10 Results found for "en/U".


T t, Ts ts, U u (Ú ú, Ù ù), V v, W w, Y y, Z z, Zh zh u f (plural us) u (the letter u, U) IPA(key): (13th CE) /ˈu/ IPA(key): (15th CE) /ˈu/ Inherited from...


Q q (Qu qu), R r, S s, T t (Th th, Tr tr), U u (Ù ù,  , Ũ ũ, Ú ú,  ), Ư ư ( ,  ,  ,  ,  ), V v, X x, Y y (Ỳ ỳ, Ỷ ỷ, Ỹ ỹ, Ý ý, Ỵ ỵ) (North...


vowel Wikipedia ʉ (IPA) a close central rounded vowel. (superscript ⟨⟩, IPA) [ʉ]-coloring or a weak, fleeting, epenthetic or echo [ʉ]. (Teuthonista)...


IPA(key): /.ky.klí./ → /.ɟyˈkli.u/ → /.ɟiˈkli.u/ (5th BCE Attic) IPA(key): /.ky.klí./ (1st CE Egyptian) IPA(key): /.kyˈkli.u/ (4th CE Koine)...


in a certain way, en-, be-, make Synonym: o- ‎u- + ‎łatwy → ‎ułatwiać perfective prefix ‎u- + ‎bóść → ‎ubóść added to mean "a bit" ‎u- + ‎lać → ‎ulać added...


brochette en clair en effet en famille en femme en garçon en garde en masse en pantoufles en passant en règle en retard en retraite en revanche en route en secondes...

(J), kā (K), ķē (Ķ), el (L), eļ (Ļ), em (M), en (N), (Ņ), o (O), pē (P), er (R), es (S), eš (Š), tē (T), u (U), garais ū (Ū), vē (V), zē (Z), žē (Ž)...


See also: -ú and Appendix:Variations of "u" Suffixed definite article attached on nouns ending with k, g (IPA(key): [k], [ɡ]). From the ending Proto-Indo-European...

garais ū

(J), kā (K), ķē (Ķ), el (L), eļ (Ļ), em (M), en (N), (Ņ), o (O), pē (P), er (R), es (S), eš (Š), tē (T), u (U), garais ū (Ū), vē (V), zē (Z), žē (Ž)...

– [U+2013 EN DASH], - [U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS], − [U+2212 MINUS SIGN], — [U+2014 EM DASH], ー [U+30FC KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK], ㄧ [U+3127...