Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Complete Shakespeare wordlist 1

Hello, you have come here looking for the meaning of the word Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Complete Shakespeare wordlist 1. In DICTIOUS you will not only get to know all the dictionary meanings for the word Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Complete Shakespeare wordlist 1, but we will also tell you about its etymology, its characteristics and you will know how to say Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Complete Shakespeare wordlist 1 in singular and plural. Everything you need to know about the word Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Complete Shakespeare wordlist 1 you have here. The definition of the word Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Complete Shakespeare wordlist 1 will help you to be more precise and correct when speaking or writing your texts. Knowing the definition ofWiktionary:Frequency lists/Complete Shakespeare wordlist 1, as well as those of other words, enriches your vocabulary and provides you with more and better linguistic resources.


Aaron abaissiez abandon abandoned abase abate abated abatement abatements abates abbess abbey abbeys abbot abbots abbreviated abed abel abet abetting abhominable abhor abhorred abhorring abhors Abhorson abide abides abilities ability abject abjectly abjects abjure able abler aboard abode aboded abodements aboding abominable abominably abominations abortive abortives abound abounding about above abr Abraham Abram abreast abridge abridged abridgment abroach abroad abrogate abrook abrupt abruption abruptly absence absent absey absolute absolutely absolver abstains abstemious abstinence abstract absurd Absyrtus abundance abundant abundantly abuse abused abuser abuses abusing abutting aby abysm academe academes accent accents accept acceptable acceptance accepted accepts access accessary accessible accidence

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accident accidental accidentally accidents accite accited accites acclamations accommodate accommodated accommodation accommodations accommodo accompanied accompany accompanying accomplices accomplish accomplished accomplishing accomplishment accompt accord accordant accorded accordeth according accordingly accords accost accosted account accountant accounted accounts accoutred accoutrement accoutrements accrue accumulate accumulated accumulation accursed accurst accusation accusations accusative accusativo accuse accused accuser accusers accuses accuseth accusing accustomed ace acerb ache Acheron aches achieve achieved achievement achievements achiever achieves achieving Achilles aching Achitophel acides acknowledge acknowledged acknowledgment acknown acold aconitum acordo acorn acquaint acquaintance acquainted acquaints acquire acquisition acquit acquittance acquittances acquitted acre acres across act Actaeon acted acting action actions Actium active

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actively activity actor actors acts actual acute acutely adage adallas adam adamant add added adder adders addeth addict addicted addiction adding addition additions addle address addressing addrest adds adhere adheres adieu adieus adjacent adjoining adjourn adjudged adjunct administer administration admirable admiral admiration admire admired admirer admiring admiringly admission admit admits admittance admitted admitting admonish admonishing admonishment admonishments admonition ado adonis adopt adopted adoptedly adoption adoptious adopts adoration adorations adore adorer adores adorest adoreth adoring adorn adorned adornings adornment adorns adown adramadio Adrian Adriana Adriano Adriatic adsum adulation adulterate adulterates adulterers adulteress adulteries adulterous adultery adultress advance advanced advancement advancements advances advancing

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advantage advantageable advantaged advantageous advantages advantaging adventure adventures adventuring adventurous adventurously adversaries adversary adverse adversely adversities adversity advertise advertised advertisement advertising advice advise advised advisedly advises advisings advocate advocation aeacida aediles Aegeon Aegion Aegles Aemelia Aemilia Aemilius Aeneas Aeolus aer aerial aery Aesculapius Aesop Aetna afar afeard affability affable affair affaire affairs affect affectation affectations affected affecteth affecting affection affectionate affectionately affections affects affiance affianced affied affined affinity affirm affirmation affirmatives afflict afflicted affliction afflictions afflicts afford affordeth affords affray affright affrighted affrights affront affronted affy afield afire afloat afoot afore aforehand aforesaid afraid afresh Afric Africa African afront after afternoon

