10 Results found for "en/en/CD".


See also: cd'en CD-en m definite singular of CD CD-en m definite singular of CD...


diplomatique): CD plate (compact disk): CD burner, CD drive, CD player, mini CD, CD-DA, CD-i, CD-R, CD-ROM, CD-RW, DDCD, MIL-CD, VCD, video CD (cluster of...


See also: CD-en cd'en c definite singular of cd...

CD player

See also: CD-player and CD-Player CD-player CD player (plural CD players) (consumer electronics) An electronic device that plays compact discs. 2022, NoViolet...

CD drive

CD drive (plural CD drives) (computer hardware) An optical drive used for reading data from and possibly writing data on a compact disc. compact disc...


See also: cd, Cd, CD, cD, and .cd C.D. (law) Central District, used in case citations to identify courts, particularly United States Federal courts designated...


benefició a ambas partes: el CD se implantó definitivamente (tanto el soporte como su reproductor) y Brothers in arms se convirtió en el álbum más vendido del...

compact disc

read by a laser in a drive. Synonym: CD Hyponyms: CD-R, CD-ROM, CD-RW Coordinate term: DVD Derived terms CD-R CD-ROM CD-RW VCD optical disc used to store...


See also: cd, CD, Cd, .cd, and C.D. cD (plural cDs) (astronomy) a type of giant elliptical galaxy (giant ellipitical): Type-cD galaxy on Wikipedia.Wikipedia...

CD key

CD key (plural CD keys) A serial key of a program to be installed from a compact disc. decky...