10 Results found for "en/sixty-one".


sixty-one The cardinal number immediately following sixty and preceding sixty-two. Arabic numerals: 61 Roman numerals: LXI cardinal number sixty-one (plural...


een-en-sestig sixty-one...


screaming sixties shrieking sixties sixty cycle hum sixty-eighter sixty-four dollar question sixty-fourmo sixty-four thousand dollar question sixty-something...


sixty-first The ordinal form of the number sixty-one, describing a person or thing in position number 61 of a sequence. The answer appears on the sixty-first...


sixty-two The cardinal number immediately following sixty-one and preceding sixty-three. Arabic numerals: 62 Roman numerals: LXII cardinal number...


62nd ordinal number sixty-second (plural sixty-seconds) One of sixty-two equal parts of a whole. A sixty-second of 1240 is 20. one of 62 equal parts...


ordinal form of sixty-three sixty-third (plural sixty-thirds) One of sixty-three equal parts of a whole. A sixty-third of 1260 is 20. one of 63 equal parts...


ordinal form of sixty-nine sixty-ninth (plural sixty-ninths) One of sixty-nine equal parts of a whole. A sixty-ninth of 1380 is 20. one of 69 equal parts...


ordinal form of sixty-seven sixty-seventh (plural sixty-sevenths) One of sixty-seven equal parts of a whole. A sixty-seventh of 1340 is 20. one of 67 equal...


ordinal form of sixty-eight sixty-eighth (plural sixty-eighths) One of sixty-eight equal parts of a whole. A sixty-eighth of 1360 is 20. one of 68 equal parts...