10 Results found for "white/en/river/en/White_Nile".

White Nile

on: White Nile Wikipedia White Nile One of the two main tributaries of the River Nile in Africa, which starts in Lake No and flows into the Nile at Khartoum...

Blue Nile

tributaries of the Nile. Coordinate term: White Nile A state in southern Sudan. One of the two main tributaries of the River Nile Abbay Nile blue, belluine...


after the river. Derived terms Blue Nile denial is not a river in Egypt Nile bird Nile fox Nile goose West Nile encephalitis White Nile river Branches...

White Wall

change, but remained at White Wall (Ineb-hedj), on the west bank of the Nile south of modern Cairo. […] The original capital at White Wall, founded at the...


ethnic group residing in the northeastern Upper Nile state of South Sudan on both banks of the Nile River in Malakal. Shilluk The language of the Shilluk...

Queen Anne's lace

outstretched hand. Ammi majus (false Queen Anne's lace), native to the Nile River Valley, with white lace-like flower clusters. Anthriscus sylvestris (cow parsley)...


child can't be called Thames, no and not Nile either, for all his likeness to Moses. But I wanted to give him a river name, a name not bound to anything, just...


blewe (obsolete) (UK, US, Canada) enPR: blo͞o, IPA(key): /bluː/ (Wales, Ottawa Valley) IPA(key): /blɪʊ̯/ (obsolete) enPR: blyo͞o, IPA(key): /bljuː/ Homophone:...


turtle Mary River turtle mata mata turtle, matamata turtle mock turtle mock turtle soup mud turtle musk turtle New Guinea snakeneck turtle Nile softshell...


blue +‎ berry (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ˈbluːb(ə)ɹi/ (US) enPR: blu'bĕ"rē, IPA(key): /ˈblu.ˌbɛ.ɹi/ blueberry (countable and uncountable, plural...