See also: 'Uvea English Wikipedia has an article on: uvea Wikipedia From Medieval Latin, from Latin uva (“grape”), partial loan translation of Greek ῥαγοειδής...
/ˈu.bjɐ/ [ˈu.βjɐ] Hyphenation: ú‧ve‧a úvea f (plural úveas) (anatomy) uvea uveíte úvea f (plural úveas) uvea “úvea”, in Diccionario de la lengua española...
Wikipedia From uvea + -itis. uveitis (usually uncountable, plural uveitides) (pathology) Inflammation of the uvea uveitogenic inflammation of the uvea iritis...
From Uvea + -an, from Wallisian 'Uvea (“Wallis Island”). Uvean (plural Uveans) A native or inhabitant of Wallis Island; a Wallisian....