4 Results found for "Wiktionary:Todo/assets/css/custom.css".

Wiktionary:Frequency lists/German/Mixed web 3M/1150001-1200000

CSRTs css CSȘ ČSS CSS 3 CSS Animation CSS-3 CSS-5 CSS-9Version CSS-Ahnungsloser CSS-Angaben CSS-Animationen CSS-Anpassungen CSS-Anweisung CSS-Background...

Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2023/January

if this thread doesnt come up with any good ideas, we could offer a custom CSS snippet just a few lines long that would make the headers more distinct...

Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2009/September

generates <strong class="selflink">linktext</strong>. We can then customize the CSS for, say, ul strong.selflink. (I realize this is the exact opposite...

Wiktionary:Grease pit/2023/October

some reason it also puts the word in a different CSS class which i noticed because i use custom CSS. For everyone else, it's barely noticeable, but still...