
wahine (talk)
weigelia |
dated form of |
weigela (talk)
wheugh |
dated form of |
whew (talk)
whur |
dated form of |
whirr (talk)
whur |
dated form of |
whirr (talk)
Wiangchan |
dated form of |
Vientiane (talk)
xanthiuria |
dated form of |
xanthinuria (talk)
xanthophyl |
dated form of |
xanthophyll (talk)
xenotine |
dated form of |
xenotime (talk)
xylidin |
dated form of |
xylidine (talk)
Yougoslav |
dated form of |
Yugoslav (talk)
Yougoslav |
dated form of |
Yugoslav (talk)
Yougoslavia |
dated form of |
Yugoslavia (talk)
Yougoslavian |
dated form of |
Yugoslavian (talk)
Yougoslavian |
dated form of |
Yugoslavian (talk)
zereeba |
dated form of |
zeriba (talk)
zumbooruck |
dated form of |
zamburak (talk)
Kichua |
dated spelling of |
Quechua (talk)
novocain |
dated spelling of |
novocaine (talk)
Ramathan |
dated spelling of |
Ramadan (talk)
slipage |
dated spelling of |
slippage (talk)
tressel |
dated spelling of |
trestle (talk)
um |
dated spelling of |
mmm (talk)
1 |
deliberate misspelling of |
! (talk)
enuf |
deliberate misspelling of |
enough (talk)
enuf |
deliberate misspelling of |
enough (talk)
enuf |
deliberate misspelling of |
enough (talk)
tomoz |
deliberate misspelling of |
tomorrow (talk)
tomoz |
deliberate misspelling of |
tomorrow (talk)
waycism |
deliberate misspelling of |
racism (talk)
waycist |
deliberate misspelling of |
racist (talk)
waycist |
deliberate misspelling of |
racist (talk)
adobito |
dim of |
adobe (talk)
Anse |
diminutive of |
Anderson (talk)
Argie |
diminutive of |
] (])
Billster |
diminutive of |
Bill (talk)
Billster |
diminutive of |
Billy (talk)
bitchette |
diminutive of |
bitch (talk)
Bobster |
diminutive of |
Bob (talk)
celly |
diminutive of |
celebration (talk)
Charley |
diminutive of |
] (])
Donnie |
diminutive of |
] (])
Donny |
diminutive of |
] (])
eggie |
diminutive of |
egg (talk)
Ella |
diminutive of |
] (])
Ellie |
diminutive of |
] (])
Fergie |
diminutive of |
Ferguson (talk)
fingies |
diminutive of |
fingers (talk)
fishie |
diminutive of |
fish (talk)
gally |
diminutive of |
gal (talk)
Gio |
diminutive of |
] (])
gynie |
diminutive of |
gynaecology (talk)
Jackster |
diminutive of |
Jack (talk)
Jakester |
diminutive of |
Jake (talk)
Jamester |
diminutive of |
James (talk)
Jer |
diminutive of |
Jeremy (talk)
kindy |
diminutive of |
kindergarten (talk)
Lew |
diminutive of |
Lewis (talk)
lobule |
diminutive of |
lobe (talk)
matey |
diminutive of |
mate (talk)
Miki |
diminutive of |
Michael (talk)
Miki |
diminutive of |
Michelle (talk)
Misty |
diminutive of |
Melissa (talk)
Moe |
diminutive of |
] (])
Murph |
diminutive of |
Murphy (talk)
Nats |
diminutive of |
Natalie (talk)
Niki |
diminutive of |
Nicholas (talk)
Niki |
diminutive of |
Nicole (talk)
owlet |
diminutive of |
owl (talk)
pallet |
diminutive of |
pale (talk)
Phill |
diminutive of |
] (])
postie |
diminutive of |
] (])
postie |
diminutive of |
postal worker (talk)
Presby |
diminutive of |
Presbyterian (talk)
rattie |
diminutive of |
rat (talk)
Rickster |
diminutive of |
Rick (talk)
shoey |
diminutive of |
shoe (talk)
snackie |
diminutive of |
snack (talk)
socie |
diminutive of |
socialist (talk)
Teddy Hall |
diminutive of |
] (])
underpanties |
diminutive of |
underpants (talk)
upsy |
diminutive of |
upsadaisy (talk)
wifie |
diminutive of |
wife (talk)
wordie |
diminutive of |
word (talk)
backpeddle |
eggcorn of |
backpedal (talk)
boggled down |
eggcorn of |
bogged down (talk)
disway |
eggcorn of |
dissuade (talk)
firstable |
eggcorn of |
first of all (talk)
garden snake |
eggcorn of |
garter snake (talk)
higherarchy |
eggcorn of |
hierarchy (talk)
just assume |
eggcorn of |
] (])
land-lover |
eggcorn of |
landlubber (talk)
laughing stalk |
eggcorn of |
laughing stock (talk)
mid-drift |
eggcorn of |
midriff (talk)
money-grabbing |
eggcorn of |
money-grubbing (talk)
next store |
eggcorn of |
next door (talk)
pit helmet |
eggcorn of |
pith helmet (talk)
Sanscript |
eggcorn of |
Sanskrit (talk)
secondable |
eggcorn of |
] (])
sure up |
eggcorn of |
shore up (talk)
aaagh |
elongated form of |
agh (talk)
aaawesome |
elongated form of |
awesome (talk)
aarrgh |
elongated form of |
argh (talk)
aarrghh |
elongated form of |
argh (talk)
baaa |
elongated form of |
baa (talk)
baaad |
elongated form of |
bad (talk)
biiig |
elongated form of |
big (talk)
buuut |
elongated form of |
but (talk)
cooold |
elongated form of |
cold (talk)
cuuute |
elongated form of |
cute (talk)
deeeath |
elongated form of |
death (talk)
deliciousss |
elongated form of |
delicious (talk)
duuumb |
elongated form of |
dumb (talk)
eeevil |
elongated form of |
evil (talk)
fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu |
elongated form of |
] (])
fuuuck |
elongated form of |
fuck (talk)
greeeat |
elongated form of |
great (talk)
grrrl |
elongated form of |
grr (talk)
heeelp |
elongated form of |
help (talk)
heeey |
elongated form of |
hey (talk)
huuuge |
elongated form of |
huge (talk)
Jeeesus |
elongated form of |
Jesus (talk)
Jeeesus |
elongated form of |
Jesus (talk)
laaarge |
elongated form of |
large (talk)
looove |
elongated form of |
love (talk)
looove |
elongated form of |
love (talk)
looovely |
elongated form of |
lovely (talk)
mmmm |
elongated form of |
mmm (talk)
niiice |
elongated form of |
nice (talk)
nooo |
elongated form of |
no (talk)
nooow |
elongated form of |
now (talk)
ooooh |
elongated form of |
oh (talk)
oooooh |
elongated form of |
ooh (talk)
pleeease |
elongated form of |
please (talk)
reaaal |
elongated form of |
real (talk)
realll |
elongated form of |
real (talk)
reeeaaal |
elongated form of |
real (talk)
reeeady |
elongated form of |
ready (talk)
reeeal |
elongated form of |
real (talk)
scaaared |
elongated form of |
scared (talk)
scaaary |
elongated form of |
scary (talk)
seeexy |
elongated form of |
sexy (talk)
shiiit |
elongated form of |
shit (talk)
smaaall |
elongated form of |
small (talk)
smaaart |
elongated form of |
smart (talk)
stooop |
elongated form of |
stop (talk)
stuuupid |
elongated form of |
stupid (talk)
suuure |
elongated form of |
sure (talk)
taaall |
elongated form of |
tall (talk)
teeerrible |
elongated form of |
terrible (talk)
tiiiny |
elongated form of |
tiny (talk)
veeery |
elongated form of |
very (talk)
verrry |
elongated form of |
very (talk)
waaater |
elongated form of |
water (talk)
waaay |
elongated form of |
way (talk)
wooonderful |
elongated form of |
wonderful (talk)
woooosh |
elongated form of |
woosh (talk)
wrooong |
elongated form of |
wrong (talk)
yaaay |
elongated form of |
yay (talk)
yeees |
elongated form of |
yes (talk)
yesss |
elongated form of |
yes (talk)
accurater |
en-comparative of |
accurate (talk)
advantageouser |
en-comparative of |
advantageous (talk)
appier |
en-comparative of |
crappy (talk)
auguster |
en-comparative of |
august (talk)
bashfuller |
en-comparative of |
bashful (talk)
baulkier |
en-comparative of |
baulky (talk)
beechier |
en-comparative of |
beechy (talk)
benter |
en-comparative of |
bent (talk)
better for you |
en-comparative of |
good for you (talk)
blesseder |
en-comparative of |
blessed (talk)
blissfuller |
en-comparative of |
blissful (talk)
bloomier |
en-comparative of |
bloomy (talk)
blusterier |
en-comparative of |
blustery (talk)
bonnier |
en-comparative of |
bonny (talk)
boreder |
en-comparative of |
bored (talk)
botchier |
en-comparative of |
botchy (talk)
bountifuller |
en-comparative of |
bountiful (talk)
brashier |
en-comparative of |
brashy (talk)
brawlier |
en-comparative of |
brawly (talk)
broomier |
en-comparative of |
broomy (talk)
browner |
en-comparative of |
brown (talk)
brownier |
en-comparative of |
browny (talk)
capabler |
en-comparative of |
capable (talk)
carefuller |
en-comparative of |
careful (talk)
cautiouser |
en-comparative of |
cautious (talk)
cheerfuller |
en-comparative of |
cheerful (talk)
civiler |
en-comparative of |
civil (talk)
civiller |
en-comparative of |
civil (talk)
complicateder |
en-comparative of |
complicated (talk)
conciser |
en-comparative of |
concise (talk)
crookeder |
en-comparative of |
crooked (talk)
cunninger |
en-comparative of |
cunning (talk)
dearer |
en-comparative of |
dearly (talk)
delightfuller |
en-comparative of |
delightful (talk)
dirtier |
en-comparative of |
dirty (talk)
dismaler |
en-comparative of |
dismal (talk)
dismaller |
en-comparative of |
dismal (talk)
doabler |
en-comparative of |
doable (talk)
dociler |
en-comparative of |
docile (talk)
doggeder |
en-comparative of |
dogged (talk)
doner |
en-comparative of |
done (talk)
doubtfuller |
en-comparative of |
doubtful (talk)
dutifuller |
en-comparative of |
dutiful (talk)
eagerer |
en-comparative of |
eager (talk)
easter |
en-comparative of |
east (talk)
evener |
en-comparative of |
even (talk)
farther flung |
en-comparative of |
far-flung (talk)
farther-flung |
en-comparative of |
far-flung (talk)
feyer |
en-comparative of |
fey (talk)
flaccider |
en-comparative of |
flaccid (talk)
flatter |
en-comparative of |
flat (talk)
fraughter |
en-comparative of |
fraught (talk)
free-er |
en-comparative of |
free (talk)
freeër |
en-comparative of |
free (talk)
freer |
en-comparative of |
free (talk)
Frencher |
en-comparative of |
French (talk)
freshlier |
en-comparative of |
freshly (talk)
frightfuller |
en-comparative of |
frightful (talk)
fruitfuller |
en-comparative of |
fruitful (talk)
fuckeder |
en-comparative of |
fucked (talk)
fullier |
en-comparative of |
fully (talk)
furder |
en-comparative of |
far (talk)
further flung |
en-comparative of |
far-flung (talk)
gainfuller |
en-comparative of |
gainful (talk)
gallanter |
en-comparative of |
gallant (talk)
gamier |
en-comparative of |
gamey (talk)
genteeler |
en-comparative of |
genteel (talk)
gentlier |
en-comparative of |
gentle (talk)
gracefuller |
en-comparative of |
graceful (talk)
headachier |
en-comparative of |
headachy (talk)
heartilier |
en-comparative of |
heartily (talk)
helpfuller |
en-comparative of |
helpful (talk)
hopefuller |
en-comparative of |
hopeful (talk)
hotlier |
en-comparative of |
hotly (talk)
impurer |
en-comparative of |
impure (talk)
inepter |
en-comparative of |
inept (talk)
knowinger |
en-comparative of |
knowing (talk)
lonesomer |
en-comparative of |
lonesome (talk)
long, long lost |
