10 Results found for "en/en/en/white_bear".

white bear

See also: White Bear From Middle English white bere. By surface analysis, white +‎ bear. white bear (plural white bears) A white, semi-aquatic marine species...

does a bear shit in the woods

emphatic yes. yes affirmative does a bear poop in the woods? do fish swim? is the Pope Catholic? is the sky blue? is snow white? is water wet?   is the Pope Jewish...

polar bear

Circle): arctic bear, ice bear, northern bear, sea bear, white bear, Ursus maritimus (syn. Thalarctos maritimus) polar bear dip polar bear plunge Ursus maritimus...

white bear problem

white bear problem (psychology) The problem posed by ironic process theory, where, for example, explicitly trying not to think about a white bear makes...


Syrian bear Syrian brown bear teddie bear teddy bear Walking Bear water bear weight bear weight-bear werebear white bear white bear problem woolly-bear woolly...

Asian black bear

Auvergne bear, Ursus minimus, was similar to, but a little smaller than, the Asian black bear. Asiatic black bear moon bear white-chested bear Ursus thibetanus...

Kermode bear

Kermode bears) A subspecies of the American black bear, Ursus americanus kermodei found in British Columbia, some members of which have white or cream-colored...


white-ball white ball white bass white-beaked dolphin white bear white-bearded antshrike white bear problem white beech white-bellied nothura white-bellied...

giant panda

black and white mammal, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, in the ursid (bear) family. (mammal): panda, panda bear, particoloured bear, mottled bear (mammal): red...

white metal

auctions) Silver that cannot be labeled as silver in the UK because it does not bear an Assay Office mark. Any silvery or whitish metal or alloy. (music) Christian-themed...