10 Results found for "en/bearnaises".

béarnaise sauce

also: bearnaise sauce bearnaise sauce from French, the feminine of béarnais (the adjective from the Béarn region, using -ais (“-ese”)) + sauce béarnaise sauce...


Canada. Baigts-de-Béarn Béarnais béarnais béarnaise Saint-Girons-en-Béarn Salies-de-Béarn sauce béarnaise Sauveterre-de-Béarn   Malpas, Jeff (2015):...

Foyot sauce

the Etymology scriptorium.) Foyot sauce (uncountable) (cooking) A variation of béarnaise sauce with the addition of a meat glaze. Synonym: Valois sauce...


mayonnaise, tomato sauce, onion, garlic, chili, herbs). bea (“béarnaise sauce”) bearnaisesås (“béarnaise sauce”) fransk kebab (“kebab baguette”) kebabpizza (“kebab...

Choron sauce

(countable and uncountable, plural Choron sauces) (cooking) A variation of béarnaise sauce without tarragon or chervil, but with added tomato purée....

Paloise sauce

it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.) Paloise sauce (uncountable) (cooking) A variation of béarnaise sauce with mint instead of tarragon....


French béarnaise + sås. IPA(key): /²beːa/ bea c (cooking, colloquial) Synonym of bearnaisesås (“béarnaise sauce”) en pizza med bea a pizza with béarnaise (cooking)...

eye fillet

use it. 2011, Gabriel Gaté, Antonia Pesenti, Taste Le Tour: Regional French Cuisine, Hardie Grant Books, page 74: Eye Fillet Steak with Béarnaise Sauce...


awesome-sauce awesome sauce barbecue sauce barbeque sauce BBQ sauce béarnaise sauce bearnaise sauce béchamel sauce Béchamel sauce bechamel sauce Big Mac sauce...


Henderson, Llewellyn's 2016 Herbal Almanac: This includes the familiar Bearnaise and tartar sauces, as well as more mysterious sounding ones, like crapaudine...