en-comparative of |
long-lost (talk)
lurider |
en-comparative of |
lurid (talk)
mixeder |
en-comparative of |
mixed (talk)
moraller |
en-comparative of |
moral (talk)
naiver |
en-comparative of |
naive (talk)
nakeder |
en-comparative of |
naked (talk)
noblier |
en-comparative of |
nobly (talk)
norther |
en-comparative of |
north (talk)
obsoleter |
en-comparative of |
obsolete (talk)
panickier |
en-comparative of |
panicky (talk)
privater |
en-comparative of |
private (talk)
profounder |
en-comparative of |
profound (talk)
quicker-and-dirtier |
en-comparative of |
quick-and-dirty (talk)
quietlier |
en-comparative of |
quietly (talk)
raggeder |
en-comparative of |
ragged (talk)
restfuller |
en-comparative of |
restful (talk)
savager |
en-comparative of |
savage (talk)
seasicker |
en-comparative of |
seasick (talk)
sedater |
en-comparative of |
sedate (talk)
sedgier |
en-comparative of |
sedgy (talk)
sillier |
en-comparative of |
sillily (talk)
slightlier |
en-comparative of |
slightly (talk)
smearier |
en-comparative of |
smeary (talk)
snufflier |
en-comparative of |
snuffly (talk)
sonsier |
en-comparative of |
sonsy (talk)
souther |
en-comparative of |
south (talk)
spryer |
en-comparative of |
spry (talk)
succincter |
en-comparative of |
succinct (talk)
thankfuller |
en-comparative of |
thankful (talk)
tranquiller |
en-comparative of |
tranquil (talk)
uncleanlier |
en-comparative of |
uncleanly (talk)
unevener |
en-comparative of |
uneven (talk)
unjuster |
en-comparative of |
unjust (talk)
unkindlier |
en-comparative of |
unkindly (talk)
unreadier |
en-comparative of |
unready (talk)
unsafer |
en-comparative of |
unsafe (talk)
unstabler |
en-comparative of |
unstable (talk)
untimelier |
en-comparative of |
untimely (talk)
untruer |
en-comparative of |
untrue (talk)
vapider |
en-comparative of |
vapid (talk)
velvetier |
en-comparative of |
velvety (talk)
willinger |
en-comparative of |
willing (talk)
woodener |
en-comparative of |
wooden (talk)
wronger |
en-comparative of |
wrong (talk)
being able to |
en-ing form of |
en (talk)
waxing |
en-ing form of |
wax#Verb_2 (talk)
lewes |
en-ipl |
lew (talk)
spice |
en-ipl |
spouse (talk)
*nices |
en-irregular plural of |
*nix (])
abiogeneses |
en-irregular plural of |
abiogenesis (talk)
actinulæ |
en-irregular plural of |
actinula (talk)
algæ |
en-irregular plural of |
alga (talk)
amebulæ |
en-irregular plural of |
amebula (talk)
antennæ |
en-irregular plural of |
antenna (talk)
artistæ |
en-irregular plural of |
artista (talk)
aureolæ |
en-irregular plural of |
aureola (talk)
brethren in arms |
en-irregular plural of |
brother in arms (talk)
capsulæ |
en-irregular plural of |
capsule (talk)
cathedræ |
en-irregular plural of |
cathedra (talk)
clavulæ |
en-irregular plural of |
clavula (talk)
complices |
en-irregular plural of |
complex (talk)
Dobermen |
en-irregular plural of |
Doberman (talk)
equinoces |
en-irregular plural of |
equinox (talk)
exuviæ |
en-irregular plural of |
exuvia (talk)
fimbriae |
en-irregular plural of |
en (talk)
formulæ |
en-irregular plural of |
formula (talk)
gingivæ |
en-irregular plural of |
gingiva (talk)
heaux |
en-irregular plural of |
ho (talk)
Horæ |
en-irregular plural of |
Hora (talk)
hyenæ |
en-irregular plural of |
hyena (talk)
labiæ |
en-irregular plural of |
labia (talk)
mandibulæ |
en-irregular plural of |
mandibula (talk)
micrometastases |
en-irregular plural of |
micrometastasis (talk)
minæ |
en-irregular plural of |
mina (talk)
nebulæ |
en-irregular plural of |
nebula (talk)
notaries publics |
en-irregular plural of |
notary public (talk)
odontalgiæ |
en-irregular plural of |
odontalgia (talk)
orthoplices |
en-irregular plural of |
orthoplex (talk)
ozænæ |
en-irregular plural of |
ozæna (talk)
papillæ |
en-irregular plural of |
papilla (talk)
papillomae |
en-irregular plural of |
papilloma (talk)
paralipses |
en-irregular plural of |
paralipsis (talk)
photolyses |
en-irregular plural of |
photolysis (talk)
plantæ |
en-irregular plural of |
plant (talk)
pleuræ |
en-irregular plural of |
pleura (talk)
portmanteaux |
en-irregular plural of |
portmanteau (talk)
possa |
en-irregular plural of |
possum (talk)
primae donnae |
en-irregular plural of |
prima donna (talk)
quæsita |
en-irregular plural of |
quæsitum (talk)
sequelæ |
en-irregular plural of |
sequela (talk)
temper tantra |
en-irregular plural of |
temper tantrum (talk)
thesauri |
en-irregular plural of |
thesaurus (talk)
tineæ |
en-irregular plural of |
tinea (talk)
urethræ |
en-irregular plural of |
urethra (talk)
valvulæ |
en-irregular plural of |
valvula (talk)
& |
en-past of |
van (talk)
abashed |
en-past of |
abash (talk)
abasht |
en-past of |
abash (talk)
abeared |
en-past of |
abear (talk)
abid |
en-past of |
abide (talk)
abjudicated |
en-past of |
abjudicate (talk)
ablegated |
en-past of |
ablegate (talk)
aboded |
en-past of |
abode (talk)
aborded |
en-past of |
abord (talk)
abortived |
en-past of |
abortive (talk)
abought |
en-past of |
aby (talk)
abraided |
en-past of |
abraid (talk)
abrooked |
en-past of |
abrook (talk)
absconded |
en-past of |
abscond (talk)
abyed |
en-past of |
abye (talk)
accomplisht |
en-past of |
accomplish (talk)
accorporated |
en-past of |
accorporate (talk)
accustomed |
en-past of |
accustom (talk)
administerd |
en-past of |
administer (talk)
admixt |
en-past of |
admix (talk)
affixt |
en-past of |
affix (talk)
affranchised |
en-past of |
affranchize (talk)
alled out |
en-past of |
stall out (talk)
ambusht |
en-past of |
ambush (talk)
anguisht |
en-past of |
anguish (talk)
annext |
en-past of |
annex (talk)
annext |
en-past of |
annexe (talk)
applyed |
en-past of |
apply (talk)
approacht |
en-past of |
approach (talk)
appuied |
en-past of |
appui (talk)
arised |
en-past of |
arise (talk)
asearched |
en-past of |
asearch (talk)
askt |
en-past of |
ask (talk)
ast |
en-past of |
ask (talk)
astonisht |
en-past of |
astonish (talk)
ate, breathed, and slept |
en-past of |
eat, breathe, and sleep (talk)
atoned |
en-past of |
atone (talk)
atrenned |
en-past of |
atren (talk)
attacht |
en-past of |
attach (talk)
attackt |
en-past of |
attack (talk)
augusted |
en-past of |
august (talk)
authoured |
en-past of |
authour (talk)
aveled |
en-past of |
avel (talk)
avoucht |
en-past of |
avouch (talk)
babysitted |
en-past of |
babysit (talk)
baed |
en-past of |
ba (talk)
banisht |
en-past of |
banish (talk)
baskt |
en-past of |
bask (talk)
beated |
en-past of |
beat (talk)
becomed |
en-past of |
become (talk)
bedipt |
en-past of |
bedip (talk)
bedropt |
en-past of |
bedrop (talk)
beetled |
en-past of |
beetle#Verb (talk)
bemixt |
en-past of |
bemix (talk)
berghed |
en-past of |
bergh (talk)
bidded |
en-past of |
bid (talk)
binded |
en-past of |
bind (talk)
bioproduced |
en-past of |
bioproduce (talk)
bited |
en-past of |
bite (talk)
bleacht |
en-past of |
bleach (talk)
bleeded |
en-past of |
bleed (talk)
blemisht |
en-past of |
blemish (talk)
blinkt |
en-past of |
blink (talk)
blockt |
en-past of |
block (talk)
blound |
en-past of |
blind (talk)
blowed |
en-past of |
blow (talk)
blusht |
en-past of |
blush (talk)
booked |
en-past of |
book (talk)
bottled |
en-past of |
bottle (talk)
braked |
en-past of |
brake (talk)
brancht |
en-past of |
branch (talk)
brandisht |
en-past of |
brandish (talk)
breaked |
en-past of |
break (talk)
breeded |
en-past of |
breed (talk)
bringed |
en-past of |
bring (talk)
broacht |
en-past of |
broach (talk)
browned |
en-past of |
brown (talk)
brusht |
en-past of |
brush (talk)
buyed |
en-past of |
buy (talk)
bynempt |
en-past of |
bename (talk)
cabined |
en-past of |
cabin#Verb (talk)
cabled |
en-past of |
cable (talk)
calipered |
en-past of |
caliper (talk)
canvassed |
en-past of |
canvas (talk)
capt |
en-past of |
cap (talk)
carked it |
en-past of |
en (talk)
carryed |
en-past of |
carry (talk)
catcht |
en-past of |
catch (talk)
catted |
en-past of |
cat (talk)
checkt |
en-past of |
check (talk)
cherisht |
en-past of |
cherish (talk)
chirpt |
en-past of |
chirp (talk)
chopt |
en-past of |
chop (talk)
clasht |
en-past of |
clash (talk)
claspt |
en-past of |
clasp (talk)
cleft |
en-past of |
] (])
clencht |
en-past of |
clench (talk)
cluckt |
en-past of |
cluck (talk)
clutcht |
en-past of |
clutch (talk)
clypt |
en-past of |
clip (talk)
co-operated |
en-past of |
cooperate (talk)
commixt |
en-past of |
commix (talk)
confest |
en-past of |
confess (talk)
contradistinguisht |
en-past of |
contradistinguish (talk)
cookt |
en-past of |
cook (talk)
coost |
en-past of |
cast (talk)
copt |
en-past of |
cop (talk)
copulated |
en-past of |
copulate (talk)
cotch |
en-past of |
catch (talk)
crackt |
en-past of |
crack (talk)
crasht |
en-past of |
crash (talk)
crispt |
en-past of |
crisp (talk)
cropt |
en-past of |
crop (talk)
crosst |
en-past of |
cross (talk)
crost |
en-past of |
cross (talk)
crowed |
en-past of |
crow (talk)
crusht |
en-past of |
crush (talk)
cutted |
en-past of |
cut (talk)
cyclised |
en-past of |
cyclise (talk)
dasht |
en-past of |
dash (talk)
dated back to |
en-past of |
date back to (talk)
de-Islamized |
en-past of |
de-Islamise (talk)
de-Palestinianised |
en-past of |
de-Palestinianize (talk)
demolisht |
en-past of |
demolish (talk)
dendronized |
en-past of |
dendronize (talk)
deparaffinated |
en-past of |
deparaffinate (talk)
deprest |
en-past of |
depress (talk)
detacht |
en-past of |
detach (talk)
digged |
en-past of |
dig (talk)
diminisht |
en-past of |
diminish (talk)
dipt |
en-past of |
dip (talk)
dirtied |
en-past of |
dirty (talk)
disclost |
en-past of |
disclose (talk)
disestablisht |
en-past of |
disestablish (talk)
dismist |
en-past of |
dismiss (talk)
disneyfied |
en-past of |
disneyfy (talk)
dispenst |
en-past of |
dispense (talk)
disrelisht |
en-past of |
disrelish (talk)
distinguisht |
en-past of |
distinguish (talk)
distrest |
en-past of |
distress (talk)
doed |
en-past of |
do (talk)
dolled |
en-past of |
doll (talk)
drawed |
en-past of |
draw (talk)
dript |
en-past of |
drip (talk)
drived |
en-past of |
drive (talk)
drooped |
en-past of |
droop (talk)
drunked |
en-past of |
drink (talk)
dunkered |
en-past of |
dunker (talk)
eated |
en-past of |
eat (talk)
echoized |
en-past of |
en (talk)
eclogitized |
en-past of |
