10 Results found for "en/P.S.".


(initialism written at the end of a text as a footnote) Alternative forms: P.S., p.s., ps. PS I love you. the body of a letter polystyrene EPS XPS   power supply...


See also: Appendix:Variations of "ps" ps. (grammar) Abbreviation of present. S&P, SP, Sp, s.p., s/p, sp ps. (politics) Abbreviation of perussuomalainen...

en- -en

See also: enen and énen em- -en (before b-, p-, or m-) IPA(key): /ɛnˈ-, -ən/ en- -en Forms transitive verbs denoting an increase in, or intensification...


See also: Appendix:Variations of "ps" PSl. PS. (linguistics) Abbreviation of Proto-Slavic. S&P, SP, Sp, s.p., s/p, sp...


S&P 500 Index, an stock market index published by S&P Global Ratings. (US, television) Initialism of standards and practices. %ps, P&S, P's, P.S., PS...


ads) Abbreviation of power steering. Coordinate terms: pb (“power brakes”), pw (“power windows”) S&P, SP, Sp, s.p., s/p, sp ps Alternative form of pss...


Abbreviation. Sp Spanish (language) September %ps, P&S, P's, P.S., PS, PS., Ps, Ps., p's, p**s, p.s., ps, ps., μPs Norwegian Nynorsk Wikipedia has an article...


Thieme, →ISBN, unnumbered page: 63-year-old woman, s/p 30-foot fall 3 weeks previously %ps, P&S, P's, P.S., PS, PS., Ps, Ps., p's, p**s, p.s., ps, ps., μPs...


Appendix:Variations of "en" em- (before certain consonants, principally the labials b and p) From Middle English en- (“en-, in-”). Originally from Old French en- (also...


brochette en clair en effet en famille en femme en garçon en garde en masse en pantoufles en passant en règle en retard en retraite en revanche en route en secondes...