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A further major caveat is that a "Citation" on Wiktionary is synonymous with a "Quotation", we use these primary sources to construct dictionary definitions from evidence of the word being used. "References" (aka "Citations" on Wikipedia) are used predominantly for verifying Etymologies and usage notes, not the definitions themselves. This is partly to avoid copyright violation, and partly to ensure that we don't fall into the trap of adding "list words", or words that while often defined are never used in practice.
; please do not create or use them.We hope you enjoy editing Wiktionary and being a Wiktionarian. Conrad.Irwin 17:59, 12 June 2008 (UTC)
Hey, thanks for the cites - it's always good to have more of them. To make it easier to remember the layout guidelines for quotes (WT:QUOTE) it's often easier to use {{cite-book}}
as I have done on Citations:idiot. See you around. Conrad.Irwin 18:24, 12 June 2008 (UTC)
Your quote for antithesis does not include the word "antithesis". A quotation is included to demonstrate how the word is used. --EncycloPetey 06:23, 19 September 2008 (UTC)
Hi. This page seems to include a cite for ~bator and another for ~bation; these do not actually attest the word that the page is for. They belong on the pages for those other words. Thanks. Equinox ◑ 23:57, 15 June 2020 (UTC)