eclogitize (talk)
electroeluted |
en-past of |
electroelute (talk)
embellished |
en-past of |
embellish (talk)
embellisht |
en-past of |
embellish (talk)
embost |
en-past of |
emboss (talk)
empanoplied |
en-past of |
en (talk)
emperished |
en-past of |
emperish (talk)
empoverisht |
en-past of |
empoverish (talk)
endpointed |
en-past of |
endpoint (talk)
enravisht |
en-past of |
enravish (talk)
enthraled |
en-past of |
enthral (talk)
environned |
en-past of |
environ (talk)
envyed |
en-past of |
envy (talk)
enwrapt |
en-past of |
enwrap (talk)
equivalued |
en-past of |
equivalue (talk)
establisht |
en-past of |
establish (talk)
expeled |
en-past of |
expel (talk)
explaint |
en-past of |
explain (talk)
exprest |
en-past of |
express (talk)
extinguisht |
en-past of |
extinguish (talk)
extold |
en-past of |
extol (talk)
falled |
en-past of |
fall (talk)
famisht |
en-past of |
famish (talk)
feard |
en-past of |
fear (talk)
feeded |
en-past of |
feed (talk)
feeled |
en-past of |
feel (talk)
fied |
en-past of |
fy (talk)
fighted |
en-past of |
fight (talk)
finded |
en-past of |
find (talk)
finisht |
en-past of |
finish (talk)
fiscalized |
en-past of |
fiscalize (talk)
fived |
en-past of |
five (talk)
flapt |
en-past of |
flap (talk)
flasht |
en-past of |
flash (talk)
flatted |
en-past of |
flat (talk)
fleed |
en-past of |
flee (talk)
flincht |
en-past of |
flinch (talk)
flipflopped |
en-past of |
flipflop (talk)
flipt |
en-past of |
flip (talk)
flockt |
en-past of |
flock (talk)
flusht |
en-past of |
flush (talk)
fonned |
en-past of |
fon (talk)
force fed |
en-past of |
force-feed (talk)
forebore |
en-past of |
forbear (talk)
forestaled |
en-past of |
forestal (talk)
forgetted |
en-past of |
forget (talk)
forgived |
en-past of |
forgive (talk)
forsaked |
en-past of |
forsake (talk)
founde |
en-past of |
find (talk)
founded |
en-past of |
find (talk)
freed |
en-past of |
free (talk)
freezed |
en-past of |
freeze (talk)
frequented |
en-past of |
frequent#Verb (talk)
frigerated |
en-past of |
frigerate (talk)
frore |
en-past of |
freeze (talk)
fruck |
en-past of |
freak (talk)
frusht |
en-past of |
frush (talk)
furbisht |
en-past of |
furbish (talk)
furnisht |
en-past of |
furnish (talk)
gainsayed |
en-past of |
gainsay (talk)
gallopt |
en-past of |
gallop (talk)
garnisht |
en-past of |
garnish (talk)
gaspt |
en-past of |
gasp (talk)
gatekeeped |
en-past of |
gatekeep (talk)
geranylgeranylated |
en-past of |
geranylgeranylate (talk)
getted |
en-past of |
get (talk)
ghed in |
en-past of |
weigh in (talk)
gitted |
en-past of |
git (talk)
gived |
en-past of |
give (talk)
gnasht |
en-past of |
gnash (talk)
goed |
en-past of |
go (talk)
got one over |
en-past of |
get one over on (talk)
graspt |
en-past of |
grasp (talk)
gript |
en-past of |
grip (talk)
guessèd |
en-past of |
guess (talk)
gummered |
en-past of |
gummer (talk)
had someone on |
en-past of |
have someone on (talk)
haemodialysed |
en-past of |
haemodialyse (talk)
hatched, matched, and dispatched |
en-past of |
hatch, match, and dispatch (talk)
hatcht |
en-past of |
hatch (talk)
headstamped |
en-past of |
headstamp (talk)
heared |
en-past of |
hear (talk)
heered |
en-past of |
hear (talk)
helpt |
en-past of |
help (talk)
henced |
en-past of |
hence (talk)
high-sticked |
en-past of |
high-stick (talk)
hitcht |
en-past of |
hitch (talk)
hitted |
en-past of |
hit (talk)
holded |
en-past of |
hold (talk)
honeycombed |
en-past of |
honeycomb (talk)
Hoovered |
en-past of |
Hoover (talk)
hopt |
en-past of |
hop (talk)
huced |
en-past of |
huc (talk)
hunged |
en-past of |
hang (talk)
hurryed |
en-past of |
hurry (talk)
hurted |
en-past of |
hurt (talk)
hyalinized |
en-past of |
hyalinize (talk)
hydridized |
en-past of |
hydridize (talk)
hydrofected |
en-past of |
hydrofect (talk)
imbargoed |
en-past of |
imbargo (talk)
immesht |
en-past of |
immesh (talk)
impoverisht |
en-past of |
impoverish (talk)
impresst |
en-past of |
impress (talk)
incenst |
en-past of |
incense (talk)
incountred |
en-past of |
incounter (talk)
inlayed |
en-past of |
inlay (talk)
inocubated |
en-past of |
inocubate (talk)
intermixt |
en-past of |
intermix (talk)
introducted |
en-past of |
introduce (talk)
inwrapt |
en-past of |
inwrap (talk)
irised |
en-past of |
iris#Verb (talk)
ized |
en-past of |
phenomenize (talk)
japaned |
en-past of |
japan (talk)
kangarood |
en-past of |
kangaroo (talk)
keeped |
en-past of |
keep (talk)
kickt |
en-past of |
kick (talk)
kilt |
en-past of |
kill (talk)
kist |
en-past of |
kiss (talk)
knocked one down with a feather |
en-past of |
knock one down with a feather (talk)
knocked one over with a feather |
en-past of |
knock one over with a feather (talk)
knowed |
en-past of |
know (talk)
languisht |
en-past of |
languish (talk)
larupped |
en-past of |
larrup (talk)
lasht |
en-past of |
lash (talk)
lavisht |
en-past of |
lavish (talk)
layed |
en-past of |
lay (talk)
learnd |
en-past of |
learn (talk)
leaved |
en-past of |
leave (talk)
left |
en-past of |
leave (talk)
left |
en-past of |
leave (talk)
lefte |
en-past of |
leave (talk)
lended |
en-past of |
lend (talk)
lickt |
en-past of |
lick (talk)
lied doggo |
en-past of |
lie doggo (talk)
lied |
en-past of |
] (])
light-footed |
en-past of |
light-foot (talk)
linkt |
en-past of |
link (talk)
lockt |
en-past of |
lock (talk)
lookt |
en-past of |
look (talk)
lore |
en-past of |
lose (talk)
lore |
en-past of |
lose (talk)
losed |
en-past of |
loose (talk)
losed |
en-past of |
lose (talk)
lovèd |
en-past of |
love (talk)
lovered |
en-past of |
lover (talk)
lusted |
en-past of |
lust (talk)
made a clean break |
en-past of |
make a clean break (talk)
malcontented |
en-past of |
] (])
marcht |
en-past of |
march (talk)
marryed |
en-past of |
marry (talk)
mastectomized |
en-past of |
mastectomize (talk)
matcht |
en-past of |
match (talk)
mayed |
en-past of |
may (talk)
meeted |
en-past of |
meet (talk)
ment |
en-past of |
meng (talk)
meseemed |
en-past of |
meseems (talk)
metallated |
en-past of |
metallate (talk)
milkt |
en-past of |
milk (talk)
minisht |
en-past of |
minish (talk)
mis-spelled |
en-past of |
mis-spell (talk)
misdealed |
en-past of |
misdeal (talk)
misdempt |
en-past of |
misdeem (talk)
misleaded |
en-past of |
mislead (talk)
mixt |
en-past of |
mix (talk)
mockt |
en-past of |
mock (talk)
moded |
en-past of |
mode (talk)
muntined |
en-past of |
muntin (talk)
nipt |
en-past of |
nip (talk)
nonsensed |
en-past of |
nonsense (talk)
nourisht |
en-past of |
nourish (talk)
nurst |
en-past of |
nurse (talk)
one-uped |
en-past of |
one-up (talk)
ooped |
en-past of |
oop (talk)
opprest |
en-past of |
oppress (talk)
outdazzled |
en-past of |
outdazzles (talk)
outstatisticked |
en-past of |
outstatistic (talk)
ovated |
en-past of |
ovate (talk)
overborn |
en-past of |
overbear (talk)
overcasted |
en-past of |
overcast (talk)
overcluttered |
en-past of |
overclutter (talk)
overlept |
en-past of |
overleap (talk)
overslipt |
en-past of |
overslip (talk)
overstaid |
en-past of |
overstay (talk)
overstept |
en-past of |
overstep (talk)
owd |
en-past of |
owe (talk)
pedestalled |
en-past of |
pedestal (talk)
pee-ed |
en-past of |
pee (talk)
perisht |
en-past of |
perish (talk)
permeabilised |
en-past of |
permeablise (talk)
permixt |
en-past of |
permix (talk)
phantasied |
en-past of |
phantasy (talk)
phonyed up |
en-past of |
phony up (talk)
photoevaporated |
en-past of |
photoevaporate (talk)
Photoshopped |
en-past of |
en (talk)
photowritten |
en-past of |
photowrite (talk)
pickt |
en-past of |
pick (talk)
pied |
en-past of |
pie (talk)
pierst |
en-past of |
pierce (talk)
pincht |
en-past of |
pinch (talk)
pinky sweared |
en-past of |
pinky swear (talk)
pist |
en-past of |
piss (talk)
pistolled |
en-past of |
pistol (talk)
pitcht |
en-past of |
pitch (talk)
plaid |
en-past of |
play (talk)
played the ball, not the man |
en-past of |
play the ball, not the man (talk)
played the man, not the ball |
en-past of |
play the man, not the ball (talk)
polisht |
en-past of |
polish (talk)
ponded |
en-past of |
pond (talk)
pontooned |
en-past of |
pontoon (talk)
portmanteaued |
en-past of |
portmanteau (talk)
postaccelerated |
en-past of |
post-accelerate (talk)
pounded |
en-past of |
pound (talk)
præfigured |
en-past of |
præfigure (talk)
præsumed |
en-past of |
presume (talk)
prattled |
en-past of |
prattle (talk)
preablated |
en-past of |
preablate (talk)
preacht |
en-past of |
preach (talk)
prefixt |
en-past of |
prefix (talk)
premelted |
en-past of |
premelt (talk)
procedured |
en-past of |
proceduralise (talk)
promist |
en-past of |
promise (talk)
pronated |
en-past of |
pronate (talk)
publisht |
en-past of |
publish (talk)
pult |
en-past of |
pull (talk)
puncht |
en-past of |
punch (talk)
punisht |
en-past of |
punish (talk)
pusht |
en-past of |
push (talk)
quasht |
en-past of |
quash (talk)
queemed |
en-past of |
queem (talk)
quencht |
en-past of |
quench (talk)
quooke |
en-past of |
quake (talk)
radiocollared |
en-past of |
radiocollar (talk)
radioiodinated |
en-past of |
iodinate (talk)
raft |
en-past of |
reave (talk)
rattled |
en-past of |
rattle#Verb (talk)
ravened |
en-past of |
raven (talk)
ravisht |
en-past of |
ravish (talk)
reacht |
en-past of |
reach (talk)
rebarrelled |
en-past of |
rebarrel (talk)
rebuilded |
en-past of |
rebuild (talk)
reched |
en-past of |
reached (talk)
redipt |
en-past of |
redip (talk)
redrest |
en-past of |
redress (talk)
reestablisht |
en-past of |
reestablish (talk)
reextracted |
en-past of |
reextract (talk)
reformated |
en-past of |
reformat (talk)
refresht |
en-past of |
refresh (talk)
regentrified |
en-past of |
regentrify (talk)
relinquisht |
en-past of |
relinquish (talk)
relisht |
en-past of |
relish (talk)
relyed |
en-past of |
rely (talk)
remarkt |
en-past of |
remark (talk)
remound |
en-past of |
remind (talk)
renverst |
en-past of |
renverse (talk)
replenisht |
en-past of |
replenish (talk)
replyed |
en-past of |
reply (talk)
repodded |
en-past of |
repod (talk)
represt |
en-past of |
repress (talk)
reproacht |
en-past of |
reproach (talk)
rerecovered |
en-past of |
rerecover (talk)
resed |
en-past of |
res (talk)
retched |
en-past of |
retch (talk)
rided |
en-past of |
ride (talk)
ript |
en-past of |
rip (talk)
