Based on a list DTLHS generated of all the headers in use on this project, it seems that the following misspellings occur (not just in headers). Anyone looking for an easy edit count could search a database dump for, and fix, such misspellings periodically. (Note that the misspellings should be fixed manually and not by bot, as they are sometimes valid words in languages other than English.) Note that for each misspelling below, one should search for both the string itself as a word and the string pluralised by an appended -s.
Feel free to list more misspellings below. - -sche (discuss) 05:38, 2 March 2014 (UTC)
abreviation, adejctive, adjecitve, adjectiv*, ajdective, alernative, alterantive, alterative, alternatve, alterntive, anonym, antomyn, antonmy, antonyme, antonymn, antonyn, anttonym, anyonym, atnonym, compund, cnjugation, cojugation, conjugattion, connjugation, conujugation, counjugation, cpnjugation, decendant, descendent, descedant, descendanst, descensdant, desecendant, dcelension, dclension, declenation, declensiion, declensio*, declensiom, declenson, declention, declesion, declesnsion, dedlension, delcension, delension, decelension, etimology, etmology, etmymology, etmyology, etumology, etymimology, etymlogy, etymogy, etymolgoy, etymolgy, etymolog*, etymologie*, etymologiy, etymologoy, etymologyy, etymoloy, etymoogy, etymplogy, etyomology, etyymology, eymology, eytmology, exernal links, proninciation, prononciation, pronounciation, pronounciaton, pronuncation, pronunciaiton, pronunciaotion, pronunciatio*, pronunciaton, pronuncition, pronuniation, pronunsiation, pronuntiation, pronynciation, prounciation, proununciation, referece, referene, refernce, realated, realted, relatred, synomym, synoym, synomyn, synonim, synonoym, synonymn, synonyn, synonys, synonysm, synoynm, synynom, syonym, translatio*, traslation, trnslation
* When a misspelling is only different from the correct spelling by missing one or more characters at the end, be careful to construct the search to avoid accidentally finding all the correct as well as the incorrect spellings.
(example of a misspelt parameter: )
heaad, heaf, hed, heead