10*ones(size(Xcoarse)), 'k.', 'MarkerSize', 20) colorbar print -dpng -r200 Nearest2DInterpolExample.png PNG file have also been cropped before uploading English author...
', 'MarkerSize', 20) colorbar print -dpng -r300 BicubicInterpolationExample.png The files have been cropped in gimp to remove the empty Matlab border...
'k.', 'MarkerSize', 20) colorbar print -dpng -r300 BilinearInterpolExample.png The files have been cropped in gimp to remove the empty Matlab border...
Image:LanczosInterpolationExample.png rekonstruiert. File:LanczosInterpolationExample.png File:Nearest2DInterpolExample2.png File:BilinearInterpolExample2.png...