10 Results found for "en/Hijra".


also: hijra English Wikipedia has an article on: Hijra (Islam) Wikipedia Hijrah, Hidjra Hegira, Hejira (uncommon): hijra From Arabic هِجْرَة (hijra, “departure...


See also: Hijra IPA(key): /ˈhɪd͡ʒɹə/ English Wikipedia has an article on: Hijra (South Asia) Wikipedia From Hindi हीजड़ा (hījṛā). hejra, hijada, hijara...


English Wikipedia has an article on: Hijra (Islam) Wikipedia From Medieval Latin hegira, from Arabic هِجْرَة (hijra, “Hijra; emigration”), from the verb هَجَرَ...

Anno Hegirae

year of the Hijra”), from annō (“in the year”) (the ablative of annus (“year”)) + Hegirae (“of the Hijra”) (genitive of Hegira (“the Hijra”)). Formed in...

Al Hijrah

Al-Hijra Borrowed from Arabic الهِجْرَة (al-hijra) Al Hijrah (Islam) The first day of the Islamic calendar; the first day of Muharram. (Can we add an example...


Different cultures have different year numberings. De islamitische jaartelling begint met de Hijra. ― The Islamic calendar era begins with the Hijra....


Borrowed from Arabic هِجْرِيّ (hijriyy), nisba adjective of هِجْرَة (hijra, “Hijra”). Hijri (Islam) the Islamic lunar calendar; begins with the migration...


its allied subjects 2009, HO, hijra: of meaning and meaning of meaning of emigration Group: USA Africa Dialogue Series hijra: of meaning and meaning of meaning...


literally meaning woman. part of house reserved for women mardana zanána-mandli hijra Zenana on Wikipedia.Wikipedia Zenana in the Encyclopædia Britannica (11th...


Persia in the 7th century. The sense for the hijra argot is from Hindi फ़ारसी (fārsī) from the same word. enPR: färʹsē, IPA(key): /ˈfɑː(ɹ)si/ Rhymes: -ɑː(ɹ)si...