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afterward afterwards again against Agamemnon agate age aged agenor agent agents ages aggravate agile Agincourt agitation aglet agnize ago agone agony agree agreed agreeing agreement agrees agrippa aground ague aguecheek agued agueface agues aha ahungry aid aidance aidant aided aiding aidless aids ail aim aimed aimest aiming aims ainsi air aired airless airs airy Ajax akilling alabaster alack alacrity alarbus alarm alarms alarum alarums alas alb alban albans Albany albeit Albion alchemist alchemy Alcibiades Alcides alder alderman aldermen ale alehouse alehouses alencon alengon aleppo ales Alexander Alexanders Alexandria Alexandrian alexas alias alice alien aliena alight alighted alights aliis alike Alisander alive

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all alla allay allayed allaying allayment allayments allays allegation allegations allege alleged allegiance allegiant alley alleys Allhallowmas alliance allicholy allied allies alligant alligator allons allot allots allotted allottery allow allowance allowed allowing allows allure allurement alluring allusion almain almanac almanack almanacs almighty almond almost alms aloft alone along Alonso aloof aloud alphabet alphabetical Alphonso alps already also altar altars alter alteration altered alters althaea although altitude altogether alton alway always ally allycholly amaimon amain amaking amamon amaze amazed amazedly amazedness amazement amazes amazeth amazing amazon amazonian amazons ambassador ambassadors amber ambiguides ambiguities ambiguous ambition ambitions ambitious ambitiously amble ambled ambles ambling

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ambo ambuscadoes ambush amen amend amended amendment amends amerce America ames amiable amid amidst amiens amis amiss amities amity amnipotent among amongst amorous amort amount amounts amphimacus ample ampler amplest amplified amplify amply ampthill amurath amyntas anatomize anatomy ancestor ancestors ancestry Anchises anchor anchorage anchored anchoring anchors anchovies ancient ancientry ancients ancus and andirons andpholus andren Andrew Andromache Andronici Andronicus anew angel angelica angelical angelo angels anger angerly angers anges angiers anglais angle angler angleterre angliae angling anglish angrily angry anguish angus animal animals animis anjou ankle anna annals anne annexed annexment annothanize announces annoy annoyance annoying annual anoint anointed anon

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another Anselmo answer answerable answered answerest answering answers ant ante antenor antenorides anteroom anthem anthems Anthony anthropophagi anthropophaginian antiates antic anticipate anticipates anticipatest anticipating anticipation anticly antics antidote antidotes Antigonus Antiopa antipathy Antipholus antipholuses antipodes antiquary antique antiquity antium antoniad Antonio Antonius Antony antres anvil any anybody anyone anything anywhere apace apart apartment apartments ape apemantus Apennines apes apiece apish apollinem Apollo Apollodorus apology apoplexy apostle apostles apostrophas apoth apothecary appal appalled appals apparel apparelled apparent apparently apparition apparitions appeach appeal appeals appear appearance appeared appeareth appearing appears appease appeased appele appelee appeles appelez appellant appellants appelons appendix apperil appertain appertaining

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appertainings appertains appertinent appertinents appetite appetites applaud applauded applauding applause applauses apple apples appletart appliance appliances applications applied applies apply applying appoint appointed appointment appointments appoints apprehend apprehended apprehends apprehension apprehensions apprehensive apprenticehood appris approach approachers approaches approacheth approaching approbation approof appropriation approve approved approvers approves appurtenance appurtenances apricocks april apron aprons apt apter aptest aptly aptness aqua aquitaine arabia arabian araise arbitrate arbitrating arbitrator arbitrement arbors arbour arc arch archbishop archbishopric archdeacon arched archelaus archer archers archery archibald architect arcu arde arden ardent ardour are argal argier argo argosies argosy argue argued argues arguing argument arguments argus ariadne ariel aries

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aright arinies arion arise arises ariseth arising aristode arithmetic arithmetician ark arm armado armadoes armagnac arme armed armenia armies arming armipotent armor armour armourer armourers armours armoury arms army arn aroint arose arouse aroused arragon arraign arraigned arraigning arraignment arrant arras array arrearages arrest arrested arrests arrival arrivance arrive arrived arrives arriving arrogance arrogancy arrogant arrow arrows art artemidorus arteries Arthur article articles articulate artificer artificial artillery artire artist artists artless artois arts artus arviragus ascanius ascend ascended ascendeth ascends ascension ascent ascribe ascribes ash ashamed asher ashes ashford ashore ashouting ashy asia aside ask askance asked asker asketh asking asks

