Inflection of notkutella (Kotus type 67*C/tulla, tt-t gradation) | |||||||||||||||||||||
indicative mood | |||||||||||||||||||||
present tense | perfect | ||||||||||||||||||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | ||||||||||||||||
1st sing. | notkuttelen | en notkuttele | 1st sing. | olen notkutellut | en ole notkutellut | ||||||||||||||||
2nd sing. | notkuttelet | et notkuttele | 2nd sing. | olet notkutellut | et ole notkutellut | ||||||||||||||||
3rd sing. | notkuttelee | ei notkuttele | 3rd sing. | on notkutellut | ei ole notkutellut | ||||||||||||||||
1st plur. | notkuttelemme | emme notkuttele | 1st plur. | olemme notkutelleet | emme ole notkutelleet | ||||||||||||||||
2nd plur. | notkuttelette | ette notkuttele | 2nd plur. | olette notkutelleet | ette ole notkutelleet | ||||||||||||||||
3rd plur. | notkuttelevat | eivät notkuttele | 3rd plur. | ovat notkutelleet | eivät ole notkutelleet | ||||||||||||||||
passive | notkutellaan | ei notkutella | passive | on notkuteltu | ei ole notkuteltu | ||||||||||||||||
past tense | pluperfect | ||||||||||||||||||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | ||||||||||||||||
1st sing. | notkuttelin | en notkutellut | 1st sing. | olin notkutellut | en ollut notkutellut | ||||||||||||||||
2nd sing. | notkuttelit | et notkutellut | 2nd sing. | olit notkutellut | et ollut notkutellut | ||||||||||||||||
3rd sing. | notkutteli | ei notkutellut | 3rd sing. | oli notkutellut | ei ollut notkutellut | ||||||||||||||||
1st plur. | notkuttelimme | emme notkutelleet | 1st plur. | olimme notkutelleet | emme olleet notkutelleet | ||||||||||||||||
2nd plur. | notkuttelitte | ette notkutelleet | 2nd plur. | olitte notkutelleet | ette olleet notkutelleet | ||||||||||||||||
3rd plur. | notkuttelivat | eivät notkutelleet | 3rd plur. | olivat notkutelleet | eivät olleet notkutelleet | ||||||||||||||||
passive | notkuteltiin | ei notkuteltu | passive | oli notkuteltu | ei ollut notkuteltu | ||||||||||||||||
conditional mood | |||||||||||||||||||||
present | perfect | ||||||||||||||||||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | ||||||||||||||||
1st sing. | notkuttelisin | en notkuttelisi | 1st sing. | olisin notkutellut | en olisi notkutellut | ||||||||||||||||
2nd sing. | notkuttelisit | et notkuttelisi | 2nd sing. | olisit notkutellut | et olisi notkutellut | ||||||||||||||||
3rd sing. | notkuttelisi | ei notkuttelisi | 3rd sing. | olisi notkutellut | ei olisi notkutellut | ||||||||||||||||
1st plur. | notkuttelisimme | emme notkuttelisi | 1st plur. | olisimme notkutelleet | emme olisi notkutelleet | ||||||||||||||||
2nd plur. | notkuttelisitte | ette notkuttelisi | 2nd plur. | olisitte notkutelleet | ette olisi notkutelleet | ||||||||||||||||
3rd plur. | notkuttelisivat | eivät notkuttelisi | 3rd plur. | olisivat notkutelleet | eivät olisi notkutelleet | ||||||||||||||||
passive | notkuteltaisiin | ei notkuteltaisi | passive | olisi notkuteltu | ei olisi notkuteltu | ||||||||||||||||
imperative mood | |||||||||||||||||||||
present | perfect | ||||||||||||||||||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | ||||||||||||||||
1st sing. | — | — | 1st sing. | — | — | ||||||||||||||||
2nd sing. | notkuttele | älä notkuttele | 2nd sing. | — | — | ||||||||||||||||
3rd sing. | notkutelkoon | älköön notkutelko | 3rd sing. | olkoon notkutellut | älköön olko notkutellut | ||||||||||||||||
1st plur. | notkutelkaamme | älkäämme notkutelko | 1st plur. | — | — | ||||||||||||||||
2nd plur. | notkutelkaa | älkää notkutelko | 2nd plur. | — | — | ||||||||||||||||
3rd plur. | notkutelkoot | älkööt notkutelko | 3rd plur. | olkoot notkutelleet | älkööt olko notkutelleet | ||||||||||||||||
passive | notkuteltakoon | älköön notkuteltako | passive | olkoon notkuteltu | älköön olko notkuteltu | ||||||||||||||||
potential mood | |||||||||||||||||||||
present | perfect | ||||||||||||||||||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | ||||||||||||||||
1st sing. | notkutellen | en notkutelle | 1st sing. | lienen notkutellut | en liene notkutellut | ||||||||||||||||
2nd sing. | notkutellet | et notkutelle | 2nd sing. | lienet notkutellut | et liene notkutellut | ||||||||||||||||
3rd sing. | notkutellee | ei notkutelle | 3rd sing. | lienee notkutellut | ei liene notkutellut | ||||||||||||||||
1st plur. | notkutellemme | emme notkutelle | 1st plur. | lienemme notkutelleet | emme liene notkutelleet | ||||||||||||||||
2nd plur. | notkutellette | ette notkutelle | 2nd plur. | lienette notkutelleet | ette liene notkutelleet | ||||||||||||||||
3rd plur. | notkutellevat | eivät notkutelle | 3rd plur. | lienevät notkutelleet | eivät liene notkutelleet | ||||||||||||||||
passive | notkuteltaneen | ei notkuteltane | passive | lienee notkuteltu | ei liene notkuteltu | ||||||||||||||||
Nominal forms | |||||||||||||||||||||
infinitives | participles | ||||||||||||||||||||
active | passive | active | passive | ||||||||||||||||||
1st | notkutella | present | notkutteleva | notkuteltava | |||||||||||||||||
long 1st1 |
past | notkutellut | notkuteltu | |||||||||||||||||
2nd | inessive2 | notkutellessa | notkuteltaessa | agent4 | notkuttelema | ||||||||||||||||
negative | notkuttelematon | |||||||||||||||||||
instructive | notkutellen | — | 1) Used only with a possessive suffix.
2) Usually with a possessive suffix (active only). | ||||||||||||||||||
3rd | inessive | notkuttelemassa | — | ||||||||||||||||||
elative | notkuttelemasta | — | |||||||||||||||||||
illative | notkuttelemaan | — | |||||||||||||||||||
adessive | notkuttelemalla | — | |||||||||||||||||||
abessive | notkuttelematta | — | |||||||||||||||||||
instructive | notkutteleman | notkuteltaman | |||||||||||||||||||
4th3 | verbal noun | notkutteleminen | |||||||||||||||||||
5th1 |