5 Results found for "white/en/en/en/aquiline_nose".

aquiline nose

article on: aquiline nose Wikipedia aquiline nose (plural aquiline noses) A nose with a hooked, bent shape. Synonyms: hooknose, Roman nose 1834, L[etitia]...


ribbon; a high polished forehead, a nose inclining to the aquiline, lively blue eyes, red pouting lips, teeth as white as snow, and a certain openness of...


was a Nose that turned chirp on his pal; […] (the bulge on the side of a piece of a jigsaw puzzle): tab See also Thesaurus:nose aquiline nose Australasian...


devilish passion. The great nostrils of the white aquiline nose opened wide and quivered at the edge, and the white sharp teeth, behind the full lips of the...


carries a stereotypical connotation regarding Americans, such as the aquiline nose and white skin color, and it can be an ethnic slur depending on context....