10 Results found for "en/Santería".


See also: santeria English Wikipedia has an article on: santería Wikipedia santeria, Santería Borrowed from Spanish santería (“saintishness, saintery”)...


Samaritan,‎ Shintoist,‎ Sikh,‎ Taoist,‎ Unitarian Universalist,‎ Wiccan,‎ Yahwist,‎ Yazidi,‎ Zoroastrian (Category: en:Religion) [edit] adherent of Santería...


oxidation state. dimethylarsinate   arsinous acid (the conjugate acid) arsenate arsonate Erastian, antisera, artesian, ratanies, resinata, santeria, santería...


santeras) devotee of a saint or saints; santero (Cuba) practitioner of santería santería   “santero”, in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima tercera...


Erastian (plural Erastians) A follower of Thomas Erastus. Erastianism Erastianize antisera, arsinate, artesian, ratanies, resinata, santeria, santería...


Wikipedia Ozun, Oshun From Yoruba Ọ̀ṣun. Osun A major orisha in the Yoruba and santería religion. A state of Nigeria in the South West geopolitical zone. Capital:...


guiros, and congas. (music) A genre of traditional Cuban music, used in santería rituals. Synonyms for the shaker ralabazo, guayo, güiro, ralladera, rascador...


2016, C. Lynn Carr, A Year in White: Cultural Newcomers to Lukumi and Santería in the United States, Rutgers University Press, →ISBN: Ines described her...


various offshoots in the Americas in the 15th to 19th centuries, including santería and Lucumí. (See Yoruba religion.) 1979, Zacchaeus Akin Ademuwagun, John...


bata) A ceremonial double-headed drum played in triplet in the religion of santería, especially in Cuba and Puerto Rico, originally from the Yoruba of Nigeria...