10 Results found for "white/en/silver/en/silver_white".


retinodes) silver wedding silver wedding silverweed silver weight silver whiskers silver white silver-white silver-white cobalt silver whiting silver willow...

silver white

silver white (uncountable) Synonym of white lead, particularly (historical) in the form used in 19th-century Parisian paints. Synonym: French white George...

silver sand

silver sand (plural silver sands) English Wikipedia has an article on: silver sand Wikipedia A fine white sand used in gardening....


translations for silver. See the main entry for more information. metal coins cutlery/silverware items made of silver or other white metal color/colour...


silvery-haired From silver +‎ haired. silver-haired (not comparable) Having greyish-white hair. hoary, silvery-haired; see also Thesaurus:elderly gray-haired...

silver trevally

English Wikipedia has an article on: White trevally Wikipedia silver trevally (plural silver trevallies) A silver-coloured fish with a dark back, of speciesPseudocaranx...

white copper

white copper (usually uncountable, plural white coppers) An alloy of copper with zinc and nickel, having the appearance of silver. alloy...

white turpentine

white turpentine (uncountable) (now historical) The resin obtained from the European silver fir (Abies alba) which was used for a brilliant varnish. or...

silver birch

article on: Silver Birch Wikipedia silver birch (plural silver birches) A European deciduous tree, Betula pendula, characterised by white peeling bark...


white-haired (not comparable) Having white hair, especially from old age. hoary; see also Thesaurus:elderly grey-haired, grizzled, grizzly silver-haired...