10 Results found for "en/beholden".


WOTD – 10 February 2016 beholding (obsolete) From Middle English beholden, from Old English behealdan. Cognate with behold in the otherwise unrecorded...

ne pas être en reste

être en reste originally meant "to be beholden to someone"; its negation meant "to be quits". IPA(key): /nə pa.z‿ɛtʁ ɑ̃ ʁɛst/, /nə pɑ.z‿ɛtʁ ɑ̃ ʁɛst/ ne...


Middle English unbehealden, equivalent to un- +‎ beholden. unbeholden (not comparable) Not beholden; not obliged or bound by duty or expectations. 2007...


state of being beholden to external influences. (biology) The condition of being heteronomous. autonomy political subjection being beholden to external influences...


Schmidt, The Medical Lexicographer, page 22 (C.C. Thomas) […] terms are beholden to the Greek chondros. Among the Grecogenous terms are chondrocyte, chondrodystrophy...


historical) A tenant holding title to their land directly from a lord paramount beholden to no-one; particularly, a lord holding title directly from the king, owing...


overextended on the military front, highly dependent on OPEC oil and increasingly beholden to sovereign wealth funds run by petro-dictatorships or authoritarian regimes...


party's own; such are the outward ornaments of the person, for which men are beholden to the taylor, the laceman, the periwig-maker, the hatter, and the milliner...


musical ancestry aside, the influence to which [Justin] Bieber is most beholden is the current trends in pop music, which means Believe is loaded up with...

middle ground

musical ancestry aside, the influence to which [Justin] Bieber is most beholden is the current trends in pop music, which means Believe is loaded up with...