5 Results found for "en/en/en/land_rights_for_gay_whales".

land rights for gay whales

land rights for gay whales pl (plural only) (Australia) a parody of typical Greens policies and those that support them....


landreeve land register land rights land rights for gay whales land run landrush land rush land sailing land sake land sake alive land sakes land sakes alive...


gaysome gay-straight alliance gay tyke boy gay up gay village guncle homogay I'm gay land rights for gay whales pray away the gay pray the gay away prison...


in Gay Community News, volume 4, number 24, page 4: The Libertarians wish we had won the Vietnamese War, they would like to revoke civil rights legislation...


Wikipedia (UK) enPR: lô, IPA(key): /lɔː/ Rhymes: -ɔː (US) enPR: lô, IPA(key): /lɔ/ (cot–caught merger) enPR: lä, IPA(key): /lɑ/ (General Australian) enPR: lô,...