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aslant asleep asmath asp aspect aspects aspen aspersion aspic aspicious aspiration aspire aspiring asquint ass assail assailable assailant assailants assailed assaileth assailing assails assassination assault assaulted assaults assay assaying assays assemblance assemble assembled assemblies assembly assent asses assez assign assigns assinico assist assistance assistances assistant assistants assisted assisting associate associated associates assuage assubjugate assume assumes assumption assurance assure assured assuredly assures assyrian astonish astonished astray astrea astronomer astronomers astronomical astronomy asunder ate ates athenian athenians athens athol athversary athwart atlas atomies atomy atone atonement atonements atropos attach attached attachment attain attainder attains attaint attainted attainture attempt attemptable attempted attempting attempts attend

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attendance attendant attendants attended attendents attendeth attending attends attent attention attentive attentivenes attest attested attire attired attires attorney attorneyed attorneys attorneyship attract attraction attractive attracts attribute attributed attributes attribution attributive atwain Aubrey auburn aucun audacious audaciously audacity audible audience audis audit auditor auditors auditory Audrey aufidius aufidiuses auger aught augment augmentation augmented augmenting augurer augurers augures auguring augurs augury August Augustus auld aumerle aunchient aunt aunts auricular auspicious aussi austere austerely austereness austerity Austria aut authentic author authorities authority authorized authorizing authors autolycus autre Autumn auvergne avail avails avarice avaricious avaunt ave avenge avenged averring avert aves avez avoid avoided avoiding

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avoids avoirdupois avouch avouched avouches avouchment avow await awaits awake awaked awaken awakened awakens awakes awaking award awards awasy away awe aweary aweless awful awhile awkward awl awooing awork awry axe axle axletree aye ayez azure


babble babbling babe babes babies baboon baboons baby babylon bacare bacchanals bacchus bachelor bachelors back backbite backbitten backing backs backward backwardly backwards bacon bacons bad bade badge badged badges badly badness baes baffle baffled bag baggage bagot bagpipe bags bail bailiff baillez baily baisant baisees baiser bait baited baiting baitings baits bake baked bakes baking bal balance balcony bald baldrick bale baleful balk ball ballad

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ballads ballast ballasting ballet ballow balls balm balms balmy balsam balsamum balth balthasar balthazar bames ban banbury band bandied banding banditto bands bandy bandying bane banes bang bangor banish banished banishers banishment banister bank bankrout bankrupt bankrupts banks banner bannerets banners banning banns banquet banqueted banqueting banquets banquo bans baptism baptista bar barbarian barbarians barbarism barbarous barbary barbason barbed barber barbermonger bard bardolph bards bare bared barefaced barefoot bareheaded barely bareness barful bargain bargains barge bargulus baring bark barking barkloughly barks barky barley barm barn barnacles barnardine barne barnes barnet barns baron barons barony barrabas barrel barrels barren barrenly barrenness barricado

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barricadoes barrow bars barson bartholomew bas basan base baseless basely baseness baser bases basest bashful bashfulness basilisco basilisk basilisks basimecu basin basingstoke basins basis basket baskets bass bassanio bassianus basta bastard bastardizing bastardly bastards bastardy basted bastes bastinado basting bat batailles batch bate bated bates bath bathe bathed bathing baths bating batler bats battalia battalions batten batter battering batters battery battle battled battlefield battlements battles batty bauble baubles baubling bavin bawcock bawd bawdry bawds bawdy bawl bawling bay baying bayonne bays beach beached beachy beacon bead beadle beadles beads beadsmen beagle beagles beak beaks beam beamed beams bean beans bear beard

