5 Results found for "en/fight_IQ".

fight IQ

fight IQ (plural fight IQs) A combat sports athlete's ability to adjust their movements during a bout in order to exploit momentary defensive openings...


bun-fight cage fight cat fight chicken fight cockfight couldn't organise a bun fight in a bakery dog-fight dog fight dogfight fighter fighting fight IQ fight-or-flight...


started barking at the woman. Not one to back down from an interspecies fight, the prison lady stood up […] Through the euphemism treadmill, the term...


Hollingworth, Children Above 180 IQ Stanford-Binet: Origin and Development: It is probable that children who test above 180 IQ are actually present in our...


never cracked the Hot 100 2012, The Onion Book of Known Knowledge, page 102: IQ (Intelligence Quotient), number said to measure an individual's intelligence...