10 Results found for "Wiktionary:Votes/assets/css/style.css".

Wiktionary:Grease pit/2013/February

bribes only for support votes, or for any vote at all? —Angr 23:16, 8 March 2013 (UTC) More $$$ for support votes than opposing votes. Now I need someone...

Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2013/October

MediaWiki:Common.css, and that's not a template so no changes need to "propagate". The browsers of users just need to download the updated style sheet, which...

Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2009/September

always rely upon. Also, regarding pre-vote discussion (which I absolutely agree is a must for most votes, save admin votes etc.), maybe we could come up with...

Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2017/June

replacement for External links via Wiktionary:Votes/2016-12/"References" and "External sources" and Wiktionary:Votes/2017-03/"External sources", "External links"...

Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2020/November

Wiktionary:Votes/2020-10/Use of "pronunciation spelling" label to Wiktionary:Votes/Active. I have tried to do it, but I get an error "Lua error in Module:votes at...

Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2018/February

(UTC) A simpler first step towards standardisation would be to use one CSS style for all of these templates (so that the look at least is consistent)....

Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2023/January

you can use your Wikimedia account to access the voting server. What happens after the vote? Votes will be scrutinized by an independent group of volunteers...

Wiktionary:Information desk/Archive 2010/July-December

import a CSS is to add the following to (the top of) your monobook.css: @import url("[url of the styelsheet]");. This will only work with CSS stylesheets...

Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2019/September

and comment on this proposal here: Wiktionary:Votes/2019-09/Replacing de-sysop votes with confirmation votes. —Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds 03:56, 8 September...

Wiktionary:Grease pit/2012/May

productive, as it's quite common for sites to have separate domains for assets like fonts and images. —CodeCat 17:25, 23 May 2012 (UTC) No, not subdomains...