
Hello, you have come here looking for the meaning of the word tihurotta. In DICTIOUS you will not only get to know all the dictionary meanings for the word tihurotta, but we will also tell you about its etymology, its characteristics and you will know how to say tihurotta in singular and plural. Everything you need to know about the word tihurotta you have here. The definition of the word tihurotta will help you to be more precise and correct when speaking or writing your texts. Knowing the definition oftihurotta, as well as those of other words, enriches your vocabulary and provides you with more and better linguistic resources.



tihu (short for tihutyö -vandalism) +‎ rotta (rat)




  1. short-tailed bandicoot rat, Nesokia indica


Inflection of tihurotta (Kotus type 10*C/koira, tt-t gradation)
nominative tihurotta tihurotat
genitive tihurotan tihurottien
partitive tihurottaa tihurottia
illative tihurottaan tihurottiin
singular plural
nominative tihurotta tihurotat
accusative nom. tihurotta tihurotat
gen. tihurotan
genitive tihurotan tihurottien
tihurottain rare
partitive tihurottaa tihurottia
inessive tihurotassa tihurotissa
elative tihurotasta tihurotista
illative tihurottaan tihurottiin
adessive tihurotalla tihurotilla
ablative tihurotalta tihurotilta
allative tihurotalle tihurotille
essive tihurottana tihurottina
translative tihurotaksi tihurotiksi
abessive tihurotatta tihurotitta
instructive tihurotin
comitative See the possessive forms below.
Possessive forms of tihurotta (Kotus type 10*C/koira, tt-t gradation)
first-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative tihurottani tihurottani
accusative nom. tihurottani tihurottani
gen. tihurottani
genitive tihurottani tihurottieni
tihurottaini rare
partitive tihurottaani tihurottiani
inessive tihurotassani tihurotissani
elative tihurotastani tihurotistani
illative tihurottaani tihurottiini
adessive tihurotallani tihurotillani
ablative tihurotaltani tihurotiltani
allative tihurotalleni tihurotilleni
essive tihurottanani tihurottinani
translative tihurotakseni tihurotikseni
abessive tihurotattani tihurotittani
comitative tihurottineni
second-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative tihurottasi tihurottasi
accusative nom. tihurottasi tihurottasi
gen. tihurottasi
genitive tihurottasi tihurottiesi
tihurottaisi rare
partitive tihurottaasi tihurottiasi
inessive tihurotassasi tihurotissasi
elative tihurotastasi tihurotistasi
illative tihurottaasi tihurottiisi
adessive tihurotallasi tihurotillasi
ablative tihurotaltasi tihurotiltasi
allative tihurotallesi tihurotillesi
essive tihurottanasi tihurottinasi
translative tihurotaksesi tihurotiksesi
abessive tihurotattasi tihurotittasi
comitative tihurottinesi
