8 Results found for "en/preëclampsia".


See also: preëclampsia and pre-eclampsia English Wikipedia has an article on: preeclampsia Wikipedia pre-eclampsia, preëclampsia From pre- +‎ eclampsia...


glomerulo- +‎ endotheliosis glomeruloendotheliosis (plural glomeruloendothelioses) (pathology) glomerular endotheliosis, that is characteristic of preeclampsia...

mirror syndrome

(uncountable) A rare pregnancy disorder involving the unusual association of fetal and placental hydrops with maternal preeclampsia. Ballantyne syndrome...


prematurez f (plural prematureces) prematurity 2018 May 31, “Padecer preeclampsia pone en riesgo la vida de la madre y el bebé”, in El Nuevo Diario‎[1], archived...


pregnancy characterized by seizures and coma due to hypertension. eclamptic preeclampsia   complication of pregnancy “eclampsia”, in Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary...


Protection System against Cell-Free Hemoglobin and Heme Is Overwhelmed in Preeclampsia and Provides Potential Biomarkers and Clinical Indicators”, in PLOS ONE‎[1]...


medicine) A synthetic bufadienolide that has been used in the treatment of preeclampsia 2015 July 27, Joel Oliver et al., “Comparison of Neurocognitive Testing...


utero-placental-fetal complex on the background of the complex therapy of preeclampsia in combination with hypothyroidism”, in The Pharma Innovation Journal...