Hola, siéntete bienvenido o bienvenida, estás en esta página web en busca de la definición de Módulo:generar-pron/ar. En esta web no solo te será posible conocer el total de las acepciones del diccionario para la palabra Módulo:generar-pron/ar, sino que igualmente te explicaremos su etimología, sus atributos y sabrás cómo se dice Módulo:generar-pron/ar en singular y en plural. Todo lo que se debe conocer sobre la palabra Módulo:generar-pron/ar lo tienes en esta web. La definición de Módulo:generar-pron/ar a ser más acertado y idóneo en el momento de conversar o componer tus textos. Saber la definición deMódulo:generar-pron/ar, de la misma manera que las definiciones de otros términos, incrementan el vocabulario y nos proveen de mayores y mejores herramientas lingüísticas.
La documentación para este módulo puede ser creada en Módulo:generar-pron/ar/doc
-- Hecho por Tmagc
-- Basado en el módulo de en.wikt para transliterar
local export = {}
local insert = table.insert
local concat = table.concat
local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
local m_str = require("Módulo:String")
local gcodepoint = m_str.gcodepoint
local strfind = m_str.find
local strmatch = m_str.match
local strsubn = m_str.gsub
local strsubb = m_str.gsubb
local strsubrep = m_str.gsub_rep
local strupper = m_str.upper
local strlower = m_str.lower
local strstrip = m_str.strip
local strsplit = m_str.split
local strcount = m_str.count
local strhtml = m_str.encode_html
local u = m_str.char
-- version of strsubn() that discards all but the first return value
local function strsub(term, foo, bar)
local retval = strsubn(term, foo, bar)
return retval
local ac_primario = u(0x02C8)
local ac_secundario = u(0x02CC)
local acentos_ipa = ac_primario..ac_secundario
local ACENTOS_IPA = ""
local divsil = u(0xFFF0)
local divsil_fijo = u(0xFFF1)
local sepsil = "%-." .. divsil .. divsil_fijo
local seppal = "# "
local separador_excepto_palabras = acentos_ipa .. sepsil
local separador = separador_excepto_palabras .. seppal
local SEPARADOR = ""
local zwnj = u(0x200C) -- zero-width non-joiner
local alif_madda = u(0x622)
local alif_hamza_below = u(0x625)
local alif = u(0x627)
local taa_marbuuTa = u(0x629)
local laam = u(0x644)
local waaw = u(0x648)
local alif_maqSuura = u(0x649)
local yaa = u(0x64A)
local fatHataan = u(0x64B)
local Dammataan = u(0x64C)
local kasrataan = u(0x64D)
local fatHa = u(0x64E)
local Damma = u(0x64F)
local kasra = u(0x650)
local shadda = u(0x651)
local sukuun = u(0x652)
local dagger_alif = u(0x670)
local alif_waSl = u(0x671)
--local zwj = u(0x200D) -- zero-width joiner
local lrm = u(0x200E) -- left-to-right mark
local rlm = u(0x200F) -- right-to-left mark
-- Occurs after al- in allaḏī and variants so that we can implement elision of
-- a- after a preceding vowel, after which we remove the marker.
local alladi_marker = u(0xFFF0)
local tt = {
-- consonants
="b", ="t", ="ṯ", ="j", ="ḥ", ="ḵ",
="d", ="ḏ", ="r", ="z", ="s", ="š",
="ṣ", ="ḍ", ="ṭ", ="ẓ", ="ʕ", ="ḡ",
="f", ="q", ="k", ="k", ="l", ="m", ="n",
-- tāʾ marbūṭa (special) - always after a fátḥa (a), silent at the end of
-- an utterance, "t" in ʾiḍāfa or with pronounced tanwīn. We catch
-- most instances of tāʾ marbūṭa before we get to this stage.
