10 Results found for "Wiktionary:Etymology_scriptorium/2013/view_image.php".

Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2013/August

have is {{rfv-etymology}}, which tags an entry for discussion in the Etymology Scriptorium (WT:ES). Chuck Entz (talk) 14:41, 20 August 2013 (UTC) We do...

Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2013/September

Etym. scr. • Info desk • Beer parlour • Grease pit ← August 2013 · September 2013 · October 2013 → · (current) I can find one hit for Copenhagenisation and...

Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2024/March

Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium/2013/September Chuck Entz (talk) 04:09, 25 March 2024 (UTC) Hmm, it seems like this user's edits from 2013 may not have...

Wiktionary:Grease pit

2024 (UTC) Why is this discussion not showing up in Wiktionary:Etymology_scriptorium/2024/June? I'm not sure if I should just manually move it over....

Wiktionary:Requests for verification/English

deletion. Requests to confirm that a certain etymology is correct should go in the Etymology scriptorium, and requests to confirm pronunciation is correct...

Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2015/August

majority view that Balto-Slavic is a real thing, then you will have to explain this and why this view should be preferred in Wiktionary etymologies. Because...

Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2012/September

an image of that, instead). Thus, it is very rarely necessary to host non-free content, but it is necessary to host non-free content, in my view. - -sche...

Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2012/December

Until January 2nd, 2013, at 1:39pm : Frequently inserting non-Cantonese words when editing (e.g. 唔噏"bye" in <a href="/w/index.php...

Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2023/January

Etymology scriptorium page watchlisted. I'm suggesting that because the closest thing to the new RFVR is the requests for verification of etymologies...

Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2010/May

using labeled section transclusion, like it's currently used for "Etymology Scriptorium". --Ivan Štambuk 13:53, 20 May 2010 (UTC) Conrad, I concluded that...