Wikipedia has an article on: pleuston Wikipedia From Ancient Greek πλεῦσις (pleûsis, “sailing”), from πλέω (pléō). pleuston (uncountable) (ecology) The...
Portuguese Wikipedia has an article on: plêuston Wikipedia pt From Ancient Greek πλεῦσις (pleûsis, “sailing”), from πλέω (pléō). (Brazil) IPA(key): /ˈplews...
live at the surface of water. plankton epineuston hyponeuston neustonic pleuston neuston m (uncountable) neuston “neuston”, in Diccionario de la lengua...
pleistophyte From pleust- + -phyte. Compare pleuston. pleustophyte (plural pleustophytes) An aquatic plant that floats, sometimes limited to those without...