Wiktionary:Requests_for_deletion#mahā Wiktionary talk:Votes/pl-2014-06/Romanization of Sanskrit Wiktionary talk:Votes/pl-2014-06/Allowing attested romanizations Never...
Wiktionary talk:Votes/pl-2014-08/CFI Misspelling Cleanup#Rationale. The voters only vote on the proposed action, not on the rationale. Vote starts: 00:01...
(UTC) Vote created: bd2412 T 20:09, 23 July 2014 (UTC) Discussion: Wiktionary:Votes/pl-2014-06/Romanization of Sanskrit Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2014/June#Prescriptivism...
recursiveness of the vote. Rationale: See Wiktionary talk:Votes/pl-2015-07/Disallowing extending of votes#Rationale. The voters only vote on the proposed action...
Rationale: For the vote creator's rationale, see Wiktionary talk:Votes/pl-2014-03/Unified Norwegian#Rationale. The voters only vote on the proposed action...
talk:Votes/pl-2014-04/Keeping common misspellings Support Dan Polansky (talk) 07:58, 6 April 2014 (UTC)' Support Equinox ◑ 08:08, 6 April 2014 (UTC)...
well-known work Wiktionary:Votes/pl-2014-03/CFI: Removing usage in a well-known work 2 and Wiktionary talk:Votes/pl-2014-03/CFI: Removing usage in a...
For the vote creator's rationale, see Wiktionary talk:Votes/pl-2014-03/CFI: Removing usage in a well-known work 2#Rationale. The voters only vote on the...
parlour/2014/June#Prescriptivism as to common lay transliterations. Talk:mahā#RfD discussion Talk:mahā#May 2015 deletion discussion Wiktionary talk:Votes/pl...
Discussion: Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2014/March#A new format for Chinese entries (multisyllables) Wiktionary talk:Votes/pl-2014-04/Unified Chinese Wiktionary...