="t", -- tāʾ marbūṭa = ة
-- control characters
="-", -- ZWNJ (zero-width non-joiner)
-- ="", -- ZWJ (zero-width joiner)
-- rare letters
="p", ="č", ="ž", ="v", ="v", ="g",
="g", ="q", ="f", ="n", ="g",
-- semivowels or long vowels, alif, hamza, special letters
="ā", -- ʾalif
-- hamzated letters
="ʔ", -- hamza over alif
="ʔ", -- hamza under alif
="ʔ", -- hamza over wāw
="ʔ", -- hamza over yā
="ʔ", -- hamza on the line
-- long vowels
="w", --"ū" after ḍamma (u) and not before diacritic
="y", --"ī" after kasra (i) and not before diacritic
="ā", -- ʾalif maqṣūra
="ʔā", -- ʾalif madda
= "", -- hamzatu l-waṣl
= "ā", -- ʾalif xanjariyya = dagger ʾalif (Koranic diacritic)
-- short vowels, šádda and sukūn
="an", -- fatḥatan
="un", -- ḍammatan
="in", -- kasratan
="a", -- fatḥa
="u", -- ḍamma
="i", -- kasra
-- šadda - doubled consonant
="", --sukūn - no vowel
-- ligatures
-- taṭwīl
="", -- taṭwīl, no sound
-- numerals
="1", ="2", ="3", ="4", ="5",
="6", ="7", ="8", ="9", ="0",
-- punctuation (leave on separate lines)
="?", -- question mark
='“', -- quotation mark
='”', -- quotation mark
=".", -- decimal point
=",", -- thousands separator
="%", -- percent sign
=",", -- comma
=";" -- semicolon
local sun_letters = "تثدذرزسشصضطظلن"
-- For use in implementing sun-letter assimilation of ال (al-)
local ttsun1 = {}
local ttsun2 = {}
local ttsun3 = {}
for cp in gcodepoint(sun_letters) do
local ch = u(cp)
ttsun1 = tt
ttsun2 = tt .. "-" .. ch
table.insert(ttsun3, tt)
-- For use in implementing elision of al-
local sun_letters_tr = table.concat(ttsun3, "")
local consonants_needing_vowels = "بتثجحخدذرزسشصضطظعغفقكڪلمنهپچژڤگڨڧڢںڭأإؤئءةﷲ"
-- consonants on the right side; includes alif madda
local rconsonants = consonants_needing_vowels .. "ويآ"
-- consonants on the left side; does not include alif madda
local lconsonants = consonants_needing_vowels .. "وي"
-- Arabic semicolon, comma, question mark; taṭwīl; period, exclamation point,
-- single quote for bold/italic, double quotes for quoted material
local punctuation = "؟،؛" .. "ـ" .. ".!'" .. '"'
local space_like = "%s'" .. '"'
local space_like_class = ""
local numbers = "١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٠"
local PUNTUACION = "%{%}¡!¿?.,;:–—]"
local PUNTUACION_EXTRA = "%{%}¡!¿?.,;:–—\"“”„‟‘’«»»«‹››‹]"
local before_diacritic_checking_subs = {
------------ transformations prior to checking for diacritics --------------
-- random Koranic marks and presentation forms
{u(0x06E1), sukuun}, -- "Small High Dotless Head of Khah" (variant of sukūn)
{u(0x06DA), ""}, -- "Small High Jeem"
{u(0x06DF), ""}, -- "Small High Rounded Zero" (FIXME: correct?)
{u(0x08F0), u(0x64B)}, -- "Open Fathatan"
{u(0x08F1), u(0x64C)}, -- "Open Dammatan"
{u(0x08F2), u(0x64D)}, -- "Open Kasratan"
{u(0x06E4), ""}, -- "Small High Madda" (FIXME: correct?)
{u(0x06D6), ""}, -- "Small High Ligature Sad with Lam with Alef Maksura" (FIXME: there are others we need to do)
{u(0x06E5), "و"},
{u(0x06E6), "ي"},
-- convert llh for allāh into ll+shadda+dagger-alif+h
{"لله", "للّٰه"},
-- shadda+short-vowel (including tanwīn vowels, i.e. -an -in -un) gets
-- replaced with short-vowel+shadda during NFC normalisation, which
-- MediaWiki does for all Unicode strings; however, it makes the
-- transliteration process inconvenient, so undo it.
