10 Results found for "en/B̶".


See also: Appendix:Variations of "ben" b-en IPA(key): /beːn̩/ Rhymes: -eːn̩ Hyphenation: B-‧en Homophone: b-en B-en m definite singular of B b-en, ben...


See also: Appendix:Variations of "ben" B-en IPA(key): /beːn̩/ Rhymes: -eːn̩ Hyphenation: b-‧en Homophone: B-en b-en m definite singular of b B-en, ben...

en B

ˈbe] en B (idiomatic) illegally; cash in hand Synonym: en negro cobrar en B ― charge cash trabaja en B ― he/she works off the books me pagan en B ― they...

en- -en

See also: enen and énen em- -en (before b-, p-, or m-) IPA(key): /ɛnˈ-, -ən/ en- -en Forms transitive verbs denoting an increase in, or intensification...

em- -en

em- -en Alternative form of en- -en used prebilabially, that is, when the word to which it is applied begins with ‘b’, ‘p’, or ‘m’. See en- -en. -neme...


Appendix:Variations of "en" em- (before certain consonants, principally the labials b and p) From Middle English en- (“en-, in-”). Originally from Old French en- (also...


brochette en clair en effet en famille en femme en garçon en garde en masse en pantoufles en passant en règle en retard en retraite en revanche en route en secondes...


/beː/ (phoneme): IPA(key): /b/ Homophone: be b m (upper case B, definite singular b-en, indefinite plural b-ar, definite plural b-ane) The second letter of...


Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz, Ææ, Øø, Åå B m (definite singular B-en, indefinite plural B-er, definite plural B-ene) the letter B, the second letter of the Norwegian...

en negro

or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.) en negro (idiomatic) illegally; cash in hand Synonym: en Ben negro”, in Diccionario de la lengua española...