10 Results found for "en/en/en/em-_-en".

em- -en

/ɛmˈ ə̆n/ em- -en Alternative form of en- -en used prebilabially, that is, when the word to which it is applied begins with ‘b’, ‘p’, or ‘m’. See en-...

en- -en

See also: enen and énen em- -en (before b-, p-, or m-) IPA(key): /ɛnˈ-, -ən/ en- -en Forms transitive verbs denoting an increase in, or intensification...


Appendix:Variations of "en" em- (before certain consonants, principally the labials b and p) From Middle English en- (“en-, in-”). Originally from Old French en- (also...

en dash

width of an em dash. en dash (plural en dashes) (typography) The punctuation mark –, which is used, for instance, to indicate a range. em dash en space hyphen...


brochette en clair en effet en famille en femme en garçon en garde en masse en pantoufles en passant en règle en retard en retraite en revanche en route en secondes...

en vano

IPA(key): /em ˈbano/ [ẽm ˈba.no] Syllabification: en va‧no en vano in vain Synonym: en balde “en vano”, in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima...

en quad

altered in width to the same proportion as the printing characters. en quadrat, n quadrat (obsolete) en space nut quad em quad en dash en space quenda...


See also: Appendix:Variations of "en" IPA(key): /ən/, [ən], [n̩] In many accents, -en routinely gives up its vowel syllable when given additional suffixes...

en principio

IPA(key): (Spain) /em pɾinˈθipjo/ [ẽm pɾĩn̟ˈθi.pjo] IPA(key): (Latin America) /em pɾinˈsipjo/ [ẽm pɾĩnˈsi.pjo] Syllabification: en prin‧ci‧pio en principio in...

en bloc

bloc From en +‎ bloc. Perhaps modeled on French en bloc. IPA(key): (Central, Balearic) [əm ˈblɔk] IPA(key): (Valencia) [em ˈblɔk] en bloc en bloc (as a...