Hungarian surnames ending in -i or -y (both pronounced /i/, e.g. Munkácsy, Kölcsey, Petőfi, Jókai) may form their plurals with or without a linking vowel. These variants are usually synonyms with an occasional difference in meaning. (Reference in Hungarian: e-nyelv: The plural of surnames ending in -i or -y.)
Possessive forms of Vörösmarty | ||
possessor | single possession | multiple possessions |
1st person sing. | Vörösmartym | Vörösmartyjaim (or Vörösmartyim) |
2nd person sing. | Vörösmartyd | Vörösmartyjaid (or Vörösmartyid) |
3rd person sing. | Vörösmartyja | Vörösmartyjai (or Vörösmartyi) |
1st person plural | Vörösmartynk | Vörösmartyjaink (or Vörösmartyink) |
2nd person plural | Vörösmartytok | Vörösmartyjaitok (or Vörösmartyitok) |
3rd person plural | Vörösmartyjuk | Vörösmartyjaik (or Vörösmartyik) |