{"()" .. shadda, shadda .. "%1"},
-- ignore Koranic gemination at beginning of word due to assimilation of preceding consonant
{" ()" .. shadda, " %1"},
-- ignore alif jamīla (otiose alif in 3pl verb forms)
-- #1: handle ḍamma + wāw + alif (final -ū)
{Damma .. waaw .. alif, Damma .. waaw},
-- #2: handle wāw + sukūn + alif (final -w in -aw in defective verbs)
-- this must go before the generation of w, which removes the waw here.
{waaw .. sukuun .. alif, waaw .. sukuun},
-- ignore final alif or alif maqṣūra following fatḥatan (e.g. in accusative
-- singular or words like عَصًا "stick" or هُدًى "guidance"; this is called
-- tanwin nasb)
{fatHataan .. "", fatHataan},
-- same but with the fatḥatan placed over the alif or alif maqṣūra
-- instead of over the previous letter (considered a misspelling but
-- common)
{"" .. fatHataan, fatHataan},
-- tāʾ marbūṭa should always be preceded by fatḥa, alif, alif madda or
-- dagger alif; infer fatḥa if not
{"()" .. taa_marbuuTa, "%1" .. fatHa .. taa_marbuuTa},
-- similarly for alif between consonants, possibly marked with shadda
-- (does not apply to initial alif, which is silent when not marked with
-- hamza, or final alif, which might be pronounced as -an)
{"(" .. shadda .. "?)" .. alif .. "()",
"%1" .. fatHa .. alif .. "%2"},
-- infer fatḥa in case of non-fatḥa + alif/alif-maqṣūra + dagger alif
{"()(" .. dagger_alif .. ")", "%1" .. fatHa .. "%2"},
-- infer kasra in case of hamza-under-alif not + kasra
{alif_hamza_below .. "()", alif_hamza_below .. kasra .. "%1"},
-- ignore dagger alif placed over regular alif or alif maqṣūra
{"()" .. dagger_alif, "%1"},
----------- rest of these concern definite article alif-lām ----------
-- in kasra/ḍamma + alif + lam, make alif into hamzatu l-waṣl, so we
-- handle cases like بِالتَّوْفِيق (bi-t-tawfīq) correctly
{"()" .. alif .. laam, "%1" .. alif_waSl .. laam},
-- al + consonant + shadda (only recognize word-initially if regular alif): remove shadda
{"^(" .. alif .. fatHa .. "?" .. laam .. ")" .. shadda, "%1"},
{"(" .. space_like_class .. alif .. fatHa .. "?" .. laam .. ")" .. shadda, "%1"},
{"(" .. alif_waSl .. fatHa .. "?" .. laam .. ")" .. shadda, "%1"},
-- handle l- hamzatu l-waṣl or word-initial al-
{"^" .. alif .. fatHa .. "?" .. laam, "al-"},
{"(" .. space_like_class .. ")" .. alif .. fatHa .. "?" .. laam, "%1al-"},
-- next one for bi-t-tawfīq
{"()" .. alif_waSl .. fatHa .. "?" .. laam, "%1-l-"},
-- next one for remaining hamzatu l-waṣl (at beginning of word)
{alif_waSl .. fatHa .. "?" .. laam, "l-"},
-- special casing if the l in al- has a shadda on it (as in الَّذِي "that"),
-- so we don't mistakenly double the dash; insert a special marker here so
-- that we know later to elide the a- after a vowel
{"l%-" .. shadda, "l" .. alladi_marker .. "l"},
-- implement assimilation of sun letters
{"l%-", ttsun2},
local has_diacritics_subs = {
-- FIXME! What about lam-alif ligature?
-- remove punctuation and shadda
-- must go before removing final consonants
{"", ""},
-- Remove consonants at end of word or utterance, so that we're OK with
-- words lacking iʿrāb (must go before removing other consonants).
