6 Resultados encontrados para "arraya".


Arraya no sheísta (AFI) [aˈra.ʝa] sheísta (AFI) [aˈra.ʃa] zheísta (AFI) [aˈra.ʒa] silabación a-rra-ya acentuación llana longitud silábica trisílaba rima...


method of killing unwanted plants has given rise to a large and growing array of chemicals that are known as herbicides, or, less formally, as weed killers...

weed killer

method of killing unwanted plants has given rise to a large and growing array of chemicals that are known as herbicides, or, less formally, as weed killers...


array Reino Unido (AFI) /əˈɹeɪ/ EE. UU. (AFI) /əˈɹeɪ/ General Australian (AFI) /əˈɹæɪ/ longitud silábica bisílaba...


Traducciones Alemán: Tracht (de), Schmuck (de) Inglés:, array (en), clothing (en) Chino: 打扮 (zh)...


vosotras ellos / ellas ustedes1 Tiempos simples Presente arrayo arrayastú arrayásvos arraya arrayamos arrayáis arrayan Pretérito imperfecto  o  Copretérito...