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bearded beardless beards bearer bearers bearest beareth bearing bears beast beastliest beastliness beastly beasts beat beated beaten beating beatrice beats beau beaufort beaumond beaumont beauteous beautied beauties beautified beautiful beautify beauty beaver beavers became because bechance bechanced beck beckons becks become becomed becomes becoming becomings bed bedabbled bedazzled bedchamber bedclothes bedded bedeck bedecking bedew bedfellow bedfellows bedford bedlam bedrench bedrid beds bedtime bedward bee beef beefs beehives been beer bees beest beetle beetles beeves befall befallen befalls befell befits befitted befitting before beforehand befortune befriend befriended befriends beg began beget begets begetting beggar beggared beggarly beggarman beggars beggary begging begin beginners

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beginning beginnings begins begnawn begone begot begotten begrimed begs beguile beguiled beguiles beguiling begun behalf behalfs behaved behavedst behavior behaviors behaviour behaviours behead beheaded beheld behest behests behind behold beholder beholders beholdest beholding beholds behoof behooffull behooves behove behoves behowls being belarius belch belching beldam beldame beldams belgia belie belied belief beliest believe believed believes believest believing belike bell bellario belle bellied bellies bellman bellow bellowed bellowing bellows bells belman belmont belong belonging belongings belongs beloved beloving below belt belzebub belly bellyful bemadding bemet bemete bemoaned bemock bemonster ben bench bencher benches bend bended bending bends bene beneath benedicite benedick benediction

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benedictus benefactors benefice beneficial benefit benefited benefits benetted benevolence benevolences benied benison bennet bent bentii bentivolii bents benumbed benvolio bepaint bepray bequeath bequeathed bequeathing bequest ber berard berattle bere bereave bereaved bereaves bereft bergamo bergomask berhyme berkeley bermoothes bernardo berod berowne berri berries berrord berry bertram berwick beseech beseechers beseeching beseek beseem beseemeth beseeming beseems beset beshrew beside besides besiege besieged beslubber besmear besmeared besmirch besom besort besotted bespake bespeak bespice bespoke bespotted bess bessy best bestained bested bestial bestir bestow bestowed bestowing bestows bestraught bestrew bestrid bestride bestrides bet betake beteem bethink bethought bethrothed betid betide betideth betime betimes betoken

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betook betossed betray betrayed betraying betrays betrims betrothed betroths betted better bettered bettering betters betting bettre between betwixt bevel beverage bevis bevy bewail bewailed bewailing bewails beware bewasted beweep bewept bewet bewhored bewitch bewitched bewitchment bewray beyond bezonian bezonians bianca bias bibble bickerings bid bidden bidding biddings biddy bide bides biding bids bien bier bifold big bigamy biggen bigger bigness bigot bilberry bilbo bilboes bilbow bill billeted billets billiards billing billow billows bills bin bind bindeth binding binds biondello birch bird birding birdlime birds birnam birth birthday birthdom birthplace birthright birthrights births bis biscuit bishop bishops bisson bit bitch bite biter

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bites biting bits bitten bitter bitterest bitterly bitterness blab blabbing blabs black blackamoor blackberries blackberry blacker blackest blackfriars blackheath blackmere blackness blacks bladder bladders blade bladed blades blains blame blamed blameful blameless blames blanc blanca blanch blank blanket blanks blaspheme blaspheming blasphemous blasphemy blast blasted blasting blastments blasts blaze blazes blazing blazon blazoning bleach bleaching bleak bleared bleat bleated bleats bled bleed bleedest bleedeth bleeding bleeds blemish blemishes blench blenches blended blent bless blessed blessedly blessedness blesses blesseth blessing blessings blest blew blind blinded blindfold blinding blindly blindness blinds blink blinking bliss blister blisters blithe blithild bloat block blockish blocks blois

