set terminal svg fname "Vera" fsize 25 set output "Piecewise_constant.svg" set key off set xzeroaxis set xtics axis 1,1 set ytics nomirror 1 set border...
uetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf" size 300,300 crop set output "Piecewise_constant.png" set key off set xzeroaxis set xtics axis 1,1 set ytics nomirror...
of SARS-CoV-2 tests derived from week 9 to 16 RKI test counts by piecewise constant-polynomial regression Wikimedia username: Hscherb author name string:...
SARS-CoV-2 tests per week preliminary transform to tests per day by piecewise constant-polynomial regression RKI data 20200415 Wikimedia username: Hscherb...
l = 1; c = 1; wc = 1/Sqrt[l*c]; zit[w_] := Piecewise[ { {l*Sqrt[wc^2 - w], w < wc}, {I*l*Sqrt[w - wc^2], w \[GreaterSlantEqual] wc} } ] LogLogPlot[ {Re[zit[w]]...
l = 1; c = 1; wc = 1/Sqrt[l*c]; gam[w_] := Piecewise[ {{I*ArcSin[w/wc], w < wc}, {ArcCosh[w/wc] + I*Pi/2, w \[GreaterSlantEqual] wc}} ] alpha[w_] := Re[gam[w]];...
l = 1; c = 1; wc = 1/Sqrt[l*c]; gam[w_] := Piecewise[ {{I*ArcSin[w/wc], w < wc}, {ArcCosh[w/wc] + I*Pi/2, w \[GreaterSlantEqual] wc}} ] gain[w_] := 1/...
designed, built, and evaluated. The device is based upon the theory of piecewise linear synthesis. A relatively simple scheme for converting analog information...
file was created entirely with en:GnuPlot. The values were calculated piecewise (using a en:Slope field). The resulting points were connected by GnuPlot...