10 Results found for "en/en/pop_rock".

pop rock

also: pop-rock pop rock (uncountable) (music) A musical genre combining elements of pop music and rock music. rock genre combining pop music and rock music...

guitar pop

increased usage in the 1980s in journals like NME. guitar pop (uncountable) (music) Guitar-based pop/rock music, such as pop rock, jangle pop, or indie pop....

indie pop

indie pop (uncountable) (music) A genre of pop music that has little mainstream appeal and is influenced by alternative rock or indie rock....


See also: Pop, PoP, POP, pöp, and pop. English Wikipedia has an article on: pop Wikipedia (UK, Canada) enPR: pŏp, IPA(key): /pɒp/ (US) enPR: pŏp, IPA(key):...

pop song

pop song (plural pop songs) A type of song from the genre of music derived from rock and roll music of the 1950s characterised by a short catchy tune and...

lover's rock

Wikipedia Lover's Rock, lovers rock, Lover's rock, lovers' rock lover's rock (uncountable) (music) A genre of reggae influenced by soul music and modern pop....

pop punk

pop-punk English Wikipedia has an article on: pop punk Wikipedia pop-punk pop punk (uncountable) (music) A genre that combines elements of punk rock with...

chamber pop

English Wikipedia has an article on: chamber pop Wikipedia chamber pop (uncountable) (music) A subgenre of rock music which places increased emphasis on melody...

jangle pop

English Wikipedia has an article on: jangle pop Wikipedia jangle pop (uncountable) A 1980s genre of alternative rock music that marked a return to the jangly...

dream pop

dreampop dream pop (uncountable) (music) A subgenre of alternative rock with ethereal textures and breathy vocals rather than hard riffs. dream pop on Wikipedia...