rised |
en-past of |
rise (talk)
run in |
en-past of |
run in (talk)
runned |
en-past of |
run (talk)
sackt |
en-past of |
sack (talk)
saide |
en-past of |
saye (talk)
sayd |
en-past of |
say (talk)
scotched |
en-past of |
scotch#Verb (talk)
scrod |
en-past of |
screw (talk)
searcht |
en-past of |
search (talk)
seeked |
en-past of |
seek (talk)
self-certified |
en-past of |
self-certify (talk)
self-induced |
en-past of |
self-induce (talk)
selled |
en-past of |
sell (talk)
semi-domesticated |
en-past of |
semi-domesticate (talk)
seperated |
en-past of |
seperate (talk)
sept |
en-past of |
seep (talk)
settled |
en-past of |
settle (talk)
seyde |
en-past of |
say (talk)
shapt |
en-past of |
shape (talk)
shockt |
en-past of |
shock (talk)
shooked |
en-past of |
shake (talk)
shooted |
en-past of |
shoot (talk)
shriekt |
en-past of |
shriek (talk)
shrinked |
en-past of |
shrink (talk)
shutted |
en-past of |
shut (talk)
silverbacked |
en-past of |
silverback (talk)
sinked |
en-past of |
sink (talk)
sinkt |
en-past of |
sink (talk)
sipt |
en-past of |
sip (talk)
skeined |
en-past of |
skein (talk)
skinned over |
en-past of |
skin over (talk)
skipt |
en-past of |
skip (talk)
skirmisht |
en-past of |
skirmish (talk)
slaine |
en-past of |
slay (talk)
slasht |
en-past of |
slash (talk)
sleeped |
en-past of |
sleep (talk)
slided |
en-past of |
slide (talk)
slinged |
en-past of |
sling (talk)
smasht |
en-past of |
smash (talk)
snatcht |
en-past of |
snatch (talk)
soakt |
en-past of |
soak (talk)
sourened |
en-past of |
souren (talk)
speaked |
en-past of |
speak (talk)
spended |
en-past of |
spend (talk)
spide |
en-past of |
spy (talk)
spinned |
en-past of |
spin (talk)
splasht |
en-past of |
splash (talk)
splitted |
en-past of |
split (talk)
spreaded |
en-past of |
spread (talk)
spyed |
en-past of |
spy (talk)
squoke |
en-past of |
squeak (talk)
stablisht |
en-past of |
stablish (talk)
stampt |
en-past of |
stamp (talk)
standed |
en-past of |
stand (talk)
stealed |
en-past of |
steal (talk)
stealt |
en-past of |
steal (talk)
steeld |
en-past of |
steel (talk)
stiched |
en-past of |
stich (talk)
stinged |
en-past of |
sting (talk)
stinked |
en-past of |
stink (talk)
stinkt |
en-past of |
stink (talk)
stitcht |
en-past of |
stitch (talk)
stockinged |
en-past of |
stocking (talk)
stoled |
en-past of |
steal (talk)
stoopt |
en-past of |
stoop (talk)
stopt |
en-past of |
stop (talk)
strapt |
en-past of |
strap (talk)
stretcht |
en-past of |
stretch (talk)
striked |
en-past of |
strike (talk)
stringed |
en-past of |
string (talk)
stript |
en-past of |
strip (talk)
strumbled |
en-past of |
stumble (talk)
stuft |
en-past of |
stuff (talk)
stumbled |
en-past of |
stumble (talk)
subceded |
en-past of |
subcede (talk)
sublicensed |
en-past of |
sublicense (talk)
subverst |
en-past of |
subverse (talk)
suckt |
en-past of |
suck (talk)
sugared |
en-past of |
sugar (talk)
Sundayed |
en-past of |
Sunday (talk)
supprest |
en-past of |
suppress (talk)
supt |
en-past of |
sup (talk)
sussed |
en-past of |
suss (talk)
swapt |
en-past of |
swap (talk)
sweeped |
en-past of |
sweep (talk)
swimmed |
en-past of |
swim (talk)
swinged |
en-past of |
swing (talk)
switcht |
en-past of |
switch (talk)
swopt |
en-past of |
swop (talk)
tabbed off |
en-past of |
tab out (talk)
tapt |
en-past of |
tap (talk)
targeted |
en-past of |
target#Verb (talk)
tarnisht |
en-past of |
tarnish (talk)
tattoed |
en-past of |
tattoo (talk)
tea bagged |
en-past of |
tea bag (talk)
teached |
en-past of |
teach (talk)
tenthed |
en-past of |
tenth (talk)
tenukied |
en-past of |
en (talk)
texed |
en-past of |
text (talk)
thatcht |
en-past of |
thatch (talk)
thiefed |
en-past of |
thief (talk)
thimbled |
en-past of |
en (talk)
thinged |
en-past of |
thing (talk)
thinked |
en-past of |
think (talk)
thoght |
en-past of |
think (talk)
thot |
en-past of |
think (talk)
thought |
en-past of |
think (talk)
thowt |
en-past of |
think (talk)
thrasht |
en-past of |
thrash (talk)
tipped-up |
en-past of |
tip up (talk)
tipt |
en-past of |
tip (talk)
toucht |
en-past of |
touch (talk)
transfixt |
en-past of |
transfix (talk)
transitted |
en-past of |
transit (talk)
trapt |
en-past of |
trap (talk)
trespast |
en-past of |
trespass (talk)
trispast |
en-past of |
trispas (talk)
trumpeted |
en-past of |
trumpet (talk)
tryed |
en-past of |
try (talk)
tutued |
en-past of |
en (talk)
twatted |
en-past of |
twat (talk)
twitcht |
en-past of |
twitch (talk)
unbinded |
en-past of |
unbind (talk)
uncurst |
en-past of |
uncurse (talk)
undercrested |
en-past of |
undercrest (talk)
undercutted |
en-past of |
undercut (talk)
undergoed |
en-past of |
undergo (talk)
undertaked |
en-past of |
undertake (talk)
underwrited |
en-past of |
underwrite (talk)
undoed |
en-past of |
undo (talk)
undrest |
en-past of |
undress (talk)
unmaskt |
en-past of |
unmask (talk)
unmatcht |
en-past of |
unmatch (talk)
unmentioned |
en-past of |
en (talk)
unstopt |
en-past of |
unstop (talk)
untranquilized |
en-past of |
untranquillize (talk)
untranquillized |
en-past of |
untranquilize (talk)
unvesseled |
en-past of |
unvessel (talk)
upkeeped |
en-past of |
upkeep (talk)
upsetted |
en-past of |
upset (talk)
upsot |
en-past of |
upset (talk)
upsweeped |
en-past of |
upsweep (talk)
vanisht |
en-past of |
vanish (talk)
vanquisht |
en-past of |
vanquish (talk)
vapourised |
en-past of |
vapourise (talk)
varnisht |
en-past of |
varnish (talk)
verbaled |
en-past of |
verbal (talk)
videotaped |
en-past of |
videotape (talk)
vodcasted |
en-past of |
vodcast (talk)
walkt |
en-past of |
walk (talk)
washt |
en-past of |
wash (talk)
watchlisted |
en-past of |
watchlist (talk)
watcht |
en-past of |
watch (talk)
went so far as to |
en-past of |
go so far as to (talk)
wep |
en-past of |
weep (talk)
wepte |
en-past of |
weep (talk)
whemmelled |
en-past of |
whemmel (talk)
whept |
en-past of |
whip (talk)
whipt |
en-past of |
whip (talk)
winded |
en-past of |
] (])
winkt |
en-past of |
wink (talk)
winned |
en-past of |
win (talk)
wisht |
en-past of |
wish (talk)
withdrawed |
en-past of |
withdraw (talk)
withholded |
en-past of |
withhold (talk)
withstanded |
en-past of |
withstand (talk)
witted |
en-past of |
wit (talk)
wolde |
en-past of |
will (talk)
won the battle, but lost the war |
en-past of |
win the battle, but lose the war (talk)
worded |
en-past of |
word (talk)
wore rose colored glasses |
en-past of |
wear rose-colored glasses (talk)
wrappt |
en-past of |
wrap (talk)
writed |
en-past of |
write (talk)
wronged |
en-past of |
wrong (talk)
yelpt |
en-past of |
yelp (talk)
yshent |
en-past of |
shend (talk)
awent |
en-simple past of |
ago (talk)
awook |
en-simple past of |
awake (talk)
begane |
en-simple past of |
begin (talk)
bewore |
en-simple past of |
beware (talk)
blunk |
en-simple past of |
blink (talk)
bore |
en-simple past of |
bare (talk)
came at a price |
en-simple past of |
come at a price (talk)
came to the fore |
en-simple past of |
come to the fore (talk)
clombe |
en-simple past of |
climb (talk)
crew |
en-simple past of |
crow (talk)
deep-drawed |
en-simple past of |
deep-draw (talk)
deepdrawed |
en-simple past of |
deepdraw (talk)
drait |
en-simple past of |
drite (talk)
fell into |
en-simple past of |
fall (talk)
flong |
en-simple past of |
fling (talk)
forswore |
en-simple past of |
foreswear (talk)
gave someone a big head |
en-simple past of |
give someone a big head (talk)
got over with |
en-simple past of |
get over with (talk)
hanged by a thread |
en-simple past of |
hang by a thread (talk)
Homer nodded |
en-simple past of |
Homer nods (talk)
keight |
en-simple past of |
catch (talk)
lay about |
en-simple past of |
lie about (talk)
lay out |
en-simple past of |
lie out (talk)
might |
en-simple past of |
may (talk)
might |
en-simple past of |
may (talk)
rave |
en-simple past of |
rive (talk)
readed |
en-simple past of |
read (talk)
rode the ... train |
en-simple past of |
ride the ... train (talk)
sawe |
en-simple past of |
see (talk)
sawed |
en-simple past of |
see (talk)
shooke |
en-simple past of |
shake (talk)
sook |
en-simple past of |
seek (talk)
sprong |
en-simple past of |
spring (talk)
squeezed in |
en-simple past of |
squeeze in (talk)
strake |
en-simple past of |
strike (talk)
succame |
en-simple past of |
succumb (talk)
swelt |
en-simple past of |
swell (talk)
sygh |
en-simple past of |
see (talk)
tharved |
en-simple past of |
tharf (talk)
throwed |
en-simple past of |
throw (talk)
underwrote |
en-simple past of |
underwrite (talk)
wrate |
en-simple past of |
write (talk)
yede |
en-simple past of |
go (talk)
accuratest |
en-superlative of |
accurate (talk)
acidest |
en-superlative of |
acid (talk)
affablest |
en-superlative of |
affable (talk)
affectedest |
en-superlative of |
affected (talk)
alertest |
en-superlative of |
alert (talk)
amazingest |
en-superlative of |
amazing (talk)
augustest |
en-superlative of |
august (talk)
averagest |
en-superlative of |
average (talk)
awfulest |
en-superlative of |
awful (talk)
backwardmost |
en-superlative of |
backward (talk)
bairnliest |
en-superlative of |
bairnly (talk)
balefulest |
en-superlative of |
baleful (talk)
balefullest |
en-superlative of |
baleful (talk)
banefulest |
en-superlative of |
baneful (talk)
banefullest |
en-superlative of |
baneful (talk)
bangingest |
en-superlative of |
banging (talk)
bashfulest |
en-superlative of |
bashful (talk)
bashfullest |
en-superlative of |
bashful (talk)
baulkiest |
en-superlative of |
baulky (talk)
beatest |
en-superlative of |
beat (talk)
beechiest |
en-superlative of |
beechy (talk)
bentest |
en-superlative of |
bent (talk)
best for you |
en-superlative of |
good for you (talk)
blearest |
en-superlative of |
blear (talk)
blessedest |
en-superlative of |
blessed (talk)
bloomiest |
en-superlative of |
bloomy (talk)
blusteriest |
en-superlative of |
blustery (talk)
bonniest |
en-superlative of |
bonny (talk)
bonzerest |
en-superlative of |
bonzer (talk)
boredest |
en-superlative of |
bored (talk)
boringest |
en-superlative of |
boring (talk)
botchiest |
en-superlative of |
botchy (talk)
brashiest |
en-superlative of |
brashy (talk)
brawliest |
en-superlative of |
brawly (talk)
Britishest |
en-superlative of |
British (talk)
broodingest |
en-superlative of |