-- If you want to catch places without iʿrāb, comment out the next two lines.
{"$", ""},
{"(}]?" .. space_like_class .. ")", "%1"},
-- remove consonants (or alif) when followed by diacritics
-- must go after removing shadda
-- do not remove the diacritics yet because we need them to handle
-- long-vowel sequences of diacritic + pseudo-consonant
{"()", "%1"},
-- the following two must go after removing consonants w/diacritics because
-- we only want to treat vocalic wāw/yā' in them (we want to have removed
-- wāw/yā' followed by a diacritic)
-- remove ḍamma + wāw
{Damma .. waaw, ""},
-- remove kasra + yā'
{kasra .. yaa, ""},
-- remove fatḥa/fatḥatan + alif/alif-maqṣūra
{"", ""},
-- remove diacritics
{"", ""},
-- remove numbers, hamzatu l-waṣl, alif madda
{"", ""},
-- remove non-Arabic characters
{"[^" .. u(0x0600) .. "-" .. u(0x06FF) .. u(0x0750) .. "-" .. u(0x077F) ..
u(0x08A0) .. "-" .. u(0x08FF) .. u(0xFB50) .. "-" .. u(0xFDFF) ..
u(0xFE70) .. "-" .. u(0xFEFF) .. "]", ""}
local function has_diacritics(text)
local orig_text = text
local count
text, count = strsubn(text, "", "")
if count > 0 then
for _, sub in ipairs(has_diacritics_subs) do
text = strsub(text, unpack(sub))
return #text == 0
local function transliterar(text)
for _, sub in ipairs(before_diacritic_checking_subs) do
text = strsub(text, sub, sub)
if not has_diacritics(text) then
error("Texto árabe para transliterar sin diacríticos")
------------ transformations after checking for diacritics --------------
-- Replace plain alif with hamzatu l-waṣl when followed by fatḥa/ḍamma/kasra.
-- Must go after handling of initial al-, which distinguishes alif-fatḥa
-- from alif w/hamzatu l-waṣl. Must go before generation of ū and ī, which
-- eliminate the ḍamma/kasra.
text = strsub(text, alif .. "()", alif_waSl .. "%1")
-- ḍamma + waw not followed by a diacritic is ū, otherwise w
text = strsub(text, Damma .. waaw .. "()", "ū%1")
text = strsub(text, Damma .. waaw .. "$", "ū")
-- kasra + yaa not followed by a diacritic (or ū from prev step) is ī, otherwise y
text = strsub(text, kasra .. yaa .. "()", "ī%1")
text = strsub(text, kasra .. yaa .. "$", "ī")
-- convert shadda to double letter.
text = strsub(text, "(.)" .. shadda, "%1%1")
-- tāʾ marbūṭa should not be rendered by -t if word-final even when
-- ʾiʿrāb (desinential inflection) is shown; instead, use (t) before
-- whitespace, nothing when final; but render final -ﺍﺓ and -ﺁﺓ as -āh,
-- consistent with Wehr's dictionary
-- Left-to-right or right-to-left mark at end of text will prevent tāʾ marbūṭa
-- from being transliterated correctly.
text = string.gsub(text, lrm, "")
text = string.gsub(text, rlm, "")
text = strsub(text, "()" .. taa_marbuuTa .. "$", "%1h")
-- Ignore final tāʾ marbūṭa (it appears as "a" due to the preceding
-- short vowel). Need to do this after graying or omitting word-final
-- ʾiʿrāb.
text = strsub(text, taa_marbuuTa .. "$", "")
text = strsub(text, taa_marbuuTa .. "(%p)", "%1")
text = strsub(text, taa_marbuuTa .. "(" .. space_like_class .. ")", "(t)%1")
-- tatwīl should be rendered as - at beginning or end of word. It will
-- be rendered as nothing in the middle of a word (FIXME, do we want
-- this?)
text = strsub(text, "^ـ", "-")
text = strsub(text, "(" .. space_like_class .. ")ـ", "%1-")
text = strsub(text, "ـ$", "-")
text = strsub(text, "ـ(" .. space_like_class .. ")", "-%1")
-- Now convert remaining Arabic chars according to table.
