10 Results found for "en/be".

en- -en

be valid for production rules in current English, and since en- -en can be analyzed as a redundant combination of the prefix en- and the suffix -en,...


brochette en clair en effet en famille en femme en garçon en garde en masse en pantoufles en passant en règle en retard en retraite en revanche en route en secondes...


many accents, -en routinely gives up its vowel syllable when given additional suffixes. For example, fatten /ˈfæt.ən/ + -ing /-ɪŋ/ can be /ˈfæt.ən.ɪŋ/ or...

em- -en

em- -en Alternative form of en- -en used prebilabially, that is, when the word to which it is applied begins with ‘b’, ‘p’, or ‘m’. See en- -en. -neme...

be- -en

and be·en be- -en Forms transitive verbs from nouns, meaning "to apply/provide (noun) to". Antonym: ont- -en Dutch terms circumfixed with be- -en beaarden...

en dash

See also: endash and en-dash English Wikipedia has an article on: en dash Wikipedia en rule, endash, en-dash, n dash, n-rule, nut dash Named for its width...

en route

IPA(key): /ɑ̃ ʁut/ en route on one's way, on the way [with pour ‘to somewhere’] être en route pour l’Espagne ― to be on the way to Spain, to be off to Spain...


Appendix:Variations of "en" em- (before certain consonants, principally b or p) From Middle English en- (“en-, in-”). Originally from Old French en- (also an-),...

en l'air

action des menaces en l’air ― idle threats une promesse en l’air ― an empty promise des paroles en l’air ― hot air, empty words Not to be confused with dans...

en or

n‿ɔʁ/ en or (invariable) golden (made of gold) (figuratively) golden, wonderful Synonym: d’or avoir un cœur en or ― to have a golden heart un ami en or ―...