brooding (talk)
broomiest |
en-superlative of |
broomy (talk)
brownest |
en-superlative of |
brown (talk)
browniest |
en-superlative of |
browny (talk)
bulkiest |
en-superlative of |
bulk (talk)
bushiest |
en-superlative of |
bush (talk)
capablest |
en-superlative of |
capable (talk)
carefullest |
en-superlative of |
careful (talk)
carelessest |
en-superlative of |
careless (talk)
carrotiest |
en-superlative of |
carroty (talk)
chancest |
en-superlative of |
chance (talk)
cheerfulest |
en-superlative of |
cheerful (talk)
cheerfullest |
en-superlative of |
cheerful (talk)
civilest |
en-superlative of |
civil (talk)
civillest |
en-superlative of |
civil (talk)
compactest |
en-superlative of |
compact (talk)
compleatest |
en-superlative of |
compleat (talk)
complicatedest |
en-superlative of |
complicated (talk)
concisest |
en-superlative of |
concise (talk)
concretest |
en-superlative of |
concrete (talk)
correctest |
en-superlative of |
correct (talk)
corruptest |
en-superlative of |
corrupt (talk)
crookedest |
en-superlative of |
crooked (talk)
crushingest |
en-superlative of |
crushing (talk)
cunningest |
en-superlative of |
cunning (talk)
cussedest |
en-superlative of |
cussed (talk)
daubiest |
en-superlative of |
dauby (talk)
decentest |
en-superlative of |
decent (talk)
delicatest |
en-superlative of |
delicate (talk)
diffusest |
en-superlative of |
diffuse (talk)
directest |
en-superlative of |
direct (talk)
dirtiest |
en-superlative of |
dirty (talk)
dismalest |
en-superlative of |
dismal (talk)
dismallest |
en-superlative of |
dismal (talk)
divinest |
en-superlative of |
divine (talk)
docilest |
en-superlative of |
docile (talk)
doggedest |
en-superlative of |
dogged (talk)
downest |
en-superlative of |
down (talk)
dreadfulest |
en-superlative of |
dreadful (talk)
dreadfullest |
en-superlative of |
dreadful (talk)
dumbassest |
en-superlative of |
dumbass (talk)
dumbest ass |
en-superlative of |
dumb ass (talk)
eagerest |
en-superlative of |
eager (talk)
Englishest |
en-superlative of |
English (talk)
evenest |
en-superlative of |
even (talk)
expertest |
en-superlative of |
expert (talk)
extreamest |
en-superlative of |
extream (talk)
faithfullest |
en-superlative of |
faithful (talk)
fallowest |
en-superlative of |
fallow (talk)
farthest flung |
en-superlative of |
far-flung (talk)
farthest-flung |
en-superlative of |
far-flung (talk)
favourablest |
en-superlative of |
favourable (talk)
favouritemost |
en-superlative of |
favourite (talk)
feintest |
en-superlative of |
feint (talk)
fenniest |
en-superlative of |
fenny (talk)
fertilest |
en-superlative of |
fertile (talk)
ferventest |
en-superlative of |
fervent (talk)
feyest |
en-superlative of |
fey (talk)
fightingest |
en-superlative of |
fighting (talk)
firstmost |
en-superlative of |
first (talk)
flashest |
en-superlative of |
flash (talk)
flashiest |
en-superlative of |
flash (talk)
flattest |
en-superlative of |
flat (talk)
floridest |
en-superlative of |
florid (talk)
flyest |
en-superlative of |
fly (talk)
fortunatest |
en-superlative of |
fortunate (talk)
foziest |
en-superlative of |
fozy (talk)
fraughtest |
en-superlative of |
fraught (talk)
free-est |
en-superlative of |
free (talk)
freeëst |
en-superlative of |
free (talk)
freest |
en-superlative of |
free (talk)
Frenchest |
en-superlative of |
French (talk)
frontest |
en-superlative of |
front (talk)
frouziest |
en-superlative of |
frouzy (talk)
fruitfulest |
en-superlative of |
fruitful (talk)
fruitfullest |
en-superlative of |
fruitful (talk)
fucked-upest |
en-superlative of |
fucked-up (talk)
fuckedest |
en-superlative of |
fucked (talk)
fuckingest |
en-superlative of |
fucking (talk)
fulliest |
en-superlative of |
fully (talk)
furthest flung |
en-superlative of |
far-flung (talk)
futilest |
en-superlative of |
futile (talk)
gallantest |
en-superlative of |
gallant (talk)
gamesomest |
en-superlative of |
gamesome (talk)
gamiest |
en-superlative of |
gamey (talk)
gauchest |
en-superlative of |
gauche (talk)
genteelest |
en-superlative of |
genteel (talk)
ghettoest |
en-superlative of |
ghetto (talk)
gingerest |
en-superlative of |
ginger (talk)
goddamnedest |
en-superlative of |
goddamned (talk)
gonest |
en-superlative of |
gone (talk)
gorsiest |
en-superlative of |
gorsy (talk)
gracefullest |
en-superlative of |
graceful (talk)
grewsomest |
en-superlative of |
grewsome (talk)
grievousest |
en-superlative of |
grievous (talk)
guttiest |
en-superlative of |
gutty (talk)
happeningest |
en-superlative of |
happening (talk)
headachiest |
en-superlative of |
headachy (talk)
heartiliest |
en-superlative of |
heartily (talk)
heppest |
en-superlative of |
hep (talk)
hopefullest |
en-superlative of |
hopeful (talk)
hotliest |
en-superlative of |
hotly (talk)
hurtingest |
en-superlative of |
hurting (talk)
idlest |
en-superlative of |
idle (talk)
impossiblest |
en-superlative of |
impossible (talk)
impurest |
en-superlative of |
impure (talk)
indecentest |
en-superlative of |
indecent (talk)
ineptest |
en-superlative of |
inept (talk)
inertest |
en-superlative of |
inert (talk)
innest |
en-superlative of |
in (talk)
innest |
en-superlative of |
in (talk)
innocentest |
en-superlative of |
innocent (talk)
intimatest |
en-superlative of |
intimate (talk)
inwardest |
en-superlative of |
inward (talk)
joyfulest |
en-superlative of |
joyful (talk)
juniorest |
en-superlative of |
junior (talk)
knowingest |
en-superlative of |
knowing (talk)
leftest |
en-superlative of |
left (talk)
livest |
en-superlative of |
live (talk)
livingest |
en-superlative of |
living (talk)
lonesomest |
en-superlative of |
lonesome (talk)
luridest |
en-superlative of |
lurid (talk)
maggotiest |
en-superlative of |
maggoty (talk)
mainest |
en-superlative of |
main (talk)
malignest |
en-superlative of |
malign (talk)
miserliest |
en-superlative of |
miserly (talk)
modishest |
en-superlative of |
modish (talk)
monstrousest |
en-superlative of |
monstrous (talk)
mootest |
en-superlative of |
moot (talk)
morbidest |
en-superlative of |
morbid (talk)
mortallest |
en-superlative of |
mortal (talk)
mournfulest |
en-superlative of |
mournful (talk)
naivest |
en-superlative of |
naive (talk)
nakedest |
en-superlative of |
naked (talk)
nichest |
en-superlative of |
niche (talk)
niggardliest |
en-superlative of |
niggardly (talk)
niggliest |
en-superlative of |
niggly (talk)
nobliest |
en-superlative of |
nobly (talk)
noirest |
en-superlative of |
noir (talk)
northest |
en-superlative of |
north (talk)
notablest |
en-superlative of |
notable (talk)
okayest |
en-superlative of |
okay (talk)
onliest |
en-superlative of |
only (talk)
ordinariest |
en-superlative of |
ordinary (talk)
ornatest |
en-superlative of |
ornate (talk)
painfulest |
en-superlative of |
painful (talk)
panickiest |
en-superlative of |
panicky (talk)
patentest |
en-superlative of |
patent (talk)
peacockiest |
en-superlative of |
peacocky (talk)
plummest |
en-superlative of |
plum (talk)
plushiest |
en-superlative of |
plush (talk)
positivest |
en-superlative of |
positive (talk)
powderiest |
en-superlative of |
powdery (talk)
prawniest |
en-superlative of |
prawny (talk)
preciousest |
en-superlative of |
precious (talk)
privatest |
en-superlative of |
private (talk)
priviest |
en-superlative of |
privy (talk)
profitablest |
en-superlative of |
profitable (talk)
profoundest |
en-superlative of |
profound (talk)
promptest |
en-superlative of |
prompt (talk)
properest |
en-superlative of |
proper (talk)
putridest |
en-superlative of |
putrid (talk)
quickest-and-dirtiest |
en-superlative of |
quick-and-dirty (talk)
raggedest |
en-superlative of |
ragged (talk)
rancidest |
en-superlative of |
rancid (talk)
randomest |
en-superlative of |
random (talk)
rearwardmost |
en-superlative of |
rearward (talk)
recentest |
en-superlative of |
recent (talk)
restfulest |
en-superlative of |
restful (talk)
restfullest |
en-superlative of |
restful (talk)
rippliest |
en-superlative of |
ripply (talk)
Russianest |
en-superlative of |
Russian (talk)
savagest |
en-superlative of |
savage (talk)
seasickest |
en-superlative of |
seasick (talk)
seasonabliest |
en-superlative of |
seasonably (talk)
sedatest |
en-superlative of |
sedate (talk)
sedgiest |
en-superlative of |
sedgy (talk)
selectest |
en-superlative of |
select (talk)
seniorest |
en-superlative of |
senior (talk)
servilest |
en-superlative of |
servile (talk)
shamefulest |
en-superlative of |
shameful (talk)
shamefullest |
en-superlative of |
shameful (talk)
shockingest |
en-superlative of |
shocking (talk)
silverest |
en-superlative of |
silver (talk)
skilfulest |
en-superlative of |
skilful (talk)
skillfulest |
en-superlative of |
skillful (talk)
skyiest |
en-superlative of |
skyey (talk)
slightliest |
en-superlative of |
slightly (talk)
smashingest |
en-superlative of |
smashing (talk)
smeariest |
en-superlative of |
smeary (talk)
smilingest |
en-superlative of |
smiling (talk)
snuffliest |
en-superlative of |
snuffly (talk)
solidest |
en-superlative of |
solid (talk)
sovereignest |
en-superlative of |
sovereign (talk)
spideriest |
en-superlative of |
spidery (talk)
spryest |
en-superlative of |
spry (talk)
strikingest |
en-superlative of |
striking (talk)
succinctest |
en-superlative of |
succinct (talk)
suddenest |
en-superlative of |
sudden (talk)
super-duperest |
en-superlative of |
super-duper (talk)
talkingest |
en-superlative of |
talking (talk)
thankfullest |
en-superlative of |
thankful (talk)
thrillingest |
en-superlative of |
thrilling (talk)
tiresomest |
en-superlative of |
tiresome (talk)
towardliest |
en-superlative of |
towardly (talk)
tranquillest |
en-superlative of |
tranquil (talk)
troublesomest |
en-superlative of |
troublesome (talk)
unchanciest |
en-superlative of |
unchancy (talk)
uncleanliest |
en-superlative of |
uncleanly (talk)
unevenest |
en-superlative of |
uneven (talk)
unfortunatest |
en-superlative of |
unfortunate (talk)
uniformest |
en-superlative of |
uniform (talk)
unjustest |
en-superlative of |
unjust (talk)
unkindliest |
en-superlative of |
unkindly (talk)
unkingliest |
en-superlative of |
unkingly (talk)
unreadiest |
en-superlative of |
unready (talk)
unsafest |
en-superlative of |
unsafe (talk)
unscariest |