text = strsub(text, ".", tt)
text = strsub(text, "aā", "ā")
-- Implement elision of al- after a final vowel. We do this
-- conservatively, only handling elision of the definite article and related
-- terms (specifically, relative pronoun الَّذِي (allaḏī) and variants) rather
-- than elision in other cases of hamzat al-waṣl (e.g. form-I imperatives
-- or form-VII and above verbal nouns) partly because elision in
-- these cases isn't so common in MSA and partly to avoid excessive
-- elision in case of words written with initial bare alif instead of
-- properly with hamzated alif. Possibly we should reconsider.
text = strsub(text, "('* +'*)a()",
-- remove indicator of allaḏī, which has served its purpose
text = strsub(text, alladi_marker, "")
-- Special-case the transliteration of allāh, without the hyphen.
text = strsub(text, "^(a?)l%-lāh", "%1llāh")
text = strsub(text, "(" .. space_like_class .. "a?)l%-lāh", "%1llāh")
-- Compress multiple spaces, which may occur e.g. when removing Koranic diacritics.
text = strsub(text, "(%s)%s+", "%1")
return text
local correspondences = {
= "ʔ",
= "θ",
= "d͡ʒ",
= "ħ",
= "x",
= "ð",
= "ʃ",
= "sˤ",
= "dˤ",
= "tˤ",
= "ðˤ",
= "ʒ",
= "ʕ",
= "ɣ",
= "ɫ",
= "uː",
= "iː",
= "aː",
= "j",
= "ɡ",
= "eː",
= "oː",
= "",
local vowels = "aāeēiīoōuū"
local vowel = ""
local long_vowels = "āēīōū"
local long_vowel = ""
local consonant = ""
local syllabify_pattern = "(" .. vowel .. ")(" .. consonant .. "?)(" .. consonant .. "?)(" .. vowel .. ")"
local tie = "‿"
local closed_syllable_shortening_pattern = "(" .. long_vowel .. ")(" .. tie .. ")" .. "(" .. consonant .. ")"
local function silabear(text)
text = strsubn(text, "%-(" .. consonant .. ")%-(" .. consonant .. ")", "%1.%2")
text = strsubn(text, "%-", ".")
-- Add syllable breaks.
for _ = 1, 2 do
text = strsubn(
function(a, b, c, d)
if c == "" and b ~= "" then
c, b = b, ""
return a .. b .. "." .. c .. d
-- Add ties between word-final vowels and word-initial consonant clusters.
text = strsubn(text, "(" .. vowel .. ") (" .. consonant .. ")%.?(" ..
consonant .. ")", "%1" .. tie .. "%2.%3")
return text
local function closed_syllable_shortening(text)
local shorten = {
= "a",
= "e",
= "i",
= "o",
= "u",
text = strsubn(text,
function(vowel_, tie_, consonant_)
return shorten .. tie_ .. consonant_
return text
local function normalizar(texto)
texto = strlower(texto)
texto = strsubrep(texto, PUNTUACION, " | ") -- convierto lo que delimite fragmentos a los IPA foot boundaries |
texto = strsubrep(texto, PUNTUACION_EXTRA, "") -- elimino la puntuación restante que haya quedado
texto = strsubrep(texto, "", " ") --los guiones pasan a ser espacios (austro-húngaro, franco-italiano)
texto = strsubrep(texto, "־", " ") -- guion hebreo (maqaf)
texto = strsubrep(texto, "׃", " | ")
texto = strsubrep(texto, "׀", " | ") -- paseq
texto = strsubrep(texto, "”", " | ")
texto = strsubrep(texto, "؟", " | ")
texto = strsubrep(texto, "،", " | ") -- coma invertida
texto = strsubrep(texto, "؛", "") -- punto y coma invertido
texto = strsubrep(texto, "%s*|%s*|%s*", " | ") --finalmente, elimino las barras y espacios de más
texto = strsubrep(texto, "%s+", " ")
