4 Results found for "en/en/en/Kashmir_bee_hawkmoth".

Kashmir bee hawkmoth

Hemaris rubra Wikipedia Kashmir +‎ bee hawkmoth (species of genus "Hemaris") Kashmir bee hawkmoth (plural Kashmir bee hawkmoths) Hemaris rubra, a species...

bee hawkmoth

bee hawkmoth (plural bee hawkmoths) Any of the genus Hemaris of sphinx moths. Kashmir bee hawkmoth  ...


nectar through a long proboscis. death's-head hawkmoth hummingbird hawkmoth Kashmir bee hawkmoth white-edged hunter hawkmoth   hawk moth — see hawk moth...


honeybee horse-bee humble-bee Italian bee Kashmir bee hawkmoth ke-mo sah-bee killer bee leaf-cutter bee leafcutter bee leaf-cutting bee like a bee in clover...