From brocanter + -eur. brocanteur m (plural brocanteurs, feminine brocanteuse) broker dealer in junk or in second-hand goods → Greek: μπροκαντέρ (brokantér)...
brocanteuse f (plural brocanteuses, masculine brocanteur) female equivalent of brocanteur...
Borrowed from French brocanteur. μπροκαντέρ • (brokantér) m or f (indeclinable) (Egyptiot) seller of antiques (Egyptiot) antiquarian μπροκαντέρι (brokantéri)...
Borrowed from French brocanteur + -ερί (-erí, suffix for shops). μπροκαντερί • (brokanterí) f (indeclinable) (Egyptiot) antique shop αντικερί f (antikerí...
puces: flea market; market for bric-à-brac car boot sale; jumble sale brocanteur brocanter “brocante”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized...