10 Results found for "tidal_flat".

tidal flat

tidal flat (plural tidal flats) The bed of a tidal river, estuary, or shallow sea such as the Wadden Sea which is uncovered at low tide. mudflat riverbed...

tidal flats

tidal flats plural of tidal flat...


tidal flat tidal flow tidal force tidal harbour, tidal harbor tidal height tidal island tidal lag tidal lock tidal locking tidally tidal marsh tidal mill...


From hunas +‎ -an. Hyphenation: hu‧na‧san hunasan mud flat, tidal flat...


From tide +‎ flat. tideflat (plural tideflats) Alternative form of tidal flat...


léin tidal flats Edwards, Keri. "Dictionary of Tlingit" 'Sealaska Heritage Institute'. 2009. p. 181....


lighthouse, a three-legged thing erect on a mud-flat, shone strongly. flat flat expanse of mud, esp. tidal flat “mudflat, n.”, in OED Online ⁠, Oxford: Oxford...


absolutely flat A-flat and that's flat B-flat C-flat D-flat diaper flat E-flat faithfully flat fall flat fall flat on one's face F-flat flat adverb flat affect...


[kɛt̚p͈ʌ̹ɭ] ~ [kɛp͈ʌ̹ɭ] ~ [ke̞t̚p͈ʌ̹ɭ] ~ [ke̞p͈ʌ̹ɭ] Phonetic hangul: [갣뻘/개뻘/겓뻘/게뻘] 갯벌 • (gaetbeol) (geography) tidal flat, mudflat 개펄 (gaepeol, “mudflat”)...


portion of a coastal river delta. "Tidal-dominated, coastal plain deposit: tidal channels (estuaries), tidal flats, marsh or swamp; deposits are generally...