5 Results found for "Wiktionary:Frequency_lists/Polish/assets/css/style.css".

Wiktionary:Beer parlour

colors from MediaWiki:Gadget-Palette.css (which, in my opinion, could use some more colors) or use a custom style sheet, so that the colors can be varied...

Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2013/October

MediaWiki:Common.css, and that's not a template so no changes need to "propagate". The browsers of users just need to download the updated style sheet, which...

Wiktionary:Information desk/Archive 2010/July-December

import a CSS is to add the following to (the top of) your monobook.css: @import url("[url of the styelsheet]");. This will only work with CSS stylesheets...

Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2024/November

that individuals do not need to muck around with the fine points of CSS styling to achieve an acceptable-looking inflection table. When it comes to colours...

Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2023/January

would be to do this selectively only for the top X pages of a language by frequency (e.g. the top 10,000). What was proposed a few months ago was to auto-add...