10 Results found for "en/Qt".


See also: QT, q.t., and qt (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ˈkjuːt/ Rhymes: -uːt Homophone: cute Qt (computing) a free and open-source cross-platform...


See also: Qt, qt, and q.t. QT (countable and uncountable, plural QTs) (sports) Initialism of quarter time. (medicine) A QT interval. (LGBT, social sciences)...

long QT syndrome

English Wikipedia has an article on: long QT syndrome Wikipedia long QT syndrome (uncountable) (medicine) a heart disease in which there is an abnormally...


diabetes 2015 October 8, “Randomized, Controlled, Thorough QT/QTc Study Shows Absence of QT Prolongation with Luseogliflozin in Healthy Japanese Subjects”...

on the sly

Synonyms: clandestinely, furtively, on the down-low, on the quiet, on the Q.T. 1857, William Makepeace Thackeray, chapter 16, in The Virginians: This diversion...


might be noted that Copenhagenists are sometimes characterized as hard-nosed positivists who renounce all physical ontologies for QT except sense data....


thus allowing interaction with other widgets. a. 2011, “Dialog Windows”, in Qt Widgets Documentation‎[1], archived from the original on February 7, 2020:...


Introduction Using R‎[6]: This is a deviate so the appropriate function is qt. We need to supply it with the probability (in this case p = 0.975) and the...

torsades de pointes

to sudden cardiac death and more likely to occur during prolongations of the QT interval. torsade, torsades torsades de pointes on Wikipedia.Wikipedia...

como quien no quiere la cosa

(please add an English translation of this quotation) (idiomatic) on the Q.T. “como quien no quiere la cosa”, in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima...