4 Resultados encontrados para "es/es/developing".


Si puedes, incorpórala: ver cómo. 1 Letal. Ejemplo: In the course of developing agents of chemical warfare, some of the chemicals created in the laboratory...

by chance

puedes, incorpórala: ver cómo. 1 Por casualidad. Ejemplo: In the course of developing agents of chemical warfare, some of the chemicals created in the laboratory...


developing General American, Canadá, Received Pronunciation (AFI) /dɪˈvɛl.ə.pɪŋ/ Londres General Australian (AFI) /dɪˈvel.ə.pɪŋ/ Indian English (AFI) /ˈdɛv...


infinitivo1 5 (to) develop participio presente2 developing participio pasado developed personas: I, you, we, they he, she, it presente simple develop develops...