en-superlative of |
unscary (talk)
unshapeliest |
en-superlative of |
unshapely (talk)
unstablest |
en-superlative of |
unstable (talk)
untimeliest |
en-superlative of |
untimely (talk)
untruest |
en-superlative of |
untrue (talk)
utterest |
en-superlative of |
utter (talk)
validest |
en-superlative of |
valid (talk)
vapidest |
en-superlative of |
vapid (talk)
velvetiest |
en-superlative of |
velvety (talk)
voluntariest |
en-superlative of |
voluntary (talk)
welcomest |
en-superlative of |
welcome (talk)
whoppingest |
en-superlative of |
whopping (talk)
willingest |
en-superlative of |
willing (talk)
windwardmost |
en-superlative of |
windward (talk)
woodenest |
en-superlative of |
wooden (talk)
worsest |
en-superlative of |
bad (talk)
worst |
en-superlative of |
en (talk)
worst |
en-superlative of |
en (talk)
wrongest |
en-superlative of |
wrong (talk)
minuses |
en-third person singular of |
en (talk)
abashes |
en-third-person singular of |
abash (talk)
abies |
en-third-person singular of |
aby (talk)
abjudicates |
en-third-person singular of |
abjudicate (talk)
ablegates |
en-third-person singular of |
ablegate (talk)
abodes |
en-third-person singular of |
abode (talk)
abords |
en-third-person singular of |
abord (talk)
abortives |
en-third-person singular of |
abortive (talk)
abraids |
en-third-person singular of |
abraid (talk)
abrooks |
en-third-person singular of |
abrook (talk)
absconds |
en-third-person singular of |
abscond (talk)
abys |
en-third-person singular of |
aby (talk)
accorporates |
en-third-person singular of |
accorporate (talk)
accustoms |
en-third-person singular of |
accustom (talk)
agoes |
en-third-person singular of |
ago (talk)
asearches |
en-third-person singular of |
asearch (talk)
atones |
en-third-person singular of |
atone (talk)
augusts |
en-third-person singular of |
august (talk)
bachs |
en-third-person singular of |
bach (talk)
beares |
en-third-person singular of |
beare (talk)
betees |
en-third-person singular of |
betee (talk)
bioproduces |
en-third-person singular of |
bioproduce (talk)
books |
en-third-person singular of |
book (talk)
bottles |
en-third-person singular of |
bottle (talk)
brakes |
en-third-person singular of |
brake (talk)
browns |
en-third-person singular of |
brown (talk)
cables |
en-third-person singular of |
cable (talk)
cardens |
en-third-person singular of |
garden (talk)
cats |
en-third-person singular of |
cat (talk)
comes at a price |
en-third-person singular of |
come at a price (talk)
comes to the fore |
en-third-person singular of |
come to the fore (talk)
copulates |
en-third-person singular of |
copulate (talk)
countercharges |
en-third-person singular of |
charge (talk)
crows |
en-third-person singular of |
crow (talk)
cuts bait |
en-third-person singular of |
cut bait (talk)
dates back to |
en-third-person singular of |
date back to (talk)
dibigulates |
en-third-person singular of |
debigulate (talk)
dirties |
en-third-person singular of |
dirty (talk)
disneyfies |
en-third-person singular of |
disneyfy (talk)
droops |
en-third-person singular of |
droop (talk)
eats, breathes, and sleeps |
en-third-person singular of |
eat, breathe, and sleep (talk)
embellishes |
en-third-person singular of |
embellish (talk)
enavigates |
en-third-person singular of |
enavigate (talk)
excells |
en-third-person singular of |
excell (talk)
face-plants |
en-third-person singular of |
faceplant (talk)
fies |
en-third-person singular of |
fy (talk)
fiscalizes |
en-third-person singular of |
fiscalize (talk)
flats |
en-third-person singular of |
flat (talk)
flipflops |
en-third-person singular of |
flipflop (talk)
forbeares |
en-third-person singular of |
forbeare (talk)
frees |
en-third-person singular of |
free (talk)
frigerates |
en-third-person singular of |
frigerate (talk)
fuddle duddles |
en-third-person singular of |
fuddle duddle (talk)
gets one over |
en-third-person singular of |
get one over on (talk)
gets over with |
en-third-person singular of |
get over with (talk)
gives someone a big head |
en-third-person singular of |
give someone a big head (talk)
gmails |
en-third-person singular of |
gmail (talk)
goes so far as to |
en-third-person singular of |
go so far as to (talk)
has someone on |
en-third-person singular of |
have someone on (talk)
hatches, matches, and dispatches |
en-third-person singular of |
hatch, match, and dispatch (talk)
heares |
en-third-person singular of |
heare (talk)
hepps |
en-third-person singular of |
hepp (talk)
honeycombs |
en-third-person singular of |
honeycomb (talk)
hyalinizes |
en-third-person singular of |
hyalinize (talk)
inocubates |
en-third-person singular of |
inocubate (talk)
iz |
en-third-person singular of |
be (talk)
jacuzzies |
en-third-person singular of |
jacuzzi (talk)
jerks off |
en-third-person singular of |
jerkoff (talk)
jimmies |
en-third-person singular of |
jimmy (talk)
knocks one down with a feather |
en-third-person singular of |
knock one down with a feather (talk)
knocks one over with a feather |
en-third-person singular of |
knock one over with a feather (talk)
kohls |
en-third-person singular of |
kohl (talk)
leaves |
en-third-person singular of |
leave (talk)
loses their head |
en-third-person singular of |
lose their head (talk)
lusts |
en-third-person singular of |
lust (talk)
makes a clean break |
en-third-person singular of |
make a clean break (talk)
mays |
en-third-person singular of |
may (talk)
mouthes |
en-third-person singular of |
mouth (talk)
msgs |
en-third-person singular of |
en (talk)
nonsenses |
en-third-person singular of |
nonsense (talk)
outdates |
en-third-person singular of |
outdate (talk)
outstatistics |
en-third-person singular of |
outstatistic (talk)
paunchs |
en-third-person singular of |
paunch (talk)
perves |
en-third-person singular of |
perv (talk)
pies |
en-third-person singular of |
pie (talk)
plays the ball, not the man |
en-third-person singular of |
play the ball, not the man (talk)
plays the man, not the ball |
en-third-person singular of |
play the man, not the ball (talk)
pounds |
en-third-person singular of |
pound (talk)
præfigures |
en-third-person singular of |
præfigure (talk)
præsumes |
en-third-person singular of |
presume (talk)
prattles |
en-third-person singular of |
prattle (talk)
pronates |
en-third-person singular of |
pronate (talk)
radioes |
en-third-person singular of |
radio (talk)
regentrifies |
en-third-person singular of |
regentrify (talk)
repods |
en-third-person singular of |
repod (talk)
retches |
en-third-person singular of |
retch (talk)
rides the ... train |
en-third-person singular of |
ride the ... train (talk)
seith |
en-third-person singular of |
say (talk)
settles |
en-third-person singular of |
settle (talk)
sheathes |
en-third-person singular of |
sheath (talk)
shewes |
en-third-person singular of |
shewe (talk)
skeining |
en-third-person singular of |
skein (talk)
skeins |
en-third-person singular of |
skein (talk)
sleepswalks |
en-third-person singular of |
sleepwalk (talk)
smoothes |
en-third-person singular of |
smooth (talk)
sourens |
en-third-person singular of |
souren (talk)
squeezes in |
en-third-person singular of |
squeeze in (talk)
stretches the envolope |
en-third-person singular of |
stretch the envelope (talk)
subspecializes |
en-third-person singular of |
specialize (talk)
sugars |
en-third-person singular of |
sugar (talk)
Sundays |
en-third-person singular of |
Sunday (talk)
susses |
en-third-person singular of |
suss (talk)
tabs off |
en-third-person singular of |
tab out (talk)
things |
en-third-person singular of |
thing (talk)
thinks |
en-third-person singular of |
think (talk)
tocks |
en-third-person singular of |
tick (talk)
trap outs |
en-third-person singular of |
trap out (talk)
trumpets |
en-third-person singular of |
trumpet (talk)
tutus |
en-third-person singular of |
en (talk)
twats |
en-third-person singular of |
twat (talk)
undercrests |
en-third-person singular of |
undercrest (talk)
underwrites |
en-third-person singular of |
underwrite (talk)
unidealises |
en-third-person singular of |
idealise (talk)
unvessels |
en-third-person singular of |
unvessel (talk)
vapourises |
en-third-person singular of |
vapourise (talk)
wansta |
en-third-person singular of |
wanna (talk)
watchlists |
en-third-person singular of |
watchlist (talk)
wears rose colored glasses |
en-third-person singular of |
wear rose-colored glasses (talk)
wins the battle, but loses the war |
en-third-person singular of |
win the battle, but lose the war (talk)
wooes |
en-third-person singular of |
woo (talk)
words |
en-third-person singular of |
word (talk)
wrongs |
en-third-person singular of |
wrong (talk)
XXXs |
en-third-person singular of |
XXX (talk)
banana split |
euphemistic form of |
bullshit (talk)
batspit |
euphemistic form of |
batshit (talk)
bloody heck |
euphemistic form of |
bloody hell (talk)
cheeses |
euphemistic form of |
Jesus (talk)
crapshow |
euphemistic form of |
shit show (talk)
crapstorm |
euphemistic form of |
shitstorm (talk)
doggone |
euphemistic form of |
goddamned (talk)
doggone |
euphemistic form of |
goddamned (talk)
eff up |
euphemistic form of |
fuck up (talk)
fork off |
euphemistic form of |
fuck off (talk)
fork |
euphemistic form of |
fuck (talk)
frigg |
euphemistic form of |
fuck (talk)
fudge it |
euphemistic form of |
fuck it (talk)
fugg |
euphemistic form of |
fuck (talk)
fugged |
euphemistic form of |
fucked (talk)
fugging |
euphemistic form of |
fucking (talk)
fugging |
euphemistic form of |
fucking (talk)
Gawd |
euphemistic form of |
God (talk)
gosh darn |
euphemistic form of |
goddamn (talk)
gosh darn |
euphemistic form of |
goddamn (talk)
goshdang |
euphemistic form of |
goddamn (talk)
goshdang |
euphemistic form of |
goddamn (talk)
goshdanged |
euphemistic form of |
goddamned (talk)
goshdangit |
euphemistic form of |
goddammit (talk)
goshdarned |
euphemistic form of |
goddamned (talk)
gratuity |
euphemistic form of |
bribe (talk)
gratuity |
euphemistic form of |
fee (talk)
holy fudge |
euphemistic form of |
holy fuck (talk)
L-rd |
euphemistic form of |
Lord (talk)
motherfather |
euphemistic form of |
motherfucker (talk)
no excrement, Sherlock |
euphemistic form of |
no shit, Sherlock (talk)
scared shirtless |
