Hello, you have come here looking for the meaning of the word
globohomo. In DICTIOUS you will not only get to know all the dictionary meanings for the word
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globohomo in singular and plural. Everything you need to know about the word
globohomo you have here. The definition of the word
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Uncertain; often given as a blend of global + homogenization, globalist + homosexual, among similar terms. This term has origins from anti-Semitism and anti-LGBT rhetoric.
globohomo (uncountable)
- (alt-right, anti-LGBTQ slur, Internet slang, 4chan, derogatory) The supposed promotion of homosexuality, neoliberal economics, and progressive values coupled with the paternalistic curtailment of freedoms by corporate and political interests.
the globohomo agenda
2019 June 28, College Republicans @ UW, Twitter, archived from the original on 2019-06-29:Republicans are aftraid to take true right wing stands on most issues. Rather than provide a real alternative to the cosmopolitan, GloboHomo agenda of the Democratic Party, they offer Liberalism Lite; basically all of the same stuff but with a tax cut.
2020 October 13, Talia Lavin, Culture Warlords: My Journey Into the Dark Web of White Supremacy, Legacy Lit, →ISBN:In a number of posts about globohomo, it seemed like a generalized reference to contemporary economic life—there were references to "globohomo megacorporations," "globohomo materialism," and a longing for "the upcoming post-globohomo, techno-feudalistic ages of revenge and strife." The term homo is usually used as derogatory shorthand for homosexuals, but in this context served two purposes: It also meant “homogenization,” the increasing sameness of everything worldwide.
2021, Mike Rothschild, The Storm Is Upon Us: How QAnon Became a Movement, Cult, and Conspiracy:At that point, Cornero appears to have completely drifted away from screenwriting, having been kicked out of writer Facebook groups after demanding on Gab that “globohomo”-infested (a portmanteau of “globalized homosexual”) Hollywood be burned to the ground.
2021 May 24, ADL, quoting social media posts, “Antisemitic Language Surges on 4chan During Israel-Hamas Conflict”, in Anti-Defamation League:I hate Jews enough that my natural reaction to all the fighting is to laugh, but I know there is a schism between globalist and Zionist jews, and I'd rather have all of them in Israel, rather than the globohomo ones trying to found their new Zion in North America (likely the endgame of globohomo)
See also