texto = strstrip(texto, "+")
return texto
local function generar_pron(ss)
ss = strlower(ss)
local convertido = {}
local fragmentos = strsplit(ss, "%s*|%s*")
for _,fragmento in ipairs(fragmentos) do
local palabras = strsplit(fragmento, "%s")
local palabras_convertidas = {}
for _,p in ipairs(palabras) do
-- ACENTUACION: es en la última sílaba larga o en la antepenúltima sílaba si son todas cortas; nunca pasa de la antepenúltima
local sust
p, sust = strsubb(p, "^(.*)"..SEPARADORES_SILABICOS.."(.-.-)$", "%1"..ac_primario.."%2")
if not sust then
p, sust = strsubb(p, "^(.-.-)$", function(x) return ac_primario.."%1" end)
if not sust then
p, sust = strsubb(p, "^(.*)"..SEPARADORES_SILABICOS.."(.-"..SEPARADORES_SILABICOS..".-"..SEPARADORES_SILABICOS..".-)$", "%1"..ac_primario.."%2")
if not sust then
p, sust = strsubb(p, "^(.-"..SEPARADORES_SILABICOS..".-"..SEPARADORES_SILABICOS..".-)$", ac_primario.."%1")
if not sust then -- REVISAR: Qué pasa si una palabra tiene dos sílabas CORTAS ?? Se debería considerar llana??
p, sust = strsubb(p, "^(.-"..SEPARADORES_SILABICOS..".-)$", ac_primario.."%1")
p = strsub(p, ".", correspondences)
insert(palabras_convertidas, p)
insert(convertido, concat(palabras_convertidas, " "))
local fono = concat(convertido, " | ")
return {{strhtml(fono)}}
function export.procesar_pron_args(titulo, args, biblico)
if not args and not args then
return args
if #args < 1 and #args < 1 then
local rimas, ls = {}, {}
local tiene_espacios = strfind(titulo, " ")
local A = #args
local T = #args
local j = 1 -- indice de la ayuda
local k = 1 -- cantidad de pronunciaciones insertadas (máximo 9)
local t = 1 -- índice de la transliteración
while k <= 9 and (j <= A or t <= T) do
local tr = args or transliterar(args)
args = strhtml(tr)
-- arreglos no estándar
tr = normalizar(tr)
tr = strsub(tr, "llāh", "ḷḷāh")
tr = strsub(tr, "( ?)ḷḷ", "%1ll")
-- Remove the transliterations of any tāʾ marbūṭa not marked with a sukūn.
tr = strsub(tr, "%(t%)", "")
-- Prodelision after tāʾ marbūṭa
tr = strsub(tr, "(" .. vowel .. ") " .. vowel, "%1 ")
tr = strsub(tr, "%-?l%-?", "l")
tr = silabear(tr)
tr = closed_syllable_shortening(tr)
local fono = generar_pron(tr)
local rim = fono
rim = strsubn(rim, "^.*"..ac_primario.."(.-)$", "%1")
rim = strsubn(rim, ".-".."(.*"..")".."$", "%1")
rimas = true
if not tiene_espacios then
local div = strsubn(tr, SEPARADORES_SILABICOS, "-")
insert(args, div)
ls = true
for i,_ in ipairs(fono) do
if args then
insert(args, {args})
insert(args, fono)
k = k + 1
if k > 9 then
j = j + 1
t = t + 1
for rim,_ in pairs(rimas) do
insert(args, rim)
for lon,_ in pairs(ls) do
insert(args, lon)
return args
return export
Tal vez de que además todos los datos que te hemos aportado sobre la palabra Módulo:generar-pron/ar, ahora también te mostremos el modo de cómo se divide en sílabas. Para ello si quieres aprender a dividir Módulo:generar-pron/ar en sílabas.
A continuación te incluimos una lista con los principales errores ortográficos, con el fin de que estés atento y no los cometas.Sin más preámbulos, aquí tienes el listado de errores ortográficos de Módulo:generar-pron/ar