10 Results found for "en/B".

en B

ˈbe] en B (idiomatic) illegally; cash in hand Synonym: en negro cobrar en B ― charge cash trabaja en B ― he/she works off the books me pagan en B ― they...


See also: Appendix:Variations of "ben" b-en IPA(key): /beːn̩/ Rhymes: -eːn̩ Hyphenation: B-‧en Homophone: b-en B-en m definite singular of B b-en, ben...


See also: Appendix:Variations of "ben" B-en IPA(key): /beːn̩/ Rhymes: -eːn̩ Hyphenation: b-‧en Homophone: B-en b-en m definite singular of b B-en, ben...

en- -en

See also: enen and énen em- -en (before b-, p-, or m-) IPA(key): /ɛnˈ-, -ən/ en- -en Forms transitive verbs denoting an increase in, or intensification...

em- -en

em- -en Alternative form of en- -en used prebilabially, that is, when the word to which it is applied begins with ‘b’, ‘p’, or ‘m’. See en- -en. -neme...


b-boying b-day b-flat b flat b-girl b-girling b-hop b-hopping b-school b sharp b-sharp b-word chlorophyll b my b   Abbreviations. b (text messaging) Abbreviation...


See B/translations § English. antihemophilic factor B basic B B-factory B-heptomino B-list B-side B story B vitamin Lake Bordeaux B peyssonol B plan B prothromboplastin...


Appendix:Variations of "en" em- (before certain consonants, principally the labials b and p) From Middle English en- (“en-, in-”). Originally from Old French en- (also...


article on: B-film Wikipedia sv B +‎ film (“movie”) B-film c a B movie Synonym: (colloquial) B-rulle Jag såg en skön B-film igår I saw a nice B movie yesterday...


than an A−. A position in ballet where the dancer's working leg is pointed behind them in a bent fourth position; an unstretched tendu en arrière B+ tree...