8 Results found for "en/en/give_someone_the_creeps".

give someone the creeps

give someone the creeps (third-person singular simple present gives someone the creeps, present participle giving someone the creeps, simple past gave...

creep out

make (someone) uncomfortable or afraid; to give (someone) the creeps. Hyponym: weird out That janitor who's always talking about blood creeps me out...


someone the boot give someone the brush-off give someone the business give someone the chair give someone the cold shoulder give someone the creeps give someone...


creeps, willies, collywobbles See Thesaurus:fear a general feeling of anxiety, fear, uneasiness, or nausea give someone the creeps give someone the willies...


Syllabification(key): kar‧mi‧a karmia to give someone the creeps Kauhuelokuvat karmivat selkäpiitäni. Horror movies give me the creeps. “karmia”, in Kielitoimiston...


creepy-crawly give someone the creeps make someone's flesh creep make someone's skin creep mopery with intent to creep   to move slowly with the abdomen close...


from a position. give (someone) the sack get the sack The boss is gonna give her the sack today. He got the sack for being late all the time. 2023 October...


butterflies in one’s stomach, creeps, heebie-jeebies, willies I don’t like walking through the forest at night. It gives me the collywobbles. 1943, Mary Ruth...