euphemistic form of |
scared shitless (talk)
scheisse |
euphemistic form of |
shit (talk)
scheisse |
euphemistic form of |
shit (talk)
to heck in a handbasket |
euphemistic form of |
to hell in a handbasket (talk)
what the fudge |
euphemistic form of |
what the fuck (talk)
what the hay |
euphemistic form of |
what the hell (talk)
when heck freezes over |
euphemistic form of |
when Hell freezes over (talk)
abaout |
eye dialect of |
about (talk)
afeerd |
eye dialect of |
afeared (talk)
angree |
eye dialect of |
angry (talk)
anybuddy |
eye dialect of |
anybody (talk)
anybudy |
eye dialect of |
anybody (talk)
aout |
eye dialect of |
out (talk)
asshurance |
eye dialect of |
assurance (talk)
Ayrab |
eye dialect of |
Arab#Noun (talk)
bloo |
eye dialect of |
blew (talk)
bloo |
eye dialect of |
blue (talk)
boyz |
eye dialect of |
boys (talk)
brawt |
eye dialect of |
brought (talk)
cheezburger |
eye dialect of |
cheeseburger (talk)
choklit |
eye dialect of |
chocolate (talk)
cood |
eye dialect of |
could (talk)
cowld |
eye dialect of |
cold (talk)
direcshun |
eye dialect of |
direction (talk)
dooce |
eye dialect of |
deuce (talk)
doodz |
eye dialect of |
dudes (talk)
doosed |
eye dialect of |
deuced (talk)
dooty |
eye dialect of |
duty (talk)
eazily |
eye dialect of |
easily (talk)
faix |
eye dialect of |
fecks (talk)
feechur |
eye dialect of |
feature (talk)
folx |
eye dialect of |
folks (talk)
fucc |
eye dialect of |
fuck (talk)
fucknose |
eye dialect of |
fuck knows (talk)
hankerchief |
eye dialect of |
handkerchief (talk)
Hizzoner |
eye dialect of |
His Honor (talk)
inshure |
eye dialect of |
insure (talk)
kidz |
eye dialect of |
kids (talk)
langwidge |
eye dialect of |
language (talk)
laydee |
eye dialect of |
lady (talk)
librul |
eye dialect of |
liberal (talk)
librul |
eye dialect of |
liberal (talk)
likewize |
eye dialect of |
likewise (talk)
likker |
eye dialect of |
liquor (talk)
majick |
eye dialect of |
magic (talk)
methinx |
eye dialect of |
] (])
Misses |
eye dialect of |
Mrs (talk)
mitey |
eye dialect of |
mighty (talk)
muther |
eye dialect of |
mother (talk)
naansense |
eye dialect of |
nonsense (talk)
noosance |
eye dialect of |
nuisance (talk)
noze |
eye dialect of |
nose (talk)
noze |
eye dialect of |
nose (talk)
nuze |
eye dialect of |
news (talk)
odycolone |
eye dialect of |
eau de Cologne (talk)
of |
eye dialect of |
have (talk)
ohmigosh |
eye dialect of |
oh my gosh (talk)
owdacious |
eye dialect of |
audacious (talk)
owdaciousness |
eye dialect of |
audaciousness (talk)
owld |
eye dialect of |
old (talk)
perfick |
eye dialect of |
perfect (talk)
praize |
eye dialect of |
praise (talk)
praize |
eye dialect of |
praise (talk)
prizen |
eye dialect of |
prison (talk)
relijun |
eye dialect of |
religion (talk)
ron-day-voo |
eye dialect of |
rendezvous (talk)
ron-day-voo |
eye dialect of |
rendezvous (talk)
sez |
eye dialect of |
says (talk)
shure |
eye dialect of |
sure (talk)
shurely |
eye dialect of |
surely (talk)
sicc |
eye dialect of |
sick (talk)
speerit |
eye dialect of |
spirit (talk)
speshul |
eye dialect of |
special (talk)
stoopid |
eye dialect of |
stupid (talk)
stoppit |
eye dialect of |
] (])
stummick |
eye dialect of |
stomach (talk)
sumthing |
eye dialect of |
something (talk)
sumwhere |
eye dialect of |
somewhere (talk)
swaree |
eye dialect of |
soiree (talk)
thawt |
eye dialect of |
thought (talk)
thort |
eye dialect of |
thought (talk)
thort |
eye dialect of |
thought (talk)
toon |
eye dialect of |
tune (talk)
tray bon |
eye dialect of |
] (])
uv |
eye dialect of |
of (talk)
vaginer |
eye dialect of |
vagina (talk)
varry |
eye dialect of |
very (talk)
voops |
eye dialect of |
whoops (talk)
waitasec |
eye dialect of |
] (])
wanta |
eye dialect of |
] (])
welcum |
eye dialect of |
welcome (talk)
whoze |
eye dialect of |
who’s (talk)
whoze |
eye dialect of |
whose (talk)
whoze |
eye dialect of |
whose (talk)
wimin |
eye dialect of |
women (talk)
wimmin |
eye dialect of |
women (talk)
wimminfolk |
eye dialect of |
womenfolk (talk)
wonce |
eye dialect of |
once (talk)
wos |
eye dialect of |
was (talk)
wuld |
eye dialect of |
would (talk)
wymmyn |
eye dialect of |
women (talk)
yabbut |
eye dialect of |
] (])
yores |
eye dialect of |
yours (talk)
yorself |
eye dialect of |
yourself (talk)
administratorix |
female equivalent of |
administrator (talk)
Alexa |
female equivalent of |
Alex (talk)
comradess |
female equivalent of |
comrade (talk)
demigoddess |
female equivalent of |
demigod (talk)
henchwoman |
female equivalent of |
henchman (talk)
maness |
female equivalent of |
man (talk)
manipulatrix |
female equivalent of |
manipulator (talk)
Politkovskaya |
female equivalent of |
Politkovsky (talk)
Romy |
female equivalent of |
Roman (talk)
vendress |
female equivalent of |
vendor (talk)
Shauna |
feminine of |
Shaun (talk)
Sagueneennes |
feminine plural of |
Saguenean (talk)
Alpha |
former name of |
] (])
Angrezabad |
former name of |
] (])
Armistice Day |
former name of |
Poppy Day (talk)
Asbestos |
former name of |
Les Sources (talk)
Asbestos |
former name of |
Val des Sources (talk)
Austerlitz |
former name of |
Slavkov u Brna (talk)
Austerlitz |
former name of |
Slavkov u Brna (talk)
Bathurst |
former name of |
Banjul (talk)
Battenberg |
former name of |
Battenberg (Eder) (talk)
Battenberg |
former name of |
Battenberg (Pfalz) (talk)
Beloozero |
former name of |
Belozersk (talk)
Bombay Marine |
former name of |
] (])
Buckingham College |
former name of |
] (])
Camelopardalus |
former name of |
Camelopardalis (talk)
Camelopardus |
former name of |
Camelopardalis (talk)
Cape Kennedy |
former name of |
] (])
former name of |
NCIS (talk)
Clare Hall |
former name of |
] (])
former name of |
CDTRP (talk)
College for Women |
former name of |
] (])
Cranganore |
former name of |
Kodungallur (talk)
former name of |
] (])
Eastlake |
former name of |
] (])
European War |
former name of |
] (])
Fengtian |
former name of |
Shenyang (talk)
Fitzwilliam Hall |
former name of |
] (])
Fitzwilliam House |
former name of |
] (])
Gay Village |
former name of |
The Village (talk)
Gebal |
former name of |
Byblos (talk)
Gloucester College |
former name of |
] (])
Gloucester Hall |
former name of |
] (])
Gonville Hall |
former name of |
] (])
Gottschee |
former name of |
Kočevje (talk)
Gumbinnen |
former name of |
Gusev (talk)
Hajipur |
former name of |
Diamond Harbour (talk)
Hart Hall |
former name of |
] (])
Iffley College |
former name of |
] (])
Jin |
former name of |
Ankang (talk)
Jin |
former name of |
Linfen (talk)
Jin |
former name of |
Luyang (talk)
Kweisui |
former name of |
] (])
Lady Presidentress |
former name of |
] (])
Lauenburg |
former name of |
Lębork (talk)
Linacre House |
former name of |
] (])
Lordsburg |
former name of |
La Verne (talk)
Lowana |
former name of |
Loyetea (talk)
Magdalen Hall |
former name of |
] (])
Marie Valence Hall |
former name of |
] (])
Martaban |
former name of |
Mottama (talk)
Maymyo |
former name of |
Pyin Oo Lwin (talk)
Miami |
former name of |
Lake Okeechobee (talk)
Michelob |
former name of |
Mecholupy (talk)
Michelob |
former name of |
Michalovce (talk)
Michelob |
former name of |
Michalovice (talk)
Muroc |
former name of |
Edwards (talk)
Navigator Islands |
former name of |
Samoa (talk)
Negraglia |
former name of |
Negrais (talk)
New Hall |
former name of |
] (])
former name of |
] (])
oleomargaric acid |
former name of |
eleostearic acid (talk)
Panjshir |
former name of |
Panjshir Province (talk)
Parks College |
former name of |
] (])
Pembroke Hall |
former name of |
] (])
Point de Galle |
former name of |
Galle (talk)
Port Arthur |
former name of |
Lüshun (talk)
Porto Rican |
former name of |
Puerto Rican (talk)
Porto Rican |
former name of |
Puerto Rican (talk)
Porto-Novo |
former name of |
Parangipettai (talk)
Poseidonia |
former name of |
Paestum (talk)
Poseidonia |
former name of |
Paestum (talk)
Republican Queen |
former name of |
] (])
Righale |
former name of |
Ryall (talk)
Sandoway |
former name of |
Thandwe (talk)
Sandwich Island |
former name of |
Manuae Island (talk)
Scala Nuova |
former name of |
Kuşadası (talk)
Scutari |
former name of |
Üsküdar (talk)
selective eating disorder |
former name of |
avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (talk)
Seringapatam |
former name of |
Srirangapatna (talk)
Shorzha |
former name of |
Shoghakat (talk)
Somerville Hall |
former name of |
] (])
Stapeldon Hall |
former name of |
] (])
Tanjore |
former name of |
Thanjavur (talk)
Tellicherry |
former name of |
Thalassery (talk)
former name of |
FPCON (talk)
Tinnevelly |
former name of |
Tirunelveli (talk)
Trucial States |
former name of |
Trucial Oman (talk)
Union Islands |
former name of |
Tokelau (talk)
University College |
former name of |
] (])
University Hall |
former name of |
] (])
Urga |
former name of |
] (])
Vizagpatnam |
former name of |
Visakhapatnam (talk)
Wenham |
former name of |
East Carver (talk)
Westport |
former name of |
Kansas City (talk)
Wuchang |
former name of |
Ezhou (talk)
Cesars |
genitive of |
Cesar (talk)
kingis |
genitive of |
kinge (talk)
He |
honor alt case |
he (talk)
She |
honor alt case |
she (talk)
Who |
honor alt case |
who (talk)
dating back to |
infl of |
date back to (talk)
(s)he |
inflection of |
they (talk)
airwave |
inflection of |
airwaves (talk)
approachen |
inflection of |
approach (talk)
Assembly of God |
inflection of |
Assemblies of God (talk)
broken into |
inflection of |
break (talk)
calfs |
inflection of |
calf (talk)
cameth |
inflection of |
come (talk)
caughten |
inflection of |
catch (talk)
chanclaed |
inflection of |
chancla (talk)
crown |
inflection of |
crow (talk)
dancen |
inflection of |
dance (talk)
değerler |
inflection of |
değmek (talk)
domestic science |
inflection of |
domestic sciences (talk)
enticeth |
inflection of |
entice (talk)
exalteth |
inflection of |
exalt (talk)
flown |
inflection of |
flow (talk)
forbod |
inflection of |
forbid (talk)
forlest |
inflection of |
forlese (talk)
forlest |
inflection of |
forlese (talk)
guyses |
inflection of |
guy (talk)
harkee |
inflection of |
hark (talk)
he/she |
inflection of |
they (talk)
heartstring |
inflection of |
heartstrings (talk)
him/herself |
inflection of |
themselves (talk)
