тя • (tja) f (personal)
Number | Person | Gender | Nominative (subject) |
Accusative (direct complement) |
Dative (indirect complement) |
Prepositional | ||
Full | Short | Full | Short | |||||
Singular | First | — | аз (az) | мен (men) ме́не (méne) |
ме (me) | ме́не (méne) | ми (mi) | мен (men) ме́не (méne) |
Second | Informal | ти (ti) | теб (teb) те́бе (tébe) |
те (te) | те́бе (tébe) | ти (ti) | теб (teb) те́бе (tébe) | |
Formal | Ви́е (Víe) | Вас (Vas) | Ви (Vi) | Вам (Vam) | Ви (Vi) | Вас (Vas) | ||
Third | Masculine | той (toj) | не́го (négo) | го (go) | не́му (nému) | му (mu) | не́го (négo) | |
Feminine | тя (tja) | не́я (néja) | я (ja) | ней (nej) | ѝ (ì) | не́я (néja) | ||
Neuter | то (to) | не́го (négo) | го (go) | не́му (nému) | му (mu) | не́го (négo) | ||
Plural | First | — | ни́е (níe) ний (nij) |
нас (nas) | ни (ni) | нам (nam) | ни (ni) | нас (nas) |
Second | Informal | ви́е (víe) вий (vij) |
вас (vas) | ви (vi) | вам (vam) | ви (vi) | вас (vas) | |
Formal | Ви́е (Víe) | Вас (Vas) | Ви (Vi) | Вам (Vam) | Ви (Vi) | Вас (Vas) | ||
Third | — | те (te) | тях (tjah) | ги (gi) | тям (tjam) | им (im) | тях (tjah) |
Cognates include Erzya те (te), Northern Sami dát, Finnish tämä.[1]
тя • (ťa)
Poljakov does not indicate locative forms (тяса, тяста (ťasa , ťasta)) in the declension example given by him,[2] they correspond to Moksha terms for "here" and "from here." The reason might be that these forms could more appropriately be classified as adverbs. An alternative form of the plural (нят (ńat)) is ня (ńa).
Contracted from тебя́ (tebjá) and probably not a direct descendant of Proto-Slavic *tę or Old Church Slavonic тѧ (tę).
тя • (tja)