For pronunciation and definitions of あらすじ – see the following entry. (This term, あらすじ (arasuji), is the hiragana spelling of the above term.)...
(Tokyo) あらすじ [àrásújí] (Heiban – [0]) IPA(key): [a̠ɾa̠sɨʑi] 粗(あら)筋(すじ) • (arasuji) summary, synopsis (of a story or film) 前(ぜん)回(かい)のあらすじ zenkai no arasuji...
See also: あらす From Old Japanese. As a basic verb form, attested in ancient sources such as the Man'yōshū of 759. The interjection senses appear later...
nominalizer の. 学(がく)生(せい)のアリス gakusei no Arisu Alice, who is a student ここまでのあらすじ koko made no arasuji the plot summary up to now 後(あと)味(あじ)もすっきりなのが特(とく)徴(ちょう)です。...
(Tokyo) あらす [àrású] (Heiban – [0]) IPA(key): [a̠ɾa̠sɨ] Tokyo pitch accent of conjugated forms of 「荒らす」 荒(あ)らす • (arasu) transitive godan (stem 荒(あ)らし (arashi)...
Finnish: juoni (fi) French: synopsis (fr) m or f Japanese: あらまし (ja) (aramashi), 荒筋 (あらすじ, arasuji), 粗筋 (ja) (あらすじ, arasuji)...
Indicating that the action or effect is currently ongoing. 彼女(かのじょ)の体(たい)調(ちょう)は徐(じょ)々(じょ)に回(かい)復(ふく)しつつある。 Kanojo no taichō wa jojoni kaifuku shitsutsu aru. Her...
Japanese: 大意 (ja) (たいい, taii), 梗概 (ja) (こうがい, kōgai), 概要 (ja) (がいよう, gaiyō), あらすじ (ja) (arasuji) Korean: 대위(大意) (ko) (daewi), 경개(梗槪) (ko) (gyeonggae), 개요(槪要)...
(hitríl) Hungarian: trollkodik (hu) Italian: trollare (it) Japanese: 荒らす (ja) (あらす, arasu) Macedonian: тро́ла impf (tróla), и́строла pf (ístrola), ма́ми impf...