10 Results found for "en/en/en/song_sparrow".

song sparrow

song sparrow (plural song sparrows) Melospiza melodia, a medium-sized American sparrow. Melospiza melodia song sparrow on Wikipedia.Wikipedia Melospiza...


sparrow sage sparrow saltmarsh sparrow Savannah sparrow saxaul sparrow seaside sparrow sharp-tailed sparrow snow sparrow song sparrow Spanish sparrow...


See also: Song, song-, söng, sōng, sǒng, sòng, sông, and sổng English Wikipedia has an article on: song Wikipedia From Middle English song, sang, from...


enPR: wīn, IPA(key): /wɪn/ (without the wine–whine merger) enPR: hwīn, IPA(key): /ʍɪn/ Rhymes: -ɪn Homophone: win (wine–whine merger) From Middle English...


Imitative of its song. Compare Bob Lincoln. bobolink (plural bobolinks) An American migratory songbird, Dolichonyx oryzivorus, resembling a blackbird with...


flashing on the ripples and undulations of the Liffey, and the redbreasts and sparrows were picking up the crumbs which the housekeeper had thrown for them outside...


Gandhi, Birds and Plant Regeneration, page 76: Munias are smaller than sparrows; they have pointed short tails, and live in flocks, building large communal...


vogels, zoals merels, mussen en roodborstjes. The garden is full of different types of birds, such as blackbirds, sparrows, and robins. Het geluid van...


and -main WOTD – 11 October 2018 (Received Pronunciation, General American) enPR: mān, IPA(key): /meɪn/ Rhymes: -eɪn Homophones: mane, Maine From Middle...


Lanigan's Ball (song) the piper was near being strangled / They squeezed up his pipes, bellows, chanters and all. The hedge sparrow. (archaic) One who...