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blood blooded bloodhound bloodied bloodier bloodiest bloodily bloodless bloods bloodshed bloodshedding bloodstained bloody bloom blooms blossom blossoming blossoms blot blots blotted blotting blow blowed blowers blowest blowing blown blows blowse blubbering blue bluecaps bluest blunt blunted blunter bluntest blunting bluntly bluntness blunts blur blurs blush blushes blushest blushing bluster blusters boar board boarded boards boarish boars boast boasted boastful boasting boasts boat boats boatswain bob boblibindo bobtail bocchus bode boded bodements bodes bodied bodies bodiless bodily boding bodkin body bodykins bog boggle boggler bogs bohemia bohemian bohun boil boiling boils boisterous boisterously boitier bold bolder boldest boldly boldness bolds bolingbroke bolster bolt

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bolted bolters bolting bolts bombard bombards bombast bon bona bond bondage bondmaid bondman bondmen bonds bondslave bone boneless bones bonfire bonfires bonjour bonne bonnet bonneted bonto bonville bonny bood book bookish books boon boor boorish boot booted bootless boots booty bor bora borachio bordeaux border bordered borderers borders bore bores born borne borough boroughs borrow borrowed borrower borrowing borrows bosko boskos bosky bosom bosoms boson bosworth botch botches both bots bottle bottled bottles bottom bottomless bottoms bouciqualt bouge bough boughs bought bounce bouncing bound bounded bounden boundeth bounding boundless bounds bounteous bounties bountiful bountifully bounty bourbier bourbon bourdeaux bourn bout bouts

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bow bowcase bowed bowels bower bowing bowl bowler bowls bows bowsprit bowstring box boxes boy boyet boyish boys brabant brabantio brabble brabbler brace bracelet bracelets brach bracy brag braggards braggart braggarts bragging brags braid brain brained brainford brainish brains brainsick brainsickly brake brakenbury brakes brambles bran branch branches branchless brand branded brandish brandon brands bras brass brassy brat brats brave braved bravely braver bravery braves bravest braving brawl brawler brawling brawls brawn brawns bray braying brazen brazier breach breaches bread breadth break breaker breakfast breaking breaks breast breasted breasting breastplate breasts breath breathe breathed breather breathers breathes breathest breathing breathless breaths

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brecknock bred breech breeches breeching breed breeder breeders breeding breeds breese breff bretagne brethen bretheren brethren brevis brevity brew brewage brewers brewing briareus briars bribe briber bribes brick bricklayer bricks bridal bride bridegroom bridegrooms brides bridge bridgenorth bridges bridget bridle bridled brief briefer briefest briefly briefness brier briers brigandine bright brighten brightest brightly brightness brim brimful brims brimstone brinded brine bring bringer bringeth bringing bringings brings brinish brink brisk brisky bristle bristled bristly Bristol bristow Britain Britaine Britaines British Briton Britons Brittany brittle broach broached broad broader broadsides brocas brogues broil broiling broils broke broken brokenly broker brokers brokes broking brooch

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brooches brood brooded brooding brook brooks broom broomstaff broth brothel brother brotherhood brotherly brothers broths brought brow brown browner brows browse bruise bruised bruises bruising bruit bruited brundusium brunt brush brushes brute brutish brutus bubble bubbles bubbling bubukles buck bucket buckets bucking Buckingham buckle buckled buckler bucklers bucklersbury buckles buckram bucks bud budded budding budge budger budget buds buff buffet buffeting buffets bug bugle bugs build builded buildeth building buildings builds built bulk bulks bull bullcalf bullen bullens bullet bullets bullocks bulls bulmer bulwark bulwarks bully bum bumbast bump bumper bums bunch bunches bundle bung bunghole bungle bunting buoy bur burbolt

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burden burdened burdening burdenous burdens burgher burghers burglary burgomasters burgonet burgundy burial buried burier buriest burly burn burned burnet burneth burning burns burnt burr burrows burs burst bursting bursts burthen burthens burton bury burying bush bushels bushes bushy busied busily busines business businesses busky buss busses bussing bustle bustling busy but butcheed butcher butchered butcheries butcherly butchers butchery butler butt butter buttered butterflies butterfly buttery buttock buttocks button buttonhole buttons buttress butts buxom buy buyer buying buys buzz buzzard buzzards buzzers buzzing bye Byzantium