Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/2005/10/5001-6000 Carl = 6506.53 temporal = 6502.59 twenty-two = 6502.02 dickens = 6501.46 eminently = 6501.46 Moscow = 6498...
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/2005/10/6001-7000 dictionary = 4638.91 Ishmael = 4638.35 erroneous = 4637.79 rend = 4637.79 wad = 4637.79 willie = 4637.22...
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/2005/10/7001-8000 una = 3374.88 fabulous = 3374.32 clamor = 3373.19 sweets = 3373.19 olden = 3372.06 convoy = 3371.50 athletic...
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/2005/10/4001-5000 mute = 9215.33 compilation = 9213.64 Robinson = 9211.39 fox = 9208.58 Babylon = 9198.44 Delaware = 9198...
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/2005/10/9001-10000 rye = 2490.90 hag = 2489.77 desultory = 2489.21 orbit = 2489.21 Warsaw = 2489.21 bizarre = 2488.65 graduate...
6001-7000 7001-8000 8001-9000 9001-10000 The list as of 10/10/2005 ordered descending by frequency: borne damages copying bell preserve doth painful departed...
6001-7000 7001-8000 8001-9000 9001-10000 The list as of 10/10/2005 ordered descending by frequency: fortunes Massachusetts dig intend roused grandfather...
6001-7000 7001-8000 8001-9000 9001-10000 The list as of 10/10/2005 ordered descending by frequency: eagle suspicious muscles unfortunately squire turkey...
6001-7000 7001-8000 8001-9000 9001-10000 The list as of 10/10/2005 ordered descending by frequency: ordinary excellent bill sorry native method rock confidence...
7001-8000 8001-9000 9001-10000 The list as of 1/1/2006 ordered descending by frequency: the of and to in I that was he his it with is for as had you not be on...