household art |
inflection of |
household arts (talk)
inflicteth |
inflection of |
inflict (talk)
inviteth |
inflection of |
invite (talk)
jegging |
inflection of |
jeggings (talk)
Jesus boot |
inflection of |
Jesus boots (talk)
keepen |
inflection of |
keep (talk)
labium minus |
inflection of |
labia minora (talk)
lovedeth |
inflection of |
love (talk)
Neginah |
inflection of |
Neginoth (talk)
obeyeth |
inflection of |
obey (talk)
read |
inflection of |
] (])
run interference |
inflection of |
run interference (talk)
saiden |
inflection of |
say (talk)
saweth |
inflection of |
see (talk)
sayen |
inflection of |
say (talk)
she/he |
inflection of |
they (talk)
shoulden |
inflection of |
shall (talk)
sorroweth |
inflection of |
sorrow (talk)
spaketh |
inflection of |
speak (talk)
strooken |
inflection of |
strike (talk)
sunglass |
inflection of |
sunglasses (talk)
swelleth |
inflection of |
swell (talk)
synonyms |
inflection of |
synonym (talk)
territorial water |
inflection of |
territorial waters (talk)
tooketh |
inflection of |
take (talk)
varenik |
inflection of |
vareniki (talk)
weepen |
inflection of |
weep (talk)
wenteth |
inflection of |
go (talk)
weren |
inflection of |
be (talk)
wern |
inflection of |
be (talk)
zoodle |
inflection of |
zoodles (talk)
all righto |
informal form of |
all right (talk)
all righty |
informal form of |
all right (talk)
awfy |
informal form of |
awfully (talk)
compuper |
informal form of |
computer (talk)
geaux |
informal form of |
go (talk)
Hollyweird |
informal form of |
Hollywood (talk)
L0L |
informal form of |
LOL (talk)
l8ly |
informal form of |
lately (talk)
ladies and gents |
informal form of |
ladies and gentlemen (talk)
m80 |
informal form of |
matey (talk)
Merdoch |
informal form of |
Murdoch (talk)
mudslum |
informal form of |
Muslim (talk)
mudslum |
informal form of |
Muslim (talk)
qrazy |
informal form of |
crazy (talk)
qyoot |
informal form of |
cute (talk)
some1 |
informal form of |
someone (talk)
str8 |
informal form of |
straight (talk)
str8 |
informal form of |
straight (talk)
str8 |
informal form of |
straight (talk)
thaz |
informal form of |
that’s (talk)
vidgame |
informal form of |
video game (talk)
whaz |
informal form of |
what’s (talk)
babez |
informal spelling of |
babes (talk)
becoz |
informal spelling of |
because (talk)
chopstix |
informal spelling of |
chopsticks (talk)
girlz |
informal spelling of |
girls (talk)
hitz |
informal spelling of |
hits (talk)
homeboi |
informal spelling of |
homeboy (talk)
kno |
informal spelling of |
know (talk)
lovez |
informal spelling of |
loves (talk)
phuqing |
informal spelling of |
fucking (talk)
phuqing |
informal spelling of |
fucking (talk)
rulez |
informal spelling of |
rules (talk)
soshulist |
informal spelling of |
socialist (talk)
soshulist |
informal spelling of |
socialist (talk)
thanQ |
informal spelling of |
thank you (talk)
wimen |
informal spelling of |
women (talk)
Sagueneens |
masculine plural of |
Saguenean (talk)
abortation |
misconstruction of |
abortion (talk)
analysises |
misconstruction of |
analyses (talk)
antimicrobicide |
misconstruction of |
] (])
antimicrobicide |
misconstruction of |
microbicide (talk)
calumnate |
misconstruction of |
calumniate (talk)
Cartesian well |
misconstruction of |
artesian well (talk)
case and point |
misconstruction of |
case in point (talk)
centistoke |
misconstruction of |
centistokes (talk)
change tact |
misconstruction of |
change tack (talk)
compassionate conservativism |
misconstruction of |
compassionate conservatism (talk)
copywritten |
misconstruction of |
copyrighted (talk)
disinterlace |
misconstruction of |
deinterlace (talk)
dynamitic |
misconstruction of |
dynamic (talk)
echochemiluminescence |
misconstruction of |
] (])
elephantitis |
misconstruction of |
elephantiasis (talk)
especialize |
misconstruction of |
specialize (talk)
expediate |
misconstruction of |
expedite (talk)
fortunantly |
misconstruction of |
fortunately (talk)
handedly |
misconstruction of |
handily (talk)
hyperoptic |
misconstruction of |
hyperopic (talk)
improductive |
misconstruction of |
unproductive (talk)
inassessibility |
misconstruction of |
unassessability (talk)
inbearable |
misconstruction of |
unbearable (talk)
inbearably |
misconstruction of |
unbearably (talk)
long and behold |
misconstruction of |
lo and behold (talk)
misprison |
misconstruction of |
misprision (talk)
modus operandum |
misconstruction of |
modus operandi (talk)
modus operandus |
misconstruction of |
modus operandi (talk)
most of the times |
misconstruction of |
most of the time (talk)
nationwidely |
misconstruction of |
nationwide (talk)
neck in neck |
misconstruction of |
neck and neck (talk)
objectable |
misconstruction of |
objectionable (talk)
on tender hooks |
misconstruction of |
on tenterhooks (talk)
overally |
misconstruction of |
overall (talk)
P.S.S. |
misconstruction of |
PPS (talk)
pairwised |
misconstruction of |
pairwise (talk)
peremptorally |
misconstruction of |
preemptively (talk)
pes carinatum |
misconstruction of |
pectus carinatum (talk)
pes excavatum |
misconstruction of |
pectus excavatum (talk)
pictorally |
misconstruction of |
pictorially (talk)
portentious |
misconstruction of |
portentous (talk)
preemptorally |
misconstruction of |
preemptively (talk)
misconstruction of |
PPS (talk)
quickety split |
misconstruction of |
lickety-split (talk)
quote on quote |
misconstruction of |
quote unquote (talk)
Revelations |
misconstruction of |
Revelation (talk)
scold |
misconstruction of |
scald (talk)
sneaky suspicion |
misconstruction of |
sneaking suspicion (talk)
telemorph |
misconstruction of |
teleomorph (talk)
tenant |
misconstruction of |
tenet (talk)
tranduce |
misconstruction of |
transduce (talk)
underlied |
misconstruction of |
underlain (talk)
underlied |
misconstruction of |
underlay (talk)
undinting |
misconstruction of |
unstinting (talk)
unfortunant |
misconstruction of |
unfortunate (talk)
unfortunantly |
misconstruction of |
unfortunately (talk)
unprecedent |
misconstruction of |
unprecedented (talk)
unredeemingly |
misconstruction of |
unredeemably (talk)
unsurpassing |
misconstruction of |
unsurpassed (talk)
wheelbarrel |
misconstruction of |
wheelbarrow (talk)
wholescale |
misconstruction of |
wholesale (talk)
doner |
missp |
donor (talk)
abacmectin |
misspelling of |
abamectin (talk)
abberant |
misspelling of |
aberrant (talk)
abbreuvoir |
misspelling of |
abreuvoir (talk)
abdomenally |
misspelling of |
abdominally (talk)
abdomenoplasty |
misspelling of |
abdominoplasty (talk)
abendazole |
misspelling of |
albendazole (talk)
abhored |
misspelling of |
abhorred (talk)
abhoring |
misspelling of |
abhorring (talk)
abhorrant |
misspelling of |
abhorrent (talk)
abietadenic |
misspelling of |
abietadienic (talk)
abitrary |
misspelling of |
arbitrary (talk)
abligation |
misspelling of |
obligation (talk)
ablumenal |
misspelling of |
abluminal (talk)
abnoxious |
misspelling of |
obnoxious (talk)
aboreal |
misspelling of |
arboreal (talk)
aboriculturist |
misspelling of |
arboriculturist (talk)
aboriculturists |
misspelling of |
arboriculturist (talk)
aboriginie |
misspelling of |
aborigine (talk)
aborization |
misspelling of |
arborization (talk)
abortificient |
misspelling of |
abortifacient (talk)
abration |
misspelling of |
abrasion (talk)
absail |
misspelling of |
abseil (talk)
absailing |
misspelling of |
abseiling (talk)
absolvitur |
misspelling of |
absolvitor (talk)
absorbtion |
misspelling of |
absorption (talk)
absorvance |
misspelling of |
absorbance (talk)
abstenance |
misspelling of |
abstinence (talk)
abstenious |
misspelling of |
abstemious (talk)
abuseable |
misspelling of |
abusable (talk)
acaeruloplasminemia |
misspelling of |
aceruloplasminemia (talk)
acantocephalan |
misspelling of |
acanthocephalan (talk)
acceptibility |
misspelling of |
acceptability (talk)
accessability |
misspelling of |
accessibility (talk)
accessable |
misspelling of |
accessible (talk)
accessive |
misspelling of |
excessive (talk)
accessively |
misspelling of |
excessively (talk)
accidentily |
misspelling of |
accidentally (talk)
acclamate |
misspelling of |
acclimate (talk)
accomodate |
misspelling of |
accommodate (talk)
accomodating |
misspelling of |
accommodating (talk)
accomodation |
misspelling of |
accommodation (talk)
accomodator |
misspelling of |
accommodator (talk)
accordian |
misspelling of |
accordion (talk)
accross |
misspelling of |
across (talk)
accummulation |
misspelling of |
accumulation (talk)
acepromacine |
misspelling of |
acepromazine (talk)
aceprozamine |
misspelling of |
acepromazine (talk)
aceptromazine |
misspelling of |
acepromazine (talk)
acetazolamine |
misspelling of |
acetazolamide (talk)
acetazolomide |
misspelling of |
acetazolamide (talk)
aceticlastic |
misspelling of |
acetoclastic (talk)
acetominophen |
misspelling of |
acetaminophen (talk)
acetozolamide |
misspelling of |
acetazolamide (talk)
acheivement |
misspelling of |
achievement (talk)
achrophase |
misspelling of |
acrophase (talk)
acidotrophic |
misspelling of |
acidotropic (talk)
acorosome |
misspelling of |
acrosome (talk)
acotinic |
misspelling of |
aconitic (talk)
acount |
misspelling of |
account (talk)
acousticly |
misspelling of |
acoustically (talk)
acquaculture |
misspelling of |
aquaculture (talk)
acquifiers |
misspelling of |
aquifers (talk)
acro prop |
misspelling of |
acrow prop (talk)
acro |
misspelling of |
acrow (talk)
acrue |
misspelling of |
accrue (talk)
actamyosin |
misspelling of |
actomyosin (talk)
actinohodin |
misspelling of |
actinorhodin (talk)
actogenin |
misspelling of |
acetogenin (talk)
actonitrile |
misspelling of |
acetonitrile (talk)
actosyringone |
misspelling of |
acetosyringone (talk)
ad hominum |
misspelling of |
ad hominem (talk)
ad nauseum |
misspelling of |
ad nauseam (talk)
adament |
misspelling of |
adamant (talk)
adamently |
misspelling of |
adamantly (talk)
adducable |
misspelling of |
adduceable (talk)
adenocortical |
misspelling of |
adrenocortical (talk)
adenocorticotropic |
misspelling of |
adrenocorticotropic (talk)
adeomatosis |
misspelling of |
adenomatosis (talk)
adeomatous |
misspelling of |
adenomatous (talk)
adherance |
misspelling of |
adherence (talk)