dolum faciō (present infinitive dolum facere, perfect active dolum fēcī, supine dolum factum); third conjugation iō-variant, limited passive, irregular passive voice
The tricks themselves are treated as the subject in the passive voice, not their target(s); therefore, to convey the phrase "to be tricked," the speaker is to put the subject in the dative and the trickster in the nominative and conjugate the verb in the active voice, OR they can use the passive and put "dolus" in the nominative. (I.e. "I've been tricked!" becomes "Mihī dolum/dolōs fēcit/fēcērunt!" or "Dolus mihī factus est!" (one trick) or "Dolī mihī factī sunt!" (more than one trick).)
The given conjugation for the active voice assumes only one trick being played on the victim. For multiple tricks in the active, use dolōs.